Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Let's get ready to RUUUMBLE!

Deep within the lower levels of Coruscant, down where people went to disappear from the up-top laws. So far down, that while the Coruscant Corp still patrolled, they had nowhere near the same authority as they did at the top. Most of the time they were paid off by those that didn't want to be disturbed or have the law meddle in their business that was less than legal.

One of these less than legal business, was a fighting ring a Hutt, by the name of Ongress Khoh. He wasn't the biggest Crime Lord nor the most powerful, however, he did know how to run a fighting ring, and earn top credits.

'DING DING!' The cheers were deafening in the entire building, as the two fighters in the ring went at each other. It was a full house and big money was going around between wealthy individuals as betting kept on rolling. A strong haymaker sent the brown-haired man tipping back was slammed into one of the corner poles, catching him. However, a quick but powerful uppercut completely knocked him over the railing, ruling him out, which sent the crowd into a frenzy of cheering and applauds. "OH COME ON!" Yelled one of the betters frustrated that his guy was knocked out, losing the one hundred fifty thousand credits he had placed in the bet.

"Oh quit your whining, at least your guy survived" commented another man in the VIP lounge, smoking a cigar while watching the next opponent get ready. "I'm telling you, one of these days this Madman of your, is going to lose" added the cigar-smoking man to the owner of the place. "Ho Ho Ho... whee oon't uba see beke uba seel win uta-sha moneee bata" replied the large Hutt laughing. Agreeing to the red-haired Mandalorian's deal had been the best deal he had ever made. At first, thought Ongress the crazy Mandalorian was taking the piss when he made an offer to fight for him if the Hutt had paid the Mandalorian a quarter of a million credits and 45% of the winnings. The Ongress even thought about sending his hounds at him.

However, now? He had not only made back what he paid the damn Mandalorian but also earned close to a million credits from running this special high stake couple of matches. Not only did people pay a ludicrous amount of money to watch a Mandalorian fight, but it also attracted other high-status gamblers with deep pockets. Not only did the VIP guest gamble, but the normal visitor who surrounded the ring also ran a gambling pit.

Another opponent to the Mandalorian was knocked out and carried away toothless and broken knees. Raising his hands, Kragr screamed at the top of his lunges, bloodied nose, and a cracked eyebrow. People started to chant his name as the next opponent in line entered the ring, getting ready to fight the very scary full beard, crazy-haired Mandalorian, who just gave the new opponent a bloodied but toothy grin.

Shai Maji Shai Maji
This was a horrible idea. This was a very, VERY horrible idea. She only signed up because her genius brain told her that it was a great idea. Now that she actually had time to see what she was going up against, any form of confidence left her and flew off back to Florrum. But there was no backing out now. She was forced to fight this literal behemoth of a human that seemed more inclined to tear her arms off and use them for toothpicks.

The guy in front of her went in and he was knocked around a couple of times before being dragged out. Her heart nearly stopped when the she was told that it was her turn. She looked at him with wide eyes then back to the menacing monster ahead of her.

She was pushed into the ring and the gate behind her was closed. She looked around a bit before focusing on the brute ahead of her. She couldn't deny that she was now seriously contemplating her life's choices and fearing for her life. "Ummm...hi." she said nervously, giving a worried smile in hopes that it would spare her the torment of being folded up like a camping chair. But she knew that it was either that or at least try to avoid that. Plus the idea of the prize money was starting to creep into the back of her mind and really messing with her judgement. She looked around again a little to get a layout of the ring then back to him. She tugged at her gloves to make sure they were secure as she waited for the bell to ring.

Her heart was beating up a storm as she looked at him. A mixture of fear, indifference and confidence was swelling inside her. The roaring crowd was drowned out as her focus was on him. Despite the injuries he already had, he kept going. He was tough. Though any doubts of winning or thoughts of losing was shoved out of the way by one simple inspirational phrase.

"Kark it."

The bell rang and she sprinted forward, ready to either attack or move out of the way if the brute came charging at her.

Kragr Krayt Kragr Krayt
As Shai were let into the ring, was Kragr just finished his chanting along with the crowd. Turning to face the Shistavanen female, who did not look like one ready for such a fight, yet she had signed up anyway. She actually looked like she was about to shab herself, however, she was just another body they threw at him to beat and it made no difference to him. One thing he did notice, was just how scrawny the woman looked, he was almost afraid of breaking her... well only almost.

A guy among the spectators, by the ring, right behind Shai screamed out to Kragr, "BREAK HER! BREAK HER! BREAK HER!" Which a few others joined in as a chant for Kragr. When Shai nervously greeted him, he just spread his arms out, forming a big toothy grin, mixing the white of his teeth with blood, giving his quite the crazy look, "come on! Let's do this!" Said the red-haired Mandalorian loudly, inviting Shai to attack.

"Yeeess!" Said Kragr joyfully when Shai dashed at him full sprint, causing the whole arena to go mental, screaming at the top of their lungs, "FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT!" Rallying the fight on, as if Kragr and Shai were fighting each other in a schoolyard. Even though Shai couldn't hear it, but as soon as the fight started, multiple betting pit had started. People threw all manner of different amounts of credits in on how quick Kragr would take Shai out and while she still couldn't their the betters calling their bets over each other. One man, an older guy, threw a few hundred credits into the pool, betting that Shai would manage to survive at least for more than two minutes.

Surprisingly, instead of dodging Shai's attack, Kragr just took it, a straight punch to the stomach. The punch had very little effect on the large man, and Shai stood now directly in front of Kragr. With a shockingly fast attack, the red-haired man grabbed Shai's wrist in an iron grip, and with his other hand, he went for her throat, closing his fingers around her soft fur-covered throat, holding her locked in his hands.

The crowd went wild yet again as Kragr lifted the Shistavanen woman up from the floor, holding her in eye level with him, looking directly into her eyes. Kragr connected his forehead with her face, seemingly also hurting himself in the process and threw her across the ring, sending her crashing into the floor of the ring.

Kragr was bleeding a bit from his own headbutt, with a small streak of blood running down the forehead as he walked over to Shai, reaching for her throat and started to drag her toward the edge.

Shai Maji Shai Maji
She charged at him with raging fire in her eyes. She was going to put this brute down tonight. She's never lost a bar brawl in her life -ignoring the fact that she tried to run away more often than not- and she wasn't going to lose to this man now.

At least that's what she thought.

Her punch landed...and nothing happened. Confidence and fury sank in an instant when he grabbed her throat and wrist. But Shai wasn't a novice. She was quick on her toes and quick to find a way out of a situation. She swung her foot straight up to bury her durasteel-tipped combat boot in his groin. And she would repeat the process a one more time before kicking him straight in the gut in hopes that this onslaught would break her free from his grip and save her from receiving a hell of a headbutt. If it worked, she would quickly make room between them and keep at a distance to see what would work best. She knew she wouldn't match him in a head-on fight at all. She was going to have to play it very smart with this one.

Kragr Krayt Kragr Krayt
A loud "OOOOOOOFF!" could be heard from the spectators as Kragr got his groin kicked two times, and then kicked one more time in the gut, sending him back. Crazy enough, even though he held his balls with his hands, laying on the floor, he still laughed. Grabbing hold of one of the ropes to pull himself up, bouncing a bit, to get his balance back he gave Shai a smirk. "You got guts, I like that. You might prove a challenge after all" he complimented with a wide grin, walking towards her, cracking his knuckles.

Making sure to keep his flanks tight, for if Shai went to dodge around him, he advanced on her and when Kragr was close enough, he sent in a haymaker expecting Shai to either dodge or parry, so he was ready with a fast surprise sweep of her legs, to get her down quick.

The crowd went crazy, seeing Kragr getting back up and go on the offensive against Shai.

Shai Maji Shai Maji
Thankfully she managed to get free from his grip, but he wasn't done. She watched him get back up as she rubbed her neck, giving a light cough. He then advanced towards her again, stopping her from dodging around him. When he reached her he threw a punch, but she fell right into his trap as she tried to duck under the punch, getting swept right off her feet.

She hit the ground hard with a loud grunt, but she didn't stay still as she launched herself forward on all fours to get free from him again. She moved quickly to get up and press herself into the other side of the ring. She really didn't know how she could take down this guy. She doubted if she even could. But she wouldn't be going down without a fight, that was for sure. The minutes were steadily advancing as she moved to keep him at bay, but she knew she couldn't just dance around all the time. So when he came at her again, she charged forward at him. But as she got closer she dropped down and slid along the ground behind him and jumped back up to try and wrap her arm around his neck in a hold.

It was dangerous and could go very wrong very quickly. But if she could choke him out, she had him. So she held on for dear life, interlocking her arms to prevent him from prying himself free -or trying to prevent it at least- while squeezing hard to stop his blood and airflow. A quick glance at the clock showed they were reaching three minutes...hopefully there were bets on the time.

Though there was one massive mistake in her plans...she was holding onto the back of a guy that was twice her weight and size. A mistake she only realized after she locked her legs around his waist to make throwing her off a little harder.

Kragr Krayt Kragr Krayt
Trying to go for her leg, the pup dashed around him, getting behind the large red-haired Mandalorian. Before he managed to react, he felt her body against his back and legs around his waist, even his throat was locked in her grip. It was impressive, especially considering that they had been dancing for three minutes. A larger crowd had actually formed a betting pool on how long Shai could stay in the ring. Current total hit around the three thousand credits.

Everyone went ballistic when Shair made her move and lock her arms around Kragr's throat and a few started to chant the Shistavanen girl while the rest roared for Kragr. Feeling the pressure on his airflow, Kragr just smiled, despite being choked by this girl. Surprisingly, he placed his own large hands-on Shai's fur-covered arms, making sure she wouldn't be able to let go and then he moved forward with his head and upper body, standing in a 60-degree angle. One would first think, he would try to throw Shai over his head, but that would be quite hard with her legs locked around his waist.

No, instead he slammed back up straight, launching the back of his head to crush into Shai's snout and he continued to headbutt with the back of his head into her shout until she let go or was knocked unconscious.

Shai Maji Shai Maji
Shai was completely caught off guard by the brute's actions and it hit her hard. She recoiled with a daze as his head collided with her nose, hurting it quite a bit. Though she didn't let go. Nor did she give up. In her dazed state she turned her head to avoid him hitting her further and tried to hold onto him as much as possible. She had to outlast him. If not, she was done for.

Her senses were slowly returning and she could taste blood on her tongue. But her senses were overwhelmed to the point of being numb. the screaming was white noise in her ears, her nose was throbbing along with the rest of her snout and she felt her muscles tire. But she didn't give in. She tightened her grip and turned her head a little more to avoid getting hit by him any more. She wasn't letting go at all. Though she couldn't deny that she was getting exhausted. She was panting rather audibly. "Just...karking give in already..." she managed to mutter to him as she held on for dear life. She started to notice that she could barely see anything at this point. Her vision was going red and darkening out. She would do anything for a drink of water at this point.

But she had to hold on. She needed this money...

Kragr Krayt Kragr Krayt
Kragr not going to lie, while his headbutt to Shai's nose had the desired effect, he couldn't denied that it hurt like hell on the back of his head. While he wasn't panting as heavily as the girl on his back, he did start to show wear and tear. And then there was the girl's attempt to make him pass out, was also a factor he had to deal with.

As an attempt to get Shai off one way or another, he started to slam his back against the cage's metal walls, causing loud rattling and shaking from the cage. People acted like wild animals, cheering now both fighters on. Again, and again, and again and again he slammed Shai up against the metal cage. If that wasn't working he would lift his arm and send his elbow to her side. While he didn't exactly knew if he would hit the side of her ribcage or the side of her stomach, but with how tightly the girl held on to him, she wouldn't have much room to evade.

"And give you an win, never!" laughed the large fierce Mandalorian with a heartful laugh.

He did feel her exhausts starting to kick in, which was very good for him, meaning that sooner or later, she would be too tired to hold on. When that happens, he would win. However, her chokehold was starting to get dangerous for him and it did start to affect him. If he would get knocked out, he would lose and that was out of the question!

Shai Maji Shai Maji
The fight was almost over by this point. The man backed up and slammed Shai into the cage, causing a grunting yelp to escape her as the air was driven out of her. Her grip loosened tremendously and finally failed when he slammed her into the cage a second time. She dropped to the ground and sat back against the cage with her legs spread out in front of her. Her arms were curled around her gut and chest as she gasped for air. Finally she slid down against the cage and laid on the ground, curling somewhat into a ball as she heaved to regain her breath.

But she still didn't give in or tap out.

With a grunt she got on her knees, still gasping with one hand on her stomach. With her other hand she pushed herself up and got into a kneeling position. The crowd's roars and screams were drowned out by this point. Her vision was darkening and her body was exhausted. But still, she forced herself onto her feet and turned to face him. "I this...all day." she quipped weakly as she raised her fists. She took a deep, pained breath and advanced before throwing a slow and weak punch at him in an attempt to keep on fighting. It might cause her opponent to fall over laughing, it might not even hurt a fly, but she still kept trying to fight and that's what mattered to her.

Regardless of how Kragr reacted, Shai was done. She lost her balance and dropped to all fours again, only managing to get one leg in underneath her but the strength to get off the ground was gone. She looked up at him with tired, yet determined eyes. She lifted a hand towards him and curled it into a fist...before raising her middle finger at him and flashing a weak smirk.

Kragr Krayt Kragr Krayt
Kragr felt the grip loosen and then extra weight that Shai gave him, dropped, he took a few steps forward, coughing as he turned around. Fast as lightning, he was back on the defensive, ready for her to attack again, but seeing her barely able to keep herself up, made him drop his fist and just watched. He was either taunting or yelling as victory was his, not yet at least.

A small spark of respect for the girl showed in the Mandalorian's eyes, watching her finally dropping. It had gone completely silent when Shai tried to get back up, even all betting had ceased as all eyes were on the two combatants. Seeing Shai's body give and just lay on the floor, the whole room exploded in cheer for Kragr, as everyone chanted Kragr's name.

Seeing Shai giving him the middle finger, just made the red-haired Mandalorian laugh loud and heartfelt raising his arms in the air, chanting his own name. Shai, on the other hand, was pulled out of the ring by two large ripped Gamorrean guards, not that Shai would be able to do much after her fight. Nevertheless, she was brought out away and into an after-march room, where she could clean and get her stuff. The only thing she received, was strong liquor to help with the pain and that was it.

After that, she could head back in to continue watching the fights or piss off. If she chose to leave, two other guards would flank her out to the exit and then slam the door behind her. However, if she stayed, she would actually be able to watch the last three fights, before the whole event ended. When Kragr finally won the last fight, he was bloodied and breathing heavily, leaving the ring. Unlike every other fighter who was just showed minimal help, Kragr was led to a separated place, where actual people was there to heal him up, at least just enough for him to survive any injuries.

As people started to leave the arena after a very enjoyable, profitable and very illegal fighting ring. The Ongress was a man of his word and extremely happy with the result, offering Kragr a continuing partnership for big credits. But Kragr declined and left so much richer than he was when making the deal with the Hutt.

If Shai was still around the area, she would hear the raspy voice behind her, "I'm impressed kid, you fought gloriously" complimented Kragr on being able to keep the fight going for over 3 minutes. "You almost gave me a run for my money, think there might be a bit of Mandalorian hiding in you" laughed the large with his big joyous grin.

Shai Maji Shai Maji
Shai was dragged off into the room and left alone with a bottle of hard liquor. She slumped against the table with tired eyes, slowly reaching out to the bottle and taking a swig of it. She could feel some strength returning but otherwise she was spent. She nursed the bottle as she barely kept herself perched up with her free right arm. Somewhere halfway into the bottle she got up to get her things from a locker but instead of leaving she returned to the table, making herself comfortable again with her holster and satchel lying rolled up in front of her.

It wasn't too long after that when she fell asleep on top of her arms, bottle still held in hand. The other fights slipped by unnoticed by her and nobody actually came to wake her far as she knew. Either way, she was blissfully unaware of anything going on around her as she recuperated from the fight. She finally stirred awake when she heard a voice behind her. The same voice that knocked the snot out of her. She grumbled and weakly took another swig of the bottle before glancing behind her with half-opened eyes. "I'm not gonna be able to get out of bed tomorrow thanks to you." she quipped before supporting her head once again. She gave a light flick to get a dreadlock out of her face and smirked lightly. "You must be smoking some hardass spice, my dude. Me a mando?" she scoffed lightly, nursing the bottle further. She looked at him again and held the bottle up. "Toast to a decent fight?" she offered with a snicker.

"Not gonna lie, I think I could have choked you out if you didn't smash me halfway through the cage." she commented, summoning the strength to turn her body slightly to look at him. She slowly rummaged through her satchel until she found her packet of cigarettes, lighting one for herself and offering him one as well. "Where'd you learn to fight? I watched you before going into the ring. You're no simple wrestler nor a random Underworld fighter. You're professional. Not exactly fair for the poor fools going up against you, I'd say." she joked before taking a long drag and scratching some dried blood off her nose. "Where'd you learn to fight?" she asked him simply.

Kragr Krayt Kragr Krayt
In full gear, except for his helmet that was clipped to his belt, Kragr just gave her a wide grin, "you're welcome, means you've survived and would live to fight another day" as he walked over to where Shai sat, pulling a chair over, turning it around as he sat down in reverse on the chair.

"Do you think only humans can become Mandalorians?" Asked Kragr with a raised eyebrow. "Being Mandalorian is a culture, a belief. Everyone can become a Mandalorian if they can prove themself" further explained the red-haired giant, looking down at Shai. "You got spirit, cockiness and as a foundling, you would be shaped into one of the greatest warriors in the galaxy, along with your brothers and sisters of Mandalore" pitched Kragr with an excited smirk.

"Doubt it. You let your guard down to your surroundings and your opponent. Had we been in a real fight, I would have killed you" admitted Kragr quite straight forward. Taking the cigarette, lighting it as he took a long puff of it with closed eyes, before answering the girl. While blowing out the smoke of his nostril, Kragr opened his eyes and looked at Shai, my birth parents of Clan Loc. "Ha, my opponents came of their own free will, what happened to them in the ring, is their own fault. They could just have been better warriors" grunted the giant of a man, taking another puff.

As Kragr rose from his chair, he looked down at Shai, "If you change your mind little pup. Contact me and I shall shape you into a warrior strong enough to take on any force users in your path." Promised Kragr as he rumbled through a small pouch by his belt. On the chair, he sat on before, placed Kragr a comm along with a health stim.

"Think about it," added Kragr, before placing his helmet back over his head and headed for the exit.

Shai Maji Shai Maji
Shai blinked at the man's suggestion. Was he seriously offering her a chance to become a Mando? This dude was crazy, she was now properly convinced. She blinked with surprise before giving a light chuckle. "Are you seriously offering me a chance to become a Mando?" she asked him with a raised eyebrow. She took a long drag of her cigarette and flicked it off into a corner before taking a sip of the bottle. "Yeah no. I'm a gun runner who likes to build guns and make things go boom. I'm not some legendary Jedi-killing, ass-kicking super soldier." she dismissed him, leaning more on the table again and threatening to fall asleep again.

She glanced back at him as he rose, placing a stimpack and commlink on the chair. She frowned at his nickname for her but remained quiet. She watched him go and for a few long minutes she simply sat where she was, thinking the proposition over.

She looked at the time again and figured it was time to head off. She boosted herself with the stimpack and slipped the commlink into her pocket before slowly wandering back to her ship with bottle in hand. Thankfully she managed to get there without any problems and slid straight into her bed. She was out cold in no time and slept straight into the next day's afternoon. Loud groans and pained grunts echoed in the ship as she struggled to function as a basic person. Her poor droid worked overtime as he ran around the ship, getting things for her when she asked and keeping her company. The next day was even worse. She could barely get out of bed to go to the bathroom or shower, let alone go down the stairs to reach the mess room. Thankfully by day three she was getting better. All that time stuck in bed also gave her plenty of time to think his proposition over. In all honesty, it wouldn't be such a bad thing to commit to. And if she figured it out quickly enough, she could actually have a good alternative for the life of a criminal once she got her mom out of jail.

She finally made her decision. Sitting by the booth in the mess room, she asked Baby to bring her the commlink. "Yo, this is Shai. Kark you, by the way, I've been stuck in bed for the last two days." she quipped with a light tone of annoyance. "By the've decided to...accept your offer." she spoke with a more serious tone.

Kragr Krayt Kragr Krayt
"Ahh the pup lives" crackled it back to Shai from Kragr with a joyous tone. "I wondered when you would call me back. Never doubted you for a second, well almost" laughed the large red-haired man. "Well, no time like the living, I'm going to send you the coordinates, meet me there, so we can get started" explained Kragr closing the call between them abruptly without warning.

A few seconds after the called got closed, received Shai the coordinates to a planet way out in the edge of the galaxy. It was away from everything, The Sith, the Jedi, the Republic and every other major faction warring with each other.

While it wouldn't take a month to hyperspace travel(depending from where one would travel), but it wouldn't just take a couple of days though, again though, depending from where one would jump to hyperspace.

Nevertheless, when Shai finally arrived at the planet and landed, she would be met with a quaint village by a vast green forest on one side and expansive open fields with some of it made into agriculture. A figure walking from the village towards where Shai parked her ship, quickly showed be Kragr as the flaming red hair was not to be mistaken.

The large Mandalorian wasn't in his gear, though he was armed with one of his blasters sitting neatly in a holster.

Shai Maji Shai Maji
Shai listened to him speak, giving an annoyed frown at his comment. She was about to drop a snappy comment when he sent her coordinates and ended the call. Shai blinked at the commlink and stared at the coordinates before simply resigning and sitting back carefully. "Alright, Baby. Let's get off this planet." she spoke to her droid sitting nearby as she handed him the commlink. "Get us underway...while I try to get up." she groaned, resting her forehead on the table and instantly regretting the decision.

After many minutes she got up and plopped down into the pilot's seat. "The hell does this guy live? Karkin Wild Space? Damn." she commented with wide eyes as she stared at the screen. "He can be lucky we restocked on fuel and stuff. Otherwise I'd be pissed." she said to Baby, who beeped back at her. "Don't worry. I'm sure this'll be worth it. In the long run at least." she said with uncertainty. She could only hope that she made the right decision with this one.

The ship was in the air in no time and soon would jump to hyperspace. It was a long trip that forced Shai to consider this choice many times over. But at the end of each mental argument, she came to the conclusion that this could be good. Even healthy in a twisted way. So eventually she gave up on arguing with herself and relaxed. After quite a while of travelling, she finally arrived at the backwater planet. It was beautiful, she couldn't deny that. It just wasn't what she expected of a Mando. She expected more...defenses and stuff. Like a fortress or six. Not a quaint farming town. She powered down. fastened her holster and disembarked to walk towards Kragr. "Alright. I'm here." she called out, looking around. "Nice spread you got here." she quipped as she folded her arms. "Didn't exactly expect this to be a Mando home."

Kragr Krayt Kragr Krayt
With a wide toothy grin, he went to meet her halfway, "exactly, why it's the perfect play to set up home" explained Kragr. But Kragr welcomed her to Clan Loc and stepped to the side and walked Shai back to the village. Walking into the village it looked nothing like it was home to Mandalorian and if it hadn't been for those in their armour, it could have fooled outsiders.

As Kragr led Shai, he started to point out houses around them, "and there is the food pit, that will be where food is preserved and made ready for the rest of the Clan. That's the forge and where your Beskar'gam will be forged for you" started Kragr to explain. The forge was a two-room house with the biggest being an open forge with a front able to shut and close off the side of the house. A big burly muscled man was currently working on something, heating up the metal in the works, though it was hard to see what exactly he was working on.

A couple of kids ran past them, playing some kind of game with wooden guns. On an open plaza was a couple of Mandalorian training with each other and at first, it looked like they were headed towards them. However, instead, they continued to a larger house. Turning around, Kragr looked at Shai, "in there. That will be where your training will begin" explained the red-haired man with an outstretched arm and open palm towards the door.

"Once you've completed that, come find me" explained Kragr, waiting for her to enter. Once Shai would enter, she would be met with a bunch of kids half her size and one older woman in maybe her early-forties. "Ah, I see the last foundling has joined, so we can begin" began the woman. It wouldn't take much for Shai to realize that this was a sort of class for kids training to become adults.

"Firstly, why don't you introduce yourself?" Asked the woman Shai, as a couple of the kids moved to make room for the new "kid" in the class.

KinkyPrawn KinkyPrawn
Kragr led her through town, giving her a little tour over where everything is. If she had to be honest, she really wasn't paying too much attention. There was a reason why she hadn't decided to settle down in a place like this. Though she did make a mental note when he mentioned the foood pit. That part she'll never forget. Another part that was odd was seeing all the armoured figures moving around. They looked so out of place in the quaint village. Even the kids looked off.

But something did catch her eye above all else, though. The forge. Shai actually fell behind for a few seconds as she watched the man hammer away at something. As someome who loved weapons and working on them, the idea of forging armour sounded really fun to her. She hoped she could circle that part on the flyer.

The tour came to a close as Kragr told her to enter this building. "Oh...okay." she said with surprise as she entered it.

In the building Shai did a double take to make sure she was in the right place. This class was for kids! Did she really have to train with kids? Her thoughts wouldn't get an answer, though, as the teacher spoke up. Shai looked at her with nervous eyes then looked at the kids around her. "Um...I'm Shai...Maji. I'm, uh...something of a delivery girl, I guess." she introduced awkwardly. If she weren't covered in fur right now, she'd be blood red. " I in the right place? This class seems to be" she asked the woman as she scratched the back of her head, glancing at the kids around her.

Kragr Krayt Kragr Krayt
Shai had every eyes on her as she stood there by the door, "Shai Maji?" Repeated the teacher, "well, welcome Shai Maji" welcomed the teacher with a small smile. "I should hope so, Kragr said that you were ready to join the adult ranks of the Mando'ad" explained the teacher and nodded to a free pillow on the floor in the middle of the group of kids. "Welcome and take a seat" requested the teacher as she started the lecture.

The things that Shai and the other kids were educated in, was the culture and religion of the Mandalorian. The teacher talked about Resol'nare, the six tenets of Mandalorian culture and past history battles as well and Mand'alor. Basically Shai would soon get bombarded with information of the Mandalorian people the rest of the days with two breaks of 15 minutes each.

Around late afternoon, was the kids and Shai let go from the class. Once Shai exited the building, was Kragr leaning up against a pillar, watching everyone leave. With his typical grin, he looked at Shai, "you hungry? I am. Let's go grab some food in the pit before everyone else gets the good meet" suggested Kragr and ready to lead Shai to the hall where food was placed on long tables for the whole clan.

Shai Maji Shai Maji

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