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League of Legends

Zion Krayt

I'm starting to play Syndra and Fizz a lot more...

The losing streak must end!

(obviously my team's fault, cuz im a god.)
Faye Terrik said:
Ahh, see, there's your problem. I started enjoying League much more when I said to hell with climbing past Silver 1 and started playing silly games with my friends. Give it a shot at some point. Five people who you enjoy spending time with, buncha normal games that don't have any meaning on your artificial "rank."

When you make League a game rather than a contest, it's much more fun.

Saera Willamina Savan

~+--- Skaidra ---+~ Beskarsmith, Alchemist
I personally feel there is no reward to the experience without Ranked Queue, but I've always been a competitive online gamer for the past decade and a half so maybe that's just my nature. I tend to accept social invites when friends group up, but I usually hop on with the intentions of grinding.

Like I started telling people, even Diamond doesn't forge one's skill like Bronze - at least in Diamond, you have team mates with a relative equality of skill and knowledge; Bronze is just a 1v5 in disguise and forces you to learn to solo carry and make good choices. In a way, Bronze teaches you more than any other tier, honestly.

I haven't done rift much since the map/item changes.

A lot of my old styles were defunked with the loss of Elder Lizard, DFG, etc.

I still like bot lane as support or adc though. Top lane depends on who I match up with because I prefer blind pick to draft.

Saera Willamina Savan

~+--- Skaidra ---+~ Beskarsmith, Alchemist
Ahri just went from sudden godliness (5.2) to utter bullpoodoo (5.3) in the matter of a patch....
I had to get rid of my AP glyphs for Mana Regen to stack with my seals or else she gets outsustained in lane or oom after a single target. Charm still has no more true damage bonus, Fox Fire is back to vanilla damage, Q now costs way too much to use in farming, Rush's dash range was also cut by 100.

They buffed all these champs to compensate for removing DFG, realized they overcompensated when win rates spiked, then removed most of the buffs to "balance" them again so that they're worse than before AND no DFG. Rito logic....

Edit: Why the kark didn't they just reduce the movement speed bonus they added to her Q, the whole source of her win spike? Great Mystery of Life....

Saera Willamina Savan

~+--- Skaidra ---+~ Beskarsmith, Alchemist
As a mid, I disdain any change that makes it easier for any other non-mid to kill me 1v1.

For whatever reasons, I haven't noticed as drastic changes on other AP carries, but most didn't have the huge pick/ban/win increase that Ahri did virtually overnight. But let's go over the pros and cons.

Orb of Deception
+ Gives a stupid-high movement speed scaling bonus on cast (which is what should have been nerfed in the opinion of many)
- Cost substantially more mana, despite being Ahri's primary source of champion damage and creep farming
Fox Fire
+ Revolves around Ahri 30% faster (which is completely irrelevant 80% of the time so how is this a pro?)
- Debuffed damage, shorter range
+ Nothing of note
- No more spell damage bonus, no major mana reduction since the first time cost was increased in S4 (as if taking DFG wasn't enough)
Spirit Rush
+ Nothing of note
- Rush dash range shortened by 100

Early game, rather than having the option of buying items like Chalice or Idol as with Season 4, it's almost mandatory now. Q is no longer as viable an option for wave clearing and farming, since it will be draining mana much faster. 1v1's leave her much more vulnerable to ganks now, since she's probably only remain with enough mana for either Charm or Orb, but not both. In team fights, she has to be more more exclusive about choosing targets to commit to; she can still get multikills, but they are usually from Rush or on already-low targets rather than melting anyone with a DFG cast.

There is a pro to this, but it feels incredibly cheated since it was always in the game to begin with; items such as Will of the Ancients give Ahri good health sustain, and Spell Vamp is a new core meta on her. It brings nothing new to the table though, and feels like a way to skirt around her other sustain issues.

YES, Ahri is a mage assassin, and always meant to pick targets and engages selectively, but with newfound emphasis on assassin which is ironic without DFG to commit to one target with as well as the de-emphasis on Charm (which was what her first ever rebalance specifically listed as Riot wanting to emphasize for her combo and now just feels like an accessory in Season 5), and she is still outclassed by people who are actually good with champs like Akali and Katarina, who will just ignore her, roam and take kills from other lanes and their team to get their feed. This means Ahri now has a higher skill-requirement than her original self, which is almost the opposite of the effect they wanted to have, which was making it easier for people who neglected or weren't good with Active items to pick up and use.

So basically, Riot contradicted what they wanted to see in Ahri twice. She isn't easier to use without the actives and her charm hit isn't mandatory for her combo anymore. All she has is that stupid mobility buff - she is outsustained and outdamaged now as a mathematical fact.

Rant over.


I know, I know. Everyone keeps telling me that. She's my main, it just breaks my heart seeing her on this rollercoaster which I cannot possibly utilize without her either being too much or too little. Enough people are starting to complain, so hopefully she'll get a slight buff soon. But 33% increase to Q cost... what were they smoking.

I've discovered Sona Mid recently. That's been entertaining to say the least. I can actually climb Bronze with her; not sure if that is sad or hilarious, or both.

But yeah, I do play at least 3 things per lane.

Edit: Oh, funny story, my friend is (was) Gold and can carry with Urgot. I have seen him do it. It is tragic. You know you they all uninstalled after that.

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