Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Lost in the cold

Orion's black Jedi starfighter came out of hyperspace above the planet Orto Plutonia. The freezing cold planet below was not one he was a fan of. Well, at least what he knew about it. He hadn't actually been to this planet before. He worked as hard as he could during the war to stay off freezing cold wastelands and burning hot deserts. But his hyperdrive malfunctioned and ended up bringing him here. "Blasted thing!" As he tried to figure out what went wrong, a blast flew past his ship. He looked back to see three repurposed, red starfighters.

Unfortunately the enemy blast hit his engine and his ship began to descend down toward the planet. "Great!" He tried as hard as he could to pull up and keep off the ground, but it was no use. It wasn't long before the fighter crashed and skidded through the deep snow on the planets surface. He kicked the cockpit open and crawled out and saw the massive, barren wasteland. "If there is anything I hate more than a barren desert is a frozen wasteland!!"

He trudged around his ship to take a look at the engine. It was completely scorched and wasn't repairable with the spare parts he had. He trudged back around to the cockpit and sent a distress signal. He just hoped that one of his allies would pick it up, and not the Sith.

[member="Jakkor Kess"]
The VCX-100 Freightor The Outlander dropped from hyperspace over Orto Plutonia. He saw the pirates were waiting directly for him
He begins to take evasive action it seems they were waiting for him. The ship hard banks to the right avoiding ion blasts. He looks to his Padawan [member="Fexa Keis"] avoiding the pirates and trying to figure out the next course of action

All of a sudden one pops out from behind and takes a shot at the engines. Within moments alarms started to go off as the ship started to rapidly descend into the atmosphere. He see's the frozen ground in view as he yells. "Brace for Impact!!" The ship crash lands. Sparks fly everywhere as in a jolt of force he bangs his head on the control panel knocking him unconcious.

[member="Orion Trex"]
"Wake up, wake up, master!" Fexa was calling for him, he was still alive, she could sense it. Then she sensed another force sensitive trudging through the snow. Fexa ran out, a man, trudging "sir, please help us, me and my master crash landed here and he's unconscious and we need to find someone who is in trouble and and" Fexa started panicking.

[member="Orion Trex"]
[member="Jakkor Kess"]
As Orion trudged around looking in the snow for some kind of shelter, another ship came out of the sky and crashing into the snow. He began to run as quick as he could through the deep snow. Once he arrived, a young woman was running out into the snow asking him for help. She was panicking and starting to sound nonsensical. He put his hand on his shoulder and looked her in the eye. "Calm down. I will help your master." He then walked into the ship, and saw a familiar Tusken, knocked out. "Oh what trouble have you gotten yourself into now."

[member="Fexa Keis"]

[member="Jakkor Kess"]
Jakkor tossed and turned in his sleep. He experianced flashbacks of order 66 on how he and his master fought off the clones and how he master was yelling at him telling him to run. He starts saying outloud. "Master... Master No! Please don't leave me let me fight beside you. He then jolts up upon seeing his master gunned down by the clones. He yells "MASTER!!"

[member="Orion Trex"]
[member="Fexa Keis"]
Fexa took a deep breath "okay, wait do you know my master?" Fexa asked, she saw him look at him like he recognized him, "cause it looks like you know him."

"MASTER" Shouts the Tusken Master

"You're awake!" Fexa replied

[member="Orion Trex"]
[member="Jakkor Kess"]
He keeps watching Jakkor roll around and squirm and yell in his sleep. He knew exactly what he was yelling about. Order 66. He remembered the day well. It was a very dark day for the Jedi and for the Republic. And even though Orion didn't know it at the time, it was a bad day for him too.

But once Jakkor screamed 'master' he jolted awake, as if the nightmare was over. Orion smiled, and stepped back from him. "Look who it is"

[member="Fexa Keis"]

[member="Jakkor Kess"]
He looked around as he sighed in relief upon seeing [member="Fexa Keis"] and [member="Orion Trex"]. "It was just a dream I guess. Orion I wonder where you were looks like they got you too huh I see you met my padawan already."
He smiled and then turned to [member="Fexa Keis"]. "A padawan? You sure have been busy Jakkor." He stuck his hand out. "We haven't formally met. My name is Orion. Pleasure to meet you." He then looked back to [member="Jakkor Kess"]. "Yeah the pirates got me. I was to focused on my screwed up hyperdrive to notice them come up behind me. I have no idea what they are doing out here."
"Yeah, we got hit by pirates too, I bet if we stay here they'll find us, we need to get moving." Fexa replied and started walking, she started getting worried that the Pirates would find them again.

[member="Jakkor Kess"]
[member="Orion Trex"]
"It will take several hours for the ship to recover. We need to find shelter." He started to walk out onto the landing ramp and he started walking in her direction going where the force would guide him. It was freezing so he wrapped his cloak around himself and rubbed his chest to offer some kind of warmth.

[member="Fexa Keis"]
[member="Orion Trex"]
Orion walked with them. Finding somewhere to stay on this desolate planet would be hard, but even a frozen cave would be better than out here in the blistering wind. As they kept walking, he noticed the huge dark clouds coming up on them from behind. "Great" he muttered under his breath. "Hey guys! There is a big snow storm coming. If we don't find some form of shelter soon, we will be smothered in snow and freeze to death. There used to be a Separatist and a Republic outpost here somewhere, but I never needed to come here."

[member="Jakkor Kess"]

[member="Fexa Keis"]
Suddenly as he kept walking further he felt something. It felt like a whisper and he felt as if he should follow it. He ignored the blistering cold and went into a different direction. The winds were howling withing minutes it had become a full blown blizzard. He shouts back at [member="Orion Trex"] and [member="Fexa Keis"]. "Hey come on follow me I believe shelter isn't too far." He keptbwalking for what seemed like an eternity until he caught a icy structure catching his eye. He thinks to himself. 'Is this what has been calling me' He starts to walk inside escaping the wrath of the storm.
Fexa followed feeling about half the cold they did, she was still cold, don't get me wrong she was still freezing but not as much, she followed [member="Jakkor Kess"] into a nice looking cave. "Hmm, looks nice, I think it's good"

[member="Orion Trex"]
A temple? Is that where Jakkor had lead them. He could sense it, but he wasn't pulled to it like Jakkor. This must be an old ruined jedi temple from long before modern time. No matter, it was far safer than being out in that blizzard. Orion just hoped the pirates weren't going to track them from their ships. "So you lead us to a Jedi Temple?"

[member="Fexa Keis"]

[member="Jakkor Kess"]

Lime Granite

The Anime Character Guru
As his first assignment as a Pirate, Lime had to take down those two ships, easy enough, he shot them down, but he could sense they were still alive. Lime had to finish the job. Lime stealthily flew down there in his A-Wing and landed. They walked into a cave, perfect, no way to escape. Lime is now outside the caves entrance waiting for the right moment to attack, they were all talking, about this place being a Jedi Temple, they were also all force sensitive, this might be harder than he thought.

[member="Jakkor Kess"]
[member="Orion Trex"]
[member="Fexa Keis"]
He felt how strong it was in the force. He saw ancient symbols on the wall and saw many rooms he entered a part of the temple where there what looks like dead Jedi Masters in a meditation position he remembered going through a similar test with his own master he looked at [member="Fexa Keis"] "Yes my padawan. This is a Jedi Temple it has many secrets during me and [member="Orion Trex"]'s time the Jedi used to have places like these scattered across the galaxy."

[member="Lime Granite"]
"Most were destroyed though. This one doesn't look to be in great shape, but at least it exists." He kept walking around, looking at the massive ice pillars, and found an old chamber, filled with old masks and armor.

[member="Jakkor Kess"]

[member="Lime Granite"]

[member="Fexa Keis"]

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