Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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NAME: Cay-Yo
FACTION: The Jen'ari Empire FORMERLY | Confederacy of Independent Systems FORMERLY | New Imperial Order FORMERLY
SPECIES: Patitite
AGE: 23
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 0.4 meters (~15.75 Inches)
WEIGHT: 141.74 grams (~5 Ounces)
EYES: White sclera with yellow (bio-luminescent) irises, sclera glow dimly the color of the iris in darkness
HAIR: None
SKIN: Purple with yellow bio-luminescent stripes.

STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
  • Diminutive: Cay-Yo suffers from what all his people suffer from, a comparatively negligible physical capacity. In the greater realm of the galaxy the Patitite are not known for their strength, running speed, or physical resilience if they are known at all.
  • Quick to take Offense: Cay-Yo is quick to take offense to those he believes are discriminating against him due to his species, more specifically his species stature. This does not include normal conversation about size and only pretains to clear insults or those comments made by perceived enemies.
  • Mechanical Knack: Cay-Yo has a natural knack for technology just as most Patitite have been shown to have, although this does not mean he is a technological prodigy nor is he especially talented.
  • Know no Fear: Either through arrogance or bravery Cay-Yo is normally immune to the feelings of fear that come along with the notion of self preservation. This headstrong Patitite will take a stand against hopeless odds along side his allies but will also rather stand and fight if a situation would call for a more strategic retreat.

APPEARANCE: Cay-Yo is an averagely sized Patitite. Cay-Yo's stripes are arranged symmetrically with three stripes on his head crest. The middle stripe bisecting his face down to the tip of his nose, the other two on the left and right of the middle stripe lead down past the eyes to the cheek bone. A single stripe from his jawline flows upward towards the corners of his mouth on each side of his face. He has two equally spaced yellow stripes on his upper arm, five equally spaced stripes horizontal on each leg, and three stripes on either side of his torso connecting only at the spine.

During the expansionist war between the Jen’ari Empire and the Chiss the planet of Patitite Pattuna became involved with an interstellar chase between an Imperial scout ship and a Chiss interceptor. The scout craft was probing neutral space for signs of weakness from the Chiss fleet defenses when it was suddenly pursued by an interceptor craft patrolling the exact same systems on a counter-intelligence operation. Being outgunned the Imperial scout vessel followed protocol and attempted to break contact with the interceptor. The Chiss interceptor was given orders to pursue the scout ship until given further orders from sector command. Thus, the great race began leading to several different systems while straying further and further from Jen’ari and Chiss space until it arrived in the Bright Jewel Sector – home to the famous sector capital of Ord Mantell. Knowing the interceptor crew would most likely expect the scout vessel to land on Ord Mantell due to it’s neutrality, the Imperial scout instead moved to the next system within the sector to land on the obscure planet of the Patitite. Initially found in the Clone Wars by Republic droids the coordinates were logged, and the inhabitants detailed in a rudimentary manner and were listed as mostly harmless with no known predators of note for hostile wildlife. This made an idea location to hunker down and wait for the Interceptor to lose the trail. Once the scout had landed the craft, he was met by the native population who greeted him warily. The scout explained that he would be leaving the planet soon and had no intention of staying, and that he meant the Patitite no harm. During the few nights that the scout stayed on planet the natives brought to his attention a powerful Patitite known as Cay-Yo who commanded respect from his peers due to his supernatural abilities. The scout was intrigued by this and secretly believed that the Patitite was a force adept, and that bringing this “Cay-Yo” to the Sith may lead to a promotion. Requesting to have an audience with Cay-Yo the Patitite agreed and brought him to the famed native. There meeting was full of discussion on topics involving Cay-Yo’s abilities, the origins and purpose of the Jen’ari Empire, and what Cay-Yo could become if he agreed to return to the Empire with the scout. Cay-Yo agreed quickly to the proposition, seeing no reason to refuse the invitation. Cay-Yo also believed that with the help of the Jen’ari perhaps one day he could return to Patitite Pattuna and rule as the infamous Hay-Zu did during the Clone Wars – but instead of being feared and reviled by his peers, glorified as a bringer of a new era.
Founding of Big Meds
In Cay-Yo's quest to bring Patitite Pattuna into a new prosperous age he founded the medical supplies designer and manufacture Big Meds. It is still unknown if this company will bring any meaningful change to the mostly isolated planet and its people.

Invasion of Copero (CIS v TJE)
made by [member='Scherezade DeWinter']

Cay-Yo now an acolyte of the Jen'ari Empire was given command of 50 Sith Imperial Troopers tasked as acting as the military police within the capital city of Copero, Copero City. This was to be a test of his ability to act independently and with power. His original orders were to enforce Imperial edicts, protect strategic assets such as VIPs and important structures, and finally to root out clandestine agents opposed to the Jen'ari Empire's rule. Shortly after receiving his command the Confederacy of Independent Systems invaded the Copero System with their full might. The Governor of Copero, [member='Diarmid'], gave the evacuation order (known as the Breakwater Protocol) for politicians and Copero's executive cabinet. Cay-Yo saw to it that the evacuation of Copero City was well underway, preventing any Chiss who was not a member of the parliament to board the escape shuttles. This caused a panic riot which resulted in a dozen Chiss deaths at the hands of Cay-Yo's troopers. The Acolyte's forces were soon backed by Copero City Police who dealt with the bulk of the rioters. Meanwhile in high orbit a fierce space battle was raged between the Jen'ari Empire and it's subordinate Chiss Ascendancy against the large Confederate fleet. It did not take long for the Confederate forces to take down the planetary shield which allowed the CIS forces to invade Copero City en masse. Unknown to Cay-Yo the leader of the CIS, Darth Metus, had made landfall. [member='Darth Metus'] used his powers in the force to affect the minds of the Copero City denizens, at the same time creating beacon that could not be ignored to those sensitive to the Force. With this disturbance fresh in his mind Cay-Yo left his post in the hands of his capable troopers in order to seek out the source. Cay-Yo did not get far from the parliament building as he was intercepted by Madalena ( [member='Scherezade DeWinter'] ) a sith of the CIS, who engaged in a duel with him. The two exchanged a series of blows while she attempted to convince Cay-Yo to join the Confederacy and to leave the Jen'ari Empire. Cay-Yo having not received formal training since joining the Jen'ari Empire was easily bested by his opponent and taken prisoner. Cay-Yo's troopers still in the parliament building under command of Sergeant Dial prepared to make his final stand against the risen dead, the products of [member='Darth Tacitus'] spell, at his post since his calls for reinforcements had been met with silence.

Invasion of Eshan (CIS vs Mandalorian Empire)
made by [member='Scherezade DeWinter']
Since joining the Confederacy of Independent Systems after being a prisoner of war Cay-Yo caught wind of an invasion being planned by the Confederates on an enemy only known to him as the Mandalorians. Cay-Yo being such a new face, having no fame, as well as being easily over looked had not been assigned to the invasion forces. This would not do, Cay-Yo was a warrior! So he decided to take himself and his new companion, Lancelot gifted to him by the Exarchs ( [member='Adron Malvern'] & [member='Srina Talon'] ) of the Confederacy for his bravery on Copero, onto a droid landing craft. Eventually Cay-Yo landed with [member='OOM-330'] of Droid Battalion 330 - the vanguard forces of the invasion. The Patitite did not want to fight with droids, he was certain there was little glory to be had there, so he went in search of stronger CIS allies. Soon he came across the one who had defeated him on Copero, Madalena ( [member='Scherezade deWinter'] ) , as well as the new faces of [member='Cardinal Vi'Dreya'] and [member='Voph']. Introductions were short and all agreed that Cay-Yo could accompany them in their quest to take the palace of Eshan City. It did not take the companions long to reach the mouth of the bridge where they saw [member='OOM-330'] and his Droid Battalion doing battle with [member='Valdus Bral'] along with Bral's mandalorian wardens. The group was ready to join in the fighting when a Star Destroyer that had been commandeered by one of the Mandalorian Empire's allies crashed into the city, causing extensive damage throughout. A large panel from the armored hull of the fallen Star Destroyer ripped through the palace's lake, destroyed the mouth of the bridge, and in an instant caused all 300+ B1 Battle Droids under OOM-330 to disappear. The ensuing wave from the event drench the survivors, throwing mandalorians about the interior of the bridge, and swept Cay-Yo away from his companions and Lancelot. Tje Gizka Knight was now wounded on his left leg, separated from all his friends, laying in a pile of twisted B1 chassis. As the disoriented Cay-Yo looked up towards the fiery sky of Eshan the Patittie had a revelation. He was awe-struck by the destructive power of the taller species of the universe, as well as their engineering marvels. To hold such power to create or destroy was to be a god, and who could say that these species as a collective were not gods? He knew then that his mission to become powerful could not stop with himself. He had to harness the power of these species to bring back to his people so that they would be able to decide their own destinies. No one would look after the Patitite he was convinced, if they did not look out for themselves.

The ever vigilant Madalena, upon noticing Cay-Yo's disappearance, sent Lancelot to find his missing rider. Eventually Lancelot did find the Patitite who by now had bandaged his wounded thigh. The reunion was short as Cay-Yo was eager to get back into the fray. By passing the broken bridge by a series of self-inflicted Force Punches to her self, Madalena, had brought Lancelot and Cay-Yo with her to the other side. An all too long trek through the Palace's sewer systems later the group arrived without Voph or Cardinal. There was no duel between Cay-Yo and Valdus to be had as the building crumbled around them. The invasion of Eshan was bloody, destructive, and enlightening.

A New Imperial Era
Cay-Yo had long since gone his own way and faded into obscurity. With the New Imperial Order waging war across the former holdings of the venerable but now extinct Sith Empire the wayward warrior returned to his homeworld. He would attempt to organize the Patitite that he considered not only his people but his birthright into a civilization that would command respect from the NIO. If only to ensure their continued sovereignty over their own home. Keeping true to his principles the safety of his own and the interests of his people came first. Even if those interests were interpreted only by himself and some select advisors.
COMPANION: Lancelot (written by [member='Adron Malvern'] & [member='Srina Talon'] )
SHIP: Moonbeam
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