Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private It Will Be Mine


Sithspawn on Lothal.

It was a wild idea, knowing that there were Sith Spawn where the Jedi liked to roam. Or maybe that actually did make sense. Disrupt focus, disrupt their false harmony, and a Jedi was weak. Sithspawn where their temples were, where the Jedi sought peace, maybe it was a tactic. Aliris wasn't too sure. Right now, she honestly didn't even care. A gout of flame erupted from from the maw she'd just jumped away from. Dragon. It was the only term she could think for it based on how it looked.

And, well, it was breathing fire.

"Chit-" She cursed as she brought her hand up. Koboh Matter coalesced, forming a barrier to at least keep her from being rusted. Then it was back to her mad sprint to get away from the very pissed off Sithspawn. It was supposed to be hers, supposed to be easy to control.

She really shouldn't have come here without K1[_ _] K1[_ _] now that she thought about it. No time for regret, only time for running.

Braze Braze

Braze had been engrossed in his own task, deep in the wilderness, when a sudden disturbance in the Force jolted him out of his concentration. His connection with Aliris, though strained and conflicted, still held a spark of their shared experiences. And in that moment, he could sense her fear, her desperate attempt to escape a dangerous situation.

His heart skipped a beat as he recognized her presence. Without a second thought, Braze abandoned his task and swiftly made his way towards the source of the disturbance. He followed his instincts, trusting the Force to guide him towards Aliris.

As he approached the area, the sight of a furious Sithspawn and Aliris's agile figure darting away confirmed his suspicions. A mix of concern and amusement washed over him as he watched her frantic attempts to evade the creature.

"Well, well, seems like you've gotten yourself into quite the predicament,"
Braze called out, his voice teasing but laced with genuine worry. "Running away again, Aliris? Can't say I'm surprised."

He moved swiftly, using his Force-enhanced agility to join Aliris in her escape, skillfully deflecting the Sithspawn's fiery attacks as they fought their way to safety.

With a focused gaze and a swift gesture, Braze called upon the Force to bend the wind to his will. Gusts of air swirled around him and Aliris, creating a protective barrier against the Sithspawn's attacks. The creature's fiery breath was met with a powerful gust, extinguishing its flames and forcing it back.

Braze's presence provided a respite for Aliris, a momentary reprieve from the relentless pursuit as he took the creature's focus.

"Guess you couldn't resist getting into trouble without me,"
Braze teased, a playful grin forming on his face. "But don't worry, I've got your back. Let's show this creature what happens when it messes with both of us."

In that moment, it was as if their differences and conflicts seemed to fade into nothingness.

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She felt him before she heard him. Braze. The concern that wafted through the air for her, how could she not recognize it? Well, at least now that she knew how to recognize emotions. For a moment, she was glad. This whole plan had gone incredibly poorly, so having any kind of backup meant she wasn't going to have to fight as hard this time around. She was even going to smile when she saw him.

Then he spoke.

And all she had was a sour glare.

"Keep that up and I'm stabbing you and leaving you at it's lunch." She absolutely would. If that's how he wanted to play it, better he be lunch than teasing her. She raised a hand shrotly after, bringing about the metal substance to curl around and shut the dragonic creature's jaw to stop it's next gout of flame. But she didn't keep it pinned long. She wanted it alive, after all. Accidentally harming or killing it would just make all of this not worth it.

"You gonna help me tame it or what!?"

Braze Braze

The creature lunged forward, its massive claws tearing through the ground as it tried to reach them. Its eyes glowed with malice, its intention clear—to bring them harm. Braze's instincts kicked in, his own survival taking precedence over any other consideration.

His face hardened as he raised his lightsaber, its blade igniting with a vibrant blue hue. "Ali, are you out of your mind?" he exclaimed, his voice tinged with a mix of disbelief and concern. "That thing is pure evil! It's trying to kill us!" Braze leaped into action, swiftly dodging the creature's claws and maneuvering himself into a more advantageous position.

With a swift and calculated strike, he swung his lightsaber, aiming to sever one of the creature's limbs. "We need to take it down before it causes any more harm," he declared, his voice firm and determined. Braze focused his energy on defending himself and Ali, using his skills and the Force to counter the creature's attacks. He knew that their survival depended on their ability to defeat this malevolent foe.


"I mean, a little out of my mind, yes."

There was no denying that she was a bit crazy to think she could get herself this level of Sithspawn under her control. Arrogance, probably. But she wasn't going to say that out loud. Still, she didn't want to just kill it, right? Wouldn't that be a waste? She muttered under her breath as she continued to evade, using her metal as a shield for both him and her as needed. When he went to strike, she raised her hand.

The metal she controlled thinned from it's flat shield before expanding in a straight line up. It punctured through the creature's front foot. Impaling it and freezing it to stop it from moving it's leg.

Which was promptly cut off.

"Okay fine we can kill it!"

Braze Braze

LOCATION:Lothal Wilderness
Aliris Tremiru Aliris Tremiru
Braze watched in awe as Aliris skillfully used her metal manipulation to impale and immobilize the Sithspawn's leg. The swift and precise move impressed him, showcasing her control over her abilities. But as the creature's leg was severed, her words echoed his own thoughts.

"Okay, fine. We do kill it!" Braze echoed with excitement. The adrenaline surged through his veins, and he felt a surge of power. This was their chance to defeat the Sithspawn once and for all-- Or so he thought.

With a renewed sense of purpose, Braze took a step forward, his lightsaber ignited in his hand. The vibrant green blade hummed with energy, casting a glow on his face. He circled around the wounded creature, his eyes locked on its remaining limbs.

"Let's do this together, Aliris," Braze said, his voice filled with conviction. "We'll bring this thing down and make sure it never poses a threat again."

He lunged forward, his lightsaber slicing through the air with precision, aiming to strike at the exposed areas of the Sithspawn's body. Braze moved with agility, his senses heightened as he anticipated the creature's movements. He was determined to protect himself and Aliris, to prove that they could face any challenge together. The monstrous creature wasn't going to be easy prey for these young ones, however.

As the battle with the dragon raged on, Braze fought valiantly alongside Aliris However, the creature's immense strength and ferocity proved to be too much to handle. In a moment of distraction, Braze found himself vulnerable to the dragon's powerful tail swipe.

With a thunderous impact, the dragon's tail crashed into Braze, sending him hurtling through the air. His body collided with a large tree before rag-dolling to the ground, pain shooting through his limbs as he skidded to a stop. The force of the blow rattled his senses, disorienting him for a brief moment.

Struggling to regain his composure, Braze pushed himself up from the ground, his breath ragged and body aching. His vision blurred, but his determination remained steadfast. Despite the setback, he refused to give in to despair or defeat. Braze knew he needed to recover quickly and rejoin the fight. With a deep breath, he steadied himself, focusing on the Force to gather strength.

However, before he could take a step forward, the hydra unleashed another devastating attack. Its massive wings unfurled, creating a powerful gust of wind that buffeted Braze off-balance. The force of the wind pushed against him, making it difficult to regain his footing.

Braze fought against the gust, determination burning within him. He pushed through the resistance, inching closer to the creature, ignoring the pain and sudden onset of fatigue that threatened to overwhelm him. He knew that their lives, as well as the lives of others, depended on their success in this battle.

With every ounce of his being, Braze mustered his strength and resolved to make a difference. The image of Loomi, injured and in need of his help, flashed before his eyes and poured fuel into his determination. He couldn't let her down. He couldn't let himself be defeated. He couldn't Let Aliris get hurt.

Summoning the Force, Braze steadied himself and leaped back into the fight, his lightsaber ignited with renewed vigor. He focused on the dragon determined to protect his allies and confront the relentless beast head-on. The battle raged on, and with every strike, Braze aimed to turn the tide in their favor.



"Together. .. And sure yeah I guess it won't be a threat to others or whatever."

That didn't matter in the slightest to her. The only thing that mattered was her own goals, her own wants. The need for power to kill the spirit that resided within her. Absorb it, at least. So, she crouched low, pulled on the metal to form the rough shape of a blade in her hand, and grinned. This was a fight, at the end of the day. Why not enjoy it? Why not embrace the fear and thrill of the whole scenario?

At least she wasn't alone this time. And the dragon was already down a leg. This was totally going to be their win.

She charged forward with him. Side by side, letting her blade shift between both it's solid state and it's almost liquid state. Changing shape, sharpness, length, whatever she needed to help fend on the creature's maw and flame while they tried to cut it down. It was down a leg, all they needed to do was take advantage of it. Then Braze got hit. She didn't look after him as the tail caught him, sending him scattering out of her peripheral. He was alive, she could feel that much.

"A wounded animal is the most dangerous, huh..?"

That was fine. She lifted her matter blade, forcing a grin on her face as she let the Dark flow through her body. The blue of her eyes shifted to a deep yellow as she rushed back in towards the limbless side of the Dragon. It's beating wings and tail wouldn't cover it if she was fast enough, and with the dark, she certainly was.

It didn't matter much as she felt flesh punctured.

Her eyes widened in pure surprise as she lowered her blade. It felt heavy in her hands, why did it feel so heavy? Following it down with her numbed mind pretty quickly explained it. The dragon's claws were deep in her gut. Regeneration. Of course it had regeneration. She bit back a bitter laugh with turned more into a hacking cough before she felt herself weightless. Then, pain as she hit something hard.

Thrown and discarded.


Braze Braze

LOCATION:Lothal Wilderness
Aliris Tremiru Aliris Tremiru
Braze's heart pounded in his chest as he fought side by side with Ali, their blades clashing with the dragon. The thrill of the battle surged through his veins, a mix of fear and excitement that pushed him forward. He marveled at Ali's skill, her ability to shape and manipulate the metal with such precision. Together, they had a chance at victory.

But then, Braze felt the impact of the dragon's tail a second time no less, sending him tumbling away. Pain radiated through his body as he hit the ground, the force of the blow momentarily disorienting him. His vision blurred for a moment, but he fought against the darkness, his determination urging him to get back up.

He watched from a distance as Ali continued to engage the dragon, her movements swift and calculated. The realization that she had been wounded didn't escape him, and a surge of concern flooded his being. He knew firsthand the dangers of underestimating a wounded opponent, but he also knew the tenacity within Ali.

As he struggled to push himself up, Braze could feel the intense pain coursing through his body, but his focus remained on Ali. Her words echoed in his mind, a reminder of the peril they faced. He couldn't let her fight alone. With a surge of willpower, he managed to regain his footing, albeit unsteadily.

Grim determination etched across his face, Braze staggered toward Ali, his steps fueled by a mix of pain and adrenaline. He reached out with the Force, drawing on its strength to bolster his resolve. Though wounded and battered, he refused to let it defeat him.
"Ali!" Braze called out, his voice strained but resolute. "We're in this together!"

With a renewed sense of purpose, Braze charged back into the fray, his lightsaber ignited. He fought with everything he had, his movements fueled by a combination of skill, desperation, and a burning desire to protect Ali and himself. The dragon's tail was what Braze went for severing it from the creature in one fell swoop. He dodged and rolled out as it whirled on him roaring out and spitting a sweeping spray of fire. Braze ducked under it and scooped Ali into his arms.

Kneeling by her side, he could see the pain etched on her face. "Frag! Ali... Hold on," Braze whispered, his voice filled with worry. "We'll get through this. I won't let you fall."

Gently, he reached out, using the Force to ease her pain as best he could. He could feel the weight of her injuries, but he refused to let despair consume him. Their fight was not over yet.

"I won't let this end here," Braze vowed, determination blazing in his eyes. With a burst of adrenaline, he darted left, cradling Ali's body in his arms, his movements fueled by urgency. The weight of her injured form slowed him down, but he pushed forward, driven by his unwavering resolve.

As they crashed through the dense forest, Braze scanned their surroundings, desperately searching for a place of refuge. His senses honed in on a small alcove nestled within the rocky terrain. It seemed to offer a fleeting moment of safety amidst the chaos. Without hesitation, he veered towards it, the dragon's roars echoing behind them.

Time seemed to slow as Braze leaped into the narrow crevasse, holding Ali close to his chest. The dragon's claws raked at the entrance, sending rocks and debris scattering. The fiery breath of the beast licked at the air, menacingly close, but it fell short of reaching them as Braze shielded Ali with his own body.

In the confined space of the alcove, Braze pressed himself against the back wall, creating as much distance as possible from the seething fury outside. His heart pounded in his chest, his breath coming in short, rapid gasps. He glanced down at Ali, ensuring she was as protected as he could manage in their cramped sanctuary.

They were cornered, trapped in a precarious situation, but for the moment, they were safe. Braze's grip tightened around Ali, his resolve unyielding. He refused to let the dragon claim victory over them. He would protect Ali, even if it meant facing the beast head-on.

His eyes met Ali's, filled with a mixture of concern and determination. "We're going to get through this, Ali," Braze whispered, his voice a quiet reassurance. "We're together, and I won't let anything harm you. We'll find a way out of here."

As the dragon's frustrated roars echoed outside, Braze's mind raced, seeking a plan, an opportunity for escape. He knew they couldn't stay in the alcove indefinitely, but for now, it offered them a respite, a moment to catch their breath and gather their strength.

"We'll wait for the right moment," Braze murmured, his voice steady despite the urgency in his words. "When the dragon's guard is down, we'll make our move. Stay strong, Ali. I'm right here with you."

In the confined darkness of the alcove, Braze focused his thoughts, channeling his connection with the Force. He drew upon its strength, as he settled Aliris down and tried to focus on healing her wounds. He was not the best at this and always had trouble concentrating but he was desperate to help her as the beast snarled outside tearing away at the entrance little by little.



Instinct saved her from death.

Her eyes snapped open within the dark cave as she sat up. Adrenaline, fear, a mix of emotions had her suddenly alert and aware. That, and pain. The back of her head throbbed from where she'd hit it off the wall shortly after being thrown. As did her gut. There was pain, a lot of pain, but she wasn't bleeding out. The wounds she thought were deep and deadly were more shallow than expected.

No, the metal she had kept them from skewering her entirely.

"I don't need you to protect me."

She spoke calmly, her still yellow eyes now focusing ahead towards where the dragon was just outside the cave. "I need you to fight." That was a Jedi's weakness. Always looking over their shoulder to try and protect one another. Not trusting the skills the other had. It was frustrating. Perhaps it was a leftover lesson from the Ashlan's, but she forced herself up. It didn't matter that her body screamed in pain.

Pain was just another source of power. Metallic gems coalesced into a dagger in her palm as she tightened her grip around it. She was more comfortable with a dagger. A grin spread across her face. Panic, fear, excitement, thrill. They all came hand in hand in a moment like this. Even as scared as she was to die, she was even more afraid not to live.

"Not sure why it can regenerate, but we just need to keep it busy enough to run, right? Hurt it enough that it can't chase. A leg and a wing. We take those out it won't be able to chase us. Then we run." They couldn't kill it, she knew that much. Survival was their only choice. He'd be determined to stop it from hurting others, though, wouldn't he? She paused, looking back to him for a moment. Just staring, sorting out how she could convince him.


"Then we can get the proper help, right?"

Braze Braze

Braze listened to Ali's words, his heart pounding in his chest, a mixture of relief and determination coursing through his veins. Her strength and resilience were awe-inspiring, even in the face of danger and pain. He respected her independence and fiery spirit, knowing that she was not one to be underestimated or sheltered.

With a nod, Braze steadied himself, his eyes meeting hers with a newfound determination. He understood her desire to fight, to stand her ground against the relentless beast. He knew that protecting her wasn't what she needed in that moment; she needed a partner, an ally in battle.

"You're right, Ali," Braze responded, his voice filled with newfound conviction. "We'll fight together. Let's focus on weakening the dragon, targeting its leg and wing. We'll make our move when the opportunity presents itself."

He admired Ali's courage, her ability to find strength even in the face of fear. It fueled his own determination to protect her, not as a shield, but as a partner in their struggle for survival. He understood now that their priority was to escape, to find the help they needed to face this formidable adversary.

"Yes, we'll get the proper help," Braze affirmed, his voice laced with conviction. "But first, let's give everything we've got to ensure our escape. We won't let this beast stand in our way."

He tightened his grip on his lightsaber, the humming blade casting an ethereal glow in the darkness of the alcove. They were in this together, facing the unknown with unwavering resolve.

"Trust in your instincts, your skills. We're stronger together, and we won't let anything stand in our way. Let's give it everything we've got. Let me draw it's attention."

Ready to face the dragon head-on, Braze tightened his grip on his blade, Braze propelled himself out of the confines of the alcove and surged towards the looming dragon. A surge of adrenaline coursed through his veins as he scaled the rocky terrain, his nimble movements propelling him toward the creature's towering form. As he reached the apex, Braze leaped with a mix of agility and audacity, landing squarely on the dragon's shoulder.

The impact of his blade piercing the creature's flesh elicited an agonizing screech from the dragon. In its fury and pain, it lashed out, its massive claws swiping at Braze with deadly intent. The force of its retaliation sent Braze tumbling through the air, his body crashing against the ground. Pain radiated through him, but his determination remained unyielding.

Undeterred by the danger and knowing that retreat was not an option, Braze pushed himself back to his feet. He recognized the gravity of his misstep and the perilous situation he now found himself in. The dragon, wounded and enraged, attempted to roll over in an attempt to crush him beneath its colossal weight.

Summoning every ounce of agility and strength, Braze evaded the creature's crushing assault, narrowly escaping the jaws of impending disaster. Rolling away from the onslaught, he quickly regained his footing, his resolve burning brighter than ever.

As the dragon roared in agony, Braze pressed on, relentless in his pursuit. He refused to let fear consume him, channeling his resolve into every swing of his blade. His movements were fueled by a potent cocktail of survival instinct, audacity, and a brazen belief that they could emerge victorious.



"Less talk, more action."

Aliris crouched low, focused her eyes, and took off with him as they engaged the dragon. She played a mix of defense and offense, using her controlled metal to play as a shield for them both and create the weapons she needed to strike at the dragon's hide. Unfortunately for her, her wounds seemed to be healing vastly sooner than Braze's strikes. So wounds without a burn were easier to heal for it?


It was do or die, though. She gritted her teeth, ready to leap once more towards the back of the Dragon, only to be met with a wing. She blinked in surprise as she was battered away. Pain. Lots of pain. She groaned as she pushed herself up some, her eyes trying to focus. Ah, she was still bleeding wasn't she? Worse now that she'd been hit so often. Crap. Crap crap crap.

Do you really need help again?

"Shut up! No!" No. No using the First, not if she didn't have to. Grant it, the dragon's open maw as fire started to spill out suddenly made her regret that choice. This was bad. Really bad.

Braze Braze

Braze pushed through his exhaustion and concussion, leaping to defend Aliris. Despite his diminished speed, he summoned a Force wind to shield them from the dragon's scorching flames. However, the wind was not as swift as he had hoped, and they both felt the searing heat, leaving Braze slightly singed. Yet, even in his singed state, he was grateful to escape the full force of the dragon's fire. Braze winced in pain, but the alternative of being fried alive was far worse. Determined to protect his companion, he pushed through the discomfort and continued to channel the Force, using it to repel the dragon's fiery attacks.

"Run Aliris!" Braze called glancing back to her as he held the force wind as a shield for them.

The dragon's clawed hand struck him, sending him tumbling away, but he forced himself back up. Braze expressed was going to keep fighting. As the battle raged on, the dragon's attention seemed to zero in on Braze, recognizing him as a persistent annoyance. With a deadly intent in its eyes, the massive creature charged towards him, its immense size and ferocity creating a wave of fear that washed over Braze. The ground trembled beneath its weight as it closed in, its claws slashing through the air with deadly precision. Braze's heart raced as he braced himself for the impact, knowing that evading the dragon's onslaught would require all of his focus and agility, which was not something he could muster in that amount of time.


Jasper knew something was wrong. He shouldn't have let himself get distracted by the incoming concerns from the Shield Core about the refugee situation following Elom. His people could manage it on their own. He, however, had a student that he should have been in the present for, one who had found themselves in a considerable amount of danger.

The knight wasted no time rushing in and drawing his sword, bathing it in force light. He'd reach his organic hand forward and grab the boy's collar, pulling him away from the incoming claws. Then, with his mechanical arm, he'd cleave through the dragon's foot completely. The wound on the beast burned, spewing a black fluid as it's flesh turned to ash.

"Get going, you hear!?" Jasper continued, his attention fixed on the dragon as it howled in pain. "I'll take care of this!"

One of his people was injured. Jasper didn't play around when lives were at stake, especially that of those under his care. Jets of fire came next, which Jasper was quick to intercept with his blade, utilizing Tutaminis to mitigate the fire as much as he could. He was no pyrokinetic, but he worked with the tools he had. Fortunately Tutaminis was easily learned in his state of lower force sensitivity. He wouldn't dance around the flames for long, however. The knight leapt up, enhancing his jump as much as he could manage with the natural force strength he had, enough to get himself up to the dragon's face.


Jasper came down with his blade above his head, positioned downward. With some effort, the man plunged his radiant sword through the eye of the creature, which immediately began spewing black sludge and eye matter. Screeching and jets of fire didn't shake the Jedi. The Dragon's insides were lit ablaze, burning in the overwhelming light amplified by the Sentinel of Harmony's Lux Ultima. Before long, with the man clinging on for dear life, the carcass of the sithspawn fell. It's body was practically melting, the aroma of burning flesh filling the room as it's body began to turn to ash and slime. Jasper emerged from the fleshy mess that had been the dragon's head covered in the sludge, a look of concern present on his face.

"Braze!" he called out. "Are you alright!?"



Aliris raised her hands up, forming another of the metallic barriers to help support Braze's own, but the heat of the flames still reached them. She yelped. She couldn't stop herself from yelping at the sudden rush of pain up her arm. She burned it. Bad, didn't she? At least it was only her arm. "There is no running! You can't handle it by yourself, and once it kills you it'll just catch up and finish me off anyway. We're fighting together."

If she thought she could escape while he sacrificed himself, she would have. Right? She felt the doubt in the back of her mind on that, but she still felt like this was the only way. Maybe she should give into the First? If she didn't want Braze to die.

She took a breath, closed her eyes. Readied herself to just give over control. Only to pause as a different voice entirely shouted out.


She blinked rapidly, glancing towards Braze, then to the source of the voice. And to the blinding light that seemed to erupt from the blade of the figure. She practically curled away from it. It felt.. Wrong. Intrusive.

And they finished it. So quick, so easily. Aliris grimaced as she let her metal retreat. This wasn't someone she could fight.

Braze Braze | Jasper Kai'el Jasper Kai'el

Braze staggered back, his body aching from the impact of the dragon's previous attack. He barely had a moment to catch his breath when he heard the urgent voice of Jasper, his mentor, calling out to him. He was startled back into motion by Jasper's words, adrenaline surged through his veins once more as he registered the command to get Aliris to cover.

Despite his injuries, Braze pushed past the pain, scrambling to get his feet moving again, his mind focused on protecting his friend. With a determined expression, he swiftly moved towards Aliris, taking hold of her arm and guiding her towards a nearby rock formation that offered some shelter from the dragon's onslaught.

As they sought cover, Braze cast a quick glance back at Jasper, his admiration for his mentor's bravery and skill swelling within him. The sight of Jasper engaging the dragon head-on filled him with a mix of awe and gratitude.

"I-I'm... I'm alright, Jasper!"
Braze called back, his voice laced with relief and concern. "But Aliris... she's injured! We need to help her!"
Braze's mind raced; He knew he couldn't face the dragon alone, not with his own injuries and Aliris's condition. He was relieved that Jasper showed up but there was concern for his mentor- he hadn't seen Jasper up close in combat before and was somewhat awestruck by the sight. He however pulled Aliris close and hugged her tightly as he tried to keep them out of sight from the creature.

"Y-You're going to be okay Aliris. Everything going to be okay now..."
Braze whispered near breathlessly as he hugged her close seemingly not wanting to let her go. He has pretty battered himself, however, he certainly seemed to want to make sure Aliris was okay before worrying about himself.



Tags: Braze Braze , Aliris Tremiru Aliris Tremiru


"That's fine, kid, but you gotta let go of her for me to help," Jasper remarked with a frown.

He sheathed his sword and rushed over to assess the girl's damage. A puncture wound to the gut, and a nasty one at that. Internal damage was all muscle tissue at least. Her organs seemed to be in tact, which made his job a lot easier. The knight would lift his hand, chalk scrawled into a rune present on his palm. It was a simple spell, 'mend,' the closest Kahlil was able to give him for force healing. It was better than nothing at least. Jasper let force energy spill into the rune, and slowly but surely the injury would close. She wouldn't blead out, at least. For a brief moment though, as Jasper gave some of his energy, he felt something far darker in the girl.

Something that was clearly not her.

"That should keep you from bleeding out," the knight remarked, getting back to his feet. "No worries there." He turned to Braze, giving a warm smile. "So you don't need to have a panic attack, yeah?"

A frown came to his face as he stroked his scruff, thinking of a course of action.

"I'm afraid I can't help you much with your other problem though," he shrugged. "It's a bit more critical, and I'm not too sure how much damage it's already caused."

A smile came to his face as he shrugged.

"Lingering Sith spirits aren't my specialty," Jasper lamented.

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"Stop panicking. I'm not dying."

Not yet, anyway. It certainly hurt, and she might if she wasn't careful, but she saw what the Jedi did. The strength he had. She wasn't safe. If he decided she was a threat, she wouldn't be able to fight him. Wouldn't be able to survive. Her mind was churning with thoughts on how to get away from this, get away from Jasper. She didn't like this. But Braze was clinging too tight, and her arm hurt too much.

She ended up just falling silent as Jasper tended to her wounds. Runes. She squinted in distrust. What good was a rune for the cuts? .. More than she thought. Flesh knitted together, and at least she wasn't bleeding anymore.

".. Thanks."

"I'm afraid lingering Sith spirits aren't my specialty,"

A chill went up her spine. Fear, uncomfortableness, panic. She stared up at the knight, debating on whether she should try to lash out and escape while she still could. But she couldn't. Not now, at least. Her wound was healed, but it still stung.

"I'm.. Handling it. It's not something for a Jedi to worry about."

Jasper Kai'el Jasper Kai'el | Braze Braze

Braze watched attentively as Jasper came close to them He was still somewhat in a state of shock and it took him a bit to realize he was latched on to Aliris so tightly.
"That's fine, kid, but you gotta let go of her for me to help,"

"Stop panicking. I'm not dying."

Braze's gaze softened as he listened to Jasper's words, realizing that he needed to let go of Aliris for her to receive proper help. With a gentle release, he loosened his grip on her, his fingers trembling slightly.

Aliris's reassurance that she wasn't dying offered some relief, but Braze couldn't shake off the overwhelming emotions that had overtaken him. He wiped away the tears that had escaped his eyes, determined to regain his composure. His head throbbed, reminding him of the impact he had endured, but he pushed through the pain.

"R-right... S-sorry," Braze murmured, his voice barely audible as he tried to steady his breathing. He took a step back from Aliris, giving himself some space to gather his thoughts.

The gratitude he felt towards Jasper couldn't be contained. With a soft and sincere tone, Braze expressed his thanks, his words carrying a depth of appreciation that resonated within him. "Thank you, Master Jasper."

Braze felt a warm trickle against his face and he reached up to rub at it; Tears? When did he start to cry? It didn't matter as he quickly banished the remnants of the crystal droplets with a stubborn rub. His senses were fuzzy and he was disoriented as he tried to focus. Braze looked back to Aliris, "Aliris what . . . Why-" He was struggling for words.

As Braze looked back at Aliris, a mix of emotions washed over him. He wanted to question her choices, to understand what drove her to tame such a dangerous creature. But in that moment, his primary concern was her well-being. They were safe now, and that was what mattered most.

His hands reached out and grasped hers, his grip firm but gentle. Braze locked eyes with Aliris, his gaze filled with a combination of concern and a flicker of anger. It was an odd blend, reflecting his deep care for her and the fear she had stirred within him.

"Please... don't ever do that again," Braze spoke, his voice tinged with urgency and a hint of frustration. "You scared me, Aliris. We could have... we could have lost each other. I don't want that to happen."

His words hung in the air, weighted with the sincerity of his feelings. Braze's grip tightened slightly, his hands holding hers as if to anchor them both in the present moment.

His heart was beating very fast. He tried to breathe to calm down and slow it down. Braze lightly took a step back from Aliris and let out a slow steady breath.



Tags: Braze Braze , Aliris Tremiru Aliris Tremiru


"I'm.. Handling it. It's not something for a Jedi to worry about."

"Well I am worried," Jasper shrugged. "I've had Sith in my mind before. It generally hasn't been a pleasant experience... but I can't really do anything for ya anyways so I guess its a moot point."

Braze's state seemed to become more messy. Tears started flowing at one point, followed by frustration. He cared about this friend of his, which brought a smile to Jasper's face. It was naïve, and very reactive, but his heart was in the right place. Braze would just need to learn how to co-exist with these thoughts rather than letting them consume him. Only Braze would be able to overcome himself though. That wasn't for him to do, only for him to give guidance on.

"Sorry," he sighed. "I should've gotten here sooner. You guys probably wouldn't have gotten injured." Jasper turned to Braze, giving a stern look. "Don't say it's okay. Just let me feel incompetent for a moment."

Jasper sighed, patting his hands on either side of his head. What to do here? The girl was in no condition to be let go on her own, let alone walk. He quickly recomposed himself and put on a business face.

"Well, here's the dilemma we're in," Jasper continued. "I'd rather you got medical attention. Can't exactly say I'm keen on letting you run off and die of internal bleeding. I can get a field unit out here to treat your injuries and send you on your way, but you'd have to agree to not stab any of the healers."

A sly grin spread across his face.

"Or I could just let Braze heal you."


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