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Private Light, Darkness & The Force [Darth Carnifex]

Caedyn Arenais


The Praxeum of the Whills
Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex


Speaking out in idealistic hope for one's future was nice and all, but it was a whole other story lest you were prepared to follow through with your actions. Today was going to be difficult, and nothing if not controversial. Caedyn Arenais had seen such controversy and how it had shaped the perceived image of the Silver Jedi Concord during the Triumvirate Elder Compact that was meant to spearhead the fight against the Bryn'adul Legion. Only this time, it was the lone Jedi Knight who would carry the weight of how others might perceive his actions and words spoken here today within the hall of the Praxeum of the Whills.

This was to be the first official meeting and discussion held in the hope of ascertaining the hope for the future. Caedyn was by no means delusional; He understood just how impossible a task it would be to encourage unity among Force Users, and this was not an attempt to acquire that idealistic dream but rather to gain insight and understanding behind the ideology and actions of the Sith, the long time rivals of the Jedi Order who shared generations of war, resentment and discrimination with one another. This was not about blame, though there was plenty to go around on both sides across the centuries of fighting that had occurred between them. No, this was for Caedyn to reach out to another Sith Lord, arguably the most powerful and historically successful Lord of the Sith known to the Galaxy, in an attempt to discuss their differences, their origins and their worldviews.

Caedyn did not expect an end to the fighting to come from this meeting, nor did he expect the Sith to change their ways. What he did expect and hope for however was to listen to the views of the perceived opposition, to show them that a Jedi could offer them tolerance and understanding as opposed to judgement and violence; and to question what the future holds for Force Users who were all so varied in their differences while keeping in mind that the Bendu (Balance) would ensure that neither side would ever truly disappear or be defeated. This was Caedyn's belief: Peace would only be obtained through cooperation and compromise with one another. Not an easy thing to ask of any Force User who knew the Galaxy today, or had lost friends and families to the conflicts that had been waged in recent history.

Standing at the top of the steps that curved around the mountainside leading to the Praxeum of the Whills, Caedyn Arenais stood dressed in his earthly-coloured garments and dark blue robe that flowed loosely in the wind around his legs. His right hand held the Staff of Preservation, the pommel seated upon the stone floor while the height of the bo-staff stood vertical at his side. It was here that Caedyn awaited the first of guests to visit the Praxeum of the Whills, a place of neutrality for all Force Users to come and make use of the facility, a place for those to come in the name of peace to meet one another and converse. A holy ground encompassing the Bendu, in that no Force User would be denied so long as they came in peace and unity.

Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex , former Lord of the Sith, Emperor of the Sith Empire and arguably the most dangerous Sith Lord still alive today. This was to be the Sith whom Caedyn had invited to speak with. The Jedi Knight had reached out to the former Sith Emperor knowing full well that he may be putting his life on the line, the likelihood of an ambush; However, Caedyn believed that for peace to triumph, one needed to take the first step with hope and to offer tolerance and an open-mind where previously there had only been discrimination and death. If he was to die this day, then that would be the Will of the Force and he would leave the corporeal platform knowing that he had at least tried.

Some would consider him mad, others a traitor for holding no intention of stopping Darth Carnifex from leaving. This wasn't about judgement and Caedyn wasn't acting under the authority of any other political or formal organization. He was doing so of his own accord and desire to take the first step in what could be a life-long dream, seen to fruition by generations to come. The day may end in failure, but this was the first step; And Caedyn felt the calling of the Force to follow, knowing not where it might lead him yet walking in faith none the less.


He walked among them in a robe of dull gray, a mask of burnished meteoric metal fastened to His face. Eyes of black glass peered out from a brow peppered with dozens of hammered divots, a line of black rivets running up and down where the mouth and nose would normally be. This mask was an old relic, uncovered from a dig site on a far-off world whose name had long since been forgotten. But its purpose was evident to any student of Sith history and culture.

In ancient times, the Sith of old would wear such masks during a particular ritual. This ritual was one of great symbolic relevance to the Sith, although it was abjectly barbaric to those who suffered the most during it; the Jedi themselves. Great temples once existed on many worlds, temples in which the Sith would sacrifice captured Jedi to commune with the Dark Side and the spirits therein. The practice had fallen out of use in the past few thousand years, as more and more of the old Sith culture was forgotten or deliberately abandoned.

But Darth Carnifex viewed Himself as the custodian of Sith culture, and had thus revived the practice some decades ago. Few outside His Sith circle knew of this, and fewer still would recognize that He was wearing the very same mask worn during the act itself. It was an oblique provocation, one He did not shy away from as He neared the Praxeum.

He ascended the stairs, walking with an evenly measured pace. He passed several on His way up the mountain, they looked upon Him with fear, revulsion, and even awe in unequal measure. In return, He barely paid them mind, for they were like worms writhing in the presence of superior life. Barely sentient, incapable of meeting Him on equal footing. Perhaps this Arenais would measure up, the Dark Lord well remembered his mother and father, for they had suffered beneath His boot when He'd occupied Commenor for several years.

Rounding the bend, the Dark Lord spied the man in question waiting for Him at the top of the steps. The Praxeum loomed just beyond, an edifice of smooth stone and rounded angles against the sharpness of the mountain peak. There were others nearby, Jedi and other pilgrims, who no doubt thought their compatriot an utter fool for inviting the Dark Lord here. But the invitation had been given under a flag of neutrality, and the Dark Lord was quite interested to see how this meeting would play out.

The closer Carnifex neared, the larger He appeared in Arenais' vision until He towered over Him even though He stood several steps lower. A voice, harsh and metallic, echoed out from behind the mask. "You have called my name, Jedi, and I have come. You are Caedyn Arenais, are you not?"


Caedyn Arenais

"You have called my name, Jedi, and I have come. You are Caedyn Arenais, are you not?"

There was no mistaking the presence that Caedyn felt, the well of power enveloped in darkness that encircled Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex . Caedyn Arenais had felt the former Emperor's presence on the field of battle, as far back as the siege of Commenor, an occupation that lasted twelve long months of enslaving his people, hurting them, and making them suffer. Until his father called upon the allies of House Arenais, to which the Order of the Silver Jedi and the Confederacy of Independent Systems answered in their united resistance.

The Jedi Knight knew that this meeting would challenge every fibre of his values, his dedication to the Force and to peace in the Galaxy. That some would think him a traitor for swallowing his pride and forcing himself to refrain from giving into his emotions; Yet doing such a thing would be encouraging the Darkness within himself, that which Caedyn had avoided since first learning how to practice the Darkside under the guidance of the Je'daii Order. Furthermore, it was that very train of thought that had continued the generations of bloodshed between their two Orders.

"I am he" Caedyn replied, looking directly at the mask that covered the face of the Dark Lord of the Sith; "Before we proceed, know that you stand on sacred ground Kaine Zambrano. You will not be harmed, nor will you bring harm upon those who share this Praxeum. This is not a Jedi Temple, it is the Praxeum of the Whills and all are welcome under the premise of neutrality and coexistence".

Lifting his staff from the rock surface, Caedyn moved to stand aside so that Darth Carnifex would have a full view of the Praxeum and surrounding mountain plains; "The followers of Bogan share this domain with the Followers of Ashla when they so choose. There is no favouritism or discrimination between our two peoples here, and such is why I asked you to meet with me, despite our shared history" Caedyn spoke, though his left hand would reach out towards Carnifex and beckon him forward with a gentle wave of encouragement, turning to show the Dark Lord of the Sith his back, to demonstrate that Caedyn did not fear him.

"You carry unparalleled knowledge and experience with the Dark Side of the Force, and with the history of the Sith; Far more so than any Jedi" Caedyn spoke, sounding as though it was a compliment were it not for how difficult Caedyn found it to be diplomatic. Carnifex was responsible for genocide, worlds of suffering and persecution. At one stage, he embodied every sense of the concept of being a threat to the Jedi and the Galaxy at large. Perhaps he still was.

Slowing to a halt as they approached the Praxeum doors, towering about them both with etchings of Domabesh scripture, Caedyn once again looked to the Sith Lord. "I would invite you to sit with me and ask that you share your insight. I wish to understand the Sith as you do, free of bias. Our people have waged an endless war against one another for centuries, and despite referring to ourselves as keepers of the peace, we are doing nothing to discourage it, we Jedi. Violence begets violence" Caedyn revealed, the motive for the Dark Lords' invitation.

"I seek to understand what drives you. Your ideology and view as a Sith Lord, upon the Force and Life itself".


The black marble eyes of the mask stared back at Caedyn, eyes in which the Jedi Knight could see himself reflected back. There was no hint of the man beneath the mask, save for the thick mane of black hair which poured down from behind the mask, the straps of which pinned in place. Nonetheless, the Jedi would be able to feel the Dark Lord's gaze boring into him; caught like an animal in a spotlight. There was the impression that nothing could be hidden, that the Dark Lord could see straight through you, all that you were laid bare before an utterly withering glare.

"Your terms are acceptable," rumbled the titanic Sith, "My word is iron, Jedi Arenais, it is not so easily broken." It did not surprise Him to hear that other adherents of the Dark Side made their home at this temple, for there were dozens, if not hundreds or thousands, of smaller cults and orders throughout the galaxy. But they were not as ideologically pure as the Sith. They did not truly understand the darkness, playing with it as a child would with a toy, clumsy and ignorant. It made sense that they would compromise with those who follow the Light, or futilely straddled the middle.

He almost laughed at Arenais' words, but refrained Himself. It would not bode well to immediately dismiss the man's statements and inquiries at this juncture. That would go nowhere, and He would leave without gaining anything. So instead, He spoke in an even measure voice. "Peace is a lie, there is only passion. The Jedi are incapable of embracing this fundamental truth because they believe that violence is an aberration. In this, they are mistaken. Strength is universal, and the strong are destined to rule while the weak are made to suffer. That is the order of the universe."

"The Jedi are too concerned with their own moralism than they are with ensuring the stability and unity of the galaxy. They are too easily conciliatory, too quick to compromise, and far too subservient to the dictates of lesser beings. Even now, the New Jedi Order kowtows to the civilian government of the Galactic Alliance, surrendering to imposed limitations. They had just won a war against the Brotherhood of the Maw, the Jedi should have used this opportunity to secure their power over the Alliance, but instead they embrace peace. It will sap them of their strength, embolden complacency, and they'll again fall victim to another threat."


Caedyn Arenais

"I assume that you are familiar with the values of the Jedi Order" Caedyn glanced to Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex as they walked the grand atrium of the Praxeum of the Whills. It was difficult to ignore the clear resentment that Kaine felt towards the Jedi Doctrine, whereas Caedyn had honoured it the majority of his life alongside the lessons and teachings of the Je'daii. "You believe the morals of the Jedi keep them from establishing stability within the Galaxy. Correct me if I am wrong, but my understanding is that the Sith would dominate the Galaxy, enslave it and force their vision of stability upon others?" Caedyn asked, wanting to ensure that he was seeing things correctly.

"Do you believe that this stability would endure? Others would no doubt view this as oppression and seek to rebel against you, thus creating instability. You might argue that rebellion would be met by strong retaliation from the Sith but as we know and have seen in previous generations, trying to control the Galaxy only further encourages resistance from those who seek to embrace their freedom of social and sentient rights" Caedyn questioned the Dark Lord, seeing an evident flaw based upon the example that he had offered Carnifex. He expected that Carnifex might reiterate his view that the strong will dominate the weak and that if resistance were successful that it would prove the leading Sith too weak to lead. He had to ask, however, to be certain of his learning during this once-in-a-lifetime chance for discussion with the strongest among the perceived opposition.

Caedyn would give Carnifex the time to respond, leading the Sith Lord down the adjacent corridor leading away from the central atrium and into one of the large conference rooms, the sides of which offered a variety of seating including meditation cushions, and single couch-like seating to which the Jedi Knight gestured to the room for Carnifex to claim his own whilst Caedyn would find his place upon one of the cushions, crossing his legs and facing his ominous guest.

"Do you believe there will ever be a possible time where the Jedi and the Sith may lay down their arms and cease fighting one another?" Caedyn asked, expecting to be disappointed but needing to voice, what he believed, was a vital question needing to be answered; "What would it take to see coexistence and cooperation between the two Orders?".

For Caedyn, it was this very possibility that had been on his mind for the future of Force Users, questioning himself whether it could ever be achieved. He didn't feel any assurance that it could, but then he felt he was being guided to question such things. How many had been killed on both sides over centuries of in-fighting, beginning with the first Je'daii civil war? The Sith came from a different origin, yet today there were no pure bloodlines remaining and that blended lineage now aligned with the Jedi today, in that they all shared a common history, and they would all contribute to the fate of the Galaxy.


"Conflict is the impetus for change, necessary for evolution. In philosophical terms, the Sith are represented by the thesis. It is of a wholly unique character, molded by the conditions of its creation and the conditions of the galaxy around it. It imposes its truths upon the galaxy, and those truths are reflected back as struggle from those it negatively affects. This is the antithesis, existing in opposition to the thesis of the Sith. Contradiction arises between them, and from the conflict emerges a new synthesis of the Sith; a new thesis. Thus on and on and on, throughout the centuries and millennia, has my order been perfected."

They walked through the Praxeum, the Dark Lord speaking the entire time. When they reached the rest area, Carnifex did not hesitate to take His own seat. Reaching up, He loosened the straps affixing the mask around His face, and pulled it free. He sat the mask on the table, facing towards the Jedi Knight. Now Caedyn was allowed to bare witness to the Dark Lord's own visage, both molten eyes staring back from beneath a furrowed brow of intense thought.

"The Maw's defeat only informs a new thesis, as will the next struggle. Sith are born and reborn in fire, Jedi, tempered in the crucible of war." The implication being that He was the most tempered of His kind, having surviving dozens of large-scale wars across many decades. "There can be no peace between the Jedi and the Sith, for peace is a lie. We Sith do not delude ourselves with fanciful morality, we do what we do because we know it is right. That right is inherent in our strength, a strength rooted in the power of the Dark Side. Those bereft of the Force are only meant to serve, never to rule."

"My motives for all that I have done are centered around one thing, Jedi Arenais. I do what I do because I have the strength to impose my will upon others; because I can. That alone makes me greater than the half-sentient sludge that inhabits most of the galaxy."


Caedyn Arenais

Caedyn Arenais listened intently, seeking to understand all that Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex was saying. Though the Jedi did not share the same ideology as the Dark Lord of the Sith, there were few times such as this when they could take the time to hear one another out and engage in the sharing of views and beliefs. It was important to Caedyn that he understand the Sith, or at the very least, Kaine Zambrano's beliefs and outlook on life in the Galaxy.

When Kaine Zambrano removed his mask and revealed his face to the Jedi, Caedyn met the Sith Lords' gaze seemingly unphased. The Jedi Knight understood the magnitude of harm that Kaine was capable of, as well as the weight of his past doings, so it wasn't out of any dismissal of the significance and capability of the Sith Lord that Caedyn did not show any fear; It was his faith in the Force that he was in the place he was meant to be.

"I feared as much" Caedyn spoke after the Sith Lord had finished in his response, Caedyn offering Kaine a nod of acknowledgement in that he understood and had taken in the weight of his words. "This, unfortunately, encourages the Jedi to feel the need to participate in war, as they have for millennia. Something that I believe to be a contradiction to the Will of the Force".

"I was first taught by the Je'daii Order, and did not enter into the Jedi Order until I was eighteen. I was taught to practice both the abilities known to Ashla, and Bogan; to respect the Bendu" Caedyn began to share part of his own history which had helped to shape his beliefs and world views of today. "I know of the first great civil war between Force Practitioners of the Je'daii Order, where the followers of the light exiled the followers of the dark side and then further attacked them in fear of what the Darkside Practitioners might do. That it was their fear and feelings of superiority that led them to discriminate against their brethren and in doing so begin this cycle of bloodshed between Force Users today" the Jedi Knight elaborated, wanting Kaine to hear and know that Caedyn could see there was an equal fault in those of the Light Side and in his case the Jedi, as well as those of the Dark Side of the Force. "However, the Sith do not share these same origins, do they" Caedyn asked, speaking rhetorically as this was something he had known for some time. It was part of the paradox of knowledge and practice that the Jedi Knight sought to learn. To better understand.

"What do you know of the Sith Homeworld, where the culture originated from and if there is a history that pre-dates them?" Caedyn soon asked. He did not expect the Dark Lord of the Sith to share any of his views on the prospect of Balance in the Force, and Kaine had explained the Sith ideology towards the Jedi and how the strong are expected to rule, leading to the oppression of others. If there was nothing more, then there would be little chance of Caedyn's hope for a future built on neutrality and co-existence coming to fruition. Dashing what little hope Caedyn had for such a vision....-But perhaps there remained hope to be found in the civilization pre-dating the Sith, that which they evolved and grew from. Ancestors to an already ancient race and culture.


"The First Great Schism is known to us, for we have studied our shared past as Jedi before we were Jedi. We consider Xendor and his disciples as the precursor, the first of the great bold heretics that strove to break the dogmatic narrow view of the Jedi and embrace a larger view of the Force." Undoubtedly, there were some Sith who were unaware of their origins, ignorant of the Exiles and those who came before them. Carnifex had gone to great lengths to learn as much of this history as possible, compiling an astounding trove of dozens, hundreds, and even thousands of tomes, datacrons, holocrons, and even preserved pieces of flimsiplast detailing the shared history between the Jedi and the Sith.

History about the First Great Schism was disappointingly sparse, but He had luckily discovered a set of ancient tablets during an excavation in the heart of the Deep Core. They detailed some of what had transpired, primarily concerning the schism's impetus, but was tight-lipped about the chronology of the conflict. It did briefly mention its outcome, Xendor's death and the enforcement of Jedi orthodoxy, as one would state an obvious and ultimately pointless fact.

"We are not descendant from the Legions of Lettow, but their struggle was that of the Exile's. The Second Great Schism was a continuation of the first, the spirit of Xendor was in league with the dreams of Ajunta Pall, XoXaan, Karness Muur, and Sorzus Syn. Their banishment by the Jedi was a great boon, for it allowed my forebearers to continue their research in secret, far from the eyes of the Jedi and their Republic. They were drawn to Korriban, and fell in congress with its native people. Thus our Order was born." The Dark Lord's voice carried a certain tone when speaking of the Sith's history, as though He were delivering a sermon to an enthusiastic crowd.

"But as pertaining to your question, young Jedi. The native people of Korriban, whom we derived the name Sith, had a long history before the Exiles set foot upon their graveworld. There once existed a Kingdom of the Sith, founded when the ancient Sith King Adas united the tribes of Korriban into a single empire. He ruled for many centuries, but his reign came to an end when the Rakatans came to Korriban. They taught him about holocrons and other technology, but when they attempted to subjugate the Sith, Adas rebelled against them. With magic in hand, Adas drove the Rakatan off of Korriban, but died in the last battle. His subjects called him the Sith'ari."

Carnifex did not know how much the Jedi had known about this history, nor did He seem especially concerned with regaling it to him either.


Caedyn Arenais

"The Sith'ari....-That is a title that refers to one who is preordained to rule the Sith, is it not?" Caedyn asked curiously. He had heard this word from the mouths of Sith that he had encountered in battle, but it was never ultimately clear the meaning behind it, aside from what little he had grasped.

Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex truly was knowledgeable of the history behind the Sith Culture, and it was impressive to know just how much research Kaine had placed into their origins. Despite his crimes against the Galaxy, there was more to the Sith Lord than simply holding the power to rise above his peers. This was the first amount of time that Caedyn had spent with the Dark Lord of the Sith, where peace was lasting long enough to know a fraction of the person under the veil that the Galaxy feared so much.

"It is a shame that our people will always be in conflict with one another, as your philosophy suggests" Caedyn expressed to the former Emperor; "There is much knowledge that I could learn from one such as yourself. Your history, your experience and learning of the Force". Knowledge was a great asset to both of their people, and there was still much that Caedyn did not know. He would need to revisit the archives to view what the Temple of Coruscant had on the history of the Sith in order to hear a more detailed retelling, yet the opportunity before him presented a great deal of value that few Jedi, Caedyn was aware of, had taken the time and set aside their differences to achieve.

"The fact that you are seated before me is a surreal experience..." Caedyn admitted, keeping his gaze upon the Sith Lord. "A Jedi Knight meeting with the Dark Lord of the Sith and refraining from combat, even despite the history and incentive that would justify us doing so. If you can agree to meet with me in a manner such as this, and yet see no possibility that our Orders could cooperate, why did you agree to come here?" Caedyn inquired with a studious gaze, watching Kaine closely in search of any flaw in his expression and body language.

The Jedi Knight would fall silent for a moment in consideration, wondering what next he would ask of the Sith Lord. Carnifex had committed so many horrible and devastating crimes against the Galaxy, some as bad as genocide itself. He had brought war and subjugation to countless worlds and billions of people had suffered at varying extents as a result of the Sith Lord's influence, yet none of these things would bring any value for Caedyn to question. As a Jedi Knight, there were few people in the Galaxy that were as drastically sought after for incarceration, to be stood before the Senate for their crimes. Carnifex however was not one that would surrender himself before a court of any kind, and Caedyn believed that if he ever was brought to justice, it would likely be in battle.

"What does the Will of the Force mean to you and your people? Is the Force simply a tool to be utilized for dominion over the Galaxy or do you perceive it in a spiritual sense?" Caedyn would soon ask, leading from his thoughts on what the future might hold for them all.


"The Sith'ari is a fanciful concept, which has ensnared it's fair share of self-aggrandizing Sith. Long ago, it simply meant the overlord of the Sith. In more recent millennia, it came to represent the destroyer and savior of the Sith Order. A Lord that would simultaneously eradicate the Sith down to its roots and raise them up anew, like a phoenix from the ashes. There have been uncountable men and women who believed themselves to be this fabled destroyer, Solipsis was one such man that fell victim to this delusion. But we all saw what happened to his ambitions, Tython remains as a marred testament to his lunacy."

It was evident what the Dark Lord thought of Darth Solipsis, once a brief ally of convenience in a more tenuous time for the Sith. His New Sith Order was little more than an illusion, a cabal of brigands and thieves masquerading as Lords of the Sith. Now that they have been destroyed, the true Sith are again the last inheritors of the ancient legacy of Ajunta Pall. "There are those who claim that I am the prophesized Sith'ari, and I do little to dissuade their belief. Faith can be a powerful tool, Jedi Arenais, especially when levered in all the right places. The Jedi are no strangers to this."

"But, as to why I came, it is a simple answer. I wanted to see what you would do, hear what you would say. Many Jedi believe themselves above vengeance, but very few actually are. I was curious if you would use this meeting as a pretense to strike at me, to put an end to all that I may do before I think them." How many of Arenais' contemporaries would allow this opportunity to slip them by? Frighteningly few, the Dark Lord imagined. "But I can see that you have no such intention."

Carnifex almost laughed, a rough chortle rumbling out from deep within His throat. "There are those among my Order who devoutly believe in the Will of the Force, and wish to see it unmade. They have already made efforts to do so, to rectify the great error of the Celestials. Beyond the narrow sight of the Jedi, many dark things have transpired beyond the veil we have cast across the Outer Rim. Things that your order would view as abominable, affronts to the Living and Cosmic Force. You will, however, be relieved to know that these labors have not yet yielded results. At least, not the results my companions desire."

"My desires intersect only briefly with these Lords, for I seek a greater objective." He leaned in closer now, eyes unblinkingly fixed on Arenais. "Revitalization."


Caedyn Arenais

"Revitalization of the Sith. A new Sith Empire?" Caedyn answered and soon questioned Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex .

It was true that Caedyn had plenty of reason for such a notion of vengeance, but as the Dark Lord had pointed out, the Jedi Knight had no such intentions of ruining their opportunity to meet and discuss their differing perspectives and ideologies. "You have certainly given me plenty of reason to attempt such a thing, but a Jedi should not decline the opportunity for peace, no matter how temporary. We are to be stewards of the light, and this includes tolerance. You have not yet shown any such aggression here, and so there is no reason for conflict".

"What do you know of the Celestials?" Caedyn would soon ask, curious to know more about the beings who were rumoured to be deities of the Force itself. Admittedly they were not of Caedyn's knowledge, a subject he had not yet come across until now. Only in passing stories, without any true evidence to confirm their existence. If these Celestials truly did exist, then what could the Jedi learn from their teachings?

The Jedi Knight perceived the Force to be a spiritual presence, more than a mere energy field that spanned the Galaxy. If there were beings that stood in control of the Force in some God-like manner, then what did that mean for the glorification of the Will of the Force? Was that merely just the spirit of another greater being's desires for the Galaxy?

"If such beings truly do exist, is their power not something you would seek to claim as your own?" Caedyn would soon pose the question to Kaine Zambrano, as he had little doubt in his mind that such mythical beings indeed hold a power that would be the tipping point against the Bendu, in Kaine's favour.


"Revitalization of the spirit, of the body, and of the mind. There is a sickness among the Sith, a profanity that goes far deeper than mere material afflictions." The Dark Lord was not unique in this position, for there had been many throughout history, both attuned to the Force and those who were not, who used the concept of purity of spirit as a justification for renewal. Long had He studied the ancient lore, plumbed the depths of scripture, and walked among the hallowed halls of long dead lords. Some claimed He hearkened to the voices of spirits long passed, that they guided His hand, but He neither encouraged nor discouraged such assumptions.

"The Celestials were an ancient species of hyperintelligent god-like beings that once ruled the galaxy, employing lesser beings as slaves to build their wondrous machines. Little else is known, other than that the Rakata slave-race revolted and the Celestials disappeared from the galaxy. Some believe that they merged with the nascent Force, becoming it's guiding will. There are those among the Sith that believe this to be true, and wish to see the Celestial's influence separated from that of the Force."

The Dark Lord was exceedingly knowledgeable about many things considered esoteric to modern scholars, having extensively traversed the galaxy searching for lost forms of knowledge. The libraries He had accrued from these efforts would stagger even the most accomplished xenoarcheologist.

But now it was time to probe Knight Arenais' thoughts. "And what of the Jedi? I have spoken at length as to what the Sith believe, but what do the Jedi seek beyond the abstract notion of peace? Do they truly intend to let the lesser beings of the galaxy govern themselves as they have done? Or have they realized that such error requires correction?"


Caedyn Arenais

Caedyn Arenais leaned back a bit, his gaze leaving Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex as he took a moment to consider his answer. The Jedi Knight had always felt as though his insight differed from other members of the wider Jedi Order, which included organizations of Jedi such as the New Jedi Order, the Order of the Silver Jedi and the Jedi Coalition of the Rimward Trade League. "Before I explain my beliefs and perception of the Galaxy, let me be clear that I do not speak for all Jedi. I will provide you with my view and understanding of the Order and its role in the Galaxy, but there are Jedi that would see things from a different perspective than my own. A perfect example would be organizations of the past such as the Army of Light or the Ashlan Crusade" he answered, once again looking to the Sith Lord as the Jedi Knight began what would be a lengthy discussion from his point of view.

"The role of the Jedi Order was not meant to be one of leadership, but rather one of guidance and support for the Senate in order to maintain peace within the Galaxy back in the era of the High Republic" Caedyn expressed, his hands coming to lace together in front of him, leaning forward, his body language suggesting a complete commitment to the discussion between them. "Given the potential the Force has in the hands of the Jedi, I do not wish to ever see a member of the Jedi Order within the Senate as it would not only be a stark conflict of interest but the potential to abuse our abilities in order to sway the minds of so many powerful political figures is too great and would contradict the nature of our duty".

"Despite your ideologies, the Jedi respect the free will of everyday people and their sentient rights to live their own lives, as long as they are law-abiding. Even so, we hesitate to become involved in matters of law enforcement unless there is a direct threat to the lives and well-being of others. The Jedi were never meant to play the judge and jury of the Galaxy" Caedyn continued to speak his mind, the words coming with ease as he spoke from his heart and the natural sense of duty that he had served throughout the years.

"Recently, I have been spending my time observing the Jedi of today and analysing the role that we play in the Galaxy" Caedyn would soon inform the Dark Lord of the Sith, taking the moment to step into a more personal aspect of the discussion; "The Jedi are not perfect and this is something the Order does recognise. There is a current contradiction between our desire to keep the peace, while also participating in political wars, such as those against the Sith Empire of the past as you know well" The Jedi Knight gestured to Kaine Zambrano who Caedyn knew had shared in many of the same battlefields that the Jedi Knight himself had fought upon. "Were the Sith not present in many of these conflicts, then there would have been little justification for the Jedi to become involved, and far less blood on our hands" he concluded, knowing full well that he had taken more than his share of lives in service to the Galaxy, contradicting his own desired service to the will of the Force. "I am hoping that time and further study will help to solidify our mandate of protection and service to the Force. Were things to go my way, I would have the Order preside as a reactionary Force and a deterrent rather than to act as though we are soldiers of political government".


"That is where the Jedi fall short," retorted the Dark Lord, "They do not possess the will required to do what has to be done for the galaxy to prosper. All they would have to do is reach out and seize the reins of governance for themselves, structuring the lives of all who live in accordance with their will. But no, the Jedi limit themselves, willingly make themselves lesser. In this, they will always find peace slipping from their fingers, their own enemies born from within their ranks."

"But it is not as though the Sith can claim better success, truthfully. I built my Rule of Order to curb the impulse of self-destruction among the Order, but even then it was unavoidable. I have learned since then, studied my failures, and applied what I have learned. All that we shall build shall be erected upon a foundation wrought from decades, centuries, of trial and error. In war, our weakest are culled from our ranks, and the strongest and the smartest endure. The Jedi, in their fervor to see the Dark Side eradicated, bring about their own destruction from those that survive. Though we may be quelled for a time, we cannot be excised; for an individual may die, but the Sith are eternal."

The Dark Lord almost laughed, "And so the Jedi will never be rid of us, Caedyn Arenais. The brighter the light, the greater the shadow cast."


Caedyn Arenais

"The concept of the Dark Side being eliminated is a farce" Caedyn Arenais agreed with that much and went further to give an example, "Take the prophecy of the chosen one for example, while some believed this to be a false prophecy created by the ancient Darth Sidious, the Jedi pursued their endeavour for this proposed balance in the Force when the Light was brightest and it ultimately strengthened the Dark Side to balance out the Light. This was a good thing, for the Force should always remain in balance and the Jedi should never seek to dominate the free will of others". Caedyn was certain that Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex had delved into such a history surrounding the first Galactic Empire and the Sith Lord who had created such a movement through years of careful planning, deceit and the manipulation of politics as well as the Jedi Order themselves.

However, to say that the Jedi were wrong for not reaching out and claiming dominion of governance, Caedyn disagreed. "I feel that the Jedi would lose their identity if they did do as you suggest and seek to rule. The Jedi never claimed to be soldiers or a body of governance. There are times when they came too close to appearing in such a way, becoming too comfortable with their relationship with the old Republic for example, but this was never meant to be their role in the Galaxy. The Jedi answer the call of those in need, they never held the goal to lead". But was there something to be said for the possibility of a Jedi body of governance? It would be a movement that went against the very founding doctrines of the Order, yet it could also be argued that times had changed and so perhaps the Jedi needed to change with it.

The Jedi Knight found himself undecided on his feelings about such a notion. Perhaps there could be some success to such a movement, yet there would certainly be backlash from traditionalist Jedi, as well as those in media and political movements who would seek to make them look bad. Darth Carnifex himself would probably profit from such an attempt in some way, for it could be one more avenue in which the Sith used to remain in the shadows while the Galactic Spotlight remained on the Jedi. The Order was often criticized for its methods whilst staying true to its traditions and ideologies today, let alone seeking to become an authoritative and political movement.

"I'm curious how you discern your current edict of Sith from the former Sith Empire" Caedyn changed the subject, Kaine having implied that he was doing something different from the way in which he had led the Sith in the past; "What makes the Kainate any different from the One Sith and The Sith Empire of the past?".


"In me resides an unbroken lineage stretching back to the time of the Exiles, even further back to the rule of King Adas. With each generation, the Sith adapt to new material conditions in the galaxy, refining our belief with new knowledge and new experience. The One Sith of our time, as well as the Sith Empires of our time, played their role for the moments in time they arose and fell. What they believed in and what they practiced had been perfectly adapted for the conditions in which they came about. But, conditions change, the galaxy is dynamic and ever-changing. Nothing is immutable. Eventually, those empires failed to sufficiently adapt to the changing conditions around them, and thus were felled."

"But a kernel of them remained, the nucleus of their teachings. With it was laid the bedrock of a new Sith doctrine, refined from all that came before to be perfectly adapted for the new conditions that arose in the wake of the empire's fall. It is this perpetual cycle of renewal that allows the Sith to endure for millennia, even when pushed to the brink of extinction. I have born witness to many of these cycles in my own lifetime, watching as the Sith change and evolve."

The Dark Lord smiled, vicious and hungry.

"But you should well know, that time has come to an end. As the endless lineage of Adas and Ajunta lives within me, so too does a new immortal doctrine; Eternal Rule. Only through my teachings can the Sith be elevated, and thus all other beliefs are apostate. I tell you this so that you will spread my word further, Caedyn Arenais -- Jedi Knight. The Jedi will come to know my power intimately, when the hour is appropriate. Of that, you can be more certain."


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