Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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In the Bowels of Bespin

When [member="Lady Kay"] handed him the datapad, Kurayami chuckled. This was the last place he had expected to run into a CEC vessel, much less on of the YV-series. That wasn't to say he was unhappy about such a setup he had flown them before and had a good idea of how it would handle CDF had converted one to a dropship during his stint with them. He knew the durability and firepower they could bring to bear. He simply nodded and thanked her.

"Well as a Corellian, I am happy to see one of these old junkers still flying. It can certainly be used as a dropship, and having flown one before I know I can keep everyone breathing until we hit the LZ. Depending on situation we may need three others to man the guns, other than that everyone can take a nap while we make our way down for all I care."

[member="AP-01"] dragged [member="Hyori Tal"] away from the group to talk to her. Most of the conversation was inaudible to him, but the last bit where the droid raised his voice made it clear that even more bad times were ahead. And now he was supposed to take orders through this First Order schutta? No she wasn't paying him, Lady Kay was. They may have been in First Order space, but the order didn't own this mining outpost. He turned his helmeted visage to her, about to speak when @Darlyn Excron made his statement. He shook his head.

"Agent Tal, I am unsure if you are aware of this, but you do not own the mining platform we are on. I am not a member of the First Order, nor am I being paid by them to be here. The person paying me is Lady Kay. Or to put it in terms that even you could understand...I don't take orders from you. You are not my CO and I have no respect for you or the First Order. I take orders only from my employer. That is how this works. If that isn't clear enough then I am not sure how else I could word it to make you understand.

Also with the disappearance of Mr. Sin I will work alone. It is best that I do so as it is what I am used to. Haven't worked as part of a team in a long time and I don't need to worry that either my mistake or theirs will put the other in danger. If it will satiate your trust issues, that seem to be rather severe I may add, I can open a video feed to you so that you can make sure I'm not doing anything 'wrong.' Insubordination applies to First Order military under your control. Not mercenaries whom you didn't hire.

If you will excuse me I have a ship to go make sure is ready for the trip tomorrow."

He made his way to the hangar bay that Kay had mentioned earlier and began to check the systems to see if he was going to have to make any last minute repairs or adjustments.

[member="Max Fel"]
[member="Ludolf Vaas"]
[member="Oron Verd"]
[member="Ghorua the Shark"]
Romeo, who was watching of this shook his head as he followed [member="Lady Kay"] more so as her extra hidden muscles rather than her boss. Slight agitation rose up from the Vahla as he watched the agent of the First Order. [member="Hyori Tal"] was just following orders, sure, but those orders disrupted his peace of mind, and fun. "Eh, I think I shall go where I please. Miss Kay, I leave you to it. Please, my friends, let me know if I am needed for anything."
Romeo moved on ahead, and disappeared before anyone could say a word about his actions. They would have to follow after him if they wanted him to comply or whatever it was the First Order considered...order.


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
The situation was becoming less tense, thankfully. [member="Hyori Tal"] had agreed it seemed to keep her teams the way that they were originally planned. [member="Kurayami Bloodborn"] was also pleased with the ship. Good. Things were finally starting to get under way.

Kay watched as some of them began to take their leave. She wondered if she'd be able to get any sleep tonight. Maybe just a few hours. This wasn't the first rescue mission that she had hired mercs for. But it was the first for a company that she was working for. And neither of those needing rescuing were slaves. They were scientists and engineers. Plus they were going into the investigation blind.

"I will leave everyone to do what they need to do before we leave in the morning. Please get some rest if you can."

Before turning to head inside the building, she looked to [member="Darlyn Excron"] and Agent Tal. "Darlyn, I can show you to your guest room, and Agent Tal, you may come with me if you'd like and we can discuss the investigation further." She wanted to put the First Order at ease. Or at the very least make them more comfortable with her being there. If things were horrific on the platform, Kay didn't want her or the Republic to take the blame.

[member="Ghorua the Shark"] [member="AP-01"] [member="Oron Verd"] [member="Darth Crucifere"] [member="Max Fel"] [member="Ludolf Vaas"]
Darlyn gave a half nod to [member="Lady Kay"] when she offered to lead him off to a room for the night. He shifted his cloak so that it rested more comfortably, and moved to follow her whenever she saw fit to move. This was going to be an interresting job, to say the least. Everyone was either someone he had distaste for, such as Kay the Jedi, the powerful force signatures he sensed in Romeo and [member="Kurayami Bloodborn"], and those he respected such as [member="Ghorua the Shark"] and the Mando [member="Oron Verd"]. Those four in particular activated strong, strong reactions, the pulsing presence from Kurayami and Romeo gave him nasty headaches for example. Even his old master hadn't been *that* present, the least either could do would be to spare the poor boy a break, let him think clearly. So much energy was messing with his concentration, at least regarding the darkside in Romeo. You could almost taste it in the air.

The others offered little to think on. [member="AP-01"] was simply a droid on a mission, sentient as he might be. [member="Max Fel"] had done little to garner any recognizable purpose, except to be a good meat shield if the opportunity and need arose. And agent [member="Hyori Tal"] had simply turned into a stock officer, rigid and inflexible. She and her ilk were cheaper than sand an Tatooine. Unless any of them proved more than simply useful tools, they weren't exactly going to end up on the good or bad side of him. Then again, perhaps it would be better not to.

[member="Ludolf Vaas"]
Agent Tal’s eyes came to rest upon [member="Kurayami Bloodborn"] as he went off on his tirade. His words were heard, understood, yet not taken to heart. Despite his tiresome rambling, he had named a number of truths. None of these people were members of the First Order, and truly, she did have very little power over them. All of these members of Lady Kay’s mercenary gang had allegiances that only went as deep as their employer’s pocket. Hyori merely perked a brow when she was sure the man was quite finished, she watched as he left to prepare, and noted that [member="Darth Crucifere"] soon followed suit.

It was time to turn their attention to the matter at hand. For now she would let these men wander off, with the illusion that they were doing so freely. Hyori was only one agent, the First Order did have many other eyes, and it was a certainty that they would be watching. Now that First Order command was well aware of their presence, it would be difficult for them to cause too much trouble.

Hyori turned slightly to the form of Lady Kay, her lips pressed together and forming a slightly thinner line than usual. However, she let her expression softened a touch, taking the chance that these people would respond better to a more amicable appearance.

“Very well,” She answered simply, “Please lead the way.”

Her hand gestured towards the exit, and she stepped aside so that [member="Lady Kay"] and [member="Darlyn Excron"] could walk out before her.

[member="Ghorua the Shark"] [member="AP-01"] [member="Oron Verd"] [member="Max Fel"]
Ghorua kept his smile on as everyone began to filter out. He didn't know what to think of the group. Most, if not all of them, seemed dependable, if not a bit vexing. He had gotten a bit irked at [member="Hyori Tal"], but she didn't deserve that. She hadn't done anything terrible to him. Yet. He also pretended to be mad at [member="Lady Kay"], but he wasn't. In fact, he was beginning to warm up to her, as she seemed so agreeable. Of course, that didn't change the fact that her bounty on him almost had him killed numerous times, but the Shark forgave easily.

He watched as Kay, Hyori, and [member="Darlyn Excron"] began to make their way away. Ghorua waved his hand curtly, opened his ship, walked inside, and sat down on his bed. Bones, Ghorua's pet Massiff, padded into the room, and jumped up on his lap. Ghorua layed his hand on Bones' spikes, patting them down. One of her spikes was blackened and cracked, a memento of Kay's capture. Ghorua layed down, Bones next to him, hands behind his head. "I don't know," he said, to no one in particular. "This seems too easy, and too angry. Not a good mix for me, eh?" Bones perked up, her tongue lolling.

He layed there, for what seemed like hours, until he went to sleep. Tomorrow would be... different, to say the least.

- [member="Darth Crucifere"] - [member="Kurayami Bloodborn"] - [member="Oron Verd"] - [member="AP-01"] -


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Kay led both Agent [member="Hyori Tal"] and [member="Darlyn Excron"] inside the Headquarters building. It was early evening, so most of the employees were at home. She caught the attention of one of the staffers and waved him over. He as going to be her errand boy. "I'll need you to get us some pressure suits. A half dozen will do, just in case. Also we'll need enough food and water rations for 18 people to last us a few days. And please don't forget the med kits. The ship should be stocked with weapons, but it'd be best to double check. A man named [member="Kurayami Bloodborn"] will be there getting acquainted with the vessel. Let him. I think that about covers it for now." The man bowed and then left them. He'll at least be earning his overtime.

She then led the two upstairs, stopping on the second floor where she turned to Darlyn. "The lobby is in there. Tell them that I sent you to pick a room as my guest. He'll ask you for a password. It's Bakura."

Once he left, she continued up the stairs to the seventh floor. Most would use the lift, but she preferred the exercise. And it was better than being confined in a small space. On the way up she spoke to Hyori about what little she knew of what had happened on the platform so far. There was so little known as the scientists and engineers were exploring if such a platform would even work in a high air pressurized environment. Any number of things could have happened. Which was why she needed such a vast array of skills to help with the investigation and recovery. Once they were in her office, Kay spoke to her about how little of a threat she was to the First Order, that the mercs were there for this mission only and would leave soon after. Hopefully it was enough to satisfy the Agent for the time being.

It wasn't long before Kay let the Agent go where she needed to for the night and then curled up on the couch in her office to catch some sleep. She didn't have her own home yet, didn't take one of the guest rooms either. She had gotten so used to having to sleep in her offices while using all of her credits to free slaves, that sleeping in a bedroom seemed strange. Hopefully [member="Darth Crucifere"] wouldn't bug her about it. A short time later, she was asleep.

*******************(Time skip)**************

By 07:00hrs, Kay was already inside The Rusty Bucket, rechecking the supplies with her tea in hand. She could imagine that some would arrive early too. This bunch was very eager to earn their paycheques and get off this clouded planet. Everything seemed in order though. Now to see if no one had changed their minds.

[member="Ghorua the Shark"] [member="AP-01"] [member="Oron Verd"] [member="Max Fel"]
Ghorua the Shark was at the Rusty Bucket by 7:05. He strode in, with seemingly all of the gusto in the world, black armor plating his giant frame. He looked imposing, confident, insurmountable. The Herglic walked straight for Kay, equipment jingling back and forth. He didn't joke around when it came to precautions. Perhaps nothing would happen. Perhaps the whole planet explodes. It never pays to be careless.

"Top of the morning to you, Kay," he said, noticing her drink. He did enjoy the odd Bakuran tea himself. He found the aromatic smell calming. Contrary to popular belief, a being named 'The Shark' enjoyed peace every once in a while. "Wanna place bets on who got cold feet?" Ghorua chuckled to himself, fully expecting the Ex-Senator to ignore him.

Ghorua scanned the area, looking for familiar faces, or potential threats. He hadn't forgotten his life debt to the Lady. From the looks of things, he wouldn't be fulfilling that life debt on such a low risk mission, but he couldn't shake a forboding feeling from the back of his mind. He suppressed the thought, and continued his forced arrogance.

- [member="Lady Kay"] - [member="Hyori Tal"] - [member="Darlyn Excron"] - [member="Darth Crucifere"] - [member="Oron Verd"] - [member="AP-01"] - [member="Kurayami Bloodborn"] -
It was just before 07:00 hours, and Hyori Tal was on her way to the Rusty Bucket, it was always her way to be early. As she walked, she recalled the events of the evening prior, just before she had parted ways with Lady Kay. The agent had stood in the former senator’s office and listened as Kay explained her benevolent intentions and vouched for her hired men. She seemed to place a good deal of confidence in those that she had brought into her party, perhaps Lady Kay had witnessed their skills and loyalty first hand, or perhaps she was merely being hopeful. It seemed a great risk to place such expectations on people that were only there for the credits.

Agent Tal traveled light, a habit taken up during many nighttime missions, she was of no use if she was encumbered. However, today she did require some extra equipment, a pressure suit of her own and a helmet that she carried tucked into the crook of her arm. Her long, dark overcoat was worn unbuttoned today, and a hint of her utility belt was visible as the coat swayed slightly. On each hip she had a heavy blaster, and there were other necessities such as power packs, and rations. She did have a spare blaster strapped against the small of her back, and a few knives skillfully concealed. She disliked carrying large weapons, and only did so if she had the need. The agent usually walked into missions briefed, and with at least a little information to aid her, but this time she was entering blind.

She paused upon seeing the former senator enter first, and a few minutes later the large form of Ghoura followed. The imposing herglic was difficult to miss, but she was near enough now to see the weapons he carried on his being, and to hear the clinking sounds they made as he went. For a brief moment she mused that he was much like a walking armory.

Hyori entered just a minute or two after Ghoura, in time to barely catch the end of their jovial morning conversation. The agent approached the two members of her party, but stopping a short distance away from them. Her only greeting came by way of a small nod to each.

[member="Ghorua the Shark"], [member="Lady Kay"] @everyone else?


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Kay heard [member="Ghorua the Shark"] enter the Rusty Bucket before she saw him. She bowed her head to him, giving him a half smile as her mind was still going over things. Morning." To his joke, she laughed a little. "Placing bets already, are we? Well....I would hope that everyone shows up, but if I were to pick on who might of skipped out, I'd boss, Romeo. He has a lot on his plate and I don't pay him. It's the other way around. I'm glad that you're here though. I'd hate to have to do this alone."

She sipped her tea soon after [member="Hyori Tal"] arrived. Kay took note of her keeping her distance and returned the nod. "Good to see you, Agent Tal. I trust that you had a good rest?" There was still almost an hour left. Of all the people that they needed to arrive the most, it was their pilot, [member="Kurayami Bloodborn"] . But rather everyone was needed if they were to get through this quickly and safely. There were a couple of details that she was hiding for this mission, some images from the security feeds before the transmissions were cut. Those she didn't plan on sharing until they were on their way down. Hopefully there was someone on her teams that knew or had seen such beings before.

[member="Darth Crucifere"] [member="Oron Verd"] [member="AP-01"] [member="Max Fel"] [member="Ludolf Vaas"]
Darlyn was not a morning person, at all. In fact her was the polar opposite, for good reason of course. Hunting in the dark was far safer for him than out when he could be seen. Yet here he was, groggily making his way back out and down to the meeting ground. His entire suit, the metal chestplate and cloak, was slightly lopsided though he had managed to put his mirrored dome mask on, necessary for his identity protection.

He glanced up at their ride down, before stepping inside with far less grace than everyone else. He glanced at the three present, [member="Lady Kay"], [member="Hyori Tal"], and [member="Ghorua the Shark"] before finding himself a nice wall to lean against. "I do hope you didn't expect me to head out before getting paid. Gotta show the old fish over there who the better hunter is after all." His voice was slightly mechanical as he had to speak through the mic in his mask, else it would be pretty muted.
Agent Tal watched silently as Kay sipped her tea, likely trying to speed the departure of morning’s fog. Hyori had never taken to morning rituals like tea or caf, for her schedule often did not have a traditional morning. Her job sent her wherever she was needed, whenever she needed to be there.

“Good morning,” She finally offered a bit stiffly, and offered another nod to indicate that she had had adequate rest.

She turned slightly as Darlyn entered, and the agent had stepped to the side slightly in case he wished to approach Kay and Ghorua, but the man chose to place himself against a wall instead. With time to spare, she pulled out her datapad and began to add notes into her report. Thus far she had a brief outline of the events that had transpired the night before, and short profiles started for each member that had been present.

She did hope that they would be leaving precisely at 08:00 hours, as she placed a lot of value on being punctual. However, it still appeared that their pilot was among those currently absent. Hyori’s eyes flickered up towards the door a couple of times, she was not anxious, but she was looking forward to getting their mission underway.

[member="Darlyn Excron"], [member="Lady Kay"], [member="Ghorua the Shark"]
Ghorua the Shark twirled his vibroknife between his fingers as everyone approached. The blade was large and sharp to a point, but small in the giant's hand. It twirled back and forth, an endless display of dexterity and movement. Ghorua mulled over the Lady's words. She was glad to have him here? First time he'd ever heard that. He stayed silent, a slight smile on his dark face as Agent Tal, and then Darlyn approached. At least he had a fellow hunter on this mission. He was starting to worry if it would just be him, the senator, and the First Order. He was glad to know he was wrong.

"In your dreams, Sparky." Ghorua shook his head, laughing. The guy had spunk, that much he knew.

"So far, I think I'm winning the bet." Ghorua turned to the group, smirk still plastered on his face. "If push comes to shove, I can pilot us down there, but then we won't have anyone watching the ship, in case something went wrong down there." Ghorua was surprised by the lack of people, but was also kind of happy. He didn't like crowds. There was always the chance you could step on someone.

- [member="Hyori Tal"] - [member="Darlyn Excron"] - [member="Lady Kay"] -


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Kay looked at the small group that had assembled. It was less than half of those that initially answered her call. More like just a third. Inside she was disappointed with those that were missing. But such is life. She had to forget about them and take note of those that were here. [member="Ghorua the Shark"] , due in part mostly to the life debt, [member="Darlyn Excron"] , due to his need of credits, and [member="Hyori Tal"] , due to her assignment by the First Order to work with her on this investigation. They all had their reasons and she was glad to not have to do this herself.

"Thanks Ghorua. I'll use you for a back up pilot. In the meantime, I'm sure that I could bribe Terrac into doing it. He should be able to manage." Kay had hoped to keep the old man out of it. But it was good to have him there regardless.

"Agent Tal, I trust that you'll have a few troopers with us as well? We could use them to bulk up the teams." She'll have to reorganize the teams again. Ghorua would have to be on his own now, as well as Darlyn. No doubt Agent Tal would want to stick with her. That was okay though, so long as the Agent didn't try to arrest her while everyone else was on different levels, they should be fine.

"Alright. We'll be leaving in a half hour. So get comfortable. It'll take us an hour to reach the platform." She finished her tea and then headed down the ramp of the ship, walking around to give the hull a final inspection. She pulled out her commlink with her free hand and signalled Terrac with a sigh. "Terrac.. my pilot didn't show. I need you at the Rusty Bucket, please."

A grunt was heard on the other end as the old man's voice was heard. "Figures. I'll be there in ten, doll. And you owe me."

"I know...You'll get to retake your vacation again soon." This was the second time that she had postponed his holidays. But the old man didn't really care anyways. Kay slipped her commlink into her pocket and made her way back inside the ship to get changed in her quarters.
Agent Tal looked up from her report when Kay addressed her, with their number being so few, she agreed that it would be most beneficial to bring along some troopers. While Ghorua did have enough muscle to more than make up for those absent, he was only one person. Lieutenant Vulen and his men were capable and skilled soldiers, their extra muscle would make up for what they lacked. This would work to her advantage. The Stormtroopers would also ensure that the presence of the First Order was felt throughout their mission. While Agent Tal was doing her best to be cooperative at the moment, she did not want them to forget that the First Order was in charge here.

“Yes, Lady Kay,” She said, “I will make the arrangements.”

The dark figure of Agent Tal turned on a heel and walked down the ramp once more, and she came to a halt a short distance away from the Rusty Bucket. With thirty minutes to spare, she decided that it would be a good time to provide an update to her superiors, as well as call in the orders for assistance.

She first opened a commlink to Lieutenant Vulen.

“Lieutenant, this is Agent Tal, please bring a detachment of troopers to my coordinates. You will be joining us for the mission with Lady Kay and her men.”

At least the Lieutenant had been present the night previous, so he was not a complete stranger to the people he and his soldiers would be working with.

“Acknowledged.” Came his response.

And next she opened a secure channel to First Order Intelligence.

“This is Agent Tal,” She spoke in an even tone, “Lady Kay’s mission is still a go. However, a number of her mercenaries did not report in this morning.”

Hyori named those that were not present, and instantly knew that Intel would go to work; agents were already prowling the area. If they found evidence that these men were lingering on Bespin without purpose, they would be seen to swiftly. If those mercenaries had any sense, they would already be heading off world by now.

Her boots turned again and quiet steps upon the ground brought her back inside the ship to wait.

[member="Lady Kay"], [member="Ghorua the Shark"], [member="Darlyn Excron"]
The vibrant hum of the vibroknife penetrated the air around them as they conversed. The large hunter approved of bringing along more men. The Shark, although he didn't like admitting it, knew he had his limits, and would rather not reach them. Besides, more men meant more of a search area, and more bodies in-between Ghorua and danger. Ghorua flicked the blade up, and caught the handle with his other hand, shutting it off when they all decided to go their separate ways.

The black behemoth walked back to his ship, the Whalebone, opened the cargo doors, and waltzed inside. He made a beeline for his room, and grabbed something small and grey from his nightstand. Turning on his heel, he walked outside again, whistling a song he had written to himself. He stared at the rock in his hand pensively, mulling over the situation. He'd gotten it on Bakura, a memento of his first bounty. He wondered how the situation might turn out differently this time, or if they'd be leaving in a similar fashion; swiftly, with one bleeding out on the floor.

What would Julian think of me now, he thought, messing with the rock in his impossibly large palm. His mentor and friend probably wouldn't approve. The whole situation confused him, especially how calm Lady Kay was about him being there. She put a lot of faith in Ghorua's honor, something Ghorua hadn't even known he'd had until recently. Also, the Shark found himself wary at the concept of forgiveness. The Lady had to have some ulterior motive, right?

Ghorua strode back to the Rusty Bucket, Bakuran rock palmed in his hand. His Koodan-class armor sharpened his appearance, matte-black paint-job adding to his imposing, 10'5'' presence. His gatler rested on his back, a big hunk of metal that could deal some major damage. His pistols were at his sides, tiny little blasters compared to the rest of him. The Shark's bandolier was adorned with a plethora of grenades, a reminder of his nickname 'the Terrorist'. He had a few new toys as well, though. A small cube of polished durasteel was attached to his belt, not yet painted to match his color-scheme. His gauntlets were also freshly painted, new hardware attached to his wrists. He was ready for the worst.

The Herglic found Kay again, and saluted. "Ready for action, sir," he shouted comically.

- [member="Hyori Tal"] - [member="Lady Kay"] - [member="Darlyn Excron"] -
SO there was going to be a momentary break while everyone waited on first order troops and a new pilot. Suited him just fine, he now had the chance to adjust his cloak. So, he began to make the adjustments to make it rest over his shoulders better, less lopsided, and when he was finished he looked far more intimidating. Sure, he was still a somewhat thin and unimposing figure, but cloaked in darkness and armour, coupled with the mirrored mask, it was somewhat hard not to see why you could be intimidated by him.

He stayed on the Bucket, seating himself on a chair inside as he pulled out the DL-18 to check it over. The little blaster pistol had a kick to it, not to mention some sentimental value as his only link to his Father. A smuggler or a hunter, he had to wonder. Which life did he lead, and how would it be different if he hadn't been forgotten on that icy world? He sighed and adjusted the few things on the blaster he could, mostly relating to, of course, any loose parts that weren't supposed to be quite so loose. With the weapon in decent shape, he holstered it again, and after being certain that Hyori wasn't there yet, un-clipped his lightsaber and held it in the air in front of him.

Letting go of it and holding it with the force, he began to take the simple weapon apart, and adjusting the whole weapon in the air in front of him, each piece rotating, shifting, clicking into place once more. The weapon's shape was beyond simple, he truly had to create himself a more unique hilt later, adjusted for him. As it was, it was merely, usable. The last piece clicked together when his 'meditation' was interrupted by the sound of steps, noticeably quiet, coming up the boarding ramp. He stood up and grabbed his weapon, clipping it on as Hyori came into view.

Then Ghorua came back, and Darlyn couldn't hold back a smile. He walked up to the Herglic, and reached up, pulling off a couple of explosives from his bandolier. "Hope you don't mind, left mine at home. Terrible oversight on my part, but I'm sure you wouldn't mind."

[member="Ghorua the Shark"][member="Hyori Tal"][member="Lady Kay"]


Sphaera Tea Company Owner

After Kay got dressed and left her quarters, she was a little surprised to see that only [member="Darlyn Excron"] was there. She could already hear Terrac starting the systems check, so she knew that he had made it. For a fleeting moment she had wondered if their numbers had dwindled down to just the three of them.

But then Agent [member="Hyori Tal"] had returned, shortly followed by [member="Ghorua the Shark"]. Kay hesitated for a moment, memories of that dreadful day of unwarranted mistreatment by him and Julian ran through her mind. But, she had no bounties on her head. Ghorua wasn't working against her, he was working for her. He had kept his word and that spoke volumes of his character. She smiled a little at his humorous remark. "I can see that. I suppose that'll be enough weaponry....Although if you had more...." Kay laughed a little, to let him know that she was kidding. He was armed well enough as it was. She raised a brow as Darlyn started to help rid Ghorua of the burden of too much weaponry, wondering how the bounty hunter would react.

And then came the Troopers. They went to Agent Tal. Leaving them to do their thing, Kay went to the cockpit to be with Terrac. The ramp lifted and closed. Minutes later they were beginning their decent.



Precisely an hour later, the mining platform was in sight. Terrac circled it before preparing to dock. There didn't appear to be any damage to the outside. Though it was clear that a few sections seemed to be without power.

Kay left the cockpit, slipping her satchel over her shoulder and tucking a helmet under her arm. "Alright. Things look okay from the outside. Still no contact has been made. Let's hope that they are still alive in there. Do a full sweep of each room. Keep the channels open and if you see my scientists and engineers, tell them Kay sent you. That should hopefully put them at ease."

Without waiting for any questions, Kay put on her helmet and walked to the ramp, hitting the button with her fist to lower it. She exited the bucket and took in a deep breath, letting it out slowly. Helmets always made her feel claustrophobic. But she had to do this. It was safer.

As they would each step inside they would hear nothing except for the sounds that they made themselves. It was as if the platform was just abandoned. The entrance to all of the three levels were the same. It wasn't until they were a further inside that they would start to notice little puddles of blood and very fine claw marks along the walls and floors. Some looked human, while others were different and nit recognizable.
Ghorua chuckled as [member="Lady Kay"] joked with him. He was actually in the market for more combat tricks. It took everything one had to fight the titans of the galaxy. Ghorua just wasn't strong enough to battle a Jedi Master or a Sith Lord. Perhaps some day.

The Shark started to greet [member="Darlyn Excron"] as he approached, but was rendered speechless when the newer hunter began to remove grenades from his bandolier. Slowly, Ghorua smiled, and let him take two stun grenades, and a thermal detonator. When Darlyn tried to take another, Ghorua slapped his hand away, still smiling. "Not that one, friend. That's a gas grenade. Set that one off now, and we all die a painful death. And you owe me for those!" Ghorua slammed his hand on Darlyn's back, a rough display of good-naturedness. He was fine with loaning out his weaponry. Perhaps that would save his life down there.

He then looked to [member="Hyori Tal"], and was about to make a snide comment about mining facilities before seeing the Stormtroopers march into the Bucket. Ghorua stepped aside as they passed, doing the same dumb salute he did to Kay. He decided against provoking them further. The First Order was well known for having... an itchy trigger finger.

The Herglic excused himself, and went to the back of the cargo hold. He found a box that would support him, and sat down, twiddling his thumbs.


Ghorua the Shark planted his helmet on his head, the emotionless mask disguising his features. He walked back to the cargo ship, and seeing Kay step out of the cockpit, stood slightly behind and to the side of her. His first priority was protecting his charge, so he would walk with her as they went into the facility.

Low thumps were audible to all as the Herglic walked, each step like the heartbeat of a giant. As they walked, Ghorua found himself frowning deeply. He went over his comms just as they exited the platform. "I have a bad feeling about this..." He said. He reached behind him, and pulled the Spinster from his back. He revved the tines, a nervous habit. The noise sent a friendly hum through the area. Perhaps survivors would hear the noise. Then Ghorua saw the blood.

A large puddle of the stuff was in the middle of the hall, gleaming coldly. Ghorua felt a slight throbbing in his brain, and pushed it off, making an effort to look away from the substance. Looking at the wall, he saw the claw-marks. A pang of memory. Please don't let it be Rakghouls. He spoke into Kay's comms, deep and smooth, with a hint of fear. "I hate it when I'm right. What do you think did this?"
As Lieutenant Vulen and his men arrived, Hyori stepped to greet them. Though, she only did so with the smallest nod possible. The Lieutenant stood apart from the other white armored soldiers due to the red emblem on his shoulder, and he moved forward towards the agent, while his men stepped past them into the ship.

“Greetings, Agent Tal.” He started, his voice muffled through his helmet. “Do you have any further details about this mission?”

Hyori shook her head, her dark eyes level with the Lieutenant’s helmet.

“None, I ‘am afraid.” Her tone was steady, though she did have the feeling that this was not going to be a simple
investigation. “But I trust that you and your men are well equipped for any situation that may arise.”

And with that the members of the First Order fell silent, waiting in the darkness like predators stalking their prey.



Agent Tal stood with her arms crossed, she had changed into her suit, and her helmet was now in place. She turned just slightly upon hearing Lady Kay address them, and her sharp gaze watched as the former senator swept passed. Hyori’s footsteps fell softly, so that she barely made a sound as she went along, and she came up just to Kay’s left. The group was met with an eerie silence, it was the kind of quiet that could be very unsettling, but it would take much more to rattle Agent Tal.

The sound of the trooper’s armored boots upon the platform announced their presence, they were not as stealthy as Hyori would have liked... but one did sacrifice such luxuries when dressed as they were.

As they continued inside, it quickly became apparent that something violent had happened here. The walls were spattered with blood, and there were small pools sitting still upon the floor in places. Hyori moved closer to the wall, her eyes upon the claw marks etched there, and she noted the way the marks were fine and smooth. These markings were deliberate and precise, not at all like reckless thrashing. It seemed to say that the beings behind the bloodstains had some semblance of intelligence.

Her first thought was of the Lurkers on Anoat, perhaps something had happened here to result in similarly mutated beings.

“We should keep moving.” She said simply to the others, it was the only way to find out what they were up against.

[member="Ghorua the Shark"], [member="Lady Kay"], [member="Darlyn Excron"]

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