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In My Opinion, This Is Niche Mentality & How It's Killing Smaller Factions

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The following was sent to me by the Galactic Empire's leadership. It's pretty funny and troubling at the same time.​
It's like ya'll don't even see what you're doing.​
Like you veterans (and even some Staff members) have no idea that what is fun for you may not be fun for others - and how underhanded it appears.​
And how you could be making people not want to get involved with the map game.​
Honestly, whereas I see veterans/staff members making poor decisions​
others will see metagamers, conspirers, and bullies.​
What do you see?
Galactic Empire: On May 9th, 2017, at 9:13 PM Pacific Daylight Time; I sent invasion terms to Jacen Voidstalker (Raziel) for the Galactic Empire invasion of Alliance-held Suarbi 7, after this I went to bed for the night.
Tefka: Raziel is an RPJ - but has permission to be FO of the Galactic Alliance, due to his time and service as an experienced RPJ.
Galactic Empire: The next day, on May 10th, at 2:28 AM PDT, a mere five hours after my declaration; Natalia Thawne posted once to the public thread 'Solution on Scarif' which was the then-Imperial Remnant's T2 Dominion of Scarif and Kowak that we had finished and claimed on the Map Updates thread exactly a week ago on May the 3nd.
GE: Upon further investigation, Natalia Thawne is the leader of the minor faction 'the Underground', a coalition of gangs and criminal organizations. She is also Cira, the Factory Admin, who is a high ranking and very well known member of the Galactic Alliance through countless alternate accounts.
Tefka: Added this picture in because I was curious - hadn't heard much of the Underworld, last I saw it it was pretty inactive. Man, activity really started picking up, huh.
Tefka: Added another one. Really low forum activity for someone pulling in so many new members.
Tefka: All those new members recently and nobody's introduced themselves since February. They're probably just slow in getting to it...
GE: The same day, May 10th, at 3:29 AM PDT; Laguz Vald posted after Natalia Thawne in the same thread, both of them located over or on Kowak.
Tefka: The last three posts by Laguz were April 1, April 1, and 19 March 2017. Obviously not a very active subaccount.
GE: Sifting through accounts again, it is discovered that Laguz Vald is none other than Netherworld. Many witnesses can pin him as an avid participant in the Galactic Alliance's discord chat. He is also a member of 'Rogues' role in the discord, which means that its possible, however unlikely, that they could've had a separate chat to plan, looking back, Cira also has this 'Rogues' role attached to her name.
On May 10th at 5:29 AM PDT; Tek Sidereal posted to the Scarif dominion, after Cira and Netherworld did.
GE: Tek is discovered to be Alyce Hawke and Alexandra Morrow both stalwart members of the Alliance, he is also Taryc Ap'Irae, a roleplay judge. Once again popping into GA discord, Alyce, also known as 'Battle Booty', has the same 'Rogues' role as the others above do, further cementing my theory.
GE: On the same day, at 6:29 AM PDT; Slevin Thawne posted to the Scarif dominion, presumably a relative of Natalia Thawne.
Tefka: He's a millenial.
GE: Two hours later, at 8:45 AM PDT; Kiran Vess also posted to the dominion.
GE: Finding a connection, I discover that both Kiran Vess and Slevin Thawne are Alric Kuhn, also known widely as Chris. Following my theory and the pattern, Chris, under the nickname of 'Hex Invasion', shares the 'Rogues' role with the others above.
GE: Between both of these, at 7:31 AM PDT; Rel Connory posted to the Scarif dominion.
Galactic Empire: Rel Connor is the same person as Jorus Merrill, and Ashin Karrde, a codex judge. Jon, as they call him in Alliance discord, is also a part of the 'Rogues' role, increasing the likeliness of the above theory; that the Alliance, that the Rogues, both used a private chat to plan to rebel the Scarif dominion OOCily as different accounts with no proper IC reason, or casus belli as some like to call it, other than the general 'Criminals vs the Empire'. Therefore; I hereby believe that the Galactic Alliance, offended by my intent to invade their system, decided to group up OOCily and rebel Solution on Scarif, with different characters, with no other reason other than to 'get back' at me for having the audacity to challenge them. This is metagaming, in which they used my OOC declaration of an invasion as the provocation to initiate an IC rebellion of our finished dominion, a clear breach in the rules of the site.
T E F:
Now, the Galactic Empire gets a little tin-foiled hat near the end, but I don't see it as ill intent or conspiratorial - just a bunch of friends who like writing together - but yes - it's very metagamish. But there's no rules against metagaming - never have been.​
It's just REALLY.​
Especially when on this scale. I just recently personally permitted the Death Watch rebellion, but Staff knows how big that debate was and how grayish allowing it to happen was. Now here we have the SINGLE PERIOD LARGEST PERIOD FACTION creating what appears to be an "alt" faction out of an inactive one. The Galactic Empire doesn't even register on the top 12 most popular factions! What are you so scared of?​
It's really looked down upon when the majority of ya'll are veteran roleplayers who, along with guys like me, look back at the oligarchy of That Guy's Crabshack (where a large chunk of you followed me from) and scoff like "we'll never do that."​
Yet here we are. Using your numbers, alts, and a lack of rules in a useless map game to gain an advantage while handing the perception on a silver @#$%ing platter to your opposition that says...​
Hey bro.​
The game's rigged.​
We're on top and we're staying on top.​
Is that where we're headed - Proxy factions that have zero IC basis? Niches that just continually cling together and, when on top, do whatever it takes to stay on top?​
Or is the crazy old site owner just ranting off base?​
Let me know in the comments below.​
Well this conspiracy theory took things to a whole new level. I have never been one of those "Top" RPers as the esteemed site diety has called them. So I can say this yes there are cliques that stick together and RP together all the time some of them are most definitely some of if not THE strongest characters on the site. If they truly wanted to bring around the downfall of the site as a whole all they would really have to do was create one mega faction not just use Alt's to do everything. Do I want to see the day these people get tired of it and just group together what they deem to be the strongest writers/characters on the site. No not really because that is the day everything goes to hell in a hand basket. Do I feel as if they are slightly metagaming things. Kinda but not really at the same time. Honestly if they want to play the game that way how can we stop them with the support they have gathered and the power they can bring to bear? Last I knew Cira alts owned 3-4 Tier 6 companies, Jon is just a legend and horrifying person himself, and Netherworld has some of the most insane characters I have EVER seen. But that is just my opinion which I would like to be kept away form any talks the Staff have regarding me in the future plox.
Based on my own observations it is not a matter of this is where we are headed. We are already there. That bridge has been crossed and we are now looking back and going.

"Remember when invasions were something to look forward to and not avoided at all costs...........Petridge Farm remembers."

Here are a few thoughts

1. small group rp and large group rp takes structure, organization, knowing yours and other's roles and other details. This part takes a lot of time and preparation before a story happens.
2. This please should be about the story. What story can be built. This shouldn't be a game but seems like its turned out to be a huge king of the hill type game.
3. There is no far arcing theme concept of the galaxy at large and while this isn't a problem, each person and faction builds the story for the galaxy, that might need to be considered to give everyone a tie in thread into the galaxy at large. Some writers may feel isolated.

I say this from a lot of experience in both character building and in running small group rp and large group rp. Done it, seen it and probably wont be the last. I seen huge groups break up over the most trivial of conflicts. Story collaboration should come before ego.
To be honest, it's not just map game. I know I am fairly new, 'tis true; but factions really look unappealing, because you feel like you, the basic dude, the not-amiral or fancy rank, has no use. It's like the huge accounts of veterans are in charge and you're here... filling up the numbers to make a faction relevent. Add to that the total absenc of restrictions on sub-accounts, and you get abuse and unfair meta.
[member="Shinzon (Jhiaga)"] While this can be true I wouldn't say it's common to be honest. Factions to this point of my chaos career have always made me feel welcome, and without the help of the OS Abyss wouldn't be where he is now as a character and I wouldn't be where I am as a writer. I mean factions actually encourage being nice to new members because they need them to function actually lol.
Tefka said:
Tefka: Also known as the worst human being ever.

This rings incredibly hollow given the fact that you yourself have pulled or attempted to pull things similarly to what you're accusing myself and others of doing.

That's also not to mention the fact that the Underworld is a pre-established faction that was founded before the Empire. It also has IC and roleplayed Beef with the Galactic Empire given that the Empire started on Rishi where the Underworld(or at a piece of it) has IC holdings. While the faction itself has not been active, it's members have been. Natalia and I have been steadily roleplaying and have actually mentioned the Empire in said Roleplays many times. The Underworld has plenty of IC basis, so maybe instead of looking into it for about 2 hours you come and ask people who are actually in it.
This has been a problem for YEARS if not almost a decade in the Star Wars online role plaing communities. I started back in the 90s when Iwas in high school and as everyone got older and more set in their ways, people drifted apart. That and the invention of ICQ and AIM didn't help. Everyone started making their own little stories and private stuff through those. Cliques were formed among those that considered themselves above others and the role play worlds got smaller and smaller. I don't have an issue with people making alts to control factions and such for smaller grouplers of long as there is a over all game master or such to help keep things equal for those that aren't controlling something.
[member="Slevin Thawne"]

I understand how the people will feel that are mentioned in the OP. I've been on the receiving end of conspiracies/community outrage countless times before.

But just ask yourself why I posted this, why I asked the Galactic Empire to let me post this instead of them, why the Galactic Empire might've been afraid to post this.

And think about how it all looks.
I am the most offended that everyone thinks Netherworld is a man.


Also. ALL factions have their moment in the sun, live, and die, small or large. Also, there are more details to all sides of the story.

Brother I'm as paranoid as they come. I see big factions and yeah I'm as cool as it comes with telling stories and stuff of different types. And yeah, admins should be allowed to play and stuff. After all they are people and RPers and stuff. And yeah, I'm all for writing with your friends and stuff.

But lets be real; a lot of those out there RP with each other and look down on "Newbs" or anyone who isn't in their circle. Frankly that's unacceptable. Is there a space Illuminati that I think is controlling the board? No. But I am sure there are folks on here doing their damnedest to make things go their way and have a lot of power to so--with their dependable friends of the same power and inclination.

Yeah. I think it's pretty legit. Stay woke.

I understand perfectly well why you posted it, that doesn't mean I won't respond to it. Doesn't matter if it's you or the Galactic Empire.

I like to RP, that's really no secret. I run a Sith Faction, I RP in the Alliance, I have dozens of neutral characters, hell I've even tried to help the Empire attain their flagship.

Yet here you are in your opening post insulting me and insinuating that I'm 100% meta'ing everything I do and that I have some evil plan to keep small factions down even though I run a small faction right now. So yeah I'm aware how it looks to some people, I'm also aware how it looks for the Board Admin to "call out" a bunch of people without ever talking to them.
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