Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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LFG Looking for small squad

Cassus Akovin Cassus Akovin Thanks! I just hope nobody is too bothered by it, I ended up putting a little thing in parenthesis saying that if they don't like it they can just tell me about it.

Oh I must have missed you saying that...dangit, sorry. Probably not intercepted but it might have gotten jammed in all the explosions and stuff. I dunno.

Also important, they sent out BX's and snipers. I forgot they'd probably have an interdictor field in the atmosphere. So they may not know where my ship is, but they knew we were here (one of the people posted that, along with calling bounty hunters unintelligent). The sudden appearence of the BX's is what set Kovhorn onto that realization. So yeah that's less then optimal.
Arwen Hadd Arwen Hadd Thanks!

I'll probably try and post but Kovhorn's not expecting this to go well. If you happen to make it out next post (or close) he may try and pick you up. But he knows better then to try and screw with an entire army since he knows they were probably already on to them.
Be'iqaronn Be'iqaronn it's fine, if I so much as move I have half a dozen decently powerful force users down my throat. I'll go to prison, and if I get bail I'll have it paid (and then jump the bail, and get my own Bounty on my head lol).

I'm gunna take the L on this one so you guys can get outta here

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