AGE: 32
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 6'1"
WEIGHT: 144lbs
EYES: Green
HAIR: Brown
SKIN: Caucasian
[+] Luckily unlucky - Kiber Dorn is somehow still alive. This in itself is a miracle. He does not make friends, and he likely never will. This isn't some kind of magic curse placed down upon a wretched bloodline. He's just a bit of an arse. Maybe that is genetic. Nevertheless, despite all the enemies, from petty feuds of the streets all the way up to the family feuds of Sith and despair, Kiber still lives. Though often in pain.
[+] Luckily unlucky - Kiber Dorn is somehow still alive. This in itself is a miracle. He does not make friends, and he likely never will. This isn't some kind of magic curse placed down upon a wretched bloodline. He's just a bit of an arse. Maybe that is genetic. Nevertheless, despite all the enemies, from petty feuds of the streets all the way up to the family feuds of Sith and despair, Kiber still lives. Though often in pain.
[+] That Potential Tho' - Much like his deceased Aunt Karin, Kiber has grand Force potential and if he were to put work into it would likely make a pretty wicked Sith Sorcerer. That sentence was written when the character was first conceived and it still applies even now. He could. He should. But will he ever? Likely not, but that's his own fault, you feel me?
[-] Drug Fiend - The bucket has still not been kicked. I don't think I need to explain the downsides of narcotic abuse, but on the upside we have future medicine to ease away those toothless scabby concerns. So that's nice. I guess.
[-] Drug Fiend - The bucket has still not been kicked. I don't think I need to explain the downsides of narcotic abuse, but on the upside we have future medicine to ease away those toothless scabby concerns. So that's nice. I guess.
[-] Smoking Kills - Kiber Dorn is a heavy smoker and has been since his early teens, his lung capacity is, to put it mildly extremely lacking. No sprinting please, or running, not really keen on jogging either. Maybe avoid speed walking too.
[-] Run, Skinny Man, Run! - Kiber is not a physically imposing man. Rather he is of pretty average height and actually quite a piece underweight. This lack of physicality rightfully suggests a lack of brute strength. Obviously, this means that in hand-to-hand combat that Kiber is likely going to be thrown about by everybody, including the women, especially the women.
[-] Punchable Face - Self-explanatory.
[-] Punchable Face - Self-explanatory.
Being that this is a roleplaying forum and that he is not an alien, Kiber is still handsome while looking thin, tired and ragged. He might not be a buff leading man, but you probably wouldn't kick him out of bed. That's just the way this galaxy works, ya get me?
Scars do adorn his features, as is standard when one has an aforementioned punchable face. A nose that has been broken many times before, a cauliflower ear, a silvery mesh of scars crisscrossing from head to toe in various sizes and intensities. The price one pays for not knowing where the line in the sand is.
Scars do adorn his features, as is standard when one has an aforementioned punchable face. A nose that has been broken many times before, a cauliflower ear, a silvery mesh of scars crisscrossing from head to toe in various sizes and intensities. The price one pays for not knowing where the line in the sand is.
Living in mild poverty he's not dressed to the nines, but it's not quite the tattered rags of a Nar Shaddian refugee. Generally, he just picks up what's on the floor, checks to see if it smells like a dead Skraal and then throws it on. Although the accessories that accompany his modest (if not pungent) wardrobe are generally much finer, and very very stolen.
Most notable are his fine brown leather boots, which are incredibly vibrant, well kept and are, naturally made of genuine Bantha leather. He also has a belt buckle of a Jawa on a surfboard, he has no idea where he got it from but it has a handy little compartment where he keeps a small stash of spice.
Most notable are his fine brown leather boots, which are incredibly vibrant, well kept and are, naturally made of genuine Bantha leather. He also has a belt buckle of a Jawa on a surfboard, he has no idea where he got it from but it has a handy little compartment where he keeps a small stash of spice.
Nah nah nah, hold the bus here, my homeslice! I'm not defined by a name, that's just not me, ya know? There's probably thousands of Dorns out there and they're not all defined by crap-sack relations. I mean, sure, there's homies in my tree with power, and weirdly enough a lot of names that begin with K but they're passé, they're old news, stuck in the dirt. TRADITIONAL DARK SIDE FAMILY. It's a hard pass from me, my dudes.
I'm me. I get by, somehow. I have friends, sometimes. Sure I get into scrapes, and some of the time I don't follow through on my promises...okay, a lot of the time I don't follow through, but that doesn't make me a bad guy. Just a guy.
I've done a few things here and there, some maybe worth noting, some possibly a dream. I've tangled with weird cousins, had a fling with a cult, I once bested one of those overpowered transformy guys in combat and I didn't even take a swing! Though he took many swings...and he's supposed to be the Jedi? What's that about? ME PACIFIST. ME SMASH? Just my luck, down to chat and he's down to cleave me in two.
Still breathing. Still here. Still me.
I'm me. I get by, somehow. I have friends, sometimes. Sure I get into scrapes, and some of the time I don't follow through on my promises...okay, a lot of the time I don't follow through, but that doesn't make me a bad guy. Just a guy.
I've done a few things here and there, some maybe worth noting, some possibly a dream. I've tangled with weird cousins, had a fling with a cult, I once bested one of those overpowered transformy guys in combat and I didn't even take a swing! Though he took many swings...and he's supposed to be the Jedi? What's that about? ME PACIFIST. ME SMASH? Just my luck, down to chat and he's down to cleave me in two.
Still breathing. Still here. Still me.
Everybody's like, 'Yo Kiber, what happened to your face?' and I'm just wondering how I keep surviving. I'm starting to think the Force has got a sick hand to play. I don't agree with that, is my destiny not mine to chose? I don't want some ulterior purpose, some twist with fate, I just want to enjoy life to the fullest and on my terms. No greatness, no destiny, no grandeur. Kiber Dorn, livin' it large.
Also, can you people stop hitting me. It's kinda rude.
Also, can you people stop hitting me. It's kinda rude.