Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Looking for an Important Darksider

Lord Ghoul

Hmm, very interesting.

Since it's bragging credentials time:

I was champion to the Empress of a thousand worlds, made Darren Shaw lick my boots, bested a room full of Mandos on Mandalore (Including the she-mandalore), bested Rosa Mazhar twice, defeated Anaya Fen in a duel (I cheated), trashed pre-Master Jacen, bested Zaiden three separate times (cut him in half on the third), trashed Emperor Tyrin Ardik and broke the Obisidian Throne, knocked Krag unconscious in one blow, anointed myself god of the Empire and had temples built in my name, bested Diana Moridena and then three other Jedi on Ossus at the same time, ruined numerous weddings and celebrations, and collapsed the Senate building with Jacen Cavill.

If you need chaos, I'm your guy.

Lord Ghoul

@[member="TiCira D'Arr Hawk"]

Darth Vornskr said:
I was the Minister of Intelligence under the Sith Triumvirate, Grand Vizier under Darth Moridin and Ashin Varanin, Dark Council member multiple times, Regional Sith Lord under Tyrin Ardik and Dranok Lussk, Sith Emperor with the most genocidal reign ever recorded in Chaos history, wanted war criminal of the Republic, Protectorate, Mandalorians, and the Fel Empire. Slayer of Karin Dorn twice, and overall not very nice fellow.

Also will steal your children when you least expect it.
I've always wondered about that whole story. What exactly did you do that made you the most wanted war criminal in the galaxy?

Nisha Decrilla

@[member="Mikhail Shorn"] cheated is an understatement. You stabbed a blind woman in the back and she blew your hand off.
As for the she-mandalore there were two, and you definitely didn't best the greater of the two.

I don't need to give you credentials, I'm a goddess and that's all you need to know.


Professor of Alchemy
I should start this thread every couple of months just to see the Sith Lords trip over themselves about their accomplishments and bicker incessantly.

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