Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Learn to Lose

All roads lead here. The big green woman thought to herself as she descended the ramp of the Onyx Runner. Her platform boots thudded against the durasteel as she walked, Her freshly laundered synth-leathers loosened and stretched against her muscles and movement. Some of the fueling crews stared up at Ran. They found her imposing and striking, in the best sense of the word.

She scanned the bay for the Jedi Initiate assigned to accompany her on the Jedi's most current archaeological expedition. They were to delve into an ancient and dangerous tomb. A tomb that was strong in the dark side. In truth, Ran was surprised the council allowed her the company. She was still recently back to the order but still seemed to garner a lot of trust from those who led the multiple millennia-old institution. Maybe they thought her unique life experience would benefit the younger Jedi. According to the Council the Initiate, Sazo Vass, also had quite the unique experience. One that would lead her to the Jedi.

Ran rightfully assumed this mission was a test drive of sorts. She wanted to teach, and Sazo was to be a learner. Ran could feel the potential and the consequences of this meeting on the horizon.

Bingo. Ran thought as she spotted Sazo Vass across the bay. Ran took a second look to confirm. The young woman's face matched the image Ran had received on her datapad. "Hello Sazo Vass! Over here!" She shouted over the hum and mechanized racket of the bay. Ran was waving and smiling. She was excited to meet the young Jedi and begin their journey to the planet Velmor.

Ran awaited her approach and then made her introduction. "Ran Serys," She gave her name and extended her hand to shake. "The ship is being refueled. In the meantime we can go aboard, I will run through the controls with you, and we can talk. Do you have any questions before that?" Ran asked sincerely but evenly.

."Hello Sazo Vass! Over here!" She shouted over the hum and mechanized racket of the bay. Ran was waving and smiling. She was excited to meet the young Jedi and begin their journey to the planet Velmor.

Sazo's first impression of Ran Serys- she was easily the tallest woman she had ever encountered. At 6"2, the Korun towered over most her peers. But even from a distance, Sazo could tell the Mirialan was taller then her.

"THAT'S YOUR TAKE AWAY FROM MEETING THIS WOMAN? 'Oh wow, how tall she is?' REALLY, YOUNGLING?", Talion Voss- the spirit within Sazo's force-imbued katana, Talionis- grumbled. Sazo gave the mental equivalent of a shrug, unwilling to debate with her ancestor. He was a curmudgeon on the best of days. She was excited to meet Ran.

Sazo smiled as she got in distance of the Knight.

Ran awaited her approach and then made her introduction. "Ran Serys," She gave her name and extended her hand to shake. "The ship is being refueled. In the meantime we can go aboard, I will run through the controls with you, and we can talk. Do you have any questions before that?" Ran asked sincerely but evenly.

Sazo lit up with excitement. She had never piloted any ship before!


'Quiet, you.'

Then, she remembered the rest of what she said. "Sazo Vass, a pleasure, Master Serys", she replied, accepting her hand and giving it a firm shake. "I appreciate the piloting instruction. I have some questions about Velmor- I was told that we are going to an archaeological site, and that tomb was of the dark side, but nobody's really explained how something dead could be dangerous-"


"-And I'd love to talk to about our strengths and weaknesses, and really learn more about each other, and how we complement each other", Sazo finished, hoping to learn more about Ran.

Ran Serys Ran Serys
Refreshed by Sazo's eagerness, it sparked something in Ran. She saw the curious and inquisitive mind of Sazo already. Great qualities for a Jedi Learner to have, Ran thought. That along with the fact she wasn't afraid to speak up was a point for Sazo

Ran pondered the non-question for a moment. Ran would have to be verbose. She wasn't used to being verbose but she wasn't incapable. "In my experience, death is not the end. All living things become one with the force. In what way that manifests- I wager is up to the person. Powerful Jedi, for example, can become memories, ghosts, and guides. While it seems those corrupted by the dark side are able to become poltergeists, evil apparitions that are even more twisted in unlife." She paused. "There lies the danger in our case. The tomb we are exploring," She referenced. "Is it corrupted through the force by dark side energy? Or is it haunted by some villain's power clinging to the material?" To answer a question with a question felt scholarly, at least to Ran. "I guess we will see exactly how it can be dangerous when we get there." Ran smiled. She would always approach danger with confidence and a healthy amount of caution.

"Strengths and weaknesses, yes?" A moment of reflection was necessary before Ran could answer. "I can be impulsive, brash, and I act on instinct more often than forethought." She spoke confidently about her weaknesses. They were obviously points she was trying to work on. "As for strengths-" She paused, considering what her answer would be. "I am physically stronger, faster, and more durable than most, even without the aid of the force. My combat training has been extensive. I was trained to be a soldier from infancy." She said, sparing the young Jedi the finer details of a long, sad history. Maybe she'd tell her in time, at the very least away from the hustle and bustle of the fueling station.

One of the fueling technicians gestured a signal. The starship was fueled and final inspection had begun. It wouldn't be long til they were cleared for takeoff. She nodded a confirmation at the technician. "Follow me, Sazo." Ran said, turning heel and marching up the ramp of the Onyx Runner. "Please share your strengths and weaknesses with me, and any other information you'd like me to know."

Ran listened intently as they boarded the PGEM/S-02 "Starpeddler". A Super-Light Freighter class starship that the previous owner had dubbed the "Onyx Runner." She was unsure how it got its name but she had her theories. On their way to the flight deck they would pass through three rooms. First was the modular cargo bay which doubled as sleeping quarters, then the kitchen and mess, and finally the recreation slash meditation chamber. The flight deck was located at the forward most part of the ship. The cockpit was spacious enough for two but cozy enough for four. Ran and Sazo, both standing at impressive heights, would have to duck to seat themselves.

Ran ran Sazo through the controls with lightning speed. The Jedi Knight was an accomplished pilot, even flying with Revenant Squadron during the Second Great Hyperspace War. "And finally these here," She ran her fingers across a series of switches. "Are how we will broadcast our emergency distress signals, should we need them. Any questions?" She finished, aiming the question at Sazo while they waited for inspection and takeoff clearance. "About anything, not just the ship's controls." She said watching the technicians have their break with only a small hint of impatience.

"I have some questions for you, Sazo Vass." Ran announced. "How did you come to the Order?" She questioned. "And also how did that blade come to you?" Ran could feel the mystical energy imbued within the katana, but only slightly. She found it a curious item. It almost made her uneasy.

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Sazo furrowed her brow, mouthing's Ran's rhetorical question about the tombs as they made their way into the Onyx Runner, only barely ducking to enter the cockpit.


For once, she didn't have a witty retort. Master Serys- judging from her self-assessment of herself- was a fairly capable warrior, with lived experiences that granted her a not-so-insubstantial measure of wisdom.

"Strengths and weaknesses", Sazo said aloud as they settled into the cockpit. She was pretty blunt in assessing herself, so I suppose I should do the same.


"Well, I've been told I'm can be a bit rigid, impatient, and...the Masters said I can be overtly-confident, which leads to impulsive decision-making."


"My strengths? I suppose I'm similar to you, but I was trained on Haruun Kal to use the Force to enhance my speed and strength, but not my durability. I'm also have training on the use of bladed weapons; I'm currently in the process of incorporating into some fighting Forms I've been learning about since I arrived."

Sazo soaked up Master Serys's piloting crash-course. She wouldn't be an ace fighter by tomorrow, but she came away with a rudimentary understanding of the Runner's inner-workings. She glanced up when the Knight asked if she had any additional questions.

"No Master Serys, no questions."

Then, she followed up with questions of her own- namely, how she came to be in the Order, and the origins of the sword. "Haruun Kal has recently formed a government, the Al'Har Federation", she began. "Recently, there have been talks of working to remove the stigma of Force Orders, as the Federation works to build relations across the galaxy, including with the Allliance. The Ghôsh- or clan- elders felt that I would be a ideal candidate for the Order, and as the face of the a new Haruun Kal."

She swallowed, and continued. Her departure was abrupt and painful, and it was hard to recount.

"Many of the warriors fought with the Jedi on Tython, including my parents who are...not with us anymore. It's an honor to be in the ranks of the Order", Sazo finished truthfully, before unsheathing Talionis, still glowing a soft emerald green.

"This is Talionis. It is a Force-imbued blade. It was forged by Talion Vass, a Gulag-era Korun Jedi Lord, and the founder my clan, Ghôsh Vass. He used Talionis to build our Ghôsh, and defend it. He sealed his essence into the sword, so he may act as guide; almost like a holocron."

Ran Serys Ran Serys
The Jedi Knight admired the learner. Ran could sense how open, honest, and brave Sazo was. Or at least seemed to be. It was exactly how Ran was when she had first come to the order, when she was looking for the place she belonged. Ran wondered if Sazo sought to belong. Ran let the thought pass her by. Regardless of the possible parallels between them, there was something about Sazo that resonated with the Jedi Knight.

Ran let the initiate continue uninterrupted. As the blade was unsheathed its presence stood out even more. It was a sight to behold, a fascinating one, Ran believed. The blade still unnerved her though. She found it strange and felt a potential danger from it. Maybe this Talion Vass was just that formidable, or maybe Ran's senses were mistaken. She was sure that in time she'd come to understand her feelings. For now though, she would keep those feelings to herself. Sazo seemed to have a lot of pride in her Ghôsh and Ran wouldn't have wanted to interfere with any of that.

"Thank you for sharing, Sazo." Ran said sincerely. "I think you and I have more in common than originally anticipated." She smiled warmly. It was her mother's smile, but Ran would never know that. Before the knight could say anything else one of the technicians appeared before the viewport waving a signal. The final inspection was complete. They had received the greenlight for takeoff. Ran gave the technician a nod. Last thing to do was run a systems diagnostic of the Onyx Runner's computers and interface, then the duo would be on their way to Velmor, the third terrestrial planet in the Velm system. Ran readied herself, but paused and looked at Sazo. "Would you like to do the honors?" She offered with a gesture.

Ran had shown Sazo much of the Onyx Runner's systems in a short amount of time and wanted to see how much of the information was retained. She'd step in to help Sazo when needed but other than that it was the young jedi's show. If she did well enough, Ran decided she'd give Sazo primary control and assist her in the freighter's departure.

When they hit hyperspace, Ran would prepare a meal in the small kitchen and mess. A River Qwewt stew and a Covado salad. Then they would meditate on the force, and engage in a few training exercises. Finally, they would continue the repairs on Emm-seven Tee-ayy. The droid had powered off in Ran's absence from the core worlds and hadn't powered on when she returned. Sazo was free to engage in her own activities but Ran would invite the young jedi to assist in hers. The Onyx Runner wasn't a big ship so all the while the pair were free to make conversation and bond.

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"Would you like to do the honors?"

Sazo nodded- eager but apprehensively. She wanted to make a good impression on the woman. Closing her eyes, and then opening them, she mentally walked through the instructions Ran had given her in short order. She raised her hand- then quickly retracted it, not daring to look over at the Knight.

Deep breath.

Sazo opened her eyes, and slowly, but intentionally, did a run through of the system's diagnostics.

"Everything...appears to be in good order, Master", she said, keeping her voice steady and free of any nerves she was feeling.


Following the jump into hyperspace, Master Serys whipped up a delicious, filling meal. Then, she directed Sazo towards mediation- something Sazo was...less than ideal at.

"Master Serys", she began, waiting a good five minutes. "I'm sorry but...what should I be sensing, or feeling? Everyone in the Temple told me to mediate to get closer to the Force, but I've always felt the Force."

Ran Serys Ran Serys
Ran peeked an eye open in Sazo's direction. The young Korun asked her a question that resonated with Ran. When Ran had come to the Jedi she too struggled to meditate albeit not for the same reasons as her youthful companion. She took a moment to consider her answer.

"You say you have always felt the force. Some don't realize they have until they've meditated. Either case is the reason we meditate. You can sense or feel whatever you want with the force. The point of meditation is focus," She paused looking for the words. "Focus on me. Focus on yourself. Your blade even. Sense your surroundings to the smallest level you can, leave no stone unturned. Then turn your attention to the wider galaxy. At least that is what I do." She smiled.

"Meditation is just a way to deepen your connection to the force. For as much as you feel it so constantly and always, you may never truly understand the force. I don't think anyone ever has or ever will, but we can try." Ran said, inspired by her own words. "Why don't you give it another try? This time do what I do. Verbalize it if you can. I'm curious if it'll work for you. Just as we live unique lives, our connections to the force are also unique. What works for me may not work for you but it may yield some interesting results." Ran finally opened both eyes and angled herself in Sazo's direction. Her eyes were expectant.

Sazo played with Master Serys's words in her head. Of course, Talion had to add his two cents.


Sazo decided to listen to the ancestor "I will focus on the blade", she replied, putting the sword on the ground. She allowed herself to breathe, relax, loosen...and surrender to the Force. It all fell away, until she was in the void, with a man that could only be Talion. He turned to her. Yet she could feel the presence of Master Serys nearby.


Sazo obliged. "Master Serys, I small. So limited. But...I can see. I can see how it binds us. Shapes us. Moves us." She took a deep, breath. "The Force is everywhere."


Sazo opened herself more to the wider galaxy. She shuddered.

"Master, I I'm seeing through a veil. Like something is clouding my vision. A darkness that is...alien. Malignant. It feels like it's everywhere."

Ran Serys Ran Serys
"The shroud of the darkside," Ran put a name to the specific something Sazo described. "It is strong these days, Sazo. Insidious foes are at the doors of the Alliance and the Jedi. They bring with them corruption and uncertainty."

Ran bit her lip as if considering something. "The dark side is strong but if you're daring enough, strong enough you can look past its influence. You can focus on the light, on hope, on your thoughts and vision for the galaxy." She wondered if Sazo could. Many struggled to see past the presence of the dark side. "But beware, Sazo. To get even a glimpse through the shroud of the darkside would mean to touch it. I think it's best to focus on your own connection for now. Maybe we can try again when you have deepened your connection to the light." Ran said with caution and a graveness. She waited to see if the young jedi would listen.

An easy alarm rang. It was time for some physical training. "Come, Sazo. Let's clear our minds and engage our bodies. What do you know of hand to hand combat?" Ran was happy to get some distance from the meditation. She had never coached anyone through it before and found herself more concerned for Sazo than anything else. It seemed, to Ran, that the young Jedi had a breakthrough in the meditation and didn't want to push her too far. Maybe she had been wrong to feel that way. Maybe she needed to trust Sazo more.

Ran raised herself from the cross-legged position she had adopted and extended an arm to help Sazo up as well.

"But beware, Sazo. To get even a glimpse through the shroud of the darkside would mean to touch it. I think it's best to focus on your own connection for now. Maybe we can try again when you have deepened your connection to the light." Ran said with caution and a graveness. She waited to see if the young jedi would listen.

Sazo nodded. "To touch the Bogan is to concede to evil", she concurred, accepting Master Serys's hand. But she took in the rest of the statement, look underneath the underneath. The shroud of the Dark Side was strong, alluring, tempting. Who knows what price attempting to pierce the veil would extract on her? Would she really even see the future?

No, that price was too high. It was one thing to not tolerate the Bogan, but to use it to fight itself...madness.

An easy alarm rang. It was time for some physical training. "Come, Sazo. Let's clear our minds and engage our bodies. What do you know of hand to hand combat?"

"We are trained to utilize the Force to strengthen our blows, quicken our pace, and enhance our durability...but we aren't taught a formal style of combat", Sazo admitted. That was usually enough.

"Is there such an art for users of the Force?"

Ran Serys Ran Serys
"To touch the Bogan is to concede to evil",

Bogan. Ran noted in her mind. She hadn't heard the dark side referred to in that way in quite some time. There were those among the Jedi who used the term but it seemed to Ran that they were few and far between.

"We are trained to utilize the Force to strengthen our blows, quicken our pace, and enhance our durability...but we aren't taught a formal style of combat",

"Is there such an art for users of the Force?"

"There are several, although none of them are exclusively used by the Jedi," Ran answered.
"And while I am not well versed in any of those arts, I do know several martial arts used by non-force users."

She positioned herself into a serpentine-like stance, a variation on the traditional Teräs Käsi art. She let a couple quick strikes loose into the air as a demonstration. The strikes held a ferocity and were thrown at high speeds. They were meant to evoke the spirit of the Dragonsnake, a patient predator from the swamps of many a planet. Having had a pretty hairy run in with a Dragonsnake before, Ran could attest that their strength, speed, and movement were indeed worthy of being evoked.

"Teräs Käsi, an ancient martial art that many have used to rival the Jedi and other force users. If you stand opposite of me, I will show you the basics and how to guard them." Ran offered the illusion of choice. She was discovering the joy of being a teacher, and as long as they waited to arrive at their destination, Ran decided training was a good enough use of time as any.

Ran would take Sazo through the fundamentals with a series of hands-on demonstrations. Ran believed the best way to learn was by doing. So they would take turns striking, grappling, and throwing. The only time they would break from movement was for explanation and sometimes not even then. Ran was a hard teacher. She had an unforgiving edge but was decisive and insistent. She cared about the lessons. She cared about knowledge. She wanted to pass it on. She wanted to see Sazo thrive, whether she was to be Ran's padawan or not.

While training, Ran shared with Sazo some aspects of her life story. What she considered the beginning of her chosen life and the end of an era as a brainwashed mutant commando under the control of the Sith Order. She also shared the tale of how two Jedi, Dagon Kaze Dagon Kaze and Valery Noble Valery Noble , had brought her into the Order and helped release her fellow brainwashed victims from Sith control. A lot had happened since then, and there was much more to say, but it was a start.

"Sazo, you said earlier your parents fought at Tython," Ran referenced. "I was wondering if you could tell me a bit about them?" Ran asked, but realized quickly that she might have overstepped. She couldn't help it. She was curious and comfortable. The words just sort of rolled off her tongue. Ran had no memories of her parents save for one blurry memory of her mother's face, and even that had been gathered by a combination of experimental therapy and the force. She envied those who knew their parents. She wished for even a second. So she asked Sazo about hers.

"Teräs Käsi, an ancient martial art that many have used to rival the Jedi and other force users. If you stand opposite of me, I will show you the basics and how to guard them."

Sazo's eyes widened in excitement, and she scrambled to stand opposite of Ran. Ran proceeded to walk her through the fundamentals, and then actual exercises. Sazo, on Haruun Kal, was one of the finest budding warriors in Ghôsh Vass.

Which meant tusker poo-doo, she realized as she lay on her back, staring up at the towering figure of Ran after effortlessly being deposited on the ground for the umpteeth time. Master Serys didn't go easy on her- not by a longshot. But their was intention behind the harsh lessons, so she could appreciate it.

While they trained, Ran shared her story with Sazo- harrowing years, brainwashed to serve the thumb of the Sith, until she was saved by the Jedi. Sazo shuddered at the thought of being forced to serve the Bogan. It sounded like the ultimate goal of the Confederacy for the Korun, oh so long ago- Force-wielding shock troopers for their war machine.

"Sazo, you said earlier your parents fought at Tython," Ran referenced. "I was wondering if you could tell me a bit about them?"
"I remember a little", Sazo said, smiling sadly. "I remember my mother was...hard. Strong. But sweet. My father was powerful. But he loved to sing. And he was funny. I see glimpses of them, sometimes. But I was often was in the care of the Ghôsh. Ghôsh Vass fought under the banner of Ashlan Crusaders during the war. When my parents went to Tython...I was only three."

"I remember so little of them, but those within Ghôsh who knew them told me things- about how brave and strong they were. So I try to be like them, honor them by fighting the Bogan like they did."

Ran Serys Ran Serys
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