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Darth Quercus

Off in the corner booth, the potted plant shivered happily on the mechno-chair. The past few minutes had let Quercus drink deep of primal mammalian anger, fear, and similar feelings. Nothing tasted quite like the fight-or-flight mix of a proper brawl. The Dark Side swelled within Quercus in satisfying ways

The Zabrak, meanwhile, drooled.
It seemed like the entire bar had been involved in that fight. Aside from having to duck under thrown bottles and getting bumped into, the table gave Chybo a great view of the entire thing. He watched with slight disappointment as the brawl finally died down. Noticing just how many injured patrons there were, Chybo hopped down and began helping them up. After providing him with that much free entertainment, getting people off the floor seemed like the least he could do. After helping up a few barely conscious individuals, Chybo looked around. The entire room was a mess, but it seemed like a few relatively uninjured people sat at the bar.

Hope it's not too late to take up the offer of free drinks, he thought to himself.
Nartaga used his booted feet to slide his way up the wall his back was against as he calmed down, feeling the fight finally come to an end. Everyone else in the bar either did not care of the Tusken in their midst, or was too inebriated to be able to tell the difference between a Tusken and any other sentient in the bar. After putting his hood and mask back in place, the Tusken slowly slung his gaderffii over his shoulder, returning to his back, but keeping his hand down near his side so he could easily reach it as he crept his way hesitantly back to the bar, where he grew closer to Alistair Abbott Alistair Abbott and Eldin Daine Eldin Daine . The tribal brought his right hand up from his side and brought it across his chest in a circular motion, combining the sign with broken Basic. "Sorry. No mean trouble. Nartaga help pay. Can get more after job done." The nomad produced a couple credits chits, denominations from different factions in the Galaxy. All in all it was only a couple dozen credits, but as a Tusken he had little knowledge of the value of Outsider money, whether this would be enough to satiate any ill will between him and the young bartender, Alistair, was uncertain to the nomad.

Nartaga would turn his head slightly towards Eldin, bringing his hand up once again and using
sign language to help bridge any gap of language and lessen the chance of miscommunication. He looked over the man who had come to his aid, feeling a tinge of guilt for the outsider coming to his defense. "Thank. Fight for Nartaga. Why? Tusken and Outsider enemy. Bad blood." Nartaga was among the most accepting and peaceful in his tribe on views of Outsiders. In the minds of most other Tuskens, the Outsiders were invaders, taking their lands from them. Battles had been fought for thousands of years over land the Outsiders settled belonging to the tribal people. While he was willing to fight, he had purposefully not aimed his knife he had thrown to be lethal, instead aiming for the shoulder. He could not understand why a Outsider had come to his aid. As music restarted in the background, the Tusken could hear the Cantina return to its uncaring attitude towards violence, as well as the heavy footsteps of what the bird-sentient Kingsley Kingsley considered dancing.

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Need to get out more. Blue chuckled into her drink resting it down, “hmm, never gamble over your head?” Part owning the casino Red 15 or fifteen days to pay she had a bit of a rep in certain circles for collecting certain debts in days gone by. The holocard rested on her drink over the top of it. She only worked with self-made people where she could help it, those with a touch of class and hands-on.
Ajay’s Blaster was brought out for display. Blue didn’t move, studying his actions, Sienn noticeably flinched near them, her large red form had half unholstered a rather mean looking disruptor pistol. Opel was by far the fastest, smoothest to react then relax, and so quick even Blue missed it, both assassins settled as things played out.

Her eyes ran across the blaster’s design like a craftswoman, seeking out all the telltale signs, any ways moisture could get in, coating for wear and tare, clip size, how fast it might be reloaded. Then she was looking over how easy it was to maintain, how easy to operate, before Blue could even ask he handed her his pistol and she accepted gently with her hand out, testing balance, grip, accuracy and weight.

Lightweight. “You care about your work Ajay, pride” From what you could see her expression was more businesslike, less jovial, and her voice sincere. She appreciated the weight and feel of the weapon “Opel. Something... light and practical please.” Once again Opel produced another object from her person, this time a small pistol. An old favorite and though new, a design that used to see a lot of use. Opel tilted her head, over dramatically and leaned the weapon to Ajay. A jackknife “able to rip open most armors not designed to withstand concussive sound bursts” Opel's sweet and deadly voice, describing the weapon like a tool to open up armor before a meal. When he'd accepted or not she swaggered back off somewhere to her table, kicking her heels back up on the chair.

“Might save your life.” Blue spun Ajay’s weapon back around and placed it down on their bar, Kinsa gave blue a nod clearing Ajay’s image in the database as best they were able, “Private line?” Encrypted? That settled it. “Think we can do business,” she put her arms dealer's contact card down on top of his weapon. “Call me Blue, but ssssh", she put her finger over her lips, teasing the zeltron who had done so earlier, while he just rolled his eyes. Extending her hand lightly, and this time there was no weapon in it. Hopefully, he might some contact details of his own.

Arryn Jhanson
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Born standin' up and takin' back.
While waiting for his drink, if there was anything to drink left in the cantina, Eldin examined his hands. They were red raw from the fighting, some of his knuckles had split skin and bleeding and bruises where already forming. He was surprised that there were no broken bones, none that he could feel anyway. No point in asking for ice, that was a luxury on Tatoonie, and it just didn’t seem right to make the stuff in a place that had little water.

He turned to look at the Tusken who had moved up beside him at the bar, he was still alive and now the cantina had calmed down and anyone that had threatened him, gone. Eldin did not know just how much basic the Tusken knew, or which words but, “Everyone got bad blood with everyone on Tatoonie”. Tonight, was an example of that.

“Ya not the first Tusken I’ve met”, he grimaced at the pain building in his hand. “One saved me life when I was a kid, stuck out in the desert, I owed him”. Eldin had never saw that Tusken again to repay him for the deed of saving his life, so seeing this one in the cantina in trouble was his way of payment. The cantina was starting to empty, only a few people remained and Eldin started to think about leave for the Rusty Bucket and getting back to OPA space. His business here had been concluded and the sandstorm had passed so nothing was keeping him here.

“Hey kid!”, no doubt the kid ( Alistair Abbott Alistair Abbott ) was still fizzing from the damage in the place, but Eldin wanted to offer him some form of payment for all this. “Ya wanna get off this planet?”, the offer was there for him to take, Eldin would take him back to Bespin and from there he could do as he pleases. Bespin was a far better prospect.

Nartaga Nartaga

Arryn Jhanson

"Is it really work, if you enjoy doing it?" Arryn countered Tadietti Tann Tadietti Tann 's compliment with a question. Building things had been a hobby of his ever since he was old enough to get his hands on a hydrospanner. Blocking out the rest of the Galaxy to put his head down to a project was the perfect way to spend an afternoon, regardless of whether or not he could sell it off for hundreds of credits a piece.

At this point, the name blue wasn't much of a secret thanks to her Zeltron friend, however Arryn lifted his head with a half smile in acknowledgement of her wish and moved to pull a small data-card of his own, placing it against the table surface and sliding it across to Tadietti. "There's a copy of my frequency on here you can use to reach me, as well as an account that will be set-up for the transfer of credits should you choose to use my services"; the words "Machine Jack" were displayed across one side of the datacard, while all details could be found via datapad access.

"I'm not solely focused on fire-arms, while we're on the subject. Ground based personal vehicles, as well as melee arms and armaments are also my thing. I've got a couple projects currently in the works, but there's been a few complications outside of the workshop that have kept me busy this last week". The northern territories were getting a bit too hot for his liking, thanks to a couple imperial run-in's, Ajay had decided to head further south of the core for a while. He figured he could keep his head down whilst some unwanted attention could blow over, and the Empire become more focused on the Jedi and whomever else was stupid enough to challenge them.
Nartaga was shocked that the man had met another Tusken, one who had not only been amiable, but actually saved his life. It was not unheard of among his people, usually varying from tribe to tribe, but the large majority of Tuskens would still rather kill an outsider rather than treat them as anything other than invaders. Nartaga shifted his feet uncomfortably and took a bow, lowering his head towards Eldin as a sign of respect. "I take debt." The Tusken from his bow, adjusting the hood and dust mask that had shifted slightly from the change in position. "New debt owe. When need, Nartaga help. Warrior, shaman, guide."

The Tusken was obviously trying to appease Eldin to appear useful. Despite the many stories told about Tusken battle prowess and survival skills in the deserts and wastes, they were still seen as very primitive. He was unsure how he would ever repay the debt he now owed to the man that had fought for the tribal without even knowing him. It was even more proof to Nartaga that outsiders and Tuskens could coexist peacefully. The road would not be easy, it never was with so much blood spilled on both sides, but still possible in the view of the shaman. "Not have much, but if ever back, find Nartaga. Mospics...mountains. Hard find from ground, but from ship easier." The Tusken pulled up the sleeve of his robe, revealing more of the same wrappings covering his arm as did the rest of his body. Around his wrists and up his arms were several bracelets of various designs. Some were leather braid, some were metal bands on top of the dirty bandage-like wrappings that covered his body. The Tusken took one of the bracelets off, a simple brown leather bracelet with a depiction of the twin suns of Tatooine on it. Nartaga held the bracelet out to Eldin. "Give passage through R'Crurak tribe land. They see. No attack."

Born standin' up and takin' back.
More than ever, Eldin wanted that drink. Especially when the Tusken declared a life debt to him, try as he might to find the words to dismiss the claim, he knew better than to try it. It was a bond that would not be broken until paid even if Eldin did not wish for it. When the leather bracelet was presented to him, with marking of the twin suns of Tatoonie, he reluctantly accepted and placed it on his own wrist.

“I would at least know ya name”, he said but something in his mind was still not a rest. “Mine’s Eldin Daine”, he offered as he pointed to himself in case the Tusken was unsure of his meaning.

Checking the cantina again, the Tusken was not out of the woods yet, among the people that remained in the place, were some of the ones that had been on the side of the Snivvian and as soon as the chance presented itself would likely ambush him.

“Ya have a target on ya back now, not sure comin’ to Mos Eisley is open to ya anymore”, at least for a time until this event was forgotten. Eldin also doubt he would ever turn here, nothing is impossible he supposed, but that was not likely in the future for him.

“Ya got family?”, he suddenly asked, “Anyone to keep ya here? .. if ya don’t, come with me”.

Nartaga Nartaga
Nartaga bowed again to Eldin, the Tusken apologizing for not properly introducing himself. It was sometimes hard for the nomad to grasp that not everyone could easily understand his broken Basic. The Tusken pointed at himself as he spoke the first few words. "Nartaga. R'Crurak tribe. Shaman. Warrior. Guide. Honor meet, Eldin." Nartaga tried to grasp Eldin's meaning in his words. Was the city closing? Then it it clicked in his head. The Snivvian had left, it was possible he was coming back with reinforcements. Nartaga had purposefully not killed the outsider, but had injured him. Proof of an attack. Mos Eisley had no shortage of ne'er do wells that would do just about anything for the right amount of credits. Throw in the fact the target was a Tusken and any moisture farmer or anyone who had lost a pod racer at Tusken Turn would be up in arms trying to hunt the Tusken down. The Tusken turned his head to the door to keep an eye on who came and went, now a lot more aware of his position in the city. He would need to collect his payment from the Shistavaven he had guided here and return to the Mospics.

"Have Patashu. No leave her." The words dripped heavily with hesitation and trepidation. He did not wish to offend the outsider that had come to his aid, or make it seem as if he was ungrateful. Nartaga had a home here, his entire tribe was here, his bantha, his whole life. The shaman did not like the thought of abandoning his tribe, even given his current standing among his people. The Tusken had responsibilities he felt he could not yet shirk, yet the nomad felt a heaviness in his heart, and a large stone drop in his stomach. There was a feeling in his gut that he had to go, that he should go out and learn from beyond this part of the Universe, and expand his point of view so that he might expand that of his people's. The shaman put a gloved hand to the forehead of his mask, trying to steady his thoughts, before shaking his head. "No. Must stay. Return home. If Eldin return, maybe different answer. Too much here not done. Repay someday, a promise." Nartaga's hand went to one of the knives on his belt as the door to the cantina opened. The tribal relaxed as he surmised the person entering was no threat, but he remained as vigilant as possible.

Born standin' up and takin' back.
It seemed that the Tusken had family he could not leave, Patashu must be his wife or child which was very understandable given the circumstances. Eldin nodded his understanding and reached into the folds of his desert clothing and pulled out his comlink handing it to the Nartaga. "If you need any help call me on this". He did not need to repay him, but Eldin knew that no matter what he said the Tusken would not listen, it was just their way and he respected that. The mood in the place was still thick, eyes still trained on the back of them both and it was time to leave and get back to Bespin.

"Lets get outta here", he moved off the stool and turned toward the cantina with a look that defied anyone to try and stop them. He had a bit of a walk to get back to the Rusty Bucket after all and best he start now before Tatoonie turned against him with another sandstorm. He made his way up the stairs, his body aching from the fight but it felt good as energy pumped through his body still. Up in the light of day, the place was a mess, sand piles gathered against walls and anything that was left to the elements hidden under it. It was weird, the sky was clear and blue like nothing had happened but that can turn in an instant.

This is where they would part ways, for now at least. He offered his hand for Nartaga to shake on it, "Stay away from here for a while, and may all the fleas from your banthas invade the crotch of your enemies", that would ruin anyone's day. With the passing gesture and well wishes ended, Eldin started off across the desert to his ship. He hoped that one day he would meet the Tusken again, he liked him he had strength of character very rarely found on Tatoonie or anywhere else for that matter.

Nartaga Nartaga
Nartaga took the communicator in his hand and carefully looked it over, curious as to what the device was. As Eldin spoke of the Tusken calling him if he was needed, the tribal nodded his head emphatically in partial understanding of what the man meant. As the outsider started to leave, beckoning the Tusken follow him, Nartaga obliged. The sandstorm had dissipated, and a fine layer of sand was upon every surface outside, more so than usual given the recent change in weather. The crowds regular to the city streets had yet to reappear, giving them ample space to move about quietly. As they rounded the corner together and Eldin stopped to say his farewell, Nartaga looked down at the man's extended hand. The Tusken reached out with his own gloved appendage, moving further up and grasping the man by the forearm, pulling the man toward him and wrapping his other arm around Eldin. Combat made fast and strong allies of people, and the barfight they had been involved in, though brief, was still enough to give the man his trust. "Patashu no fleas. Eldin, steady fly."

Before the realization could set into Eldin that the Patashu Nartaga had spoke of, the one that he assumed was the Tusken's wife or child, was in fact his bantha, the nomad would run off to find the Shistavaven to collect his payment. He intended to leave the outsider city as quickly as possible and make his way back to his mountain home in the Mospics, returning to his mount and returning to the quiet life in the wastes.


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