Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Lost to Time | The Sovereignty

Lost to Time
In the darkest recesses of the galaxy, something waits.

Striga, the strange homeworld of the Ripokasta people, has been known to the Sovereignty for a time; however, its odd people are highly secretive, and refuse to give records of their people or the creatures of their world. Seeing it as a potential asset, the Sovereignty has jockeyed with their position until finally - it has been granted the right to explore Striga, on one condition.

The Sovereignty and its Confederate allies are obliged to aid the Ripokasta with a problem. An Asteroid looms in the system, of unusual size and scale; as the Navy eventually gets closer, there is clearly structure and an entrance into the side of the Asteroid.

However, not all of the Ripokasta are happy with their new visitors - and some have plans to show them just how much.

  1. Explore the uncharted lush landscapes and vast oceans of Striga, taking note of the gargantuan and odd creatures that inhabit it.
  2. Investigate and deal with the mysterious Asteroid Base that looms over Striga.
  3. Some Ripokasta who sit at the City Councils are prepared to speak with us; negotiating with them and making friends could have advantages in the future.
  4. However, not all of the locals are so inviting - some of them want us off their planet, and are prepared to do so with force. Deal with these interlopers.
  5. Anything else you want to do, or you can think of!

Hex Map
(This'll be important later, don't worry)
[member="Ahdaka"] [member="Ailuros"] [member="Arador Kahn"] [member="Cato Marek"] [member="Darth Metus"] [member="Dinah Vekarr"] [member="Dom Sicarius"] [member="Dorn Skirata"] [member="DT-2417"] [member="Flavia Protanus"] [member="Inyri Takan"][member="Kaira Ignis"] [member="Kalo Draxler"] [member="Koda Fett"] [member="Lavidean Dramath"] [member="Luyioth Dakwin"] [member="Nilia Saavilin"] [member="Proxy-1"] [member="Roella Arwyn"] [member="Shaun Irons"] [member="Slayne"] [member="Tera-Zulia"] [member="Thom Betna"] [member="Zedd Harkor"] [member="Zephyr Carrick"]
Sovereignty Transport, Striga Orbit, Unknown Time | Jungle

The wandering sheep returns to the flock.

Inyri looked to her comrades aboard their transport, gently tugging her robe closer around her body. At the news of the Sovereignty's advancement to Striga, she had been hasty to return to her fellow Guardians from the brink of their controlled Wild Space territory. Now she was aboard their ship, surrounded by familiars once again as they descended through the atmosphere of the foreign planet, feeling more alone than ever.

It was private, personal feelings that made her feel this way. A cool numbness inside. Why had she deemed it necessary to go out on her own in the first place?

Whatever had driven the Knight away, had pulled her back to the fold now. And those feelings were irrelevant to the current mission, so Inyri simply waited for their ship to land. Briefed prior to departing stormy Eadu, she knew her goals; defeat the insurgents and document this new land. Working in tangent with the Confederacy was a boon for sure, as it bolstered their numbers & influence significantly and gave the opportunity for everyone to improve relations. Despite her hesitation and mess of feelings generated by all this, she couldn't help but feel excited to meet up with other Force users, skilled warriors and acolytes who hailed from vastly different backgrounds. It was impossible to know what awaited them below, and that sent a thrill through her. Ancient knowledge lost to the ages... New faces eager to co-operate. Fierce fights to test their mettle.

The ship careened a little, obviously starting to join the others at the landing point. Soon they'd touch down on the new world.

Nobody yet - If anyone wants to join the 'Exploration & Kill Interlopers' team and hang with me feel free to be on Inyri's transport ship though :)
A tea shop in the middle of the city stood on it's own block, surrounded only by quiet dirt roads and a few trees with bright pink petals gracing it's branches. An overwhelming sense of peace would fall upon anyone who came close to the tea shop. It was a place to meditate and recover from one's stress and worries in their respective lives. The shop didn't get much business, however. Not many people truly believed in the healing powers of tea and a soothing environment. Most people resorted to actual medicine for that. And the rest couldn't afford the medicine they needed.

It was a sad reality, but it was the one Odin lived in.

He, however, did believe that a brilliant cup of tea and calming music could heal devastating wounds, whether they be physical, mental, or emotional. Time healed all wounds and, to him, time moved differently in this place.

Odin walked up to the doors of the shop and they opened before him. A warm smile graced his face as the shopkeepers smiled at him. "Welcome back, Odin. It's been some time." the shopkeeper's wife greeted him. Odin walked in and bowed before her before replying.

"Indeed it has. I apologize for being gone for so long. You know how it is, Mrs. Modi." he said as he walked up to the counter. "Where's Mr. Modi?" he asked. And, in that moment, Mr. Modi came from the back with a fresh pot of tea. "Right on queue as always, Mr. Modi." Odin jested.

"Ah! Stormbreaker! Welcome back." Mr. Modi exclaimed. Odin had become such a regular to the store, the Modis treated him like family. It was his home away from home.

"Glad to be back, Mr. Modi. I have been craving your tea for a few months now." said Odin.

"Just made a fresh pot. Find yourself a seat and we'll get you your tea. Still like the old brew? With biscuits?" Mr. Modi asked.

"Yes, sir. You know what I like." Odin replied. Mr. Modi chuckled lightly and returned tot he back of the store to get Odin's order made. Odin bowed before Mrs. Modi once more then made his way to his seat. He removed his fur cloak then took a seat, crossing his legs and getting comfortable.


Citrus Dreams
Koda Fett

Striga, Wild Space
To be fearless was to be ignorant. Everyone has a fear, whether it be insignificant or major, it is a fear. Koda Fett knows fear, and it lies within the Balyeg - a creature so dangerous, so large and unkillable it roams these lands with utter authority. Not many can face it and live to tell the tale, by the end of the day Fett had hoped he could be among those. If he were to survive such an encounter he would never have to know fear, for he has taken on the most dangerous thing in the galaxy and lived to tell the tale. Though it wasn't as if Fett was one for sharing stories anyways...

It was at the mouth of the cave that he stood, knee high up into the grassy plains of Striga whilst this dark and foreboding cavern lay directly ahead of him. Apprehensive. That is how he felt, apprehensive at the idea of going into the belly of the best to steal the tooth of a Balyeg from it's very mouth. Though there was no time for questioning here, even if internal, he had to press on within it.

At first he was met by the cold air of the cave, it blew by him with force but not enough to knock a man down. The stench that flew with it was disgusting, reeking of rotten flesh as the sight of it soon became apparent. Although nobody appeared home just yet, it was merely Fett and the dead. Something that was all too familiar. The only sound that came from the cave were the footsteps of a Bounty Hunter and the whistling wind. Hopefully this venture hadn't been for nothing, and that he would face the animal - yet, even still, something within him wouldn't of mind if it weren't home.

It was to the vast expanse that he arrived, no longer was it the far narrower entry way, despite the fact that it was large within itself. It seemed as if there were platforms of sorts scattered about, natural ones but platforms all the same. It was where he could make his stand, something Fett quickly identified. Above him and all around him were spiked rock formations, hanging from the ceiling and pointing towards it too. Near the ledge, once he looked down, he realized that this creature was far large than he could of ever imagined - as it was a mere abyss, a bottomless pit in which it resided.

However, it was time. The right hand of the man reached into one of the many pouches wrapped around his waist, retrieving a small spray canister. A single press of the button and the scent of the Balyeg's favorite prey was spritzed over him. At an instant the ground began to shake, he trembled, not in fear but he certainly wish he was - that would be far more comforting than this. A dark figure began to rise, moving up, and up, and up, and up. It's yellow eyes pierced his soul, it's black, jagged scales appeared to be a fortress as it's teeth as large if not larger than Fett snarled. A deafening roar was sent his way, saliva and whatever was caught in it's teeth sent his way.

All the Bounty Hunter did was stand there, watching. This was it.
Cynan Hague

Striga, Wild Space

Burning flames scorch the battered earth and rumbling steel meets the unforgiving ground. Alone a transport touches down the cabin bellows, the inhabitants ravenous for escape. A small animal scurries for refuge, caught alone under the alien force, the first of many victims.

A proud man stands tall firm at the head of a column, each and every statue of a man behind him motionless and pristine, perfect instruments of war. The dim-lit internal lighting bounces off the black plates polished to a singularly stunning shine. Their armor like a skin perfectly akin to each, a part of their very being, nay their soul. A low rumbling hoarse voice speaks man indiscernible from beast "Equipment check". A chorus of movement echoes out like the greatest of symphonies, nine men as one, each in-tune with their singular intention. A dance, perfected by service, honed by discipline, defined by purpose; Nine check their weapons, Nine clear their equipment, Nine check the man in front of them, Nine load their weapons. The sergeant turns, steps out of line and marches to the end. His hands quickly rove over the last man in line, securing his comrade. Silently the sergeant returns, his task complete. The head of the proverbial snake turns to face their charge, a single robed woman, the Sergeant bobs his head in a sickening and mechanical motion the last shred of humanity within this husk long since burned away.

His eyes scan her, not that she could see it, a low rage builds in him a singular disgust for her kind. Force users brought about this living galactic hell, now he was to guard and assist one. His voice rumbled in a low tone filled with disregard he didn't like her if she was smart, she knew it "Squad reporting".

Interacting with: Inyri Takan
Sovereignty Transport, Striga Orbit, Unknown Time | Jungle

All the soldiers began to prepare, but Inyri did no such thing. Indeed, she hardly moved, even when their leader addressed her. Remaining seated she would pull her hood back, raising her head to look at Cynan with an emotionless face. The emotions radiating from him barely made her flinch, but she could sense it. The hate. Locking eyes with his behind his helmet for the briefest of moments, she would be the one to disconnect their brief staring contest, standing. Her voice was low and even as she looked over the squad, nodding her head in acknowledgement of them all, "Remember our rules of engagement. If they attack first, we are to defend ourselves. But we should not be seen as the aggressors. If they wish to surrender peacefully, we will let them."

She put emphasis on that.

When their transport touched down and the doors opened, Inyri was the first out, stepping onto the grassy plains of Striga. Their teams had landed far out from the city, not far from civilization nonetheless. If their intelligence was correct, the hostile Ripokasta were in the area and fully willing to try and divebomb the efforts for an alliance. For the briefest of moments, the Knight felt a serene peace; this planet was painfully untouched by those outside of its own.

Unfortunately, that changed today. Briefly grasping her lightsaber, she turned and waited for her team to follow her out of their transport. If fortune favoured them, there would be no blood shed today.

[member="Cynan Hague"]
Cynan Hague

Striga, Wild Space

A stampede erupted forth of the most organized and lethal sort. Nine out, each clearing the shuttle and running together, as if in some sick trance. The Sovereign Marines form a perimeter around the landing craft each separated precisely by forty degrees of a whole. Nine rifles scan the horizon, each subject to their own cocktail of emotions.

Frax was nervous though good at hiding it, there was the faintest of rumble in his cold hands he was afraid of fighting, he was simply doing what he must to pay the bills, they all knew it.
Fiana was the veteran of the squad, a member of three Armies in sequence she only knew fighting, a beacon of calmness on the open sea.
Prost was a secretive man, nobody really knew what he was feeling, neither did he.

Kavi was bubbly and arrogant, she struggled to contain herself under their strict and demanding Sergeant the second she escaped his line of sight she nearly broke into a skip.
Peldor was a quiet grenadier, a broken man, he wanted to go home or die, whichever came first.
Daxar was a beacon of form, function, and discipline, he was also acutely aware that in the military more often than not, ass-kissing goes a long way. He was as close to the Sergeant as he could manage.

Runali hated this she wanted to explore new worlds and meet new people, but not like this. Anything but this.
Boaz was disgusted by this strange rock their giant creatures, their secretive people, they were scum.
Ze just wanted to take a nap, take a nap and eat.

The craft slowly rumbled lifting off of this unique and entirely fascinating alien world, the imposing titan of steel slowly morphing into but a fragile speck on the vast horizon. The squad reacted in tune, their perimeter had already been established, they formed a loose and staggered band behind their Sergeant. The party assembled as he looked to each one, a shred of empathy filling him, he was disgusted with himself. They were tools, pawns, he snuffed out this inkling of kindness inside. The Sergeant dug his boots into the ground, taking in a deep breath of this world which was now his, if not directly, it would fear him. His coarse and rough voice roaring out, addressing his robed comrade "Rules of engagement are clear. Reality isn't". He steps forward awaiting their departure, she was slow, sentimental, emotional and it was revolting.

Interacting with:

Inyri Takan
Varik Ice
Equipment: Lightsaber - Armour
Location: Striga

Varik waited quietly at the head of the shuttle, as the room shifted and bumped around him. It had been a bit of an awkward landing so far, but the pilot had just been unfamiliar with the unique turbulence he'd encountered so far on Striga; Ice had no doubt more experienced men and women in his position would most likely do better. Ice looked back towards the soldiers who began to form up in lines on either side of him, his gaze finally returning to the shuttle's door.

As the door slammed open and light poured in, Varik walked quickly down the ramp, his escort of a platoon filing out in a tight formation alongside him. As he stepped on the soft grass, with large trees around him, he motioned to the Lieutenant nearby and pointed to a gargantuan cave opening. "That's where we're going to investigate and document. Form your platoon around the mouth and wait for my command." The Lieutenant gave him a nod which he returned, and Varik watched the soldiers approach the cave, though he felt a sudden gust that made him turn.

Staring up, he found eyes looking straight back at him. It looked like a Convor, a bird, but it was...huge. It must have been about 18 feet just in height, sitting in curiosity and watching him. He did the same, never ripping his gaze away from it as he wondered what it planned on doing. Did it see him as food? An odd curiosity? Humans were not common here, and Ripokasta had bird-like features; it was only in the cities that Humans were usually allowed to live, so he supposed he was an odd sight.

Reaching out somewhat, Varik was almost prepared to touch the creature when it suddenly unfurled its wings, taking off and flying into the skies above. The gust was a great force that almost blew him onto his back, and the Sovereign turned again to watch the large animal soar off into the horizon. Striga was an odd world, that much was certain; but they weren't here to document the Convors, that was another team's job. They were here for something in particular, and as he approached the cave mouth, Varik had faith they would find it in here.
Striga, City Outskirts (Plainslands), Unknown Time | Jungle

"That might be true, Sergeant Hague."

Vaguely letting that sentence hang in the air like a thinly-veiled lesson, the Knight moved up and away from the squad. Stopping over the crest of a nearby hill, she squatted down, surveying the territory below them. They had landed in the grasslands of Striga, and the city in the distant where their allies were stationed could be easily made out in the distance. Immediately below the ridge was a small clustered forest, covering a few acres of land. Above, grey clouds swirled, looking to be on the brink of rainfall. Taking a moment of controlled breathing, Inyri reached out with something within her, eyes briefly shutting.

The animals within the green space were easiest to sense, chittering and squawking. She could feel the soldiers behind her too, briefly touching upon them, uninvasively probing their emotional states. Cynan... A lazy grin formed on her face before she diverted her feelings back towards their future path. His was the most complex. But the implications of what she sensed on him weren't what deserved her attention, and her focus reverted.

No, no... There! Her eyes opened immediately and she stood, turning back to the troops, "I believe there's an ambush waiting for us in those woods. It seems those interlopers are looking to dispatch of us as soon as possible." Their hostility had been easily felt, even from this distance. Like an angry old wound festering within the forest.

[member="Cynan Hague"]
Cynan Hague

Wild Space, Striga.

A single annoyed grunt meets her response, it was more than true. Life was little more than a game of chance, one random event leading to the next with everyone who's anyone struggling to make sense if it all. Nothing could explain it if something could go wrong, it would.

The party progresses onwards an oddity amidst this previously isolated world. It was an opportunity in many ways, some far less obvious than the others. The cold black armor of the group serves as a beacon in these hilly and calm fields, instruments of war in a distinctly peaceful environment. Corruption is never alone, appearing in as many faces as facades, the air was thick with it, he could feel it. Some half-wit scumsucker was going to intervene, peace never did last, after all.

Anxiety and fear are handled in as many ways as there are people, some find comfort in isolation, others comfort in themselves, others simply want to forget, Cynan was the latter. Flesh met bone as he gnawed at his cheek, the sudden shock of Inryi's voice confirming a growing and sinister suspicion. Cynan could lose himself now and he most certainly could make it all fade away, let the man die and beast reign, if but for a while.
He reveled in it.

The repeated and thick clunking of armor trots up the hill, each of the nine hearing her solemn words, for some they echoed eternally, for others they were a meaningless reminder. A series of quick and practiced movements sally forth in a flurry of activity. Cynan orders his squad into positions, a hubbub of busywork to entail "Fireteam three, take and hold position, get Ze on overwatch. Fireteams one and Two, approach from the east and west, clear and contain. Capture if possible, lethal force if not". The group is quick to follow orders, Ze and Boaz preparing ranged operations with Runali overlooking the operation. Fireteam Two runs down the hill and heads north with quick determination. Fireteam One taking a slower, more methodical pattern of their approach.

Cynan's blackened veil would do him little service here, she was a parasitic force on the minds of those around her, all Force Users were, obvious to it or not. There was no hiding the growing smile on his face, the chance to drown it all out this was his vice, his escape, his happy place. In a single sarcastic movement, he waves his arm as if to usher her to a midnight ballroom, his lips parting "Shall we?"

Interacting with

Inyri Takan
LOGIN: XXX-58092

The first operation. The foreboding skies reigned overhead - a dark-grey overcast - a chilling, infrequent breeze was present as well. 16 knots, to be surgical; storm conditions were of the likelihood, eventually. There of course were the exceptions of the speeds he was travelling at. The landscape was open, grassy, flora-less, wide-reaching, near-lifeless - a tundra. He raced ahead, on a civilian speeder. His equipment and clothing were completely discreet, incognito. He wore a migrant's dark-brown cloak that masked away all other distinguishable features about his physical character. Approximately eight kilometers out was a village - his area of operations - a village that housed one of the larger authority figures. His name was Haalde, and he would eventually oppose the Sovereign government's dominion. He was of the Elder's Chosen political party, a group completely dedicated to the extremist ways of Striga's patron god, the Elder One, and radicalizing the religion's beliefs. It was his job to prevent a future problem from happening, and to cleave off the head, so that another one might not grow.

It wasn't too much longer, travelling at the brisk speeds that he was escorting himself at, until the target village was in sight.

Truly, he didn't take pride in the organization - the Office of Naval Intelligence, the Sovereignty - that he worked for. He only felt low in this galaxy, and there were seldom things more forlorn than an agent of espionage; he felt he deserved to work in a downcast, lowly environment such as this, his intentions were to put himself in his place. These thoughts were a commonality, to the once-Jedi. Naturally, he was a reflective individual; one, always to take inventory, and to recount his time spent.

A muddy, dirty market buzzing with frequent travelers, traders, and the sort. Fields, plowing with workers manning the various large utensils and equipment of agriculture. Proxy-Two docked his speeder among a stable of other speeders - likely other travelers, scavengers, and traders - such as his disguise that alluded to himself being. Stepping off from the vehicle, he made his way through the web of the garnered masses of the market and village.
Striga, City Outskirts (Plainslands), Unknown Time | Jungle

Inyri nodded her head to her sergeant, not replying to his proclamation with words, but action. A blanket of numb sadness washed over the Knight as she flipped her lightsaber in her hands to a reverse grip, starting down the west bank of the hill, trailing behind Fireteam 2. She felt brief despair only in that these foes had chosen to take up arms and not listen to reason, and for this reason they would come to blows.

The forest was clearly pruned, indicating logging had happened recently -- Stumps ringed the borders of the woods, and some strange bird squawked at the approaching western team. They were in enemy territory now, the only advantage they had over their would-be attackers was her abilities. She could feel them in the woods, like skittish beasts, lying in wait for their trap to be sprung. It was... conflicting to sense the familiar, tame energy of her squad, and the raging inferno of their enemies at once. The balance.

She raised her free hand, activating the comlink after effectively probing their battlefield, "Fireteam 1, the interlopers are in wait ahead of you. They appear to believe you're the main enemy, and have yet to spot us. We'll move in to flank." With that definitive order given, she glanced back to Hague, clearly expecting him to follow suit.

[member="Cynan Hague"]
Luyioth Dakwin
The Asteroid Station, Striga, Striga System, Wild Space.
Interacting with: [member="Varik Ice"].

Above the commotion of the planet below, almost as if a world away, the asteroid station floated midst the black in eerie silence. It gently twirled while the edge of what the sun could reach skimmed over its surface. All seemed oddly tranquil about the station - or that is, until a single Scimitar-modified Star Courier ruptured into vision, part way through its arc towards the station's hangar.

Inside the ship, Luyioth lifted a hand from her controls to flick at a pair of switches above her. A pair of screens flashed alerts at her: one showing the progress of the cloaking systems recovery while the other showed the ships progress through its landing vector. She didn't pay much attention either - instead, she focused on the hangar as it came closer and closer. It was lifeless, just like the surrounds of the station. It prompted a broad feeling of caution in the pits of her stomach: she had seen a situation all too familiar before, except this time, she was alone.

The ship passed through the hangars particle shield uninterrupted, floating in the air before gently setting down to one side. Looking down to her terminals, Luyioth tapped through a few screens to find the atmospheric composition, where she found a single word that provided her with some relief: oxygen. Regardless, as she flicked and pressed the starship to off and pressed out towards the exit ramp, she scooped up her rebreather and clasped it around her mouth, not daring risk such an embarrassing death.

As the loading ramp pulled closed behind her, Luyioth started her way forward through the hangar. Her eyes wandered over the walls as she went, skeptical and analytical. What had gone on here? If she wanted the support of the Sovereignty in her next endeavor, she would have to find out.
Urwin Darmos
Wild Space, Striga

Urwin would recieve the communications message sent out to most Sovereign personnel about the exploration of the planet Striga. A personal message was sent to him about the building of an outpost on the planet. Urwin would slowly land his ship on the surface of Striga, on a clear space. As he'd hop out of his ship, he would be greeted by several workers.

"Alright, boys. I've got specific orders to get this outpost done quickly, as they're going to be moving the soldiers into here soon, with Varik Ice himself coming as well. I've got the blueprints for our standard outpost right here, and I'm going to do some inventory checks on the supplies." Urwin would inform them, rather quickly.

He'd lay out the blueprints of the outpost on a nearby table, and explain the sections and sizes of them to the workers. He'd give them orders to begin working on the foundation, as he performs inventory checks. Urwin would march back to his ship and lower the ramp, revealing several crates of supplies. Urwin would pull them over to the inventory area with many more crates.

Urwin would evaluate the materials, and write down that the supplies are in shape. He'd setup a tool station for the workers, and lay out several tools. Urwin would walk back over to one of the workers and appoint him as the project manager. He'd tell him to have all of the workers finish the foundation and setup our basic entrance and walls.

"You got it, boss." The newly assigned project manager would respond.

Urwin would pull out his communications device and relay a message to Varik Ice,

"We have basic construction started, and should be finished soon. You can begin moving whoever you want to get here." He'd say into the device's voice transponder.

Urwin would make his way to the now finished foundation of the outpost, with his tools and begin welding together the walls of steel. He'd signal for a few workers to come help him, and they'd grab their welding tools as well and chip in.
Varik Ice
Equipment: Lightsaber - Armour
Location: Striga

Varik stared through the mouth of the cave, before giving a nod in the Lieutenant's direction, who pushed into the natural structure with his men in formation. As the platoon continued to move around them, Varik inspected the inside of the cave. It was damp and dark, with the soldier's attached lights being the main illumination source in the place. Despite the incredibly wide mouth of the place, the frequent twists and turns meant that sunlight was quickly lost to them.

As they continued, Varik stopped and heard a voice in his ear, coming through comms. He listened, recognizing that the message was letting him know about the covert outpost being built. Pressing two fingers on the communicator as he kept walking, he replied back to them. "Excellent. We shouldn't be long, only a few things left to document."

The Platoon's scanners continued to search the area, taking data on the various flora that sprouted out from the walls and cave floor below them. Eventually, one of the soldiers stepped aside, noticing a large body of water. Varik walked up alongside him, as did another Sergeant. Watching his scanner, Varik noticed it was picking up something up, some kind of fauna. "I do think this connects to the Gray-"

Varik was cut off, as were the other two men as a large hand suddenly came out and pulled him and the private under, another doing the same to the Sergeant. As he felt the rush of water, all he could feel was...confused.

[member="Urwin Darmos"]
"Understood." Urwin would reply, with a slight curiosity as to why the communications cut out.

As the comminucations would cut out, he'd get done welding some of the steel plating on the wall he was working on. Urwin would signal for the project manager to come over.

"We're making revisions. I want two scout towers on the front of the entrance, and everything inside for the soldiers can be kept. Make the entrance gate smaller, as well."

"You got it, I'll inform the men." He'd reply.

Urwin would use his communications device to look at the location of the last message he received from Varik. He'd see the marker inside of a cave.

"Cave must've blocked the signal." Urwin would say to himself


Citrus Dreams
Koda Fett

Striga, Wild Space
To the Balyeg, Fett was nothing more than a small, metal meal, and to the Fett, the Balyeg was nothing more than a symbol of everything he feared in this Galaxy. Which even at that was a very small list. This was just something he had to do, regardless of how stupid it may seem to anyone else. After losing so much Fett was a shell of his former self, a man that lived entirely for the credit and the reputation that came with his track record of success. Now, this was a time in which he could perform an act of personal greatness. At this very moment, gone were the days of tacking down criminals or even Jedi, it was here that he faced down the Balyeg. Man versus Beast.

Flames appeared at the base of his jetpack as he was hoisted upwards into the air, narrowly avoiding the swooping arm of the creature that continued to roar in anger. For now, however, he fled. At a fast pace, just faster than the Balyeg, the Mandalorian soared throughout the cave's more confined places as it simply barged through the cavern - taking out whatever was in it's way in a fit of rage. It was the Tooth that Fett was after, how he was going to get it he did not know. It was just another one of those things you had to figure out on your own.

It's teeth snapped together, saliva was sent hurling like drops of rain to an ant. It gained on him once the confined spaces came to an end, too close for comfort quite frankly. Throughout the air, Fett maneuvered like the seasoned user of the jetpack he was. Under and over the swinging arms, it went on for too long and some time for a respite was required. He flew upwards, barely escaping the clutches of it's jaw, then disappearing behind it's head and once it pivoted around he was gone. Little did it know, however, Koda Fett held tightly onto the scales at the back of it's head. It couldn't feel him, but it certainly did smell him.
Varik Ice
Equipment: Lightsaber - Armour
Location: Striga

Varik glanced around, his eyes darting as he finally realized what was going on. He was being pushed against the private that was gripped in the same hand, and he could see the Sergeant, dangling limply on the other side of the creature. It was huge and muscular, and almost looked feline in appearance. With one hand free, Varik pulled his lightsaber into it and the white blade suddenly ignited. Varik slashed at the beast's forearm.

With a flash of the blade's light, the creature's hand was severed, the grip loosening as it did. The private began immediately swimming for the surface again, Varik waiting as he saw the Sergeant begin to simply fall deeper. The fish-like creature came rushing back up, having let go of the Sergeant as its mouth came for the Private, and was inches for it when Varik thrust his hand out, sending the Private flying out of the water and onto the shore.

As he turned to the Sergeant again, Varik once again reached his hand out and pulled the man toward him. Holding him in his other arm, he looked to realize the large fish was now coming for him. He darted to the right, avoiding the mouth and slashing the monster's face, causing it to roar in pain. Not wanting to give it any more time to recover, Varik swam upwards with the Sergeant in tow, using the force to propel himself up.

Finally pulling himself up onto the shore and the Sergeant with him, he crawled further in as medics checked on the both of them. Hearing the water rise, Varik looked back to see the creature's head once again - only this time, it was met with a barrage of fire from the platoon, hitting it in the eyes and mouth and forcing it back down into the depths. Varik made his way to his feet, glancing at the Sergeant and noticing there wasn't much left of a cave to explore. Perhaps they had documented enough for today.
Cynan Hague

Striga, Wild Space

An effervescent breeze blows over the plains, as alien as it was pristine, the low rumbling of the foliage at their fleet echoing in a cacophony. A large flying creature may its way over the group, each massive flap of the titanic wingspan subjecting all those below to a veritable reign of terror. Cynan draws a single long breath, audible through the many filters and masks of his helmet, echoing out in a single mechanical tune, this was it.

As many knots as it was about to tie in his stomach, she was proving useful if over-eager to obsolesce the Sergeant. Cynan bit his tongue, his black armored gauntlet reaching out in an estranged display of camaraderie, grabbing at her shoulder in hopes of arresting her action, no, this was the time to lie in wait, to be a tiger on the hunt. One after the other two audible clunks echo out as the marine drops to a knee. The soldier's gaze pierces outwards like a hawk as he speaks calmly, not at all in the hoarse and rough tone which dominated his communication before, this was soft and calm, calculated and perhaps even a bit feeling "Frax get your team to cover and make some noise. They're spooked and alone, fighting aliens they've never seen before. Kavi
calm down, relax, move slowly you know what to do". The sergeant releases his entrapped lung, inching ahead.

Slowly he positions himself ahead of the Knight, entirely determined to see his mission carried through, the breach of unusually unprofessional taunting aside. Enemies could not be made here, they must either be friends or be dug out root and stem, there was deep inside, no honest intention of adding another name to the pile, despite temptations otherwise.

The gargantuan creature proves itself to be a boon, entirely drowning the otherwise distinctive sounds of armored infantry, the fated echoes of movement masked by something far more terrifying. Cynan's knuckles turn white in his grip, the calm before the storm was the worst part. He was alone with a Force User, anything could go wrong at this point, but he knew one thing. It wasn't their ambush.

Blasterfire rings in the distance, piercing the serene aura, the game was afoot.

Interacting with:

[member="Inyri Takan"]

The Imperious star destroyer steadily drifted through the boundless reaches of space. Through the viewport, in the far to the naked eye distance, a green dot could be seen - Striga. Heart of the Striga system, home of the enigmatic and isolationist Ripokasta. A culture captain Saigo sought to explore and learn about it more. Yet, his assignment today was not that.

With the Sovereignty still a small government, in its early phase of growth, its armed forces were yet under development. The chaos of the refugee waves pouring into the ranks of the Sovereignty both as civillians and servicemen was at its end. It had rocked the small organization at first but the worst part had been contained. Nonetheless, the act of bringing a sole star destroyer into rather unknown territory would often be called ignorant and rookie error by military specials.

But the Imperious was not here on military business. Its presence was solely political. The Sovereign had offered to lend his hand to the troubles of the Ripokasta, the summoning of a Star Destroyer simply was a played card on the table of diplomacy. A show of commitment to help. In reality, a frigate could've done the Imperious' job today.

"No reports from Shadow One, Captain." The young Lieutenant Commander Hold approached Saigo with his hands behind his back and a typical erected posture of a naval officer. "Scanners cannot give a clear picture of whether the asset has landed but we believe that might be the case after running a few simulations of various flight plans. Shall I open comms?"

The captain sat on his command chair with hands steeple as he examined the situation. He disliked this so-called Shadow One. One sentence of brief were given by High Command on the asset at the last minute. Aeric only assumed it was a highly-classified Naval Intelligence operation. Yet, he was given some element of supervision of the mysterious asset so his initial assumption might be wrong.

"Go ahead, Commander." Saigo calmly replied. Immediately after, the communications officer attempted to open a direct line to Shadow One [[member="Luyioth Dakwin"]].

"Connection quality is below average, Sir." The comm officer stated but Saigo paid him little attention.

:: Shadow One, this is Captain Saigo of the Imperious tasked with your supervision. Status Report. :: Aeric clearly said and awaited an answer.

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