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Suggestion Invasion Option - Stages?

So after recently reading some of the suggestions I found myself musing on one of my least favorite parts of an invasion. You are expected to completely detail the fall or defense of a planet in a single, mass thread. I don't enjoy this for multiple reasons, one of them being that you spend two weeks malingering around objectives without actually doing anything. You can stalemate an invasion thread, story-wise, for the entirety of two weeks or longer and not really gain much from it.

I haven't formed how it could be done, but I'd like if Invasions had the option to occur in stages. Anyone who has played Halo knows how there is a game mode (i think its actually called invasion, but don't quote me) where one team assaults a defended position. If said team succeeds, they move on to the next objective. If the team fails, they must re-think their strategy and attempt again. I like the idea of this as an invasion process, because it can also allow to play on the theme of one facet of war i love, sieges.

I'd like to hear thoughts on this and more concepts if anyone can think of any.

Just a thought.
oh, you're HURT hurt?

no, she's auteme

Major Faction


Become One With All Things
I've been mulling over something like this for months, ngl.

Implementing something that can take place over the course of "stages" and depending on what happens in those stages, the conditions change, or maybe the reward.

Though I'd say something less along the lines of individual invasions being broken down, instead scale it to the entire war effort.

An example being when AOC trashed CIS a few months back.

So, AOC wins Ryloth, neat. CIS forces in the area are weakened. Maybe next invasion, they get an additional hex on top of what they'd normally get. Sorta like, dominoes falling.

I think breaking individual invasions into multiple steps would just take too long for any tangible change to the map, whereas we should be focusing on speeding up something like a war.
The Admiralty
Codex Judge
Honestly, I always found it surprising how many people waste two weeks worth of invasion into 'arriving on scene', but to be entirely fair... that doesn't have to be the case.

I have been part of invasions where medias res was implemented from the start.

One Sith Empire invasion we planned with the Galactic Alliance (the old one) we agreed from the start that we would begin the invasion already in full swing, rather than have it go through the entire arrival period.

So really, it's already possible, but people just... seem to be very committed to arriving in thread for some reason?
Major Faction


Become One With All Things
Honestly, I always found it surprising how many people waste two weeks worth of invasion into 'arriving on scene', but to be entirely fair... that doesn't have to be the case.

I have been part of invasions where medias res was implemented from the start.

One Sith Empire invasion we planned with the Galactic Alliance (the old one) we agreed from the start that we would begin the invasion already in full swing, rather than have it go through the entire arrival period.

So really, it's already possible, but people just... seem to be very committed to arriving in thread for some reason?

^^^ NIO has done a good job of this. GA also implemented a similar strategy.

Just jumping into an invasion is a lot more compelling.

Adron Malvern Adron Malvern

I can see the concern, given some factions aren't really geared towards invasion. In that vein, it is what it is. If a group isn't strong enough to protect their territory, I think they should lose it to those strong enough to take it. With that in mind, NIO vs TSE has shown us how a long drawn out war doesn't really do much good for a group of writers. We've known this for years, as all wars on this site are just wars of attrition until a faction goes LOA, but I think if there was a greater effect with each victory, it be easier to see an outcome.

If you're likely to lose, you can try and diplo away territory to make the invasion-hungry happy.

The recent change to rules is nice considering they'll speed up wars. Now that multiple territories can just be snagged without the use of contagious, we'll also see a wider array of strategies implemented. And I'm gonna wait to put any suggestions out myself, cause this setup might be the balance we've all been waiting for, but I do think a domino effect would be ideal.

Shake things up.
The Admiralty
Codex Judge
Arage Bao Arage Bao I HATE the arriving phase. It's like 3 days to a week of "I'm here, come get me." So maybe that is something to be discussed on the OOC level before hand more often.

Yeah more often than not it's kind of a waste of time. If an invasion is all about the interaction between two sides, then spending the majority of it just arriving is kinda sad.

But yeah, I do think this might just be more a case of 'try and OOCly push for this', because it is possible.

People just need to get on board with it board-wide.
Arage Bao Arage Bao makes all the points I'd like to make.

Also, potentially refraining from putting all characters in the same location makes for more narrative freedom for each individual encounter. If you're doing a planet-wide invasion, making it planet-wide might actually be fun.

Making it mandatory is probably not the play, as that hampers creative freedom, but it's 100% something that should be considered during the planning stages of an invasion.
Major Faction


Become One With All Things
I think with the domino idea, you could probably implement something that hurts you if you lose as well.

Maybe NIO invades Dantooine, wins, then decides to invade some other adjacent hex. Say they win that one, boom extra hex. Now, say they lose? Maybe it resets and they go down to only gaining one hex or whatever.

I guess "The Domino Effect" as a mandate would be pretty powerful.

BRB, getting Tefka on the line.
I don't think this idea has much merit either. Sort of forcing people to assault x and y, it doesn't work and would be a bountiful harvest for salt. So maybe it is a good thing? IDK. I remember the Ossus invasion of the then SJO by the then OG First Order, and basically all the ground pounders sat up in space for a week because the then SJC magicked up some shield gates and made landing an impossibility. It was a real crap shoot. Basically, I think your idea also takes the fluidity out of battle, forcing it into some WW1 stalemates. Because lets face it, both sides are in it to win it. And its more than likely some jackholes gonna powergame, meaning the defender/attacker aren't gonna have good times.

If you want a piping hot take for a defender? Make your defense engaging for the opposition. Do some interesting stuff. Some of the most interesting battles both from Star Wars and real life have been the desperate defences of positions. Think of 300 and the Rebel Alliance's delaying action on Hoth. In fact, I would suggest reading some of the great invasions where the defenders won.

The Battle of Kaeshana, the Ison Corridor campaign, Battle of Tatooine and the Battle of Varonat all come to mind. All great threads from top tier defenders because I was on the team because they were super engaging stories. So after this long rambly message, my ultimate take away is write better LMAO. ANd don't try to police peoples writing too hard,
I think with the domino idea, you could probably implement something that hurts you if you lose as well.

Maybe NIO invades Dantooine, wins, then decides to invade some other adjacent hex. Say they win that one, boom extra hex. Now, say they lose? Maybe it resets and they go down to only gaining one hex or whatever.

I guess "The Domino Effect" as a mandate would be pretty powerful.

BRB, getting Tefka on the line.

This could be an interesting idea. Maybe its even something where mandates can be a part of it. Keeping count of the "bonus" might prove an issue once the invasion season heats up and faction A is involved in 4 invasions, 2 they're the attacking, 1 they're defending, and 1 where they're an ally.

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