Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Looting Omega?

Michael Shado

Alor of Clan Shado
What could possibly be looted in this event? I was just thinking of taking a shot at some small time looting...maybe doing twenty posts...but I read something about looting??? Swoogity Woogity!!!


Disney's Princess
[member="Michael Shado"]

Omega is going to explode like a star going supernova.

There won't be anything left to loot around Castameer except the remains of the fleet battle that was outside the nova's blast radius and gravity pull of the planet itself.
[member="Karen Roberts"], I believe he means while its still alive.

[member="Michael Shado"], Go ahead, and loot it, but be reasonable. You aren't going to be finding canon artifacts, nor are you going to be finding ultra powerful materials. Simple lightsaber some NPC dropped? Sure. Some armor from a different military?(non-lightsaber resistant armor) Sure.


Well-Known Member
I too was wondering. Being the reason my PvP char had gone was to gather what he was able, I did just that. He looted two rooms and is currently downloadin as much info as he can.

Would like an official answer from an admin though. During one of the old Events I remember seeing someone found a droid because they searched a box. Or something similar.


Disney's Princess
Atheus said:
I believe he means while its still alive.
Oh. Then yeah. Go for it. I'm sure the event Admins have a write up about the station and it's tech somewhere.


If you manage to RP out finding a women's bathroom on Omega? I will love you forever. :D :p
Damien Daemon said:
Would like an official answer from an admin though
I am a volunteer admin, and I think its fine if its reasonable. No ridiculous crap. But, if a RPJ or an Event RPJ say no, then no.

Otherwise, general looting is fine.


Well-Known Member

That is my point. General looting in any thread, period, is fine. I am personally asking whether there will be event rewards for doing these things.

Michael Shado

Alor of Clan Shado

Thank you for the info!

[member="Karen Roberts"]

I think I can find one...I think...Maybe....just dont smack me when I enter it on accident
[member="Damien Daemon"], Its an event hosted by RPJ's and Admins... Yes there will be end rewards. As for looting your rewards? Take it up with them. I don't have a say in the rewards. Just helping out answering questions, and such.

And, I'll tag them for you to get some kind of answer.

[member="Cira"], [member="Irajah Ven"], [member="Valiens Nantaris"],


Well-Known Member

Thank you, I was going to lol. But yes, as Karen said, I imagine there is some kind of tech made up for these sorts of situations. Why else specifically state what rooms were what? I think there probably is some stuff for those who access the come, etc.

But again, thanks for the assist. Sorry if I was confusing.

Michael Shado

Alor of Clan Shado
[member="Valiens Nantaris"]

Okay! Still got time then! Thank you!!


Thank you too for directing the admins' attention to this! *High five*

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