Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Journey to the Past


"I could set something like that up." Jonyna nods. "Droids are easy to work with." She paused, looking at her saber. "It's....weird. Handles mostly the same, but you gotta keep your mind about the blade. The twins don't like it when you ignore them for too long, and with the blade being silent, you gotta be careful with it. Makes for a good stealth saber though. Caught a few people with it using my tail."

Valery Noble Valery Noble


Old Base
Outfit: Factory Link | Wedding Ring
Appearance: Link
Blasters | Lightsabers
Tag: Jonyna Si Jonyna Si

"If you'd like to set it up, just be in contact with the Council. We can approve funding for the droids and other materials you need to set it up,"
Valery said with a smile. She had a feeling that convincing the others wasn't going to be very difficult in this case. At the very least, they couldn't let these crystals fall into the wrong hands, after all.

The chance some people would use them to build weapons always lingered.

"Sounds like it could have been useful when I was still a Shadow. But I never cared for experimenting with different crystals. The bond I have with my own serves me well enough."


Jonyna considered for a moment as she watched the forest go by below them. "...what if we combined that idea? I mean, with the Mandos on the move the way they are, New Cov is gonna be in their crosshairs eventually, yeah? Training Shadows there might become more of a liability if it gets captured. If we were training them on a backwater planet behind Mando borders..." She made a gesture with her hand, "That could be a good way to keep the mandos on their toes, ya know? Plus, with the materials here, making sabers for them would be a breeze, and would keep them off the record."

Valery Noble Valery Noble


Old Base
Outfit: Factory Link | Wedding Ring
Appearance: Link
Blasters | Lightsabers
Tag: Jonyna Si Jonyna Si

Valery considered the idea, even though she clearly didn't like the thought of New Cov becoming a battleground. But after a moment, she nodded. "A base could be made here for Shadows to use, but other parts of the training don't necessarily need to happen in established positions. When I was trained as a Shadow, I'd simply be given a task somewhere behind enemy lines, at first with other Shadows joining me, and later alone."

"The difficulty of those missions gradually went up, until I was given a final assignment as a test. If I train someone to be a Shadow, I'd approach it similarly. Though a large portion of the training focuses on the mindset of a Jedi as well,"
she explained with a soft smile.

"It's not easy to be one."


"I'd never ask for easy. I'm a warrior first and foremost. Challenge is what we do for fun." She chuckled as the Bastion once again came into view. "...I just wanna go out and help people. Like I did back when I was just a bounty hunter trying to scrape by."

"Oh sweet mathmatics!" The astromech beeped "Who's ship is THAT?!"

Valery Noble Valery Noble


Old Base
Outfit: Factory Link | Wedding Ring
Appearance: Link
Blasters | Lightsabers
Tag: Jonyna Si Jonyna Si

Valery nodded, "As a Shadow, you're helping people but it's more... indirect. They often go after targets or missions that prevent trouble before it can start, which is why they dance closer to the edge than most other Jedi. So in many cases, you don't really get the satisfaction of directly helping someone else, and seeing how it affects them. You have to be satisfied knowing yourself that your actions will have saved lives."

"It's a job that gets very little gratitude, but there have been times when it's one of the most important jobs within the order. Back when I served as a Shadow, I retrieved the Wayfinder that the Alliance used to reach Exegol, which is where we ended the war with the Brotherhood of the Maw."
She wasn't sure how much Jonyna knew about that part of history, but perhaps it was something she liked to hear more about.

"For years, almost nobody knew about the wayfinder I retrieved, until we used it to strike into the heart of our enemy."


"I don't care about recognition. I just...wanna help people. Both directly and indirectly. If I see someone in danger, or something on the news, I can't help it. I go fight the good fight. IF I can still do that as a Shadow...then, I'd love to get the training."

Valery Noble Valery Noble


Old Base
Outfit: Factory Link | Wedding Ring
Appearance: Link
Blasters | Lightsabers
Tag: Jonyna Si Jonyna Si

"You can, but the big difference is that you're sometimes far away from home, alone and without anybody really knowing where you are. Behind enemy lines, you can't easily call in for help because you'd further expose yourself, and if something goes wrong... by the time we find out, it's usually too late,"
Valery explained, not because she wanted to scare Jonyna away from going down this path, but because she wanted her to be aware of the risks.

"It's a dangerous and thankless job, but a very important one. Your focus revolves more around combating the Dark Side, in all of its forms, so there's a lot of training necessary too."

"From handling artifacts to stealth and your mindset."


"...I can do that. But..." She paused, considering. "It'll have to wait. I've got Ko and Rayia now. Once they're trained up...then we can talk about me becoming a full fledged Shadow." She smiled. "You can always train me up till then in the meantime though."

Valery Noble Valery Noble


Old Base
Outfit: Factory Link | Wedding Ring
Appearance: Link
Blasters | Lightsabers
Tag: Jonyna Si Jonyna Si

Valery grinned, "Before I train you, I will first put you to the test. There are a few trials to make sure you really have what it takes, and I'd like to have you go through them. They will give you an impression of what it's like to be a Shadow too, so it's also a chance to step out of it." She paused and let out a soft, content sigh.

"I'll contact you in, let's say... a week? We'll get the trials started and I'll build you up to become a Shadow if everything you learn and do still is what you want."

"That said, I'm glad you prioritize your students."


Jonyna nodded. "A week it is then."

The Reaper finally came to a stop, landing with a slight jolt next to the Bastion. "Here we are! I am curious to see what technological advancements have been made in the last 900 years! Perhaps Hep's warp drives have finally caught on! Droids have rights now, yes?"

Jonyna let out a cough.


Old Base
Outfit: Factory Link | Wedding Ring
Appearance: Link
Blasters | Lightsabers
Tag: Jonyna Si Jonyna Si

Valery chuckled, "You'll just have to go find out and see for yourself, hm? There's a lot that changed even in just the last 10 years, so take your time to explore. Jonyna can help and there are many others who will be there too." That said, Valery hoped they wouldn't be too bummed out that a lot of things had also stayed the same.

In some ways, the Galaxy would just never change.

"I'm going to head into the Bastion, and you'll follow me out of here?"


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