Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Luce Zoegsxoeig

Name: Luce Zoe
Faction: Jedi
Rank: Quizmo
Species: Human
Age: 25
Gender: Male
Height: 6'3
Weight: 230lbs
Eyes: Black
Hair: Black
Skin: Pale
Force Sensitive: Wilkin
Weaknesses: Will always be infierior, Force cant do everything
Ship : Krayt Fang
Biography: Once mortals are killed one must be sure to handle the darkness of death Luce realized this and dissapeared from socialiality once removed from reality he strove to make it back to the death and became alive and dead evening the balance of the force, this gain more Avatars.
Kills: Everyone who plays Edge of the Empire

Akaan'ade Be'Solus

What kind of answer is that? Are you from an English speaking country, or using Google Translate? That doesn't look like any English I know of.

Akaan'ade Be'Solus

Equa, I believe you're from Estonia, no? Your English is really good, for what I presume is a non-native English speaker. (Correct me if I'm wrong)

Ava Solborne

Thank you! And you're right... I am not a native speaker and I am from Estonia. :D But I have never heard so bad English before...

Akaan'ade Be'Solus

Your English is actually better than some of the native speakers on this site xD Your spelling is exemplary and rather judicious, whereas his is a fallacy, a great example of substandard, unacceptable English. (I'm just using ma fancy words to fool ya)

Ava Solborne

I see... But yes, my English skills are ranked very highly in Estonia. We've got grades from 1 to 5 over here and my average grade is 5... So yes, and thank you again! :D

A random fact: Equa Dominator's player is actually a Grammar Nazi, almost Adolf Hitler...


Akaan'ade Be'Solus

No, you just lack any understanding of grammar. That makes absolutely no sense. It's a fallacy.


Disney's Princess
Busgauge said:
There is nothing wrong with my english and if there is this site should supply me with spell check
There is nothing wrong with my English and if there is(,) this site should supply me with spell check(.)

Be careful what you wish for. :D

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