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LFG Jedi Mentorship

Hey All! No fancy title or intro like I usually do on my LFGs. I just wanted to reach out to everyone and see if anyone would be willing to be Ran's Jedi Mentor. I say Mentor instead of Master because my favorite eras of Star Wars are the eras of lax Jedi education. The Jedi Academy Book Trilogy and the Tales of the Jedi comics come to mind. It seemed the training was somewhat informal and more of a mentorship and based on guidance, unlike the very focused and constant student-teacher relationships of the Clone Wars Era Jedi.

That New Jedi Order Era vibe is sort of what I'm looking for. So be the Thon to my Nomi Sunrider, the Kyle Katarn to my Mara Jade, the Kanan Jarrus to my Ezra Bridger or whatever. Here is a cliff notes version of Ran if you don't know anything about her.

Ran was a slave to Sith sorcery and science from birth. Her connection to the force was suppressed and she was made into a mind-controlled augmented military commando. Thirty years of her life was spent under the thumb of a wicked Sith Sorcerer. His wish was her command until it wasn't. In a happy accident involving a concussion grenade her mind was set free. Or was it the will of the force? Regardless, she killed the Sith Sorcerer and lived on the run. She took up the quest to save her fellow mind controlled experiments and met some much needed allies along the way. (You know who you are.) They recognized her potential in the force and pointed her towards the New Jedi Order. She didn't run to the ways of the Jedi immediately though, instead she went to Mirial to learn more about herself, her people, and where she came from. It was there she found family, and discovered she was a member of the Serys family. (Hey Cuz!) It was also where she discovered the Force Temple of Ular Unill and that becoming a Jedi was her destiny. So here she is ready to fulfill her destiny, all she needs is a mentor to guide her.

Ran Serys Ran Serys I'm not very prolific so if you want to ask around some more I won't be offended. My character is an established veteran Jedi Master. He took the Barash Vow as a Knight but was drawn back to fight in the old One Sith war, since then he's been various flavors of Jedi General and now serves on the NJO Council. Full disclosure I'm probably the least Kyle Katarn option, but you might enjoy Zark's orthodox perspective, and I can promise you lots of bashing Sith.
Zark San Tekka Zark San Tekka I'll keep you in mind. It's okay that you're not Kyle, Ran isn't exactly Mara Jade or anyone else he helped train. Also it'd be great for Ran to learn the art of battle meditation which I hear Zark is a master of. I was planning to take her in that direction.

I'll be letting the LFG sit a few more days for anyone who wants to throw their proverbial hat in the ring.

Josh Dragovalor has roots tracing back to the site's first year. He has seen everything from hundreds of wars, to his attempts to turn his sibling back from the dark side. He has seen cases similar to Ran's in the past, and would hopefully have some level of understanding in how to handle that. While he is long past his days of constantly being on the front lines in favor of family life, teaching students has been his primary role for many years now.

While he has ties to the Silver Jedi Order, he has no qualms about teaching any who wish to learn from any walk of life.

His tenants resemble that of Luke's New Jedi Order that Kyle Katarn belonged to, seeing emotion and feeling as something to be tempered and moderated instead of restricted. And that love for others is a strength, not a weakness, one that allows them to understand and empathize with the people they dedicate their lives to protecting.

Of course, my activity isn't at the level it used to be. But my character is always available to consult if Ran ever needs it, even if they are learning under another.
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Become One With All Things

Ran Serys Ran Serys I'm not very prolific so if you want to ask around some more I won't be offended. My character is an established veteran Jedi Master. He took the Barash Vow as a Knight but was drawn back to fight in the old One Sith war, since then he's been various flavors of Jedi General and now serves on the NJO Council. Full disclosure I'm probably the least Kyle Katarn option, but you might enjoy Zark's orthodox perspective, and I can promise you lots of bashing Sith.

Ran Serys Ran Serys

Do this guys.

You won't get a better option, I guarantee it.

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