Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Lost In The Woods (GR Faction Campaign)


The world of Kashyyyk had been the scene of the recent battle for its freedom and as of yet was still a turbulent world where forces of the Galactic Republic endeavored to maintain the peace. Many of the indigenous Wookiee looked upon the Republic and saw nothing but a new master to rule it. Most of the population were making the transition to republic rule easily but a few of the smaller wookiee settlements felt uneasy with the Republic's presence on the world and had been less than co-operative. The settlement to the west of the main Republic encampment had been the most staunch opponent to their presence and while they had not threatened the forces left behind by the Republic they still had not let the republics representatives meet with them. Today was to be the day they allowed the small group of Republic soldiers who had been camped outside their territory and the representative in for talks. Indeed the months since the Republic arrived had proven they meant the population of Kashyyyk no harm and the chief of the wookiee settlement now trusted them enough to see what the humans had to say.

"Colonel, Are we ready to move out?" asked Representative Jesti of the Republic colonel. The man turned to face the man sent to lead the peace talks. Mike Tamdir had not liked the man from the second they had met. He was a true bureaucrat and had no place in the jungle. He wore a suit Mike thought would be better suited for a civilized world of pavement and buildings. Here in the mud and trees he looked as out of place as Mike expected he felt. The man did not complain but Mike knew he was very unhappy with his assignment. Jesti stood motionless waiting for mike to respond and began growing impatient as Mike smiled and said nothing. Mike waited a moment more then decided to answer before the man quested him again.

"We are sir, My men have already moved into the territory and begun clearing us a path through the underbrush. I thought you would appreciate not having to hack your way through three kilometers of jungle" said Mike as he walked towards the edge of the encampment. He turned to make sure Jesti was following then walked out past the edge of the camp and into the jungle. The path cleared by the Republic soldiers was cleared well and Jesti had no issue traversing it in his black tip shoes. The colonel had suggested he wear a pair of boots supplied to him but Jesti would never be caught dead in anything so mundane and martial. He just did his best to deal with any uncomfort he was experiencing and do the job he had been sent to do. The group had traveled nearly two of the three kilometers to the wookiee settlement when one of Colonel Tamdir's troopers spoke to him from behind.

"Colonel sir, We have a problem." said the trooper as he walked past Jesti and took up a position beside Mike. Mike held up a hand meaning for the group to stop. All but Jesti got the message and while the troopers all squatted down and stopped awaiting orders Jesti took three steps forward and nearly fell over MIke and the trooper. Mike rolled his eyes at the man nd motioned for him to squat down next to him. Mike waited till Jesti was kneeling down and nodded for the soldier to continue.

"Dodson and his team have made it to the camp and cleared our path. they say no one is there." said the trooper. Mike paused then spoke

"what do you mean they said no one is there? The Wookiee's are not there?" mike asked as he tried to wrap his mind around what he had been told.

"Dodson says the entire settlement is empty. and from his description there has been one hell of a fight there." said the trooper. Mike cursed then stood again. He looked around then down the path towards the Wookiee Settlement. IN the trees above large birds flew from tree to tree. Rodent's scurried across the path in the distance. All seemed like nothing was out of place. The jungle had appeared the same as it did every other day Mike had been on the world, with the exception of the local Wookiee population was no longer there.

"A fight you say? No bodies?" asked Mike. The trooper nodded a negative nod and returned to his nervous scanning of the jungle. Something was wrong and both the trooper and mike knew it. So far Jesti had remained silent taking in the conversation. Mike thought for a moment that the man was calm for a civilian on the face of what may be some type of trap.

"Lets move up." Mike said and began to walk the last kilometer to the settlement. Once there he looked out upon a scene of what had to have been a hard fought battle. Blood splashes littered the trees from the ground all the way up as far as Mike could see. There had been a fight here. One that could not have happened without some sort of casualty. But where were the Wookiees, or whoever had attacked them. It made no sense. It was as if someone had gone out of their way to clean the settlement and collect all of the injured or killed. Mike walked up a ramp to a walkway forty meters off the ground to get a better look at the settlement. He stopped as something to the left caught his attention. Behind him Jesti walked up and began to speak. He had been patient and remained silent but he had grown tired of it and wanted answers.

"Colonel, What happened h..." Jesti fell silent as his head exploded. His body remained upright for a moment before falling to the walkway. Mike watched the man's body slump over and fall. To him it seemed like it all happened in slow motion. His instincts kicked in and he slammed his body down against the floor and moved to take cover. He saw his men below on the jungle floor cut down in a hail of fire. Three of his men had made it to cover and began returning fire into the thick canopy and undergrowth of the jungle. He brought his rifle up and scanned the trees around him through his scope. A rustle of brush and limbs one hundred meters to his left caught his eye and he panned his weapon that direction. HE saw something in the canopy and squeezed off a shot. Something fell from the trees to the jungle floor in the distance but Mike could not make out just what it was or where it had fallen. HE scanned the jungle in the distance finding nothing and took a glance down at where his men had taken up firing positions. One man had fallen and the last two were now laying down fire. Mike's brain screamed at him as his eyes were blinded by a flash. when his vision returned his men lay dead and afire on the ground. He was the only one left and he could only think of one thing to do. HE turned on his back digging out his comm device. He hit record and began talking.

"This is Colonel MIke Tamidir of the 187th Republic pathfinders. My force has fallen under attack by unknown forces near grid co-ordinates five four six seven five. All indigenous Wookiee population have disappeared and all of my men are gone. I will attempt to egress under cover and make it to rally point tempest. I will transmit again once I have made it to tempest. Approach with caution as opposition number and makeup is unknown." Mike said as he looked out at the jungle and whoever was there. he pressed transmit then rolled back to his stomach and moved to find a way to get down to the floor of the jungle and safety.

Fifteen minutes later Commander Markus Prid sat listening to a transmission his communications officer had intercepted. He looked at the officer half in shock, then back to the communications console. Prid turned and walked to his ship's command chair and sat. What was going on down there he thought to himself. It was then he nearly jumped from his seat when the warning klaxons screamed out. From behind him he heard an officer say.

"Sir, Contact bearing six one by one fifty-eight by fourteen. Its a cruiser sir, some class I have never seen before." said the officer sitting at the tactical station. Markus cursed and punched in a set of commands setting the ship to condition red.

"Bring up the shields lieutenant, move us to intercept" said Markus as he watched the ship move up and over the planet's horizon. It was a large ship but resembled nothing Prid had ever seen Prid looked at the ship closing and opened a channel.

"Unidentified contact, please identify yourself and prepare to be boarded" said Markus. The ships reply came in the form of a barrage of missiles. the shields of Markus' ship shuttered under the volley and then he watched as lances of energy struck out at his corvette. His last moments were filled with horror and then darkness as the heavy turbolaser barrage ripped the corvettes bridge apart as the shield bucked. the smaller Republic ship decompressed as the hull was opened to space and then exploded in a fireball as what was left of the oxygen ignited then was extinguished by the vacuum of space.
in a matter of less than a minute, the Corvette and all aboard it were gone. The ship broke up and listed off until it was caught in the world's gravity and pulled down into the atmosphere. The mysterious ship moved past the now descending hulk that once was a Republic warship. It paused as it neared the edge of the world's gravity well then disappeared into hyperspace.

Seventeen hours later word had made its way to Supreme Commander Forlon. He read over the report which had been transmitted by the garrison commander on Kashyyyk. His report covered the transmission from Colonel Tamdir and his own comments on what he had found when he had made it to the Wookiee Settelment. The bodies of the Republic Soldiers were gone. The camp was in shambles and fire had begun to burn down the tree houses. He had gone on to report that a Republic ship had been destroyed in orbit by something no one seemed to have any idea about what it was. The Commander had mentioned it had been a fairly large contact but gave no detail about what he meant by it. Willam turned off the transmission and thought about what he had just listened to. Something odd was going on on Kashyyyk. The disappearance of any bodies had particularly troubled him. He pressed a button then spoke to his aid.

"Colonel, Get Admiral Holt on the line"
Vernan Holt opened the channel to find the Supreme Commander looking at him. He had known Willam for years now. They had been cadets together long ago and the two had kept in touch over the years. Vernan had gone into the navy and Willam the marines. Both had served in many posts but somehow they had found a way to stay in touch and even get together every year or so for drinks. Now he looked at his old friends face and could tell the man was not contacting him to plan drinks and a card game. He waited for Forlon to see him on his end and speak.

"Vernan, I need you to do something for me" Forlon said them paused to look at someone speaking to him from off screen. He waited for whoever to finish and spoke.

"Whats going on Willam, Something up?" he asked as the Supreme Commanders attention fell back upon him.

"Yeah, We have something going on out in the Mytaranor sector. You are the closest ship to Kashyyyk. I need you to go to the system and link up with this commander of the garrison there. Get him to fill you in. I have to make some more calls. You have temporary command of the forces in the region until I can get out there. I am not sure when that will be but I will get there as soon as I can. Until then I need you to use any and every asset you can muster up. I do not care who or what they are, just as long as they will do as told. You have access to the fleet reserve fund if needed. Just make sure if you do use it the hired help is worth what they charge. I cannot get any major force to you for at least a week. We cannot wait till then to investigate." Forlon said as the voice from off the screen said something again causing Willam to look off to someone off the screen. A moment later the Supreme Commander spoke again to Holt.

"Its bad Vernan, something is wrong out there and we need to get it under control. Our stance there is shaky at best. and once word spreads that we let an entire Wookiee settlement disappear our efforts with the last of the world's holdouts will not go well." Forlon said then paused to let Holt Answer. Admiral Holt nodded first then spoke to his friend and commander.

"I will see what I can find out sir, I have a few leads as to how I can get some help. But anyone you can send this way is welcome. My force if not equipped for any long term planet side operation and we do not have many marines available. I will do my best" Holt added as he finished speaking. Forlon nodded then spoke one last time.

"Find our people Vernan, bring them home if you can. And find out what happened to the Wookies." Forlon ended the transmission and Holt sit quietly for a moment considering his best options. He knew he needed assistance and had no idea where to get it.

"Lieutenant, opened a channel to fleet command, have them send out a request for assistance on the reserve channel. See if anyone out there is listening to it these days."
Elaine had brought a recon company with her to Kashyyyk it consisted of four platoon of soldiers, armed with carbines and light armour a well as few reapers. They where not the back bone of this operation, more to help where possible. As well as get money to help pay for the colony on Elysian, a Jurassic era world. She was with her men guarding the base camp, waiting for orders from The Republic General [member="Willam Forlon"]. She was having tiffin at the time when, when a few scatted reports came in about troops dispersing and wookies running away. She was not getting the full picture, then she heard a report about a cruiser coming in. She then told her captain Put the troops on alert, we may have to move out. Also get the other three infantry companies ready, we need extra man power then we have it ready. The captain gave a nod and then sounded the alert, her other troops began assembling, and officers, started to run around trying to find out exactly what was happening. As until they knew what they where facing, it was better to hold tight and do nothing. She was started look at the rest of troops, hoping this was time to prove them selves to The Republic. Soon her men where ready, know was time to see where they where going to.

She had in total,
150 Recon troops with Carbines and light Infantry armour
450 Standard Infantry with Infantry Basters and Infantry Armour and a few agls each
as well as some 15 Plasma casters and 5 Disc Cannons
5 howlers
10 Thul Reapers

[member="Vernan Holt"]


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Kay had exited hyperspace nearby Kashyyyk on a borrowed corvette from her brother, just in time to see the last of the flames from the Republic vessel's debris field. It was not a pretty sight. She had come to visit like she usually did at this time of year, ever since she had helped rescue some Wookies from the skinning knives of a Trandoshan slavers. Normally her visits were uneventful, with a couple of parties and dinners in the trees for herself and a few other Republic dignitaries and soldiers that helped during that crisis. But now...

She had the pilot signal the landing platform that she always stopped at. But there was no response. Kay frowned, "Take us down there anyways. We have to find out what happened. Land a few kilometres east from the platform. I'll make the rest of the way on foot and keep in contact. Any sign of trouble, you know what to do." And by that she meant for a signal to go out to her brother and for him to bring the corvette to her location for back up and pick up.

As the ship began it's decent, Kay packed up her satchel with a spare set of clothes, water bladder, food rations, small tea kettle, tea cup, pouch of tea leaves, lightsaber and small blaster. Instead of wearing a merchant's dress, she chose instead to wear dark green slacks, light green shirt and brown coat to help her blend in a little more. She figured that she'd probably do some tree climbing, so she wanted to be ready. Another small blaster she fitted into her right boot. Better safe than sorry.

When she was ready, the ship had landed. Kay pocketed her comlink, shouldered her satchel and walked down the ramp, her eyes darting about, looking for movements. She kept her footfalls as quietly as possible, keeping mind to not step on broken branches or dead leaves. Years of being hunted by bounty hunters taught her a thing or two, as well as all of her slave freeing missions in Hutt Space. Was that smoke in the distance? It was time to find out what happened to her Wookie friends.

[member="Willam Forlon"] [member="Vernan Holt"]
Holt sat in his chair looking out at Kashyyyk. The green world had been the nexus of recent hostilities and now was more or less calming down after the uproar over the disappearance of the Wookiee Settlement. Many of the world's population had questions but most were ready to devote their support to the Republic, That is if they can find the missing Wookiees. The small task force had arrived an hour ago and taken up orbit above the largest Wookiee encampment. This is where the current Republic Garrison had been station and was now the makeshift Headquarters for the Republic Military in the southern regions. He had heard they would be moving to another world soon but for now, this is where they would meet anyone willing to help.

The five ships of the task force had been running drills since their arrival and working on preparing for anything that may face them. The backbone of the group was the Aurora Industries Vindicator Mk X-class Heavy cruiser Defiant. It was the new flag of the small force and the command center for Operation Orion. It was by far the largest ship of the group and the most powerful. Sitting off to her left was the other Aurora vessel of the group. The Ardent Mk X-class frigate Tempest was the secondary flag and next most powerful ship in the group. Two Lucerne Labs Circinus-class Bulk Corvettes, still undergoing a few trials, had been recent additions to the force replacing the old aging escorts. They would provide support for the two larger vessels. The last of the ships was a Lucerne Labs Vinnath-class Pocket Carrier. It would act as a patrol and courier vessel if needed.

Holt imagined more ships may join as the operation went on but for now this was what he had to work with. He was sure it would be enough. The reports said the cruiser which had been present had been alone and there had been no reports of any other strange vessels since then. He glanced once more at the world in the distance then spoke.

"Commander, Launch a flight and have them patrol the system. Rotate them out every four hours. No need tiring out anyone. Also, let me know when we hear from our sources on Trandosha and Wasskah" said Vernan. The executive officer nodded and went about inquiring. It had been a long trip and Holt needed some time alone to process and relax before meeting anyone who had arrived. HE spoke one last time to his XO before leaving the bridge.

"Commander, Have a shuttle readied. I will be heading down to the planet in three hours. Until then see to it I am not disturbed." said Vernan walking towards the lift and to his quarters.

[member="Lady Kay"][member="Elaine Thul"]
As Admiral [member="Vernan Holt"] moved toward the shuttle bay to board his shuttle he would find two new guests awaiting him in the shuttle bay.

The Republic Jedi knights, had recieved the request from the military about Kashyyk and given the mysterious circumstances Mantic had decided to go himself. Mantic had recieved words that the former senator and current force student in the Republic force enclave - [member="Lady Kay"] - was present as well. While he held no restriction over her he was concerned that her former ties with the dark lord [member="Darth Ferus"] could resurface at any time and so he also wanted to come along in order to keep an eye on her.

Mantic was not alone though. With him his former padawan, [member="Rafeesh"] - held position. The two jedi appeared din their brown simple robes, bowing deeply as the admiral approached.

"Admiral, I am Mantic Dorn and this is [member="Rafeesh"] - we are part of what remains of the Jedi Knights of the Republic, and we wish to offer our assistance. Would you accept us in your task force?" he spoke with a low voice keeping a polite distance to the man in charge of the operation.
Vernan holt walked the corridors of the ship thinking about he task before him. Nothing was known about their enemy and from what he had been told they had been very well prepared and skilled at covering their tracks. Initial reports claim there was nothing but blood left on the ground at the scene and some attempts to clean it was apparent also. Whoever these people were they did not want anyone knowing their identity. The fact that they possessed a formidable cruiser was also a problem. From reports, it had made short work of the Republic ship left there to guard the world. Once he entered the hanger and walked to the shuttle he found two men sitting in the craft. as he neared one stood and addressed him.

"Ah Master Dorn, by all means join us. I am luck you have you here. I feel I may need your advisement and skills before this all is over." said Willam as he walked up the ramp to join them.

[member="Mantic Dorn"]
[member="Lady Kay"]
[member="Elaine Thul"]
Rafeesh had heard about the endeavor and had welcomed the chance to aid the Wookiees. He had been to this world once before, along with his master, [member="Mantic Dorn"]. While technically Rafeesh was no longer a padawan to Mantic, the new Knight still saw his former master as his master. Rafeesh knew that he was no longer a padawan and he wanted to prove himself worthy of the position. He was now a Jedi, a true Jedi.

He was glad to see that the Jedi were welcomed here. He was certain that some would have pushed them away because of the recent events in the Order. He looked forward to showing that the Jedi who remained with the Republic would help and were loyal. It was part of the Jedi's calling to defend justice and the Republic stood for that justice. Thus he was called to defend the Republic with every fiber of his being and he was glad to serve.

[member="Vernan Holt"]
Mantic bowed as the admiral passed.

"We will try to stay out of your way until we are needed Admiral." he added. Then he turned to [member="Rafeesh"] and motion toward some of the seats in the back area of the shuttle. The ride down would hopefully be an eventless one but Mantic still had that feeling that something very sinister might be awaiting them on Kashyyk.

But until the briefing there was no use in speculations. He sat down and waited for the shuttle to depart toward the planet below.

[member="Vernan Holt"] [member="Rafeesh"]


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Kay squinted her eyes as she tried to pinpoint the distance to the smoke with her naked eyes. It was difficult at best. As she continued to walk she searched for a suitable tree to climb, one that had branches within reach. Minutes later she found one. Double-checking that her satchel was secure, she started her climb up into the tree. It wasn't an easy climb in some parts, but in the end she was successful. The tree wasn't the tallest, but it gave her a better vantage point. She studied the smoke in the distance. It appeared to be a smouldering kind of smoke, no longer a black, but more of a light grey. Who would do such a thing? Trandoshans more than likely. The loved to hunt Wookies.

She frowned and then quietly made her way down the tree. More than likely whomever attacked the village and the vessel in orbit would be long gone. Once near the bottom Kay jumped down and then walked a little bit more brisker. She didn't really care about being silent now.

[member="Mantic Dorn"] [member="Rafeesh"] [member="Vernan Holt"]
Rafeesh followed [member="Mantic Dorn"] to the end of the ship and as he sat and buckled himself in he was reminded of the old days, when he would be in those assault shuttles heading to the surface for a fight. The battles on Rhen Var had used such vessels in order to move troops around. He had been in one that had been shot down at one time. Fortunately no one had been hurt and the enemy had been a single anti-air craft team who were taken prisoner. One of them had defected after a time and eventually had become part of Rafeeh's squad.

The Jedi tried to feel out with the Force looking for something. Some darkness like the last time he had been here. "Can you feel anything?" He asked Mantic, deferring to the more experienced Jedi in case he was wrong. He did not sense any immediate presence, but then again he had learned that some could hide their darkness in order to better infiltrate a people. He did not want that to happen here.
Placing his hands in his lap Mantic sat still for a moment.

"There is a disturbance. But I am afraid I have not been to Kashyyk since we drove of the undead, I am certain this is not the same though." he then shook his head.

No, they needed a briefing, something to go on to be able to pin point what this was about. Regardless, the eeire feeling running down his spine left little doubt that they had made the right decission in coming.

Rafeesh nodded thoughtfully. He agreed with [member="Mantic Dorn"] this did not feel like the time before. But he wondered what it was. He looked forward to any sort of briefing, something to give them information. If they were to know how to defeat the enemy they would need to know more about them. This enemy was dangerous simply because it was unknown. They might not be very hard to defeat, but the fact that the Jedi knew nothing of what they were made it impossible to tell.

But Rafeesh trusted in the Force, this would be overcome, as all previous tasks had been. There was a threat and it would be defeated through the power of the Light. That was the destiny for all who fought against justice.
Vernan sat quietly for the majority of the ride down to the planet. The jedi talked to each other but he paid them no mind. It was the message he had received just before leaving his quarters that was foremost in his thoughts. HE recognized the security code on the transmission. It was one of Supreme Commander Forlons old priority codes used for his own special forces units. HE had only seen the code once before at the battle of Kashyyyk and then was told by Forlon that it was above his pay grade. He had been a captain at the time so He let it drop. Now as an admiral his pay grade was far higher and since the message had been sent to him he had the permissions set up to open the file. It simply listed a set of co-ordinates and one word Monarch. That was a word he knew well. The name of his old ship and his call sign in the special operations circles. It meant whoever it was wanted to meet. And if they knew to use that word then it was a priority.

The shuttle slowed then changed corse at Holts orders. "Master Dorn, I apologize for this but I have to make a short trip to meet a contact before we can proceed to the planetary HQ. It is somewhat of a security issue so please forgive me not informing you before." said Vernan waiting for a response from the jedi.

[member="Mantic Dorn"]
Hoppin in if y'all don't mind! :D

Kashyyyk had always been one of Condor's favorite planets, even if it was in Republic territory. His dealings with the Primeval had put him at odds with some of the so-called "light side" factions, but he didn't think he was important enough for people to care about.

Of course, the last thing he expected to see when he arrived at the planet was the shattered remnants of a Republic vessel falling slowly towards the planet's surface. He raised one eyebrow in surprise. Kashyyyk had been a much-loved Republic planet, and he didn't think anyone had the guts to attack it. He started second-guessing his timing on this visit. While he wasn't necessarily on good terms with the Republic, he certainly wanted to avoid getting in the way of someone who'd just whooped the Republic's ass.

Still, he had friends on the planet, and he wanted to make sure they were still alive and well. He hesitated for a second before guiding the small ship towards the planet's surface. As he neared the city where his friends lived, he could see a trail of smoke rising into the clouds. A pit formed in his stomach as he tried to catch a glimpse of the city, hoping to see any sign of his friends.
The shuttle roared through space with its passengers in the belly, passengers unaware of what what wxpecting them.

MAntic and his former padawan had gone silent after a short conversation about the current situation and their interpretation of the force. There was too little to go on from here though and both had agreed to simply wait and see what the good admiral had to tell them later one.

The request that suddenly rose from [member="Vernan Holt"] was however unexpected. Mantic furrowed a brow and pondered for a while. Naturally, he did not really have a choice but he, and [member="Rafeesh"] , had as Republic Knights chosen to trust the Republic chain of command.

"Of course Admiral. We are at your disposal when you need us."

He leanded back and locked eyes with Rafeesh. A simple nod was given as an encouragement to stay alert, nothing else was needed.
Supreme Commander Forlon smiled as he opened the encrypted transmission. An old friend seemed to have gotten wind of what was happening and come in from the darkness so to speak. He entered in his code and the message scrolled down the screen. HE took a moment then began to ready the message.

General, I hear congratulations are in order, You send me off to play house with these hair bastards and you get a promotion. I am the one living through a short and curly measuring contest every day with the furry bastards. I deserve a medal for soothing the savage beast or something. Anyway beyond the approval of the smartest thing the Republic has done in years I have some information. I hear that old goat Holt is in orbit looking for information on some missing hair. Have him meet me at these coordinates when he gets down to the trees. I have something he and you will want to see.

There was no signature or anything indicating who it was from. That did not matter Willam knew exactly who had sent the message. He closed it then opened up a data screen and composed his own message to Admiral Holt. He imagined how the man would respond when he found out who he was meeting. A smile stretched across his face at the wish he could be there to see it.
The shuttle slowed then shuttered slightly as it landed on a clearing twenty kilometers from the encampment where the Republic team had disappeared. HE stood and walked to the back hatch and waited for it to pop and hiss out ht pressurized air. The ramp swung down and met the ground with a thud and beyond the shuttles opened bay all that could be seen was jungle. Thick green and brown leaves and undergrowth in every direction up and into the trees above. HE walked out into the clearing and spoke.

Master Dorn, I have signaled my contact that we have arrived. It may take a few minutes as I am unsure exactly where they are or who they are for that matters. For now we wait. Mu apologize again for the detour but It was imperative I see what this was all about." said Vernan as he looked around and out into the jungle. He assumed it would not take long but one never knew when dealing with these covert cloak and dagger types. The wait was not long, in fact, the group had been watching the shuttle land from the bush and once they saw the Admiral standing in the clearing they moved out into the open.

Holt heard the rustle of brush only an instant before he saw it move. Whoever had been waiting had been silent in the jungle growth until the wanted to make their presence known. A memory popped into Vernans mind and a strong sense of dread and anger crept in. HE let out a very quiet four words below his breath as he pieced together what was going on. "No, It can't be"
The brush separated and a Wookiee appeared from out of the jungle. Behind him a second wookiee appeared and stepped out into the clearing. they looked around the area taking in the group from the landed craft then one turned and made a noise and waved at someone in the jungle. The brush spread apart and Holt cursed under his breathe at the thing that appeared out of the jungle.

Thorn broke through the undergrowth of the Kashyyyk jungle and saw Vernan Holt standing near the ramp of the shuttle smirk appeared on his face which then evolved into a grin. Willam had sent the fly boy. he thought to himself. Viscous walked into the clearing and up between the two wookiees. At two and a half meters he dwarfed them both which Holt thought was just done for show. Thorn spoke to one and the Wookiee nodded and let loose a roar in their language what Holt did not understand. Thorn nodded and started to walk towards Holt and the Jedi as two more massive Rathithian's walked out of the bush carrying two gagged and bound humans and one Gotal he had lost an arm and was notably unhappy about it, Behind then seven more wookiee appeared from the jungle then spread out forming a makeshift defensive circle around the shuttle. The two massive ragitians dumped the humans and gotal on the ground and moved off to join the Wookiee's in setting up defenses. Thorn looked from side to side watching the collective group spread out and boomed in his deep baritone voice.

"Lock it down, We won't be here long but they are till out there." Viscious said as he stepped up to great the men from the shuttle.

"Vernan, Its good to see you old freind," said the massive man with a noticeable tinge of sarcasm. He reached out his massive hand and saluted the man with a mocking grin.
Holt stared at the man taken back by his size. You would think by new he would be used to it. but no, every time he had seen the massive ragithian he had been astound a human could be that big. The group of Wookiees spread out setting up defense, and two other massive humans threw three men down forcefully on the ground.

"You will address me as Admiral colonel Thorn. I am quite sure our meeting here is not good. You would be rotting in a cell somewhere buried under another cell in some secluded prison world if I had my way. What are you doing on Kashyyyk?" Asked Vernan as he forced himself to return the salute he knew was more a mock then a serious attempt as any code of military honor. "I assumed you had died from some zombie rot after we took Roche." said Holt. He paused remembering he was not alone. He turned and pointed out the two Jedi.

"This is [member="Mantic Dorn"] and [member="Rafeesh"] of the Jedi." he eyed Viscious then spoke again. "Master Dorn, this is Colonel Viscious Thorn." said Holt grumbling the words out in near disgust.

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