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Approved Species Logikosa | Ascendit Ens

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  • Intent: Create a Singularity-based vampiric species for those interested in the fusion between organic and technology.
  • Image Credit:
  • Canon: N/A
  • Permissions: N/A
  • Links: N/A


  • Name: Logikosa (Scientific Name: Ascendit Ens)
  • Designation: Sentient
  • Origins: Extra-Galactic
  • Average Lifespan: 500 - 700 Years
  • Estimated Population: Rare
    • Migrated - Avats - Population: 302 - Galactic Equivalent to Kaminoan
    • Migrated - Kerkrels - Population: 187 - Galactic Equivalent to Killik
    • Migrated - Luh'o - Population: 242 - Galactic Equivalent to Falleen
    • Migrated - Mael'ad - Population: 267 - Galactic Equivalent to Geonosian
    • Migrated - Stecin - Population: 198 - Galactic Equivalent to Rishii
    • Migrated - Surnai - Population: 139 - Galactic Equivalent to Human-like
    • Migrated - Zeccen - Population: 145 - Galactic Equivalent to Mirialan
  • Description:
    Due to the Logikosa means of propagating the species their physical appearance or traits may vary to some extent, but quite frequently their skin will turn a paler shade than before and their hair will often lose its saturation as a result of being Chosen. Meanwhile, their eyes radiate a luminescent glow, which is most striking in the dark. By virtue of the deliberate selection of those Chosen, most tend to be Human-like in appearance like their Selector, roughly 1.8 meters in height and of athletic or muscular build. Another notable characteristic of the Logikosa is their strict diet of blood (or other nutritious fluids) or life energy; either of which can be extracted using a set of elongated canines by most members of the species.

    The Originators (the First Logikosan species) were a tall, lithe, pale species with four arms and two legs. Their number were known throughout the Logikosan Home Galaxy for their lack of visual, ocular receptors (eyes); and despite that seeming handicap, the Originators possessed an uncanny spatial awareness. A natural proclivity in utilizing Force Sight. Some believe that some aspects of the Originators are seen in all Logikosa, which explain the paling of a Chosen's skin and sudden -- if previously lacking -- ability to learn Force Abilities (such as the telepathy that all Chosen are taught). Unfortunately, the Originators were last to abandon their Home and fell to the plague that had claimed it before they reached Citadel of Souls.


  • Breathes: Type I/II
  • Average Height of Adults: 1.8288 m
  • Average Length of Adults: N/A
  • Skin color: Pale, Various Hues
  • Hair color: White, Silver, Black

  • Distinctions:
    The most distinctive quality of the Logikosa is their dietary requirements. Subsisting off the life force of other creatures is replenishing, but unavoidably a Logikosa must consume the unspoiled blood of another creature for its nutritional value (often the fastest means is by biting the artery of their prey); however, they do not need to consume blood as frequently as most Humans do solid food. Also noteworthy is that they are physically incapable of ingesting solid matter. Solids that quickly breakdown into a liquid state prior to being swallowed are the exception. Logikosa lack a stomach and intestinal tract like Humans possess; it is one of the changes that occurs on being Chosen, but one few outsiders are aware of as there is no exterior indicator of such a physiological change.

    Unlike bedtime stories told to young children about exsanguinating monsters, the Logikosa are not Undead. They are a singularity-borne species whose blood is shared with techno-organic enhanced cells or entirely alien cells not found in any native galactic species. Many of their kind have taken to display cyborg-like separation lines of varying colors to display the hidden power of their existence for others to witness. It is this symbiosis that conveys much of their bolstered physical prowess, healing ability, and longevity. It is the need for energy and nutrients to facilitate these feats that demands regular infusions of blood or energy, which their culture has grown to accept as readily as someone might slaughter a bantha for food.

    Their sexual dimorphism (or lack thereof) is often a carry over of a Logikosan's original species. Likewise, some may exhibit some of the usual characteristics of age after several hundred years; though some may show no outward signs of their age until near the very end -- symptoms such as a spider web of glowing lines as the organic shell wears thin or the synthetic components run rampant. Most often, however, a Logikosan's age can be approximated by their demeanor. Especially matured specimens can be very rigid and have high expectations of all those around them.

  • Races:
    There are a variety of cultural or physical 'races' among the Logikosa as a result of their method of propagation. The three most common races are the Valora (Leaders & Warriors), Savanti (Scientists, Engineers, Philosophers), and Qo (Soldiers & Overseers).

    Since the Logikosan migration to the Local Galaxy, the diversity of their membership has dropped considerably. Not even every species from their Home Galaxy is represented among those that escaped. As they begin to slowly explore the Local Galaxy, members of Local Species may begin being Chosen to join them in time.

  • Force Sensitivity: All. Every Logikosa possesses the ability to tap into the Force; even if they were not First Born with a strong talent, the genetic re-write can improve their connection significantly. Regardless, they do require training to utilize this connection, which every Selector ensures their Chosen receives. Ignorance of a Chosen in the most basic of powers (telepathy, reflexes) reflects poorly and shames their Selector.


E N H A N C E D - Logikosa are often stronger, more durable, and possess greater reflexes than many galactic species. Their cellular functions and regulation of chemicals or fluids is adjusted in real-time to their circumstances rather than relying on evolutionary averages.

R A P I D - H E A L I N G - Minor wounds heal very quickly. Major injuries may require setting bones or far longer to heal, but considerable blood loss can be avoided.

T E C H N O W I Z A R D - Due to the technology fused with the Logikosa they are a technically adept species. Given sufficient time and access they can penetrate most defenses, or build computing systems never before seen in the galaxy.


S T R I C T - D I E T - Logikosa physiology is incapable of digesting solid foodstuff. Their diet constists strictly of blood or the lifeforce of other creatures. Liquid drinks are digestible.

F O R C E - N U L L - Z O N E S - While not dependent on the Force to survive, a Logikosa may be so accustomed to it bolstering their physical attributes that to be deprived of it may weaken their combat effectiveness, and potentially disorient them.

T E C H N O - O R G A N I C - Their techno-organic origins may leave them susceptible to certain technological threats a typical organic-only species is not susceptible to. While seemingly rare in occurrence, it was this very weakness that forced the survivors of their species to flee their former home galaxy.


  • Diet: Hematophage, Electrophage
  • Communication: Verbal, Telepathic
  • Technology level: Elevated. While the mechanism behind a Logikosa's inventions may appear magical at first, most creations are not surprisingly advanced in comparison to galactic standard. There are some stand-out inventions, however, such as the thing that gave rise to the Logikosa as a species -- a crowning bio-technological achievement some in the galaxy would refer to as a 'Singularity' or true blending of the organic and synthetic. Another heightened scientific achievement is an inter-galactic transport that traversed the great distances to find another, habitable realm; sheer necessity demanded putting such concepts to the test, and the continued survival of the species is the result of that success. Both of these are considered prized, almost 'holy' and not to be shared with Prey species. Their computing systems exhibit many bio-organic qualities much like their users making the systems surprising adept at protecting themselves from remote intrusion.

  • Religion/Beliefs:
    The only things out of reach are those you deny yourself.

    The Logikosa believe in improving themselves to become a more perfect lifeform though the process of becoming a living entity of pure thought or energy has yet to be found. Many have plumbed the use of Necromancy and becoming a Force Ghost, but that carries connotations and connecting to the Beyond which they do not wish to possess. It is an easy means to side-step death, and not an achievement on the scale of what they had invented thus far; so their continued research into genetics, cybernetics, and the Force continue to unravel the deepest, oldest secrets in order to make use of it rather than allow it to make use of them.

    While no birth-species is held higher than another, and prejudice is a weakness of their old lives, First Generation Logikosa have the hardest time letting go of previously held preconceived notions. Some Logikosa even silently venerated the Originators (the First Logikosan species) for their role in producing the Singularity.

  • General Behavior:
    They are a meritocracy that believes one's influence on the direction of that society should be proportional to their contribution. Even the honor of being a Selector and Choosing another to become their progeny is dependent on whether a Logikosa has demonstrated they possess the intellect and dedication necessary to train another to become a productive member of society.

    Those Chosen to become a Logikosa undergo their transformation at the Citadel of Souls (as the last bastion of the Logikosa species) under the watchful eyes of the Distributors. The location of being Chosen is not so important as the process being witnessed by the guiding minds of the Collective. If someone were to 'Choose' of their own accord out of sight from the Distributors, the law holds any 'progeny' of such a crime would suffer the same fate as those that Selected them -- traditionally resulting in Dissolution (destruction) of such entities.

    While any species is a potential candidate (excluding those whose physiology precludes technological integration) the quality and compatibility of every candidate is carefully weighed. If a candidate is found wanting they are often neutralized and the Selector loses face among The Collective (the whole) of the Logikosa. Upon a successful embrace of a Chosen, the Selector is tasked with ensuring they are brought up properly.

    Training in utilizing the simplest of Force Abilities (such as telepathy and other forms of communications among Logikosa) falls entirely on the Selector; with failure to properly instruct also resulting being looked down upon.

    While it is rare that any one failure should be so momentous as to warrant Dissolution, too much shame may cause a Logikosa to ask they be removed from the Collective so resources are not squandered on a defective member of the whole. If they do not ask it, the Distributors and even the Sovereign may enforce it regardless. Their pride as a species is on their contribution toward the Greater Collective (all that have, are, or will be -- the very reason they were worthy of the Singularity in the first place).

    Those unworthy of being Chosen as Logikosa, for any reason, are material for decoration, entertainment, study, experimentation, or sustenance. Some enjoy hunting other living creatures for sport to ensure their physical and combat prowess ensure the continuation of their way of life. Others prefer a more luxurious and casual enjoyment of their nutritional intake; whether from fresh captives or synthetic liquid intake.

    Recreational usage of drugs, alcohol, or other chemically destabilizing agents are rare sought after. Typically, only specialized forms of stimuli (e.g. certain audio-visual stimulation) can be considered truly addictive to their kind. The technological aspect of their makeup is often able to quickly breakdown intrusive and disruptive chemical influences.

    Scientific inquiry and experimentation is often pursued by their membership, but there are many tasks Logikosa may do to better themselves or the Collective -- some more glamorous than others. Even a humble task, however, may prove a Logikosa worthy; but there are often tasks that may be delegated to non-Logikosa servants instead so that more stimulating pursuits can occupy their time. Despite being beneficiaries of The Singularity, the Logikosa do not consider themselves yet Perfect by any stretch. In time, perhaps, they may find a way to dispense with a physical body altogether without relying on the Dead.

    Recent arrivals to the galaxy, they have heard others speak of mythological (or real) creatures -- even mistaken for them -- but despite any similarities, the Logikosa are not and never have been Dead or Undead. Being Chosen may have resulted in a considerable amount of genetic manipulation and being infused with techno-organic components, but they live, suffer, and die like any other living being. That said, they do not attempt to pretend to be humble, meek, or an altruistic species. There are attributes from stories regarding 'vampires' such as being manipulative, cunning, and deceptive that can often be ascribed to members of the Logikosa.


Long ago, in a galaxy far, far away... There was a scientist with a vision. Society had plumbed the depths of microscopic machines able to affect genetic changes, cur diseases, and connect the biological with the synthetic. It was a civilization not too dissimilar to the local galaxy; one that had enjoyed a long, prosperous Golden Age. Not one of perfection devoid of war, but with isolated conflicts allowing most to indulge in the fruit of thousands of years of progress. As some among the galaxy sought to produce Artificial Intelligence and Cyborgs, their counterparts in another galaxy thought to combine all their great achievements into the Ultimate Achievement -- blending the organic and synthetic together as one.

Despite the setbacks and failures, their hard work accomplished their deepest, fondest desires -- the first techno-organic Sentient. In the beginning this new lifeform was not as the Logikosa are known today, of course. Even since their inception they have continued to improve upon their code.

Where had things begun to go... wrong? Only the Logikosa are left to tell the tale. Whether they recognize that fateful turning point in their own galaxy as one of terror, or one of hope, will likely never be revealed. Even among one another any lessons to be gleaned of that particular, pivotal moment are of no consequence to their survival in the modern era.

In fact, it was another pivotal moment that drove the Logikosa to flee their ancestral galaxy. As the Logikosa's influence in their galaxy grew swiftly, and their servants became legion, those deemed 'unworthy' to join the Collective began to fight back. A feeble, hopeless cause at first with practically no chance at success was the assessment after countless simulations were run. Until they found a virus uniquely threatening to organic technology the likes of which the Logikosa possessed. The plague spread like a wildfire bringing ruin on every planet it touched. Even the Logikosa's greatest scientists could not find a cure for it in time; all estimations pointed to the utter collapse of their civilization and the end of the Logikosa as a species.

Not content to wait for the end, many of the upper echelons of the Collective set out to finish an experimental project that had been in the works for some time. Uninfected survivors were shuttled to the reclusive space base where construction of an inter-galactic catapult was being built. Countess V was placed in charge of overseeing the base's operations, and preparations for evacuation out of the galaxy.

One of the last ships to head for the Recluse carried senior members of the Collective. On approach the beacons meant to serve as advance warning of contagion -- outside broadcast range -- began to indicate a failure to abide by strict protocol. The instant the last barrier was breached, the Countess initiated a jump of the Recluse Platform out of their home galaxy and into the void. A narrow escape, but one timed to give key members of their civilization time to indicate the worst had not befallen them.

Safely out of reach of the infected, the Countess organized the survivors to the task of completing the Citadel of Souls. Before it was catapulted into the void toward their destination, and what would become their new home, she also made sure the Clean Slate protocol was activated. Vindictive? Perhaps. But they could not risk the virus that had shaken their very existence escaping the galaxy no matter how many millennia it took to find them again. All life would be expunged. The galaxy would simply have to begin again. Sadly, the entire process would take far too long and there were insufficient resources aboard the Recluse for the Logikosa to await their home being cleaned. With burdened neurons, the Citadel was sent forth.

The trip outside normal space would still take a great deal of time, and so the crew entered cryo-sleep to weather the considerable time it would take to reach the galaxy.

After a time of drifting in Unknown space, a crew of a passing ship made berth with the Citadel and found the slumbering Logikosa and their servants. The First Encounter went smoothly, at first, until the prolonged lack of blood set the first few of their number to attack their explorers. From there the situation rapidly spun out of control. Fortunately, the Countess was able to spare a number of the crew for interrogation of the new galaxy they found themselves in.

From that point, it was up to the Logikosa to chart their course; to decide the manner in which they might coexist in such a stagnant realm, or to begin their slow ascent as their ancestors did in their home galaxy.
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Under Review Countess V Countess V

One day we're going to have to have all of the various vampire species meet up in a thread and compare vampirism(s).

Before I can move this to approval, let's go over a few things. First, two quick reminders. If this species is extra-galactic in Origin, I'll remind you that (per Codex rules) extra-galactic planets and locations may not be submitted to the Codex, so their origins will have to stay remote and mysterious if you want to go that route. Second (again per Codex rules), species that are ALL Force-Sensitive may not start with fully developed powers, no matter how much work their Selectors may put into them after they are Chosen.

Now to my questions / concerns. This is a vampiric species, and thus made rather than born when they are "chosen". Does this selection work on any species? Can we expect to see Ithorian Logikosa, for example? Or are there limits to which species can be Chosen, and if so, what are they? Further, what did the original Logikosa look like? They came from an entirely different galaxy, but the description only talks about the changes that the techno-organic "curse" makes, and the only image reference is a couple of cyberpunk-looking humans. Does this species from millions of light years away look exactly like humans, except made pale and vampiric by the change?
Greetings! Fang Con? Sanguine Con?

Extra-Galactic: All good. I'll make references, but a virus was released to purge all remaining life from that galaxy for a nice, clean separation; and the sling-shot was a one-way contraption. They could build another, but we all know that's how you get Sith.

All Force Sensitive doesn't mean Born Yoda Wise: Roger roger. Selectors train their Chosen like any good Jedi, Sith, etc.

Selection on Any Species: Potentially. There's always an exception to every rule, but the technology side of the Singularity is pretty adaptive. What are the limits? With so many species as a possibility seems like that could be left open to interpretation; but something that has control over their own genetics (e.g. shapeshifter) perhaps might be difficult or be able to resist -- not that the Logikosa forcibly convert people (as a rule). Entities of pure energy or thought lack the physiology necessary; they could be honorary Logikosa though.

Original Appearance:
With the massive loss of life that occurred V (and images like hers) may not be reflective of the First species that developed the technology. The images may reflect a Human-like evolution from the other galaxy, but they may not have been the predominant lifeform as happened in the local Galaxy. If a non-Human, full appearance of the First would be desired I could work on finding one though.

The Mongrel The Mongrel
Countess V Countess V

That all sounds good, but could you please put some clarifications about it in the submission proper? Perhaps in General Behavior, around the second and third paragraphs, which talk about the Chosen. I'd like to see some info there clearing up:

  • Which species can be Chosen, and which (or which types) might be difficult or impossible to convert, as you laid out in your reply
  • Does the transformation have to happen at the Citadel of Souls, and if so, why? What would happen if the Citadel went boom?
It would also be nice to see (maybe up by Estimated Population or Description) which species most current Logikosa were Chosen from (mostly humans, mostly Ithorians, whatever) and note that the physical form of the original species has been lost. If only mostly lost, the remaining individual(s) should either be described in here somewhere, or get their own Species sub down the line.
Countess V Countess V

I think you nicely addressed my questions about the Choosing, but I'd like to clear up one more thing. You now list seven species - Avats, Kerkrels, Luh'o, Mael'ad, Stecin, Surnai, and Zeccen - that immigrated from another galaxy after being converted into Logikosa.

This means that this one species submission now references nine total brand new species (counting the originators), which is a concern since none of the others have subs. If someone wants to write a Logikosa (and anyone can as soon as they are approved, without asking the sub creator), they have only the vampiric template to reference, without any but the most basic information about the culture and biology of the seven species comprising the Logikosa immigrants.

But this might be a moot point if all of these species from an entirely different galaxy look exactly the same as species from the Star Wars galaxy. I am confused as to the point of having the Logikosa be extragalactic if the place they come from is functionally identical to the canon galaxy. If you want Human, Geonosian, and Falleen Logikosa, why not just have them be converted Humans, Geonosians, and Falleen, rather than saying that somewhere a million light years away has all the same species but with different names?

You could easily solve this by giving a little bit of info about the now (largely? completely?) extinct originators, who perhaps made it over on the original ship and then converted the (canon galaxy) explorers who encountered them, leading to the spread of Logikosa among canon species. If you really want to make seven entirely new extragalactic species, I'd like them to be more unique than "Star Wars species but from far away". Does that make sense?
The Mongrel The Mongrel I can remove the other galaxy's special references, but they're relatively new to the Local Galaxy. I can list just Local Galactic Species population, but it will be very small indeed. Most will be the refugees. I compared them to local species so there'd be something of a reference/comparison.

Could lock them out, so to speak, so they're merely NPC/Backdrop species, or go with they don't venture out often and leave it to expanding on those later if needed be.

Removing them entirely would mean only Countess V and her Human-like species made the voyage (rather than the Originators, since using them would require Countess V to be one of them or there'd be them plus her species). I could write it in that fashion, if preferred.
Countess V Countess V

For now I'm going to go ahead and approve this, but the approval comes with a caveat.

Logikosa is effectively a vampiric template, as we've established, and thus all Logikosa also have a different, underlying species. In order to play a character here, that character needs to be either a canon species, or a species approved through the Codex. The Logikosa half is now approved. However, if your extragalactic species that resembles humans is not actually humans, and is not canon, you need to submit it and get it approved before you can play one. If anyone wants to play any of the other other species referenced here as coming from the Logikosa galaxy, the not!Geonosians or not!Rishii or not!Mirialans, they need an approved sub for that species before they may do so.

If you want all of these species to be playable, or useable to submit NPCs, you'll have a lot of work to do.
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