Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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LOA: New Adventures

Some of you that are in my clique circle of friends know that the hubby and myself were in the process of moving across the pond, from our beloved Ireland to the United States. Well, the time has come to board the plan with what little possessions we still have (since 98% of our stuff has preceded us to the New World), three skeptical cats, and one doped up dog (sedation at the advice of the her Vet).

We made heavy plans for a smooth transition, one being internet access (both of us are internet junkies). So from August 11th (which is our date now) until the 12th, possibly early 13th, I will be a way from all you wonderful people. I know there were some I had told that I would get posts out for you, and I'm sorry I did not. Busy, busy, busy.

But rest easy, mates, I'll will get those posts out quickly.

[member="Reverance"] l [member="Matsu Xiangu"] l [member="Vrag"] l [member="Sage Bane"]​
[member="Darth Venefica"]

Enjoy! The transition may be difficult for the first few days, but it gets easier in terms of timezones and slight changes in culture! :) Luckily the US isn't tooooo different from the UK/Ireland, but I've still had to learn a lot of new things since moving across the pond myself! :)

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