Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private In the Market For....

Walker Walker

Willow and Ivy loved the fact that they were given a little more freedom now that they had been in the service of Broka the Hutt Broka the Hutt for a while. Proving themselves as loyal employees garnered them that trust. Still they were under guard as the infamous Hutt didn't want to lose them, which didn't really bother the twins at all. They were used to it by now.

"I wonder what trinkets we can find in the market today?" Willow smiled to her sister as the two walked out of the shuttle that brought them down from the Sky Palace with their four guards in tow.

"I'm not sure. Maybe a musical instrument of some kind?"

"Or dolls! I'd love a new doll..." The last ones that the twins had were lost when Shea was killed and they were taken by Nartuuk.

"Or how about some pretty jewelry?"

"Ohhh yes. That'd be amazing."

Spending their own credits was something new to the siamese twins. With arms wrapped around eachother's waists, the gleefully entered the market to begin their search, drawing the attention of those they passed by.
Nar Shadaa, in spite of some of its rulers, still had enough of an underworld to bring the alchemist to its door. He walked the streets, a Cursed Blade sheathed on his back and a blaster by his side. He had come aboard the Persistence which remained at the airport. He likely looked rather normal to most. Another human, not alarmingly tall or short, no dramatic scars or eerie glaring. Just a man.

This world had more species than some did. And it was well known to be connected to the Hutts. That was both promising and threatening. Promising because it could mean he could make deals with them, buy or sell. Perhaps potential subjects for his experimentation rather than trying to steal them himself. Or perhaps they wanted something he could create.

Connection. He paused. His mind had been drifting and he'd sensed something, but now forgotten what it was. He looked around, eventually spotting two human females it seemed. Seeming was the word he'd use because he also might seem human. They had guards trailing them, and were talking lightly about things to buy. He didn't really think this one through before he walked right up to them, intent on investigating the reason behind why he'd felt something. "Hello hello," he said curiously, "Mind if I ask who you two are? Anyone with a train has got to have a reason." he asked looking at the four guards behind them.

Willow & Ivy Willow & Ivy
Despite the air being hot, it was still fresh and filled with a variety of scents that differed from the ones they'd find in Broka's. There were no walls enclosing them, no real ceilings to bother with. They were experiencing the closest thing to freedom that they could have.

That is until Walker Walker showed up and started talking to him. His question and comments were a bit....unusual, something that their guards had taken notice of as well, so they stepped a little closer. Willow was the first of the two to speak up. "We are employees of Broka."

Ivy eyed the man suspiciously. "What does it matter whether or not we have a train? Who are you?"

The twins were used to themselves being the ones to draw attention. Not the fact that they had guards trailing them.
Vash smiled at the guards who came closer. Not particularly threatening, just amused. "Employees of Broka" one said. The other was more suspicious., at least, in her wording, "I am a doctor, freelance of sorts I just go where I feel called, but I enjoy meddling in other hobbies." he folded his hands in front of him, "It matters because normal people don't have one. Broka...Broka. Interesting. Twins with a train. Working for Broka...."

He scratched his chin in thought, his mind began to reach out, attempting to hear the thoughts and emotions of the two and their guards. Discreetly as he could. Telepathy was a rather common ability among the force sensitives of his race. His mother no doubt helped him. "Two for one and four for all. You look human enough. Curious curious."

How deep could he go in the minds before he was discovered, or found something especially interesting.

Willow & Ivy Willow & Ivy
Willow and Ivy both looked to eachother as Walker Walker seemed to contemplate their answers to his question out loud. Yet their look was just a brief one. They assured eachother that he was a strange one. And his curiosity of the two didn't make either of them very comfortable.

"Well...happy travels."

"Or happy shopping. Whatever it is you came here to do."

They turned away from him, with their guards in tow, hoping to get themselves further away in the market. They kept their conversation between themselves, having also to be gifted in Telepathy.

"He's a creepy one."

"I know. It's like he doesn't even know who Broka is."

"Maybe that's a good thing. Then he won't know who we are to Broka, or what we do in his Council."

"I don't think that Broka would want him around us. I have a bad feeling..."

"..I know. I feel it too. It's like we're being--"

The twins stopped. They stopped walking. They stopped talking through their connection. Was it the strange doctor? They both pivoted, turning themselves around so that they could see if he was in view.
"Happy travels" one said, "Indeed. You two as well." he responded simply, watching the two as they passed by and he continued his search less visually. Their conversation began again amongst themselves, but not in the normal manner. That was it. The connection. "Curious." he said aloud his eyes glittering. They turned to face him, and he started walking forwards, "I would implore something of you, perhaps a visit with me on your unusual situation. You are a fascinating set."

He had lost his grasp of subtlety considerably. He spoke to them directly to the mind now, I would definitely advise you say yes for your own benefit. And that of your guards. I could even return you. Now if you make things difficult for me, I won't be so inclined. Telepathy and biology aren't my only skills.



The force calls some places. Sometimes it is forceful, sometimes it is calm. But if you listen long enough, you may not need to be made to go. Sometimes, you can be taken on your own will. Step into the river and float with the current that is the force. Let it guide you. That was what Kaiburr was taught to do, that was what he was trying to do now. Following the way the force brought him.

He carried no lightsaber, and flew no fancy ship. He appeared to most as a droid wearing a robe and holding a staff, flying a simple starship made for travel. He was a Shard however, force sensitive as well. Taught to use the force by the Baran Do Sages before he ventured out. A peaceful creature who sought only to bring that peace to whoever he might be able to, if they would take it.

Willow & Ivy Willow & Ivy
Ivy let go of her sister. By placing her right leg and arm in front of Willow, she was going into as much of a protective stance as she could. "We're fine and we're happy here. There's no unusual situation to visit."

Willow eyed Walker Walker very carefully, listening as he spoke into her mind. She was sure that Ivy could hear him as well, so there was no need for her to relay the information. Was this all part of their vision that they swore not to revisit? Willow had hoped not.

"You're alone and outnumbered. You're not taking us away from here. Broka won't allow it. This is his domain. Not yours..."

The guards held their ground and their guard up, though they were used to the ocassional person asking the twins questions and making assumptions about the pair. As far as they were concerned, the twins were happy and had no reason to run away.
Willow & Ivy Willow & Ivy

He raised an eyebrow at the protectiveness, thinking on how a sword could probably go through both, were that his intention. He heard the other try and warn him. The man chuckled, "Outnumbered?" He asked cocking his head, his Vo reached out. Like an invisible hand, towards the weapons of one of the guards. Attempting to force the weapon to attack one of his own allies, hoping to make it look like he'd turned on them, or at least surprise them from where it came from.

Vo were fascinating organs, force sensitive but capable of only a few select abilities. Enhanced physicals, and occasionally telekinesis. It made those who were force sensitive and had the organ all the more dangerous because of that, like have an additional arm and superior ability.

Vash didn't wait to see how the others would react, his sword flew from its sheath and into his hand as his smile turned into a snarl. He moved with skill and enhanced speed n an attempt to dispatch the head of one of them, planning on doing the same to the one behind him. He'd need to kill the guards fast if he wanted to get the girls.



The Sage's arrival had not come yet. Nar Shaddaa was a big place but he was on his way. He felt hastened. Though finding where to was not particularly easy. He could feel the dark side, but, it wasn't like Nar Shaddaa had an excellent reputation. Still, he followed, in hopes to find the cause of what he had felt and perhaps aid in whatever way he could.
The pit of their stomachs dropped as Walker Walker chuckled, seeming to dismiss their guards as though they were mere cobwebs in the air. They had hardly ever come across the Force being used against someone. In truth they had hardly come across other Force Users at all. At least not outside of their visions.

This was different. This was raw. Instead of just being observers, they were in the thick of things.

And it was frightening.

Ivy grabbed a hold of Willow's hand and pulled her away. It was difficult to try to run, especially as Walker's actions and fight with their guards drew a lot of commotion. "We have to hide!"

"But what if he finds us?!"

"Let's hope that he doesn't!" The hope was there, but her gut told her that it was wrong.

As the two tried to lose themselves among the scurrying people, their guards were doing their jobs. The one that turned on his own was taken down by the third. The fourth started to relay a message to the Palace but his message was cut off quite literally, along with his head. The last remaining guard used the falling body of his comrade as a distraction and attempted to grapple Walker.

At least their deaths could buy the twins some time.

The guards were falling fast. The girls began to run one of the guards went to grapple him. Even as he went to the ground his eyes glittered as he simply held the broadside of the blade lightly against the back of the mans neck and it sucked his stamina from him, not a lot at first, but enough that it was noticed. And then it was used. Igniting Vash's right hand in flame and pouring that fire towards the guards neck to potentially ruin any chances of breathing through it he would have, intent on searing through his throat, or at least enough that the windpipe would boil, and try and heal itself...closed.

He'd next attempt the very simple action of throwing the man to the side with his strength. Body enhanced by the organ now focused on physical superiority rather than telekinesis. Vash may have been dangerous with the force. But he wasn't an expert. He was good at swapping fast between style of combat, but using two at once didn't always go so well for him. Right now he was a brawler of sorts.

"Slaves are escaping." He said aloud looking to try and find them, and trying to dissuade at least some from following. Whether or not that would work. It was a feeble attempt really. Feel for them. Feel for their connection. And chase them. He began trying to force his way towards them in case anybody was in his way.



The Sage arrived on the opposite side of the girls as Walker. He sensed death. And saw the girls running from it. The X-2 body reached out for them gently speaking, "What are you running from?" The girls were an odd sight. A man wielding a sword and fire was an odd sight. A droid with a robe and a staff was an odd sight.

There would definitely be people today who had an interesting story to tell. Kaiburr felt the approaching darkness. Something Walker failed to conceal. In fact he never tried. In truth, Vash didn't interact with force sensitives not of his influence often. Meaning hiding it was usually pointless, even if he did have consistent thought.

"Would you like me to help you?" Kaiburr asked looking up. In truth, he had the intention of doing so anyway. But it was more polite to ask. If they said nothing he would help. If they said they did not help, he would ask and delay his help. But he did not wish to do so. He would like to resolve things peacefully if possible. That was not always the case.

He was shorter than Walker, in fact he was even shorter than the girls. Barely under 5'7", that is, in the droid body. If he were removed from it, they could probably throw him down a block if they tried. He probably did not look intimidating outside of his unusualness. Perhaps just a malfunctioning droid. Few probably recognized the design as belonging to PROXY droids. Fewer still probably realized he was trained in the force.

(OOC: From here I'll probably combine the two posts into one. I did them seperate as they were in different locations.)

Willow & Ivy Willow & Ivy
Willow and Ivy didn't look back. They didn't want to. They could hear the screams and shouts behind them which told them enough; Walker Walker was dangerous and he was wanting to kidnap them; to take them away from where they were safe and protected. Sure they didn't have complete freedom while under Broka's employ, but he had given them far more than anyone else ever had.

They both nearly stumbled into Kaiburr Kaiburr as he appeared in front of them. If it weren't for his kind voice and calm demeanor, they'd of tried to get around him. Instead they merely clung to eachother with fear written on their faces. "That man! He says he's a doctor. He wanted us to go with him somewhere!"

"He's killed our guards! He needs to be stopped!"

"And we need to get back to Broka's Palace. Once he finds out what happened, it'll be very bad..." More than likely the pair wouldn't be allowed outside of the Palaces for a while. Or anywhere in public. And that saddened them a little. But the Galaxy was a dangerous place.
Kaiburr looked at the two as they answered his question. Humans lived such short lives. They shouldn't have to live them in so much fear. Their words confirmed the sensation of death he had felt. And they mentioned Broka. This was not a name familiar to Kaiburr. He had never been to Nar Shaddaa before and knew little about the Hutts in the first place.

Walker stepped forwards blade in hand, still covered in blood. His eyes showed madness. "Hand them over and there will be no issue for you." he said incredibly simply.

"Oh but there would! I cannot allow that. Please, do not continue like this. I can see how much darkness there is in you. You mustn't let yourself be so easily swayed as to chase two girls, whatever reasons you may have." Kaiburr responded, he pulled the hood back, further revealing the head, but mainly serving to allow his neck full movement when turning it rather than obscuring his sensors.

The words gave Walker a moment of pause. This being was also force sensitive. Like the girls. Like him. But it was...different. As he thought he kept walking towards them, Kaiburr leaned over and whispered to them, "If you like, I can take you to this palace in my ship. It's in the nearby dock under the name Kaiburr. Though I do not know where the palace is. I suppose your other option is...wait and hope this turns out well? Running is usually easier."

Walker didn't speak to Kaiburr, he reached out, not towards the droid body, but towards the girls ready to pull at them. And Kaiburr sensed it. "Oh dear, don't do that." he opened a hand and a strong gust of wind threw the Vran off balance for a moment.

There was a pause in Vashs's mind allowing Kaiburr to try and speak again, "Please, give up this objective. I will defend them as necessary."

"Why are people so uncooperative?" Vash asked raising his blaster and releasing several shots at Kaiburr who held out a hand again, the bolts seeming to dissipate thanks to tutaminis. "Peace is becoming less of an option."

Things were getting violent. However, nobody had died...well, no more had died.

Willow & Ivy Willow & Ivy
Kaiburr Kaiburr seemed to care about them. That in and of itself was strange to the twins. But not in a bad way. With him there lay safety.

The twins backed away as Walker Walker continued towards them, moving in unison so that their possibly newfound friend was inbetween them. The doctor was frightening to say the least. Yet who knew if he was acting alone or with others. Willow and Ivy were used to peolle working in teams.

"We'll stay and wait."

"We'll get lost otherwise."

Willow and Ivy clung even more to eachother as the look on Walker's face frightened them even more. The tugging didn't help either. But at least Kaiburr was pushing back, preventing the doctor from getting a grip on them.

This was the first time that they had ever witnessed such a fight. But fear kept them from being able to study such an encounter.
Willow & Ivy Willow & Ivy

They chose to stay, perhaps not the safest. But the safest would be for it to not have happened in the first place. And that option was lost already. Walker tried to close in on Kaiburr, again pushed back by a strong gust of wind. This time lifting him off his feet. Though Kaiburr began to press forward. The Vran moved towards the Shard this time unimpeded and they engaged in melee combat with extremely different styles. Walkers was clearly fast, practiced, and strong. Kaiburr's seemed, in spite of his robotic appearance, remarkably fluid. The mechanical body could keep up with his speed, aided further by pre-emptive movements due to a more experienced precognition. But even though it was strong, Walker was much stronger. The staff was actively being strengthened by Kaiburr through the force, only reason it could stand up to any attack.

The engagement was an odd display to be sure. This was not a lightsaber duel. Nor was it one of normal organics. Both were force sensitive of vastly different varieties using very different methods. If Vash attempted to use the pyromancy, it seemed to become absorbed by Kaiburr. If he tried to get around him, he was shoved back into place. Kaiburr couldn't get a good hit on him either however until he pulled the one trick few expected of a lightsider, lightning.

White lightning emerged from the body of the X-2 striking Vash by surprise and sending him back both from the pain and the sudden jolting of his muscles. Immediately after Kaiburr reached out with the force, picking him up and throwing the Vran further back before turning towards the girls and pointing in the direction Kaiburr had come from, "Move swiftly if you can. I would like not to engage him again."

Vash had already recovered and was peering at Kaiburr from a distance. He was no expert on the force. Lightning was something he had actually never used himself. In truth, there were many abilities he had not used, dark or light in nature. The girls fascinated him and so did Kaiburr. And he knew the names of neither. But he'd gained far too much attention he realized. If he chased them further he risked that "Broka" would send them aid. And then he'd have to deal with both them and the droid. If only he'd had the Generator on him. Then this would have been easy.

Kaiburr rushed behind the girls hoping they would hurry along as his cloak fluttered behind him, "I am sorry if you feel that was not resolved adequately. Violence is such an awful thing, I truly don't enjoy it." he used the holoprojectors to change his appearance allowing him to look human, making him a far less unusual sight. He did that for the girls sake. Once they got to the spaceport he'd let it go again unless they wanted otherwise. It was mostly to attract less attention. Not that the girls weren't attracting plenty of it anyway. "I am Kaiburr the Sage. I can take you to the spaceport to my ship, or if you know somewhere near here you can go I can take you there. Though, wherever it is. I would prefer sooner than later."

Amusing though, he was doing here what he also was sometimes employed for on Naboo. Bodyguarding. This time of course it was without pay. But that didn't really matter to him.
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Willow and Ivy watched the duel of sorts hash out between Kaiburr Kaiburr and Walker Walker . They couldn't help it but take it all in, transfixed as though they were watching some elaborate dance. Everyone else seemed to have been doing the same. It was like watching a battle between master wizards.

Kaiburr telling them to run broke the twins from their focus. They nodded and started moving their way through the crowd that had gathered while the duel continued. But moving wasn't so easy. Although the twins were co-ordinated with eachother, it wasn't so easy to anticipate the movements of those around them. Especially when they were rushed.

Kaiburr easily caught up to them. The twins were huffing and puffing while they moved, not quite used to rushing so much. And by the time that they had neared the space port, they had slowed down quite a bit.

"We need somewhere safe!"

"Yes, for now! Broka might get mad!"

"Our guards are gone! He won't like that. We won't be let out again!"

Both twins were scared and sad at the same time...
Vash had mostly given up. He would head to his ship and probably get off planet fast. Best not to stick around. Maybe avoid Nar Shaddaa for awhile, send Kot if he needed someone.

Meanwhile Kaiburr and the twins moved onwards through the crowds, Kaiburr tried not to be overly rushing. Clearly it wasn't easy for them to get through. And while he wanted to avoid conflict, he didn't want them to hurt themselves either. When they arrived, the two seemed to still be in some kind of panic. And mentioning Broka, and not letting them out. He let the appearance of a human dissipate so they could see the droid face again. Then he thought for a moment. Set his staff down, and went to put a hand gently on the shoulder of each of them.

"Come then. I will take you too my ship. And you can tell me where to take you. It will fit you two easily. It wasn't made for comfort, but you could sit at the table. And I'm sure the journey isn't far." He said gently. He doubted the man would come after them in Nar Shaddaa territory while in a ship. "I told you my name, Kaiburr, why don't you tell me yours?" he asked trying to distract them from their worries, at least a little bit.

"Oh, and I'm actually not a droid. I'm what is called a Shard. I was trained by Sages in the force, and given a droid body. This was an upgrade of sorts. I usually just show myself as this, but if you want, I can put on a more human appearance. Some people find that a little less irritating to talk to."

Willow & Ivy Willow & Ivy
"The Sky Palace. We should go there."

"Yes, maybe you'll even get a reward."

That was the way that it goes with heroes, wasn't it? The twins followed as Kaiburr Kaiburr led the way, still worried that they'd be attacked again. The fact that Walker Walker wanted them for some scientific study was unnerving to say the least. Their worst nightmare was to become seperated...

"I'm Willow and this is Ivy. Thank you for saving us Kaiburr."

"Your droid form is fine. You don't need to live a lie around us. We know what it's like to be stared at and considered odd." They were siamese twins, afterall.
Willow & Ivy Willow & Ivy

He chuckled slightly at the comment of a reward, "Perhaps, perhaps not. I was not helping for reward." he said honestly. If he was given one, perhaps he would take it. If he was not, then that would be the way it was.

They introduced themselves and thanked him. Also mentioning not being bothered by his appearance, and familiarity with the circumstance. "Well I'm happy I could help Willow and Ivy. Yes, it seems like you got a bit of attention for that earlier. That at least I haven't had to deal with. It's shameful that people think it's okay to act like that."

They should arrive at his ship shortly, it was a smaller ship. The b-20-drifter was a bit of an odd ship. It was a travelers ship truly, designed to have room for living inside as if it were a home of its own. It had two twin laser cannon turrets, but no missile tubes, and no other weapons. A very meager set of weapons for its class. Inside, there would likely be limited places for the two to actually be seated. Since most actual chairs were separated. However there was a dining table where they should be able to fit easily. As he'd prepare the ship he'd speak, "This isn't exactly a nice planet to live in surely? How do you two get along in such a place?" he inquired. Surely, especially with their situation, it wasn't all that easy. Without some kind of sponsor.
"We are used to people wanting us for their own advantage, Kaiburr Kaiburr ."

"Yes. We have no choice in regards to who gets to keep us."

The twins weren't slaves, yet they weren't free either. True freedom was unknown to them. Others were able to come and go as they pleased, but that was never something that the twins could have. They would always belong to somebody.

The two walked into the ship, their eyes taking in all of the details in amazement. "Is this your ship? Or have you borrowed it? It's very pretty."

They walked over to the dining table and moved a couple of the chairs closer together before sitting down. Kaiburr asked a question of his own, to which Willow quickly answered. "We haven't lived anywhere else. Since Broka took possession of us, our lives have improved!"

"Oh yes! We're no longer put on display or forced to use our gifts all the time. Instead we get to use them when we want to."
Willow & Ivy Willow & Ivy

If there was a face to frown at their comment on who gets to 'keep us.' Instead he could just look at them, feeling a quick pulse of empathetic pain at the thought of such a thing feeling commonplace for them. Was that really just how life had to be for some people. Well...yes of course it was. Kaiburr might not have had to deal with such things personally, but slavery was still a problem throughout the galaxies.

One of them complimented his ship as he prepared it for take-off, "It is. As a Baran Do Sage, we put effort into reaching where we can. I was one of the ones who chose to journey, and so this is mine. Though there are many like it around used by other Sages, I imagine you don't see them too much. I don't actually know when I saw another last."

He took the ship off, waiting his turn on entering the lanes of Nar Shaddaa travel in the cities as he listened to their explanation of their current position. 'took possession' was a worrying term. They...were ok with where they were. Verbally at least. They weren't forced to do things which was a surprise that a Hutt didn't exploit their abilities.
"Is that where you want to be then?" He asked, "If you could choose where you wanted to be, would you still choose to stay with Broka?"

He didn't want to push them out. They might be safe. But at the same time, he didn't want them to believe they were locked in, and so must resign themselves to where they were. He knew he could not save everyone. But he must have been brought here for a reason. Perhaps it was only to stop the man coming for them, perhaps not.

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