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Approved Planet Kazutal

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Watcher Lord


Out of Character Information
The creation of a planet for additional roleplay opportunities as well as the continuation of the ambitious Wild Space Project
Image Credit:[HERE]
[HERE] - Artist: Pablo Olivera
[HERE] - Artist: Juan Pablo Roldan
[HERE] - Artist: Sarel Theron
[HERE] - Artist: Adam Narozanski
[HERE] - Artist: Pablo Olivera
Canon:Not Applicable
Permissions:Not Applicable
Tropical Jungle
List of Mayan Deities
Nature Priests

General Information
Planet Name:Kazutal
Region:Wild Space
System Name:Razatlan
Main Sequence Class 'G'
Yum Kaax
Planet(s):1st Orbit - GIII
2nd Orbit - Maximon
3rd Orbit - Acan
4th Orbit - Kazutal
5th Orbit - Kukulkan
6th Orbit - K'iche
7th Orbit - Yucatec
Feature(s):Kazutal Asteroid Belt
Yucatec Asteroid Belt
Ohachtsik Comet
Location: Tammuz-an Hex
Major Imports:Processed Metals
High-Tech Goods
Major Exports:Foodstuffs
Exotic Botanicals


Geographic Information
Gravity:Galactic Standard
Atmosphere:Type I Atmosphere
Primary Terrain:Tropical Jungles
Freshwater Oceans
Limestone Caverns

A massive multitiered city of Triadic Pyramids, Rotundas, and Spires that was built onto the side of a mountain - home to a rare sheer waterfall cliff - and perched precariously above a massive Cenote. Additional structures of the city are sprawled out at the base of the mountain, though not so close to the edge of the cenote that they face the possible danger of falling in should the limestone in the area weaken further. Its silvery appearance makes it shimmer and shine brilliantly in the rising and setting sun - often painted red and orange in the early morning, and violet and black in the dusk as the sun makes its journey over the horizon. Razatlan serves as the de-facto Capital of the Planet and the capital of one of the strongest city-states on Kazutal. The majority of trade flows through Razatlan before reaching the other city-states of the planet.

While many cities are built of stone, metal, and other materials - the City of Jolizpan is unique in its creation. Playing home to the bulk of the Ithorian, Neti, and Sylphe populations of the planet - the entire city is constructed of exotic botanicals - with entire sectors of the city being grown or retracted as the needs of the denizens and environment demand or require. Much like Razatlan, Jolizpan was grown over a sacred Cenote - which also serves as the primary water source for the city above. Jolizpan is thus held up by five massive tendrils that are buried deep into the limestone shelves to ensure that the city doesn't collapse into the cenote. The majority of the planet's medicines and foodstuffs are grown and produced in Jolizpan before shipped off-world - while the city's Council is very strict about their exotic botanicals being exported - they allow small quantities of the plants to be exported.

Dominated by massive stone Triadic Pyramids - the city of Tikal served as the religious center of Kazutal in ages past when it had a more dominant presence on the planet. Now it stands as an ancient monument to the past of the Kazutal - though, in more recent times, there has been a cultural shift that has seen Tikal become the cultural center of Kazutal. In its new role, Tikal has seen its prestige and power rise to challenge the military and economical power of Jolizpan and Razatlan - with artwork and cultural trinkets of Tikal finding their way into the hands of collectors, tourists, and all manner of individuals across the galaxy. Some Tikal trinkets have even found their way into the Deep Core and featured in Museums and Private Collections on Coruscant.

An ancient settlement, the compound sits on a highland plateau and it was the site where the colonists first constructed their original settlement when they arrived on the planet. In times long since gone, the site of Mayapan was the cultural, military, and economic capital of the planet and oversaw an expansive territorial empire across the northern continent. Eventually - due to a combination of factors - the city lost its prestige and saw its people splinter and fracture into warring city-states vying for survival and power of their own. Now, with the City-States existing in a Tribal Confederacy and maintaining a relative peace, the site of Mayapan has undergone a series of restoration efforts - predominately lead by the Council of Tikal - to preserve and restore the site as a place of cultural and historical significance.


Location Information
Capital City:Razatlan
Planetary Features:Jolizpan
Major Locations:The lands of Yopaat
Temple of Yum Kaax
The root of the Sky
The Underworld

The Lands of Yopaat
Lying across the Ocean, nestled into the mountain valleys and highlands of a sole island are the Lands of Yopaat - a region that is covered in a perpetual shower of rain - be it a simple drizzle in its 'Dry Season' or the more torrential rains its experiences during its Monsoon Season. It is one of only a few locations on Kazutal in which the land is not predominately Limestone - else the entire region would have eroded away into nothingness countless eons ago. A perpetual storm system hangs over the region - large enough that it can be seen from orbit - though some strange force, technology, or other reason seems to keep it from moving across the face of the planet.

Temple of Yum Kaax
In the days when Tikal was a major center of religious power - there was a temple dedicated to a deity that was said to preside over the woods, nature, and animals that inhabited the jungles of Kazutal. This temple - which still stands and is protected by generational caretakers - still resides deep in the jungle interior of Kazutal's largest continent. The Temple of Yum Kaax - though no longer serving its original purpose as a religious center or pilgrimage site - is a well guarded and kept secret, with its caretakers even going so far as to ensure that maps, information, and other such knowledge of the site are kept from others to further preserve its existence. This has caused rumors to abound about what the caretakers are truly doing in the ancient site or what plans that they had hidden away from the rest of Kazutal.

The Root of the Sky
Hidden away from prying eyes and kept a secret by the native Kazutalani people - this region is one of only a few that retains its mystique and religious prominence among the ancient and forgotten deities and religious centers of Kazutal. The entire area is a verdant tropical rainforest filled with a myriad of exotic flora - including a rare flower that only grows, blooms, and thrives in the region. The native Kazutalani people named this region 'The Root of the Sky' as its marvelous appearance of the misty skies and towering trees made it seem that the entire region was keeping the sky rooted to the planet below. Only a few outside of the native Kazutalani have been given permission to even venture into the region - let alone remain as permanent residents to protect and keep the plant life healthy - with the majority of those being Ithorians known as 'Nature Priests'.

The Underworld
Though not a singular location and rather a formation - the entirety of the 'Underworld' is located beneath the surface of the planet. Traversing across much of the planet, the Underworld is a series of tunnels, causeways, shafts, and caverns that were created by eroded limestone - with many of its tunnels intersecting and connecting the multitude of Cenotes that dot the surface of Kazutal. Some of these tunnels - which are submerged under water - even connect to the vast Freshwater Oceans that sit on the surface - making the entirety of the Underworld a dangerous place to explore. Those that have returned from exploring this otherworld have tales of ancient treasures, lost cities, and forgotten sites that have been reclaimed by the water that now fills these features - while those that don't return become a lasting resident of the Underworld, their remains marking where they fell and adding to the eerieness that one often feels while exploring this dangerous region.

Native Species:Kazutalani - Human
Immigrated Species:Wookiees
3 Billion - 4 Billion
Demographics:Kazutalani - 55%
Wookiees - 5%
Rodians - 3%
Sylphe - 3%
Neti - 8%
Ithorians - 12%
Actaeanis - 4%
Other - 10%
Primary Languages:Razatlani
Galactic Basic Standard
Neti (Language)

The Culture of Kazutal is one of multitude and plenty - though all cultures of the native Kazutalani all grow from three basic principles. Community, Liberty, and Safety. Kazutalani Culture is highly focused on the Community and as such, it is often the Community that feels the pain when such an egregious act as Murder is committed by one of their own. A known practice that is shared among many of the City-States is the "Community Acceptance" - and such a spectacle is often seen after a younger member of the community has committed some wrongdoing or is to receive punishment for some lesser transgression. In this ceremony, the members of the Community surround the individual and recite all the good that they have done in their life to that point in a bid to change their behavior and bring them back into the Community - this ceremony more often than not succeeds and has seen Kazutal consistently report lower murder rates than other planets.

Liberty and Safety form the other pillars of Kazutalani Culture - and the Liberty that many experience is something that they staunchly defend - and has seen, time and time again, many would-be Dictators and Autocrats deposed before their reign could rightfully begin - as the people rise up to defend their Liberties. This has seen the development of a more Tolerant and Liberal Society grow on Kazutal and it is often the people that will be the first to rise in order to defend that society. Whereas Safety is often seen as one being safe from worry, pain, or fear that their needs will not be met. However, it is also one of Safety from Danger - as while the native Kazutalani people are peaceful to the point of Pacifism, they will not hesitate to protect themselves or others should the need arise.

Religion is another point that is often not as widely contested or conflicting - and now, more so than ever, it seems to have found a niche following and is not as widespread as it had been. While lands, ancient sites, and temples still exist that hold the names of a myriad of lesser deities and demi-gods, overall religion has been focused on two entities, The Mother Jaguar, who embodies the principles of Community, Liberty, and Safety, and Ohachtsik, a darker deity that stands in clear opposition of all that Mother Jaguar stands for - with a cult dedicated to him even rumored to exist in the darker parts of Kazutal's jungles and forgotten ruins.


Government and Economy
Government:Tribal Confederation
Alignment:Neutral Good

While Kazutal maintains a comfortable standard of living due in part to its modest level of wealth - it is not overly burdened with untapped resources or materials that would provide it untold levels of wealth as seen on other mineral-rich planets. The bulk of the planet's wealth comes from its exports of Medicines, Foodstuffs, and Botanical based products. However, this can often be overshadowed or otherwise canceled out due in part to its dependence on importing such things as Fuels, Finished Goods, and Processed Metals, as well as Technological products. While it does have some natural resources in the way of Nickel, Limestone, and other metals and minerals - the Kazutalani people are highly protective of their environment and climate of their planet - refusing to and often at times driving away, companies whose efforts to extract these resources would cause untold damage to the planet.

Due in part to the multitude of City-States, both major and minor, that dot the surface of Kazutal, one would think that it would be a place of conflicting ideologies, laws, and cultural norms - and though this was the case in ancient times now forgotten - in more modern Kazutal, the planet is highly stable in terms of crime, and the safety of non-native individuals. The majority of crimes - depending on their severity - are often dealt with harshly, for more egregious crimes, or leniently, for lesser crimes. As an example, an individual may be sentenced to community service of some measure for stealing food while hungry, where-as an individual convicted of murder would be exiled into the Jungles to fend for themselves against the native flora and fauna of the planet. Religious tolerance has developed over the centuries - though not all religious beliefs are tolerated - and rumors abound that there is a cult devoted to an ancient deity represented by the Ohachtsik Comet that seeks to sow unrest and discord among the various City-States.

Freedom and Oppression
Kazutal is ruled over by a Tribal Confederation consisting of a number of Major City-States - such as Razatlan and Jolizpan - and an almost innumerable Minor City-States, each with their own laws, cultures, and beliefs. In ancient times, these City-States often vied for power and dominance over the others through feats of arms, skirmishes, and minor conflicts - though nothing on the level as seen on planets such as Bith or Korriban. As a means to codify and otherwise simplify the masses of conflicting laws, and promote cultural exchange, the Tribal Confederation was established, bringing an end to conflict that had extended as far back as any could remember. Freedom of Movement and of Government Criticism is highly protected - and individuals are often encouraged to traverse between the various City-States to experience the myriad of cultures present on Kazutal. The only "Oppression", as some may deem it, is the heavy hand that is often levied upon Travelers or those considered "Outsiders" on Kazutal. They are often confined to the Foreign Quarter of Razatlan - and special permissions must be granted by the Tribal Confederation Council for such individuals to leave Razatlan - and even then, it is only permitted under an escort of armed guardians.

Much as many aspects of Kazutal is decided or dependent upon the multitude of City-States, its Military capabilities fall to that same measure of limitation. While overall, the planet is more inclined towards Pacifism - it is in the Domain of Safety, specifically Protection - that is embodied by Mother Jaguar that Kazutal bares its fangs. For while they are inclined towards Pacifism and allowing Peace to reign, they are no stranger to fighting - as their ancient history prior to the adoption of Mother Jaguar's principles, is drenched in blood. Many of the City-States see to their own defenses and many of the minor or lesser City-States field small militias and police forces for their defense - it is larger City-States such as Razatlan that provide the largest and most formidable Military Force that protects the planet.

Among Kazutal's Military Forces is an elite cadre of individuals known as 'Jaguar Guards' - these individuals are drawn from the most capable individuals of Kazutal and are often Native Kazutalani. Trained in Jungle Warfare and Special Operations - they are masters of stealth and surprise and strike against those that would disturb the Peace without warning or second-thought. In terms of "Naval" power, Kazutal maintains a fleet of sufficient size to discourage Pirates and Raiders - though not so large as to be capable of mounting an Inter-Planetary War.

Galactic Standard - It should be noted that while larger City-States - such as Razatlan and Jolizpan as notable examples - retain a level of technology similar to the remainder of the Galaxy, it is not the case planet-wide. Some regions of the Planet, such as the Lands of Yopaat and the Root of the Sky, are devoid of advanced technology and rely more heavily on "Primitive" technologies, tools, and in some cases, weapons - which are often made of stone and wood with very little metal. Advanced Technologies seem to be more focused in the larger population centers, more so in Razatlan's Foreign Quarters, and some Native Kazutalani may go their entires lives without seeing such technological items as Starships, Repulsorcraft, or even Blasters.


Galactic History
25,000BBY - The Rakatan Hyperdrive - having been reversed engineered by Corellian Scientists a scant Fifty-Years prior - opens up a New Era of Exploration in the Galaxy, seeing the Galactic Republic founded with the signing of the Galactic Constitution and the establishment of the Perlemian Trade Route that links the Republic to Ossus and the Tion Cluster Beyond. A colony ship - with the progenitors of the Kazutalani - is forced off course after being struck by the edge of a Super Nova event, pushing it from its intended course into the region known as 'The Slice' and into Wild Space where it will eventually discover and settle the planet Kazutal. The name is derived from an ancestral deity worshipped by the Kazutalani progenitors.

24,999BBY - 24,980BBY - The original site of Mayapan is founded by the Kazutalani Progenitors and it flourishes thanks to its location of a verdant Highland Plateau that overlooks the Tropical Jungles that wrap around the settlement on the South, West, and North - and the Freshwater Ocean that borders it on the East. Mayapan grows into a Military, Economical, and Religious Center at the heart of an expansive Empire - The first Triadic Pyramids are constructed and a grand avenue is constructed, flanked by a multitude of important buildings and locations within the site.

24,980BBY - 20,000BBY - The Golden Age of Mayapan is proclaimed, and the city grows in size, prestige, wealth, and power - with the first Kings founding the Mayapan Empire which reigns over a number of smaller settlements and cities. The Kings of Mayapan use their City's might to bring to heel these other settlements, demanding and extracting Tribute from them. However, the first cracks begin to show in the Empire as they lose control over cities that are distanced further away from their center of power. During this Golden Age, the site of Tikal is founded - and an expedition across the Freshwater Ocean reaches what will be known as 'The Lands of Yopaat'. The expedition never returns, and little else is discovered or learned about these strange lands drenched in everlasting storms until subsequent expeditions return to tell stories of the strange flora, fauna, and weather of the region.

19,900BBY - The Golden Age of Mayapan comes to an end when Tikal breaks away from the Empire and begins to project its own power. Other settlements and sites quickly follow suit and almost overnight, the once Grand City of Mayapan is abandoned and forgotten. The Mayapan Empire slowly collapses as more and more of its former subjugated colonies and cities pull away to establish their own leadership, might, and wealth. Eventually, Mayapan becomes forgotten as the last Kings commit a form of ritual suicide and allow the Jungles of Kazutal to overtake and claim the city. The site of Mayapan will not be discovered again for countless centuries.

19,900BBY - 15,000BBY - Externally the Galaxy carries on its own affairs and for the most part, Kazutal is overlooked or never even given a second thought or in some cases, never discovered. During this time, the Great Manifest Period comes to a close, eventually leading into the Indecta Era and ultimately opening into the Kymoodon Era. Internally, this period of time is one of contestation, strife, hunger, and famine on Kazutal - as City-States rise, collapse, and rise again in a never-ending process, sites large and small all aim to create their own Empires and Kingdoms or to carve out their own territories. Many claim lineage to the long-lost Mayapan Kings as a means to establish heretical prestige and legitimacy of their own Dynasties and efforts. It is during this Era on Kazutal that the great City-States of Razatlan and Jolizpan rise from humble beginnings, quickly overshadowing and outclassing Tikal and other, much older City-States. The first Jaguar Guards of Razatlan are seen being fielded in that City-State's military forces, and they prove effective as subduing enemy forces and claiming territory for Razatlan.

15,000BBY - The Kymoodon Era begins and marks the Second Expansion and Colonial Boom of the Republic, while the events of Kazutal begin to slow and stabilize following the collapse of the Mayapan Empire. Razatlan, Jolizpan - and to a lesser extent - Tikal, emerge from the conflict as the De-Facto powers, with their own Hegemonic Territories encompassing smaller, lesser-known City-States and sites that had also been vying for power at one time or another during the previous Eras. The Temple of Yum Kaax is first founded and quickly overtakes Tikal as the Religious and Cultural center of Kazutal, however, its golden period only lasts a few hundred years into the Kymoodon Era, with Tikal eventually resting the title as Cultural Center back from the Temple.

14,500BBY - The First Contact with Republic Scouts occurs, however, the Kazutalani people are skeptical of their intentions - while also being highly protective of their environment. While the other City-States drive the Republic Scouts away, the City-State of Razatlan establishes itself as the Planet's De-Facto Capital - however - it also establishes the Razatlan Foreigner's Quarters and prohibits the Republic Scouts from leaving the designated zone. Conflict with the Republic almost erupts a dozen or more times as Republic citizens are frequently judged and punished harshly for transgressions committed on Kazutal. By the end of the Era, the Razatlan Foreigner's Quarters is almost uninhabited save for those few that have earned their place among the Kazutalani people.

11,987BBY - A Religious sect known as the Pius Dea takes control of the Republic, opening the Pius Dea Era - a time of Galactic conflict that sees the Pius Dea wage a Crusade against Alien Species. The Kazutalani - although a Human species - disagrees with the Pius Dea beliefs and closes their planet off to all travel from the Republic. During this Era, the belief of Mother Jaguar sees both a resurgence and a shift in cultural values. The Mother Jaguar is no longer seen as a Deity of War - rather she is held up as a Goddess of Community, Liberty, and Safety - and the Kazutalani take to these new pillars of their society wholeheartedly. Kazutal opens itself as a refuge for Alien Species experiencing discrimination and persecution by the Pius Dea Crusades and sees an influx of Ithorian, Sylphe, and Neti in large numbers - with a variety of other species also arriving to seek peace and stability out of harm's way.

11,700BBY - 2,000BBY - This expansive section of time spanning multiple Republic Eras sees the marking of the Kazutal Isolation Period and its Second Golden Age since the fall of Mayapan. Kazutal cuts all ties to the Republic, with their fleets frequently turning away Republic vessels that arrive in the system - only permitting individuals seeking a place of refuge to land on the planet or those fleeing from the Pius Dea or any other number of conflicts. Large settlements of Neti, Ithorians, Wookies, and Sylphe mark a number of the older regions of the Tropical Jungles - long since abandoned or forgotten outposts and City-States are rediscovered and new efforts are undertaken to either resettle these regions or preserve these forgotten heritage sites. During this Second Great Golden Age of Kazutal - the ancient site of Mayapan - forgotten and reclaimed by the Jungles, is rediscovered by a Wookie and Ithorian that had set out from Tikal in search of a site for a new community. The Tikal Council begins the endeavor to reclaim and preserve the site of Mayapan - an effort that continues to this day. Additional expeditions are mounted into the Lands of Yopaat, and more fanciful stories and legends return with the explores of the region - however - due to its continued torrential rains, no major sites are established save for lone outposts and research bases. The Temple of Yum Kaax loses its prestige as a Religious Center, and the Jungle claims much of the site save for its central temple which is guarded religiously by an unknown group of Caretakers that restrict access to the site. This Era also sees the Native Kazutalani and a group of Ithorian Nature Priests discover the Root of the Sky - a verdant Tropical Jungle with flora only native to the region. The site is religiously guarded, with only a select few Native Kazutalani and the Ithorian Nature Priests being permitted access to the area.

2,000BBY - Kazutal opens contact with the Republic once more - though remains warry of their activities after having learned of a new Schism within the Republic's Protectors - the Jedi Order. Kazutal once more flourishes as a refugee haven and the population of Razatlan explodes during this time as additional refugees fill the Razatlan Foreign Quarter - resulting in its expansion. The Kazutalani largely avoid and stay out of what are dubbed as 'The New Sith Wars' - save for a few instances of their Jaguar Guard assisting in protecting Refugees or minor communities that are threatened to be consumed by the conflict. By the end of the Period - the Jaguar Guard and the bulk of the Kazutal Military Forces are pulled back to the planet and begin a series of decommissioning projects as the Native Kazutalani embrace Pacifism - though a small fleet and the Jaguar Guard remain to defend the planet and its people.

1,000BBY - 32BBY - This period is more commonly seen as the Great Peace on Kazutal, marked with the bulk of its military might and fighting forces being decommissioned and stood down as the Culture of Kazutal shifted away from the more war-like aspects of their ancestral deities - as religious beliefs in general wane and the portfolio of the Mother Jaguar had changed millennia ago. Though accepting a more Pacifistic stance - turning towards Diplomacy, Cultural, and Economical means to advance their causes and project their might - they do not entirely abandon their belief of Safety, specifically that of Protection - as seen in the continued existence of the Jaguar Guard and the Kazutal Fleet.

32BBY - 19BBY - Courted by both the Republic and Confederacy of Independent Systems during the time that would later be known as the Clone Wars, Kazutal did its best to remain neutral and secure its independence from either side involved in the conflict. On multiple occurrences, minor skirmishes between the Republic and the Confederacy - attempting to gain access to the planet - almost boiled over and threatened to turn Kazutal into yet another battlefront of the galaxy-spanning conflict. By the end of the Clone Wars, with the Rise of the Empire on the horizon, Kazutal began to carefully remove itself from the overall events of the Galaxy - preferring isolation rather than drawing the attention or ire of the Empire down upon their world.

19BBY - 4ABY - During the subsequent Imperial Era and Galactic Civil War that saw the formation of the Alliance to Restore the Republic - Kazutal kept a close eye on the conflict, though kept to its Pacifist and Isolationist stance. However, this does not mean that the planet was not active during this era of Galactic History - with minor reports of Jaguar Guards undertaking secretive missions and operations across the galaxy. Though the full extent of their involvement still remains unknown, it is speculated that the Jaguar Guards were ensuring the secrecy of Kazutal by wiping any information about the planet from records on worlds in which they had previous contact. It is also rumored that they even welcomed and sheltered Jedi fleeing from the Imperial Purge - as the verdant and abundant life on Kazutal was allegedly more than enough to drown out the Force signature of a Force Sensitive - though this rumor has not been tested, studied, or found to be true or false.

4ABY - 425ABY - A great deal of this period of time in the Galaxy - not only on Kazutal - is filled with contradictions and uncertainties in terms of the information that is provided and understood, as many accounts on the events exist and have created a sort of "Mandela" Effect in which many records and recorded individuals remember vividly than an Extragalactic Species known as the Yuuzhan Vong carved a bloody swath through the Galaxy during an Invasion - with many Yuuzhan Vong remaining as clear evidence for this narrative. However, there are just as many accounts and memories of the Second Fall of the Jedi Order, marking the death of such notable individuals as Luke Skywalker and Han Solo, the Rise and Fall of the First Order, and the Second Death of Palpatine at the hands of his granddaughter, one Rey Skywalker. Even the records on Kazutal seem to be lost, incomplete, or destroyed and no definitive "Truth" - whatever that may be - can be agreed upon by Historical Scholars.

425ABY - The Darkest Hour in Galactic History - remembered as 'Zero Hour' - this event marks the first appearance and subsequent release of a Virus, by the Terrorist known as Zero, that will ultimately lead to the spread of the Gulag Plague. Less than a year after it is released on Csilla - the then Capital of the Chiss Ascendancy - it spreads rapidly across the Galaxy. Entire Interstellar Governments collapse overnight and many systems are left to fend for themselves. There are a few that still attempt to aid and assists one another, though these efforts are short-lived and burn out just as quickly as they are started. Even Kazutal is not safe from the effects of the Virus - and though the population works tirelessly in an attempt to find a cure or a means to halt or even slow the spread of the virus, they are ultimately unsuccessful. Soon enough, all Interstellar travel is halted as Systems turn inwards to their own people, to secure what order they can and hopefully emerge from the other side, somewhat intact.

465ABY - 835ABY - The effects of the Virus are felt far and wide and it seems that no corner of Kazutal is safe. While isolation works for a time, communities eventually become infected and those that survive often find themselves living among the sick, dead, and dying. Entire City-States are left as monuments of death, with so many dying of the Virus that there are not enough healthy living individuals remaining to bury the dead. These City-States are abandoned, left to rot, and the jungle permitted to reclaim them over the next few hundred years. Larger City-States like Razatlan seem to be more capable of weathering the Plague, though even their population sees a drastic decline as the virus spreads through the city. Kazutal reaches a breaking point, and it looks as though Razatlan, Jolizpan, and Tikal are poised to follow Mayapan to its fate and collapse - it is only by sheer luck that the major City-States survive, though their populations are drastically declined and it isn't until the late 700s that their populations even match half that of Pre-Gulag numbers.

836ABY - 844ABY - In terms of the Historical Record, this short period that followed the Dark Ages of the Galaxy, is considered to be a minor expansion of Kazutal's influence as its City-States reestablished themselves and the population once more was stable enough to see a steady increase. Tikal once more grew into a Cultural center of Kazutal, as Razatlan and Jolizpan also grew in prominence in their own rights. This is also considered to be the Third Golden Age of Kazutal, albeit the shortest, and sees a number of advancements in their Medicine, as well as their understanding of Botanicals and Farming techniques which see increased production in Foodstuffs. Kazutal even begins to hesitantly, and cautiously, rejoin the Galactic Community, opening limited contact for the first time in over four hundred years.

844ABY - Their population had barely recovered, their numbers reaching Pre-Gulag Virus levels when another catastrophe struck the wider Galaxy. Overnight, Billions of the Galactic Population disappeared, vanishing from their homes, businesses, and every place in-between. Many planets are rendered immobile, as key infrastructure freezes when those that operate and know how to operate these components disappear. Some planets see their entire Government collapse overnight while those that remain cobble together what they can and attempt to understand what happened. In this regard, Kazutal manages to survive thanks to its more decentralized Confederacy - though the larger City-States still experience their own hardships in the loss of half their population. Those that remain do their best to carry on - and a new Triadic Pyramid is erected in Tikal to remember those that had been lost - too numerous are the losses for every name to be added to the blank, black Steele that top the site.

845ABY - 864ABY - Everlasting Conflict has gripped the Galaxy - Interstellar Governments rise and fall as the tides swell and crash upon the shore. Old Alliances splinter and strange New Alliances bring prosperity and security to ancient enemies now turned friends. Through it all, the people - those of the lowest rung - still struggle to survive. Seeing the writing upon the Horizon and the coming conflicts growing more prevalent, Kazutal begins to break away from its Pacifist and Isolationist stance as they welcome refugees - once more seeing their planet swell with the displaced and desperate. They mark the coming of a New Era with the expansion of their Defensive Fleet and the Jaguar Guards - though internally, a darker secret hides in the shadows and a cabal of cultists that worship an ancient chaotic deity seek to bring ruin to Kazutal.

Last edited by a moderator:

Ylla Caeli'runa

Watcher Lord

Another day, another exceptional planet! I really liked the mysterious feel to the place and the idea of the Community Acceptance spectacle? ritual? make Kazutal a very unique jungle planet. There's just one small thing I'll need you to correct before passing it up the grapevine.

It revolves around the Image Credit section. The images found on TinEye lead to redirects that lead to expired search results for both the 3rd and 4th images. For the 3rd image, I've found this image on Pintrest as a look at Jacklyn Reynold's releases does not show an image similar to it that I've found. Same for the 4th picture, here's the Pinterest source.

As always, please tag me once you've completed this edit or if you have any questions.

Watcher Lord

Ylla Caeli'runa

Image Credit | Edited
  • The 3rd Image has been switched out for a piece of art created by Juan Pablo Roldan - [HERE]
  • The 4th Image I had switched out last night after the Lastwall Submission Review, and managed to dig up the original artist's name and a more definitive link as seen - [HERE]

Ylla Caeli'runa

Watcher Lord

Lovely, thank you for that!
Per my promise yesterday in the Lastwall planet sub, I'll link the post regarding your intent here so that, hopefully, the secondary reviewer will take that into consideration during their review of the submission.

I'm really interested to watch the Lastwall faction/project grow and develop!

Srina Talon Srina Talon | Allyson Locke Allyson Locke
Watcher Lord | Ylla Caeli'runa

This is a wonderfully put together and detailed submission. I love reading it. There are just two issues I'd like to bring to your attention before approving the submission.


While all your images are properly credited, the 5th link, to artist Adam Narozanski, only leads to the google link and not directly to his Twitter where the image is available. If you could please alter the link to lead directly to his Twitter as a better form of crediting the artist.

Major Locations

It appears that some of your major locations have ended up in the geographic information section, namely "Razatlan", "Jolizpan", "Tikal", "Mayapan" Would you like to move them down into the correct place?

Watcher Lord

John Locke John Locke | Ylla Caeli'runa

Image | Edited the fifth link so that it now directly links to the Twitter account and the exact Photo utilized.

Major Locations | The locations that you've noted, "Razatlan", "Jolizpan", "Tikal", and "Mayapan" are in their correct locations. The 'Geographical Information' section is its own contained table. The above-mentioned locations fall under the 'Planetary Features' as stated in the Codex Planet Template.

Planetary Features: [ What are interesting artificial features of the planet? Ruins, interconnected cities, floating urban platforms. This field is used to sketch out artificial features, adding RP opportunities, but without the need for specific details like in the major locations field. You can also include if the planet is primarily Wild, Rural, Suburban, Urban, or a Mix. ]

I have used a similar setup in regards to the layout of the tables, as seen in the Lastwall Codex submission, and in the current work in progress Matravash Codex submission; in which the Planetary Features are located above the 'Location Information' table and the Major Locations are located below that same table.
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