Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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In-Hoth-spitable: Training on Hoth

Xavier Payne

Serving the Supreme Leader's justice
Xavier Disliked none humans and none Near-humans quite alot and when the torguta finished telling him a Luther off which annoyed Xavier quite a bit especially since this little argument has nothing to do with the Xeno scum and Xavier was not one for manners.
"Kark Off" Xavier said in a clearly annoyed manner
Ex-Solider | Ex-Spy | Doctor
Luther tried to pinch the bridge of his nose, but realised he had his helmet on. He took it off, to show the other trooper he wasn't annoyed. "Apologies mate, I didn't mean anything by it. Just curious you know?" he said to Xavier. At least he knew the man's name now. He didn't know the moff, and he suspected the man was lying, but it was better to be safe and smooth things over. He turned to the togruta woman. "All good here miss. Army and Judicial corps just have an old rivaly, that's all. We like to mess around a bit, and we get in trouble with them. Tempers can flare pretty easily". That much was very true, he'd lost count of how many times he had to pull Lee out of trouble with the MPs. It was slightly embarrassing that he'd cause a scene himself. Xavier was less subtle about the Togruta's interference and Luther winced at the expletive.

The monorail looked like it was approaching its destination, so he walked away, popping his helmet back on. He moved past a chiss trainee and rejoined his place near [member="Kito Askmar"]. "I'll just stay here for a while" he muttered to Kito. "And keep my big mouth shut". He suspected it was too late anyway. He wasn't good with expressions, but [member="Emilia Ravel"] looked pissed off. He sighed inwardly. Oh well, wouldn't be the first time he was chewed out by a superior officer.

[member="Xavier Payne"] ~ [member="Huse"] ~ [member="Asheda Tyr"]
Asheda kept the smile on her face despite the rude nature of the judicial trooper, though only a slight comment that could mean almost anything the Togruta could fell the amnesty radiating of the human and his clear dislike for her own kind. Even though she was a higher rank, and a powerful force users people still looked down on her for not being human, even though her race was superior to that of a mere human, having greater reflexes and physical abilities, 'you just fucked up'.

Asheda clenched her fist, the force drawing towards her before clamping around [member="Xavier Payne"] limbs, putting a small amount of strain on it, increasing the pain bit by bit, locking his arms and legs in place, "I'm sorry, I guess you did not hear me, I said be on your best behavior... GOT THAT"!! Her smile changed to that of a sinister one, a killer look in her eye as she stared into the troopers very soul, awaiting a response, only then would she release the man from her grasp.

[member="Luther Ando"] l [member="Huse"]

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