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LFG [Interest Check] The Chiss Ascendancy

Second King of The Elysium Empire
I think it's more that alliances are lower on the priority list, if we're approaching this from the development point of:

1. Secure/prepare the fleet for use, get it functional and moving​
2. Gather as many supplies as possible to survive a nomadic lifestyle for a while​
3. Establish new leadership for the Chiss people, allocate Ruling Families and allocate economic/political/military responsibilities​
3. Begin locating and collecting refugees, offering them a chance to return to their people​
4. Avoid outright discovery by the Maw and other threats, and maintain the secrecy of the flotilla location​
5. And then maybe look to see what groups or factions are in positions to be considered allies or friendly​
6. Begin exploration missions, testing enemy positions, scout and update information for survival and/or retaliatory actions​
That's a rough plot progression in my head, which doesn't include other member's ideas or plots they want to play out (throughout those points). Alliances are possible, yes, but I think the Chiss need to solidify the Chiss first... and then look outward. Or maybe I could be wrong, I dunno.

That said, if the Ascendancy thing happens, members can pipe in with thoughts, and we'll see where it leads!

Gotcha. Well, when you hit step 5, you know where to look :)
Thorne I'm really happy to see you're giving the CA another go.

There wouldn't still be mentions today of the Ascendancy if you and yours hadn't had some really iconic moments. Even though I've deleted the subaccount many moons ago I still have the Stellar! article we did on the previous CA. Even though its horribly scarred because of the site updates haha

Really look forward to seeing how this goes!
My faction, House Io, would be greatly interested in helping the Chiss survive. We have very advanced technology and are willing to use it to help upgrade the flotilla ships. Also interested in joining the faction, Thorne

Known fact house Io is a terrorist group that is responsible for the destruction of csilla. I can forward the new Chiss Ascendancy the dossier on this particular terrorist cell.

-Dyans laughs maniacally-
That is a damned lie.

read it for yourself, Thorne . House Io did everything it could to destroy the PK1 Mercy. But the Maw managed to activate the Path Engine and slam into Csilla

The Act of Attacking the Mercy Superweapon with the intent of destroying it is what led to the destruction of Csilla , so you guys had a role in the destruction of Csilla. Not to mention that House Io is literally an Intergalactic Terrorist Group comprised a bunch of Cybernetically Enhanced Fanatics which has committed numerous acts of terror against most Galactic Governments such as the Alliance , New Imperial Order and SJO.

So technically Thorne , House Io is the last Faction , the Chiss would want to get involved with considering their history with literally every other Galactic Government.
Marlon Sularen Marlon Sularen

The Maw would have destroyed Csilla regardless. And if House Io is guilty, so is everyone else that boarded the Mercy with the intention of destroying it, including Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim who certainly went aboard with the intention of at least preventing it from firing.

So is every ship that attacked the Mercy trying to find any means of destroying it or preventing it's firing.

You cannot blame us for a situation The Maw created to start with. They went there with the express purpose of destroying Csilla, and despite everything people did to stop it, the Maw found a way to use it to destroy anyway. It was, after all their decision to slam the station into the planet when they could have conceivably withdrawn. If no one had done anything to damage it at all, they would have fired the laser without a hitch and destroyed Csilla anyway
E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S
Chill kids, please, this is just a game! :)

No one knows Ingrid was aboard, she was invisible and hid her presence.

But if we check this, Dagon and Yula also terrorist because we all tried to explode the Mercy just like everyone else who was on the Annihilation…

IC only the Maw told who tried to stop the Mercy those caused the planet’s destruction. OOC, really anyone believed this lie?

Note, now totally weird mentioning the Mercy , after all my Maw’s character’s name is Mercy too…
Chill kids, please, this is just a game! :)

No one knows Ingrid was aboard, she was invisible and hid her presence.

But if we check this, Dagon and Yula also terrorist because we all tried to explode the Mercy just like everyone else who was on the Annihilation…

IC only the Maw told who tried to stop the Mercy those caused the planet’s destruction. OOC, really anyone believed this lie?

Note, now totally weird mentioning the Mercy , after all my Maw’s character’s name is Mercy too…
Chill ingrid this all ic stuff, no hard feelings ooc. We both know if Tegan Starfall Tegan Starfall could tie you to this ic she would. Lol


This is why I noted the Ascendancy would focus on itself, first. And then look outward to others. There's a lot to sort out, IC, and trudging through the murky waters of alliances or allies out the gate isn't viable.

The Chiss need a second to gather, ground themselves, and see if a faction is even viable - long before alliances are in question - because we haven't even started yet.

So, if we could leave the alliances/allies talk until later, and put this thread back on track: Interest check for Chiss players to form the Ascendancy.

All jokes aside , the Intergalactic Shipping Collective would be interested in providing their services to the Chiss Ascendancy to help them recover from the horrific actions of the Maw.


Brask'ari'sabosen (retired)
Yes, the original intent of this Interest Check thread was to hopefully have Chiss-centric characters sign up who want to RP a storyline of salvation, survival, and rebuilding for our people be it from a flotilla aspect in the short term or another to be discussed amongst us. We really just want to write Chissy stuff and leave all the drama outside the sandbox, please. ;)

For those who are indeed truly interested but don't currently have a Chiss, we'd be happy to help you develop one. They can be very interesting and fun to play.

Blue FTW! :)
Interested though I have been slow on jumping into things with this character and her hrd. Lucinda is non chiss born Ascendancy citizen. She is a trained assassin as well being very tech savy.

She is even known to have faced the Maw on a couple of occasions in former chiss space.


I'm happy to answer any/all questions about Chiss.

I've a high degree of knowledge, so I can provide answers or reasoning for how the species is, in most regards. Just contact me via PM and we can get you sorted.

Also, contrary to popular opinion, not every Chiss is alike (or Thrawn). There's a lot of personality types in the species, and differing skill sets.


We'll let this continue for a few more days, to see if further interest of Chiss players is pending, and then a decision will be made on the viability of a Chiss Ascendancy.

Thanks for responses so far.

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