Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Discussion Join me, brothers and sisters. November is here!

The time has come yet again for us all to put our differences aside and fight against our one true enemy...


No. I am not referring to that last piece of cake from the office party that's been sitting in the break room fridge.
No. I am not talking about watching the last few episode of a show you and your S/O have been watching together while they are at work.

I am talking about the temptation to mass her bait.

Yes. You know what I'm talking about.

It only happens one month every year and it feels like the longest month of the year.

I am here today to tell you something.

You are not alone. I stand with you on the edge of darkness ready to cross that valley of shadow and death and meet you on the other side.

I come before you pledging I shan't break to the power of the egirls.
I shan't succumb to weakness brought onto me by the fans of only.
I shan't be torn down into a simp to any harlot who dare entice me with false promises of pleasure.

Stand with me, brothers and sisters. For the night is dark and full of coomer bait.

Stay Strong this No Nut November. May Tefka be with you.​
Grand Admiral, First Order Central Command

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