Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Lightside Master Needed!

Erhm. Well. If you've read the biography you'd generally think "Why don't you just become a Sith or something?"
Well, because I did a bit of reading up and there's a little section on the Wookiepedia that says that the Lightside of the Force is associated with Joy and Calmness. And Sith are moody and all filled with hatred and all that lame stuff.
Jynx on the otherhand loves to kill people, she's the kind of sick person to get off on those kind of things. I mean it would make for some interesting story lines you know once a hypothetical master finds out she doesn't exactly play by the rules and all. I dunno..

get the feeling nobody's gonan pick this up
[member="Gray Raxis"]
Oh? It'd be nice for an introduction ^-^

[member="Alexei Makarov"]

I'm intrigued... But I'm pretty sure about this whole lightsider thing. Who knows.. I may drop in someday
Just accept the fact nobody likes you and move on, [member="Alexei Makarov"]. Jeez. :p You know I say it with love.

If by "lightside" you mean "grey with light-leaning tendencies for the most part", then Keira might be able to help out, [member="Jynx"]
[member="Alexei Makarov"]

I dunno.. I consider myself a pretty upbeat person </3

[member="Keira Ticon"]

Well, it sure sounds close enough :D

Edit: Oh, Jessica Jones? I love that show!

Plenty of fun in killing people. Guaranteed. :p


Keira's pretty good for a master.

[member="Keira Ticon"]

NO. :(

*leaves the thread to pursue more recruits and not dilute the meaning of this topic* </3
Bear in mind she doesn't have many qualms with killing people so long as its justifiable, and tends to kill Sith on sight because, well, she's a good person. Also will most likely have a bit of a rivalry with Mr. Friendly Assassin, so that could make for a fun plot point.

[member="Saverok the Unleashed"]

Free spirit indeed, but I'm just not into the whole "call upon your hatred" thing. I'm more into the "enjoy what you do" 10/10 euphoria

Well while not one of the people I knew of, [member="Keira Ticon"] would be a good master. The other person would be [member="Sanya Val Swift"] and [member="Stardust"] as well for masters.

Well to be fair the dark side is driven by more than just hatred or fear. It is kind of the more emotion driven side of the force. Look at Count Dooku as an example. He was a powerful Sith Lord and he was not moody or the likes. He was very much calm and collected. He was not impulsive either. The thing about the dark side is that you use your desires, ambition, and emotions to drive it. It is a bit more of a selfish side of the force in that way because it is about you and not others like the light side is. You can also use both sides of the force while being a more light side focused jedi. Plenty of examples of it like Kyle Katarn and Luke Skywalker.

Sanya Val Lerium

Neutral, Queen of Her people, Neko
My character was a Jedi but stooped into a neutral. She prefers to use the force focused on emotions that make her happy and let's her know what and who she is fighting for. If you need a master then I could give a go at training you. I've never had an apprentice and it would also come with benefits of been able to use my company and assets.


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