Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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"Someone out here sealed it up." Judd turned, glancing around at the empty hall around them. That meant somebody could still be around, on their side of the door. Probably hiding in a cupboard somewhere. Or lying in wait for the pirates to get sloppy.

Levi asked if the Dowutin had anything for a sealed door. Judd only set his jaw. "No, I don't have any breaching equipment. We ain't exactly rolling in dough at the moment. Unless you think a laser scalpel can cut through this." It couldn't.

Could try the ventilation system.

A grunt of affirmation was the only response, as Judd turned, blaster still gripped loosely at his side. That was their best bet. Otherwise, it would be good to have a backup plan. "Maybe they have a plasma cutter around here. I'll poke around if you two find a vent, see what I can find."

- Levi Levi - Jacen Nimdok Jacen Nimdok -
"That would take a bit longer than we've got time for," Levi chimed. Jacen was willing to tag along, and suggested the vents. The captain agreed. "Keep your eyes peeled, Judd. For tools or culprits." The dowutin could handle himself, but with the door sealed up from out here, it meant they weren't alone. For all they knew, said culprit was just waiting for a chance to strike.

"Alright, let's be off," Levi walked further back down the hall to where the nearest vent grate was located. He reached up and pulled the latch open, examining the interior. His lips twisted, "You go in first, Jacen. You're smaller than me." It might've sounded like a poor excuse to avoid the frontline, but it was genuine. If Levi got stuck, they'd both have nowhere to go. With Jacen going first, at least one of them would decidedly make it through. Besides, Levi wasn't planning on just giving up from the get-go. "Just a precaution."

"Someone out here sealed it up."

"Oh." Did that mean they had to worry about someone lurking in the shadows, waiting to strike while their guard was down?

While Judd went in search of a plasma cutter, Jacen and Levi found the nearest vent grate. As the smaller of the two, Jacen would have to go first—a position the boy did not relish. Despite his predatory nature, walking right into the spider's lair wasn't ideal. But they had little choice.

"Just a precaution."

"Yeah, yeah," Jacen muttered, crouching down to peer inside the vent. Nothing suspicious. He began to crawl inside, trying not to make too much noise. Dust assailed his nose. He began to feel a creeping urge to sneeze.


Judd turned back to watch his two crewmates leave with a sour expression. If something went wrong in there, and he couldn't get to them...

No. He didn't care. They die, Judd busts open the bridge, gets every share of the loot, and inherits a new ship out of the deal. It was the perfect scenario, really.

Then why was he worried? The Dowutin stamped out the discomfort in his stomach, instead dedicating himself to finding some equipment.

It wasn't too long until the large medic found a locker. Busting it open was loud, he didn't exactly have Levi's slicing skills, but eventually, he was able to tear the door off it's hinges. All it had inside was... rocks. Not even the shiny kind.

"Great. My favorite," The Dowutin grumbled, before continuing on. Not realizing he was being watched.

- Levi Levi - Jacen Nimdok Jacen Nimdok -
Levi crawled in behind Jacen, sparing a final glance at Judd before pushing further in. The space was cramped, and the captain was struggling to wiggle through without making much noise. After a time, they began to hear mumbling. Too difficult to make out from here, but it wasn't Judd. Levi stopped, and grabbed Jacen's ankle to make him do the same. The vent made a dull clunk noise as it resettled under his weight.

There was a silence, following by another mumble. One that was again difficult to make out, but it certainly had an intonation of 'What was that?' Levi remained motionless, glancing up at Jacen and seeing him wrestling with his nose's urge to sneeze. The devaronian's eyes grew wide, and he shook his head, mouthing a barely audible, "No. Nooo. Don't. Don't do it."


Judd continued his solo mission through the ship, exersizing a healthy helping of caution as he checked corners, walked with a slow, careful gait, and kept his blaster pistol trained on his sightlines. He didn't know if someone was out here, watching him, but he'd lived long enough to know that a careless pirate was as good as dead.

Determined not to be blasted into swiss cheese, Judd kept his guard up.

A few button presses opened yet another storage room, this one containing what he was looking for- industrial tools. Small excavation vehicles, fine tools to help with extraction, and... "Bingo," he finally said, hefting a plasma cutter in one hand. Now, he could bust open the doors, and help his crew...

No. If they failed, and they needed him to bail them out, he could maybe do it. That was more like it.

Here's to hoping nothing catastrophic happened while I was gone, the Dowutin thought grimly.

How much trouble could two pirates find themselves in, anyway?

- Levi Levi - Jacen Nimdok Jacen Nimdok -
Thanks to Levi's coaxing (or moreso, just luck) Jacen managed to stifle his sneeze. They waited for a few tense moments, but nobody on the other side seemed any wiser to their intrusion through the vents. Levi silently ushered the kid forward through the vent, which seemed to be coming up on a dark opening. A closet of some kind, perhaps?

Meanwhile, on Judd's side of the ship, a door opened. If he was listening close enough, he might have heard it.

Finally exhaling the breath he had been holding, Jacen continued to trek through the vents, eventually reaching an access point. He peered through the slats, nightvision letting him make out the outlines of storage shelves in a small, confined space.

After unsuccessfully trying to push the vent open—like the one they had entered through, the latch was located on the outside—Jacen closed his eyes and called upon the Force to release the mechanism.


Judd had been about to head back to the door with his new toy in hand, when he heard something.

Immediately, the Dowutin's survival instincts kicked in, and he was on high alert, hefting the laser cutter like a particularly heavy blaster. It had come from the hallway he'd been in. With military precision, the pirate marched to the doorway he'd just entered, and with a sudden deep sigh to infuse some bravery, he wheeled around the corner, ready to cut apart whoever was waiting for him.

Instead, he came face-to-face with a little boy. Startled, the child held up his hands. Startled, Judd pulled the trigger on his laser.

Which was deflected by a sudden slash of yellow. Judd's mind blanked with panic, as the Jedi Padawan scrambled away, running down the hall and turning a corner.

"...Welded shut," the pirate said, after a moment. He squinted at it suspiciously. "From the outside. That was fast."

...Of course. Damn idiot.

"Hate to break radio silence, boys," the hefty medic said, pulling his comm close to his face. "But I just saw a baby jeedai. Which means there's probably a big jeedai around here too."

"How brave are we feelin' today, boys?"

- Levi Levi - Jacen Nimdok Jacen Nimdok -
Levi was stuck behind Jacen as he tried to open up the latch. To speed things up, he handed him a plasma cutter, "Just use this," He chuffed, not interested in waiting on the boy's Force powers to work. While Jacen worked on that, Judd suddenly spoke up through their comms, revealing the latest hurdle in their plan.

"A Jedi?" Levi grumbled, "Wonderful." A padawan was a nuisance enough, but as Judd said, they'd likely have to deal with a master too. That was much harder. Still, he didn't lose his resolve, "We've gotten this far. We're not going home empty handed yet." He'd managed to escape Jedi before. Sort of. Perhaps this would be no different.

After Jacen opened the hatch, they descended into the storage room. Beyond which, murmuring could be heard. The rest of the crew perhaps? Silently, Levi nodded to Jacen, drawing his blaster and setting it for stun. They weren't here to butcher. Besides, if they really were dealing with a Jedi, a stun blast was harder to block with a lightsaber. And in the worst case scenario, said Jedi would probably treat them a lot more nicely if they didn't murder any of the crew. Levi burst through the door, holding up his blaster, "Nobody move!" He cried.


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