Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Maja set a couple of excavation droids to work, clearing the passage. The further they cleared the more it was obvious to her that the rubble was no accident. The passageway hadn't collapsed and the rocks hadn't accidentally fallen into the space. They'd been placed there.

Once they had worked to a spot three feet from what the scanners suggested was the end of the tunnel, she dismissed the droids. Whatever was behind the last few feet needed to be dealt with without distraction. For she was convinced now that the chamber beyond was guarded. The scanners couldn't penetrate the Dark-side that was built up in the room beyond. And when it came to tombs, the Dark-side and guardians, there was always one creature that was likely to be in there.

She'd faced one once and struggled to overcome it. And that was with her friend Sumiko. Friend? Yes. The term was entirely appropriate and felt good to think out loud.

So she carefully used the Force to remove the last few stones and stepped into the darkness. Using Force sense she scanned the room and then she felt it. Its presence was cloying. To her left...maybe four metres away. All tusks and claws and a good three metres tall.

It was a bad day to have run out of candy bars!

[member="Darth Praelior"] | [member="Darth Venefica"]
CJ brought along her satchel filled with knick-knacks that ranged from minor medical supplies to food and water. Along with her satchel of goodies she carried a small bag filled with several small beacons; which seemed light for being made of metal. The beacons, she had been instructed when given to her aboard the warship, was used to mark phrik if and when they found some of the valuable mineral. She heard of phrik but was unsure what it was or why it was so sought after. Today would be a learning experience for her.

Through the descent to the planet, she kept looking at the red-skinned alien; a Mon Calamari. He looked familiar to despite she only met a couple in her travels. One she didn't like; all hands and no manners. This one, however, seemed to be cut from a different cloth; and still she struggled to recall where she met him. CJ was the last to exit the ship, adjusting her satchel on her hip and swinging the bag of beacons over her right shoulder. Then it occurred to her who the Mon Cal was. Couldn't be....could it?

"I remember you! You were in the Nethersomething with me!"

The memory of being in the Netherworld plane conjured up bad memories for her. Zombie plants! And there was another one that was with them. But they had been rescued when she spoke, rather they disappeared and she was stuck, until she spoke outloud and felt a warm, tense tingle wash over her. She had brought herself back but her happiness was short lived when she discovered she was harbouring a deadly secret. CJ shuddered those days away quickly hoping never having to relive them again.

"Good to see you are not so....uhm....transparent," she said to Darth Veles, a name she now recalled.

[member="Darth Veles"] / [member="Kendrix"]
The all-too familiar voice came from behind, his gaze coloured in warm autumn amber falling upon the other Acolyte. Both the sight of her and the voice sent cold shivers of death down Veles’ spine – the last time she spoke he woke up from a living nightmare. Everything was in his large domed head, all the supressed memories wanted to resurface, locked away, beating on the inside of the massive chest supposed to keep the terrifying images at bay as Veles sub-consciously fought against discovering what exactly had happened. Still, the voice triggered a series of thoughts that ultimately led to peeking into the forbidden locker. The corpses covered in plants swarming him and the woman. The destroyed city, the pools of bubbling blood, the thousands of souls waiting by the river, screaming, searching, fighting. It all threatened to spill and make an attempt at crushing his mind, almost robbing him of sanity. For no particular reason, Mon Calamari shook as if a very cold breeze licked his body despite putting on a pleasant smile, offering it to his saviour as he swiftly pivoted on his heel to turn around.

“The Void, yes.” The amphibious Sith Lord muttered with a nod, a brooding frown crossed over his expression for a second before he cast it away, smiling warmly still.

“And it is a very pleasant surprise to see my saviour is still alive and well,” he stated, “The galaxy is small, isn’t it, my lady?” His smile grew wider, only to completely vanish all of the sudden, replaced by the expressionless face.

“Or should I say Acolyte?” the tone of his words betrayed the Mon Cal, lacking the sharp, formal edge usually used by Veles when he addressed Acolytes. Before the woman could answer, a webbed hand’s been raised to stop the words. “But whatever the case, please, allow me to personally thank you on behalf of myself and all Sith for your help.” Himself and Lady Zarrah, in another words.

Going limp after the gesture, the arm fell by his side as another turn around was in order before he faced the right direction once more.

The clean, fresh air filled his lungs, and the Sith Lord made one step towards the forest before stopping as something rushed past him, a blur that had to be his apprentice. All Avreet could do was to observe her, thinking about what she intended to do – he knew very well she did not rush to complete the mission! Truly, the rebellious Acolyte suddenly disappeared in the tall, lush grass, vanishing from sight. If not for the rustle, the movement, the giggle, she would have disappeared completely. It took two more long and powerful strides and Avreet stood above his apprentice who suddenly grew still. She appeared strangely content with her position. Casting a shadow across her body as he leaned above and clasped his hands behind his back, the Mon Calamari failed to win the fight against the grin that decided to play in the corners of his lips. Oh, [member="Kendrix"]!

“Look at who’s getting all impish.”

Standing straight, Veles cast his gaze towards the forest, more than willing to get moving. Marching forward, his footsteps remaining silent despite the ground being covered in dry, fallen needless and small branches. One eye darted towards the sun, watching it slowly swim across the blanket blue sky. They walked mostly in shadows provided by the large trees, though the sun did not give up and its rays of light often managed to penetrate the wall of green.

“Do you like it here, apprentice? Does this place remind you of something lost in the past?” he asked, head still looking towards the great distance ahead as if he could see their destination, but his pace slowed down enough to meet [member="Ciara Jevnaker"] and match her in speed.

“May I know how a wonderful lady such as yourself ended up with the Sith?” he questioned with a curious glance, the tone somewhat careful - polite, kind, yet also telling her not to mistake his manners for flirting. He had a lady, after all!
Zaria tilted her head ever so slightly to acknowledge the wrapped man's response. His name had a certain exotic ring to it. Mentally she frowned. She hated her name - plain and boring. For now such thoughts were not needed. Getting caught up with name changes would only divert her attention to what was waiting for them. She locked down her focus.
Zaria followed the wrapped man down the left tunnel. The closer they drew to the opening the more she felt the primal radiation screaming through the Force. When she stepped through the opening her eyes fell on a Krayt Dragon. Beautiful and deadly. Zaria had heard rumours of such mighty beasts on Tattooine but only saw holopictures of them - never the real thing until now. The size of the dragon could not be measured in words. It lowered it's massive head and chuffed out - sending the sand around it's chin into plumes of dust.
The familiar sounds of lightsabers filled the cavern with echoing sounds and the dragon roared it's response. Zaria ignited both ends of her double-sided weapon - encouraging the dragon to roar a second time. She had never fought anything this massive before. The biggest creature she had fought and killed was a swamp Wampa. That fuzzy monster was just a speck compared to the dragon looming before them.
"I'll attract his attention," Zaria said fighting back the gulp in her throat. Carefully she began to move toward the right of the Kryat Dragon - it's beautiful eyes tracking her. The dragon was not making in any attempt to engage her. He or she was just observing the little blue meal whilst his or her jaws remained pointed at the others. "Hey! Over here you big reptile," she bellowed. The dragon ignored her and turned it's eyes away from her. Zaria reached down and took a rock in her hand. She threw the stone at the dragon.
The dragon's muscles tensed up and it's head slowly turned toward her. Her throat released the gulp it was holding back. Zaria succeeded in getting it's attention. She just needed to succeed in not getting eaten.
[member="Darth Timoris"] [member="Ashogo-Kel"]​

Sanya Val Lerium

Neutral, Queen of Her people, Neko
[member="Camellia Swift"]

The shuttle soon took off and descended in altitude flying over the giant city. It was amazing to think a whole population lived in one spot and made it easier for the liberation of the place. Now this place is under Sanya's rule and the sisterhoods, the place will thrive to the point of new setlments needing to be built. Besides already a difference has been made. The men, women and children now croa are a lot happier as camellia said. Although Sanya was worried to what level of degeneration has happened. How many have or will become feral and how could this be prevented? All that slipped her mind for a moment ad Sanya faced her lover and sat down on her legs with her own either side. Her face would nuzzle into cam's neck and her tail and arms wrap around her waist. She would let out a sigh and kiss her lovers neck before speaking. "You know sometimes I still feel like in that scared girl before things started to go right. So scared that I'd face away from a challenge because I felt like I'd never be able to achieve it. But now... now I'm with you, I feel like I can take anything on. There is so many people in the universe and you said yes to me, and given the time I asked you wasn't perfect or even romantic; we still became a couple. I don't know if I told you this cam but I love you so much and you make me so happy. I don't wana spend a day without been by your side even though we will have to because of our jobs. But I promise you if you ever need me I will drop everything at a heart beat and come to you. No matter what the danger or reason I will be there." She would relax more and kissing her neck again. "I'm sorry if I'm been to much to handle but it's the truth." After a long trip over the city and the sea they had reach a place that was just trees and traverse landscapes. The valley that the temple overlooked was the place they where heading. Primarily she wanted to see how large it was so she could give isis another project.

[member="Darth Venefica"] Ξ [member="Darth Timoris"] Ξ [member="Ashogo-Kel"] Ξ [member="Zaria"] Ξ [member="Darth Zilti"] Ξ [member="Darth Noxia"] Ξ [member="Darth Praelior"] Ξ [member="Darth Mudrac"] Ξ [member="Lady Exedō"] Ξ [member="Remy Singh"] Ξ [member="Sawa Ike"] Ξ [member="Isis Varida"] Ξ [member="Bundori "]Ξ [member="Azlyn Ike"] Ξ [member="Seras Goto"] Ξ [member="Sierra Momoa"] Ξ [member="Darth Veles"]
Temple: East Wing
The group, led by Darth Venefica, entered one of six chambers in the east wing. The chamber was littered with so much rubble, that it was hard to determine exactly was this chamber was at one time. With her left foot, bare as the day she was born, swept away some of the debris to reveal bones in various stages of discoloration. The Dagobah Sith crouched down to examine them, noticing some of the bones had what appeared to be teeth marks in them; not small marks but big ones. She grabbed one and lifted it up to examine the bone more closely. The bone was a femur, but in a shape she had never seen before.
"Stay alert," she ordered the troops arrayed in the chamber.
Standing up, she looked around the chamber trying to assess why there were so many bones in here, mingled with the other debris. If the bones did not have signs of teeth marks embedded in them, she would have pegged this chamber as a ritualistic room; where offerings where made to whatever Gods they worshiped. The evidence before her suggested that it was a feeding ground, for what she had no clue; or whether what used it was still alive or extinct itself.
"Mi'lady? Over here," a Sisterhood troop said pointing to a corner.
Darth Venefica stared into the corner, her right index finger tapping on her pursed lips. This discovery was interesting, but unsettling. If what she was looking at was indeed a nest; how old was it?
[member="Darth Zilti"] / [member="Darth Praelior"]​
Temple: Grasslands

Zarrah casually matched toward the ancient structure. The temple had been assigned to be restored and she was no engineer but she would lend help where it was needed. Ducking under a hanging block of concrete she stepped inside the temple. She noticed that this was not a classical entrance to the building - just an opening created from it's downtrodden days. The old Sith braced her hands on the side of the wall and gently eased her way down a slippery slope of rocks, stones, pebbles, and wilted plant life.

Toward the bottom of the slide she was forced to leap down a few feet and landed softly on the temple's actual floor base. This far deep - guessing at this pointe would be futile - the light from the opening she had come through couldn't reach her current location. The tunnel she appeared to be in was filled with the absence of light.

Steadily she walked through the darkness allowing her own eyes to naturally adjust themselves. Her vision was sparse even after they signed a pact with the darkness - but she had the Force to see for her. Overhead small particles of dust fell all around her as she walked. The smell - oh the smell- was something in the range of undesirable. She absentmindedly placed a hand over her nose like a protective shield against the hoarding invader. "Now. Where shall I venture off to."
[member="Sanya Val Lerium"]

Camellia was a little flustered when Sanya climbed atop her lap and straddled her to say the least, and tried her best not to blush as the former jedi and her love held her close and kissed her neck. The Rendili woman couldn't help but gulp as she held the other girl back and smiled somewhat embarrassed. "Hey now Sanya, I don't recall you having any reason to be scared. After all, you're the one with all the fancy mystic powers not to mention you've done more incredible feats than I have. You don't have to worry about me either, I promise to not be the one to get myself into trouble I can't handle, and if I do anyway I will make sure to call you, and I hope you will do the same if you need me. You make me unbelievably happy, there's no argument about that, so never think down about things again alright? I'll do my best to always make sure your safe and happy. . . . .even if I'm not quite as capable of keeping up with you." The moment seemed rather heartfelt considering they just conquered a planet, but then again everyone seemed happier because of it. All the new citizens turned into Croa were. . . .enjoying their new forms, while the rest were quite compliant with the overseers from the sisterhood.
Maja was a different person to the one that fought one of these creatures last time around. Like a rancor - but one wearing armour. With pointy bits.

Lots of pointy bits.

Poisonous pointy bits!

It was also a creature that fed off the blood of Force-sensitives and this one hadn't been fed in centuries - perhaps millennia? She glanced around the room using Force Sight to see if there was anything she could use to help her. Nothing obvious sprung to mind.

So she faced the Terentatek down, her saber snapping into her outstretched palm and the odd but now familiar buzzing hum indicated it was activated.

'Nobody to help you this time?'

'Who asked for your advice?'


'A little.' There was no point in lying to the voice in her head.

'Good...use it. Use it wisely.'

'Gee, great advice. Now shut up, I'm trying not to be eaten. Or poisoned. Or both.'
Desert Fortress

Working on and exploring the fortress had its perks in all of this. She was able to find some of the mined metals they had been searching for and Sierra was giving it to the soldiers to bring it, the containers and candlesticks could be melted down and repurposed for whatever they needed. SHe'd be able to handle most of it as her hands wrapped around sme of them. "Begin working on the fortress, I want new fortifications up by nightfall and more soldiers on the battlements." THey were getting to work as the croa with her started gathering more of the things inside and the feeling of the darkside on the world got stronger.

The depot and outpost they were working on was prebuilt they had the frame work and the sides just enough for it to stand on its own while they worked on it and began the secondary wall of defense. Getting turrets for the local creatures while Azlyn had the croa working and hunting in the tall grass. Their tails swaying and crouched moving on all fours while they stalked the local creatures like an early warning line to them and the turret operators. The albino zeltron had everythign going smoothly for now and that made her very happy moving forward. "Keep working and I want that wall set up."

As the mining operations continued going forward her attention was on what else they might be able to find. THe phrik ore was important but there were also crystal on this world and those were invaluable to a force user as Seras was moving. Her soldiers protecting the mines they had been working to get setup and tap into that vain with defense turrets and flamethrowers being erected to defend. "SAtart setting up a landing zone for haulers and anti air defenses." THe soldiers with her gave a nod while Seras was walking and working on the sections around herself. Small crystal formatons that pulsed with the darkside of the force in her hand while she laughed.

Mister Bubbles was moving and enjoying himself now, he had found his place as his master rode him through the courtyard of the temple clearing some more stone and brush that they were fixing up. Turrets and defensive walls being set up with heavy walkers for defense as well as the vehicles while the pink haired master on his back bounced up and down excited. Her enthusiasm fr violence and destruction brought a warm feeling to his heart or that might have been the old man and the food vendor he had eaten absorbing their knowledge of taco's. As more defensive turrets were being set up though the leviathan moved towards the entrance with a roar.

Sawa Ike

The Dark Matriarch Darth Shōjō

The rotunda of the temple was still being set up and made for defensive purposes, first the shielding overlapping them and now slowly defense turrets linked to a computer and droid brain. It wasn't the most advanced but given they had only a few friends outside of their sisterhood it was well worth it with small mounted rail cannons to silently pick off enemies. Sawa started working in the area's around the rotunda and getting more defense screens created like a blister of ion cannons for anti ship defenses but then there were mounted flame units able to splash an area and cleanse it of invaders. her croa were working to handle and control the population of slave workers with them.

The coast was still an amazing place as Remy came across a cave network under the sands, the entrance of it on the surface and now protected by croa while she wpoke directing them. "Search inside and report what you find, we are loking for crystals and anythign of note my pretty sithspawn." The laugh she gave while moving forward was more then enough with a nod of her head and grabbing a couple of the crystals."
Temple Basement

The work continued, the torture devices, the carved stone, the wash off into an underground river all of it there while her hands worked with the croa. They had a conversion room where the locals could be infected and there was a croa pool that the ones who were injured could be placed in allowing themselves to return to the source and font of their own power. She was letting them find the locals and bring them in as this was their world, their time but she could help and guide them just like her rakatan were being led and guided towards killing more things. A smile on her face going forward had her attention on some of the different things.
[member="Darth Zilti"] [member="Darth Venefica"]

Balaya entered the chamber and had a look on her face as she picked up everything the cybernetic eyes shifting to a low light vision so she could see the others and not be blinded. Her nose was picking up the smell of decay, rot and death but her ears were hearing the skittering of something on stone while she moved to join Zilti and Venefica with a look on her face. "Strange place for a feeding ground." SHe held out the black fist sized pearl that pulsed with the darkside and grinned. "Think they want this back?" Her laughwas there while one hand was taking the saber off of her hip at the ready to fight but she was moving forward. "We should continue and perhaps use this to handle the ones who offend yes my dears?"
Temple: Somewhere

Zarrah was use to being alone. Exile has that affect on aliens and people. Walking through the dark tunnels alone seemed ironic to her. The irony was not lost on her but she was no longer alone - just separated from everyone else. Zarrah was a big Togruta and she could handle whatever was down here. Even as she heard a low growl from somewhere ahead of her in the darkness she was confident that if they met she would would be the one walking away. Zarrah didn't want to be forced to kill anything if she didn't need to. The young girl - [member="Kendrix"] - had taught her a lesson. The lesson was simple and one the Sith Lady failed to learn until she met the girl - killing something in it's home as an uninvited guest was weakness. Zarrah was an uninvited guest but she need to be here. Hopefully the owner of the growl would understand and move on.

While she continued to walk through the darkness she kicked something that rattled and hit the wall. Zarrah leaned down to pick it up and saw that is was a skeletal head. The growl came again. She dropped the boned-head saying, "There is no need for such a confrontation, friend. I'm old and probably chewy. Don't force my hand and just go." She wished that she had took the lesson from her former Master on the ability to control beasts more seriously. Young minds never realize to grasp the basics. Only when old age settles in that you wish your younger self was not so reckless and bull headed.

In the darkness she heard the shuffling off feet. Zarrah removed the two hilts from her side and activated them. The red blades glowed adding some mood to the situation. "I implore you to leave. Last chance." The shuffling turned into a full charge. Zarrah barred her pointed teeth bracing herself for whatever was coming to eat her.

The construction continued and with data being relayed down to Sanya on the location of more phrik scans and the work being done on the Carrack they had a great many projects being done. The stations construction was nearly completed as well with only a need for a few more things while she was letting them install a meditation chamber in the station. SOmething they could all work with and use for the sisterhood, there was the massive drydock for them to work on ships and scanners to show them the location of metals and ore on the planet to strike the vains or phrik. Isis had everything requested and the contract was well worth it as she made a note of some things for herself.

Sanya Val Lerium

Neutral, Queen of Her people, Neko
[member="Camellia Swift"]

Sanya's data pad would bleep and ignored for now. She was caught up in the moments of comfort been held by her love. Her body felt warmer as she continued to nuzzle her and giggled for a second. "Kinda feels like we are continuing from our travel from the space docks to rendilis serface but in reverse. Its a shame well be there soon." She opened her eyes for a moment lifting her head away too look out of the window of the shuttle. The view of trees had dissipated and now just hills, grass and formations of rock. It wasn't long till they had reached the location where a team of twenty four croa and drills had stood by. Sanya would let out a long sigh and then kiss camellia. "Well I guess we gotta get to work again." She got off her lap and stood up with a smile still.

[member="Darth Venefica"] Ξ [member="Darth Timoris"] Ξ [member="Ashogo-Kel"] Ξ [member="Zaria"] Ξ [member="Darth Zilti"] Ξ [member="Darth Noxia"] Ξ [member="Darth Praelior"] Ξ [member="Darth Mudrac"] Ξ [member="Lady Exedō"] Ξ [member="Remy Singh"] Ξ [member="Sawa Ike"] Ξ [member="Isis Varida"] Ξ [member="Bundori "]Ξ [member="Azlyn Ike"] Ξ [member="Seras Goto"] Ξ [member="Sierra Momoa"] Ξ [member="Darth Veles"]

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