Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Looking for Dark Jedi/Sith


I'm looking for a master in the ways of the dark side to train Jakkor.
He has mostly been wandering the Outer Rim in search of a purpose, and he need's a master to complete his training.If he ever achieves the power he so desperately need's to Destroy the One Sith is their anyone willing to train him?
Sure thing if no one else does. Your the one I will see!

[member="Sochi Ru"]

Edit: [member="Azlyn Ike"] I wouldn't mind at all I'm willing to accept any help I can get and if your in search of an apprentice i'm your man.
Master guides you. But if you have your own guidance then you are set.

Self training is the way to go. Once you get the muse for it that is. [member="Jakkor Kess"] join random open threads and train yourself. More and more you use your abilities better you get and soon youll be a knight then master.

How I got to master on several toons
[member="Sargarus Imura"]

Interesting. But I'm kind of old fashioned I prefer training under a more experianced hand then through self teaching. I appreciate the Advice though. I believe I would prosper better that way.
You can be old fashioned and do self training. Your cliche idea of 1x1 training is eh..Tedious. Ive been through several masters through self training, You still get the 1x1 threads but you alot more too.

Suit yourself tho... and good luck in your search
Factory Judge
[member="Jakkor Kess"], There are people there who would be more than willing to help. You just have to find the right person.

I don't know if its the perfect place for you, because I do not know your character.
[member="Jakkor Kess"]

I would be up for training your character. While my character is a Sith, he wouldn't be bothered by your characters goals and would probably applaud him.
[member="Jakkor Kess"]

IC wise Iratus would respect Jakkor for what he's aiming to do. As at one point Iratus despised all Jedi, and Fel Knights and aimed to kill them all. Since he's been frozen for centuries he's had time to think.

The abilities and Skill section isn't complete on my CS so don't worry about that. XD

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