Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Discussion Just A Heads Up About News and Reporting

A lot of people have been coming to me about doing stories and that is so awesome! I love this character and I know she is very popular and a lot of people want her to cover their news. She certainly will!

I just want you all to know I am not ignoring you. I am here and I plan to start doing more, but my grandma passed away a few days ago and I am the executor of her estate. This means a lot of paperwork and time consuming legal things. I am also right in the middle of my comprehensive exams for completing my PhD so that is taking time too.

Once all of this has settled I will get back to doing things and I will start covering all of the stories you have all requested. Feel free to dm me and use my Dear Holly listing. I am keeping track and will make sure I get back to each of you as soon as I can!

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