Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Let's Get Rid of This Rule


  • Characters who use the Force must undergo training from a master.

What is this and why is it still in the rules?

A lot of people don't follow the rule anyway, neither has staff ever enforced the rule, so it's quite pointless, so I'd say there is no need for this rule.

The need for training would just restrict people from having fun while they could just develop their characters in private and faction threads and calling it a day, meaning even the concept behind this rule is poor.

Let's get rid of this, please.
[member="Liliane Lancaster"] I agree to some extent, as I've self-trained a character myself many times through RP in the guise of expeditions, self-discovery and other character interaction.

Because not everyone will be able to get a Master, and this then shackles them in progression.

But the clarification will then need to be how to Padawans/Apprentices/Acolytes progress fairly to Knight and then Master.

Bar that, this makes sense.
Without enough masters some of the Padawans of the SJO have formed a group that will be training together. However we usually will have a Jedi knight watching over us and giving advice. I'd personally keep the rule but put an exception to the rule in that you can be self taught however you must provide the thread or threads where you trained.
Most of my Force-using chars only received formal training from a PC Master when they were already knights or masters. I just wrote them as learning stuff on the job.

My only char who had something like a conventional master-apprentice relationship is Siobhan - and that was on another board (and the training part was off-screen). I've had fun training other writers' characters with Sio and Kaida, but I don't think having a master should be mandatory. So I support this.


[member="Vitha Sat-thuron"] | [member="Connor Harrison"]

The main point is that the rule has never even been enforced, so there's no reason for it to be in the rules in the first place.

Also, there's no point in requiring people to do training threads or have a Master. It may have some benefits for people who've just joined Chaos, so that they could adapt to the community and have a trustworthy member tutor them both ICly and OOCly, but after having several characters promoted to Knight and/or Master, compulsory training threads become a burden.

Let's face it, training threads are not needed for character development, which is what we truly should focus on in the community.

Requiring the presence of a Master for your character puts too much responsibility on the Master and if that writer happens to go on a LOA, both his own character and the Padawan have to suffer. Even if we take a Master out of this equation, training is still too much of a time-consumer. It would make a lot more sense if people judged characters by their effort in a faction and the character growth (which, thankfully, most factions have realised).

Besides, according to "Ranks & Promotion" rules, promoting a character is already in the hands of the character's Master or faction (the rules contradict, dear staff), so the terms for promotion should be in the hands of individual masters or factions. If a faction demands training, then let them do that, but there's no point in having a rule that is not enforced that requires all Apprentices to have a Master.

Toshiro Kurojii

"Call me a Jedi again, and I'll punch you."
I havent been here long but I'll throw a couple pennies. This is literally the reason why I made my first char a normal human then a force user/jedi. I don't like relying on a person whose schedule may be drastically different then yours, thus making character development slower.
I don't understand the logical explanation for how you can learn to use the Force without some sort of training. The rule doesn't call for a Player Character master, but many of you seem to be under that impression.

You didn't learn your primary language on your own, did you?

The best I can do is shorten it to:

Liliane Lancaster said:
Characters who use the Force must undergo training.
in lieu of training..
a certain number of dev threads to be judged by rp judges.
an extremely and exhaustive detailed background. 5k words might be enough.
list of skills -- how it was trained, how long, expertise level, story behind it 1500 word minimum for each skill.
if using an npc Master, detailed NPC CS for that master.

just a suggestion.

He is right, nothing can be learned without observation first. While some are intelligent enough to learn algebra by themselves they still must be exposed to it. Thing is, this is the Force we are talking about. It is a...spiritual sort of thing, so regardless of beliefs, I would like to relate it to that. All cultures, without external help, have created or discovered (a) god(s). Unlike languages, the idea of a god or something bigger than ourselves is inside us already without the need to teach that. Just to make it clear, I am making a historical argument, not for the existences of anything. Bringing it back, we see the Force acts the same in Star Wars, the presence is already there without outside need. Babies learned to use the Force in Star Wars without parents who had no knowledge of the Force. So, the argument that a trainer is needed like a language needs a trainer is not correct.

Having said that, training is indeed needed. While the Force may be present and written into Force users, it is far to vast and deep to understand without the need of training.
i don't think the argument is ICly if training is needed. The argument is that there isn't enough Masters to train and in lieu of that something needs to mitigate this rule in order to acquire the training threads sufficient enough to advance a character. no master, no threads, no advancement. your stuck OOCly. it sucks being stuck.

i don't think the rule needs to be eliminated, but i do feel it needs mitigation for alternatives.

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