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Land of the Lost [Silver Watch]

Chiloon Rift
[member="Boo Chiyo"] | [member="Orihime Ike"] | [member="Nina Heavenshield"]
Orihime Ike, had been spending hour upon hour in the library in the Citadel, pouring over data pads, holofiles, displays and all manner of tomes in research. It was on a fine sunny day on Rhen Var, which meant there was no clouds in the sky which constituted a sunny day, when she called the Watch to the meeting room and all attended to hear what she had discovered. She is insatiable when it comes to facts and figures, and her excitement palpable as she spoke of the Rift out in neutral space, an unknown place to Théo. Orihime suggested they all go and take a look, more of an exploration mission then anything else, or a death wish, either way it sounded intriguing to them all.

The Chiloon Rift, a place where only the brave or foolish will go, and may not return.

The Watch had been set, and those that wished to come began to make preparations for the journey. Considering the fact that they would be entering a dangerous rift, it would be more prudent to take small ships or whatever they could get their hands on, and so Théo found an old Washburn that would do the trick, a few more dents will be no matter. So from Rhen Var to Serenno and onward bound.
The Chiloon rift wa somethign that had been interesting when she was a little girl while she was looking over the things. They had a lot of research and she had a chance here, to work on things and present a whole new level of the equipment that her mother had been making for them. The shielding amulets were more bound to the lightside of the force presenting themselves with brand new equipment. More of the things they had made came from what information the jedi station in the rift itself provided in monthly burst updates from the communications system. Orihime herself was working on one of the newer pieces of equipment they had developed. In this case there was the stun rods with the built in beamer tech. She was looking over it as a way to use it and help them out if they got into trouble with it. The secondary side was made to inflict a heartstun when it is given a pulse of force energy from the user.
Chiloon Rift.

He'd been here before It had been one of his earliest trials when he was being vetted for training as a Bleeding Sun agent. He'd been a soldier in a private little war, in the employ of [member="Zambrano the Hutt"] - the crazed Primeval dictator who was known for his cannabalistic tendencies and later laid siege to the planet Mirial.

One of the asteroids floating by held the wreckage of an old GR-75 transport that had been added onto until had become a warehouse and fueling depot built right into the rock face. For a time, it had served the pirates of this sector as a shadowport.

It was a tomb now.

It had been a tomb for some time. The bodies it would hold desiccated and frozen. Most had died when the ship had violently decompressed. A few had died before then, and not well. And that had been his doing.

All of it had been his doing.

Chiloon Rift was a dangerous place. Not only for what it might contain, but what wonderful horrors it could inspire by those who visited it. Called upon its mysteries and whispered into the dark places, listening for answers and fearing who shape those voices might take in reply.

At first, he'd thought that he would come along because this was familiar territory to him. He could be a guide. Help to steer the Jedi from trouble. Now he wasn't sure.

Except that Balagoth moved in mysterious ways.

[member="Théodred Heavenshield"] | [member="Orihime Ike"]​
It was strange not being in control of the ship. Jerek was far too used to flying his own vessel to be comfortable as a passenger. Granted, his one-seater fighter wouldn't be able to hold the contingent of Silver Watch members and equipment necessary for the mission ahead, but the situation still rankled him. It made concentration difficult as their uncertain destination approached. The padawan had tried meditation. That hadn't worked. He tried pacing in one of the ship's lower compartments, but that was a failure as well. If Dash had been there, his friend would have suggested a sparring match to work out the stress.

As it was, Jerek was left to deal with it on his own.

That hadn't been unusual as of late. The Republic had been his foster home for as long as he could remember. His twin brother had been his rock and a partner to his soul. His master had been just as much a friend as a mentor. And his friends had been by his side through thick and thin as they learned and trained and grew up. All of that was gone now, leaving the boy to fend for himself. At first, he thought he had found a home in the Silver Order. But their welcoming attitude had quickly revealed itself as a cosmopolitan outlook towards all comers, squeezing Jerek in amongst former Jedi, grey force users and those of the darker arts. Jerek's traditional upbringing left him wanting among those who had forsaken, or never even learned to follow, the Jedi Code.

The Silvers were beholden to no such clause, and Jerek found himself floating untethered in their utopia. To make matters worse, he had traded the temperate world of Onderon for the vast harshness of Rhen Var. The planet's unforgiving climate and desolate landscape echoed the young Jedi's mood almost to a trill. His appetite for something familiar, or at least different from the endless training in the bleakness of Rhen Var, had convinced him to accept the offer to join the Silver Watch.

Which is how Jerek found himself on the Washburn transport, heading off to Force knew where with a group of near-strangers. A new Order, a new task, a new set of robes.

Jerek clasped a hand around the hilt of his lightsaber; its familiarity was the only thing that gave him comfort.

[member="Théodred Heavenshield"] [member="Orihime Ike"] [member="Boo Chiyo"]​
A loud thud on the outside of the ship made Théo puff out his cheeks, sweat had already began to form on his brow and trickle down his neck. He is a good pilot but this was beyond his range of skills when piloting, even with the use of the force to help guide him through the rocky soup. "I am gonna need some help here!", he said over his shoulder not taking his eyes of the control panel.

There was little time for the niceties of introductions and for the most part he knew the people on board with him save for one lad. Weaving the ship through the asteroids took all his focus, rolling the ship to dodge the larger swirling rocks, only to collide with smaller ones, who knew what the outside of the ship now looked like besides it was probably better they did not know. But it would only be a matter of time before even the smallest rock would do some serious damage to components or engines or something vital.

"Who's idea was this", came muffled words mostly to himself, as his eyes lifted to look out the viewport and see what faced them. For as far as he could see, the asteroid field stretched out, fizzing gases making pretty colours on the 'horizon' did little to quell his mind and soul, "Boo? any signs of anything except for more rocks?", he asked hoping there might finally be some sort of direction to aim for, also what had they come? Orihime had something up her metaphoric sleeve he was sure of it, "What exactly are we looking for Orihime?". The Bubble of the Lost? Well as far as this mission had started, they had already found it, and well and truly in it.
[member="Orihime Ike"] | [member="Boo Chiyo"] | [member="Jerek Zenduu"]
Finally! Sorry guys .. :p
JJ sat somewhere off away from the others for now. The Corellian had found his away among this group almost running away from something which had been a personal tragedy for him. Life had not gone as he expected it to, and the fact he was still haunted by the first kill, it had made the boy something of a coward. JJ had always been the one to run. When Sasha had asked him to leave with her he hadn't afraid of breaking relationship with his parents. Know he had run from those he loved because he feared what they would think of the fact he had killed that Sith on Dac. JJ had saved many lives by taking the one, but it still had not settled well.

The banging of rocks against the hull of the ship drew the twenty something padawan out of his melancholy thoughts. He sighed as the voice of one of the Grand Master's children called out for help. "Well if you didn't fly right at them, they wouldn't hit us," JJ said as he emerged from his seclusion. He looked over the controls and added his sense of calm to the pilot as he hoped it would help him to concentrate more. JJ would pilot if asked. His mother had ensured he was a good Corellian pilot, and that meant learning to fly through asteroids and debris fields. This would have been a cake walk for the Corellian.

Instead he just shrugged his shoulders as questions were asked. JJ was here to hide from the guilt he carried. He'd taken a life, and even though it was not innocent by far, JJ could not let it go. Perhaps this would bring him redemption. Maybe there was more penance for him to pay, but he would see this through. Hopefully the young man would find himself in the process.

[member="Théodred Heavenshield"] [member="Jerek Zenduu"] [member="Boo Chiyo"] [member="Orihime Ike"]
"Boo? any signs of anything except for more rocks?"

The question made the young Pantoran crack a thin, enigmatic smile. "All around us," the young witch-boy answered cryptically. Which was a fair response. Bodies and death, mysteries and the unexplained. The ghost ship of his previous voyage out to the Rift.

There were many things in this part of space that were more than just rocks.

Glancing over at where Théo was struggling at the controls, the purple-haired Pantoran looked around at their companion. The flaxen haired human boy. He was some kind of pilot ace, was he not?

What were they called? Jedi Seneschals?

"Perhaps Jerek should take the controls..." the preteen Knight of Ren offered, in an inoffensive and neutral of a tone as he could muster while seeing asteroids coming right at them.

[member="Judah Lesan Jr."] | [member="Théodred Heavenshield"] | [member="Jerek Zenduu"] | [member="Orihime Ike"]​
[member="Boo Chiyo"] [member="Jerek Zenduu"] [member="Judah Lesan Jr."] [member="Théodred Heavenshield"]

Is there anything else out here then just rock? The jedi knight looked over at him while staying in a seat and motioning. "Can't you feel it?" She saw Boo who seemed calm enough here but going through the plasma pockets of the rift wasn't exactly a fun time and avoiding all of the large roccks.... or in their case flying towards them she pointed when a pocket opened looking in towards the massive center of the rift. The Bubble fo the Lost was an ancient monolith and yeah you could see the damn thing, some people even built on the surface of it massive facilities it was kind of like a giant black slate of marble in space of out some scifi holovid. "Well that is the goal, the bubble of the lost, the different mining and research facilities that have been constructed were constructed near there." THere were other things as well like the bubble being ah. "Though if we could please not try to hit every things.. that would be great."
Yeah, well they all had to time to sit and 'feel', "Can I feel it", he mumbled under his breath with a heavy doze of venom. Seems they are looking for a rather large monolith, should not be to hard right? In among all these asteroids, wanting nothing more then the pulverise them into dust. BANG!

Théo quickly clipped open his harness ready for a more skilled pilot to take over, he knew his limits regards of his Corellian mother's smattering of blood in his veins, there was simply too much Valkyri in the lad, and Valkyri are not noted for their flying ships. Ocean faring sure thing! Navigating over vast expanses of land and mountains, yeap got that covered. Asteroid belts? not a jot.

Little miss happy feet and the new comer made their 'feelings' known, and warranted he had to agree, and the ship banked hard right in order to avoid one of the larger swirling out of control, rocks. Anyone not strapped in would 'feel' the bite of the cold 'steel' on their bodies. Even Théo now out of his harness had trouble remaining in the pilot seat.

Once steadied, and ship upright, Théo stood to hand over the controls to the kid, Jerek. It was only in the exchange did Théo realise just how much energy he had expended, and stood wobbly on his feet from mental fatigue.
[member="Orihime Ike"] | [member="Boo Chiyo"] | [member="Judah Lesan Jr."] | [member="Jerek Zenduu"]
Curiosity had beckoned, summoning Jerek to the cockpit of the aging transport, finding it strangely crowded as the ship careened its way through the asteroid belt. He strapped himself into a seat in the rear of the compartment, leaning into the turns as the ship rolled and pitched to avoid collisions in the dense celestial neighborhood. The boy rolled his eyes in teenaged annoyance as another unseen rock hit the ship's hull, violently shaking the vessel. A more skilled pilot might have avoided the impact, or at least turned it into a glancing blow. The pilot at the controls would probably get the ship to its destination, of that he was not afraid, but the maintenance crew at the end of the journey was going to be very upset by the state of the ship.

Jerek was simply glad he wasn't the one who would have to explain it to them.

In an instant that would teach him not to count his blessings before the hatched, the blond-haired boy heard the youngest speak up, belonging to the blue kid seated across from him. Jerek's first thought was to wonder how the Pantoran knew his name, he was a stranger to the other occupants to the extent of his knowledge. Only after a moment did it dawn on him that he was being volunteered for his piloting skills.

"Well, I don't know if I..." he started, cut off by another violent rock of the ship. As much as Jerek loved the thrill of flying, the freedom granted by the vacuum of space, the ability to go for as far as his fuel tank would take him, he paled at the task before him. Piloting a lumbering tub of a starship. Through an asteroid belt. And do it better than the Silver Knight currently flying. He gulped involuntarily at the sight of the pilot's seat.

Which was now his, Jerek realized as the pilot stood and offered the controls to him. The youth quickly unbelted and switched seats, hoping to lose as little time as possible in the transition. A cursory glance of the controls was all he could afford as the screens warning him of a particularly large asteroid specimen heading directly towards the ancient vessel.

Jerek spun the controls, intending to bank well in advance of the rock. The transport groaned and, after pausing for what seemed like a thoughtful consideration and an afternoon nap, began to roll out of the way. The padawan might have breathed a sigh of relief then and there, but for the second rock now in their path as a result of the ship's movement, hell bent on trying its mettle against the ship's metal hull. To turn now was to risk sending the ship back on its original course, pitting it directly between a rock and another rock. Still, the boy had little choice, and sent the ship banking back towards the first. With a sluggish response that would make a bantha seem speedy by comparison, the old Washburn rolled and managed to avoid both of the rocky objects.

Once Jerek's heart settled from its new home in his throat, the experience actually became rather thrilling. Driving the oversized bus was a challenge in and of itself, much less through an asteroid field, but an adolescent adrenaline fueled his nimble fingers on the controls. The familiar feeling of freedom beckoned, however, tempting the boy towards open space. He gripped the controls tighter, staying the course, but the familiar pull put him at ease. A calm spread over him, as Jerek settled into the state of mind he once knew flying with the Republic Jedi. The ship turned and dodged, and the youth in the pilot's seat let out a gleeful laugh.

"Hang on to your robes, people, 'cause I think we're going to make it!"

[member="Orihime Ike"] | [member="Boo Chiyo"] | [member="Judah Lesan Jr."] | [member="Théodred Heavenshield"]​
As the ship lurched forth that last roll, evading the wanna-be planetoids, the sound of something quite large slamming into a wall within the ship could be heard, echoing through the various corridors. A deep, agitated snarl followed the sound of impact. A large, lumbering, black-furred, thoroughly scarred, feline beast eventually made it's way to the long corridor to the cockpit. Shaking it's mass slightly, as it could see some clear space beyond the viewport of the cockpit, the great, 300+ kilo beast would snort in frustration.

Long, sharp, intimidating spines lined it's back. A twin row, running from near it's shoulder-blades down to it's hips. Long, dagger-like, twin fangs hung down from it's upper jaw. But, the most eerie part, was those eyes. Those keen, intelligent eyes. The beast moved forwards, before lowering onto it's haunches before [member="Théodred Heavenshield"]. The great beast gently lowered it's massive head onto the young Valkyri's lap, fangs pointing away from the lad's legs or body. Once the contact was made, the beast's eyes closed, as it concentrated. A pulse from the Force, a channeling of energy, as the great beast evoked the Healing Arts, seeking to revitalize the young Valkyri.

As soon as some sense of lucidity returned to Théo, the beast lifted it's head, looking the Valkyri in the eye. "What.... the hell.... did you.... get me.... into?" The great beast asked, the effort in vocalization quite taxing in this form, and greatly limited in how many syllables were able to be strung together at a time. By the Force I hate being stuck like this.... karking hyperspace travel.... Ryn'Dhal thought to himself in frustration.

[member="Jerek Zenduu"] | [member="Orihime Ike"] | [member="Boo Chiyo"] | [member="Judah Lesan Jr."]​

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