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Approved Species Immerin

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  • Intent: To create a new species and further flesh out and develop the story and lore behind the planet Yesmireen
  • Image Credit: Image 1 | Image 2 | Image 3 | Image 4 | Dividers made by myself
  • Canon: N/A
  • Permissions: N/A
  • Links: Yesmireen

  • Name: Immerin
  • Designation: Sentient
  • Origins: Yesmireen, Myak (Terrestrial Moon of Yesmireen)
  • Average Lifespan: 200 Galactic Standard Years
  • Estimated Population: Planetary
  • Description: A reptilian species native to the planet of Yesmireen, the Immerin appear, in many ways, visually similar to the Ssi-ruu in their lizard-like form. They are, however, smaller/thinner overall in stature, and possess the ability to form oral vocalizations beyond that of hisses, whistles and clicks. They have a unique ability to alter the pigmentation of their scaly hide to a wide spectrum of colors and can often be seen with various horns/spikes protruding from their bodies. The number and locations of these horns and spikes appears to vary from member to member of the Immerin species, though a spike is always found at each knee and elbow.

Notably, their scaly hide morphs into a thicker, plate-like visage to cover their tails, torso, feet, thighs and forearms [occasionally females will have this on their heads] in an extra layer of protection in areas either housing vital organs or more prone to harm due to the nature of their usage. Further, the Immerin species have tails that, if they were to be severed, would measure around 66% of their height. They tend to use these predominantly for balance, but have been known to use in combat from time to time if deemed necessary.

  • Breathes: Type 1
  • Average Height of Adults: 1.82 Meters/6 Ft (Male) | 2.13 Meters/7 Ft (Female)
  • Average Weight of Adults: 96 Kg/212 lbs (Both Male and Females)
  • Skin Color: Can vary between any of a number of different colors, though most often appearing blue, red, yellow, green, black, gray, orange or purple.
  • Hair Color: N/A
  • Distinctions: Scaly or leathery hide, plating over vital organs and areas more prone to physical damage, spikes protruding from knee/elbow joints, sharp claws. Additionally, Immerin hatch from intricate and colorful eggs with scaly textured shells.
  • Races: N/A
  • Force Sensitivity: Rare

  • The Immerin have naturally occurring sharp claws that can be used for a number of different things (from digging to use as weapons, etc.).
  • Natural armor where the hide of the Immerin becomes thicker in areas (namely vital organ locations) which become increasingly resistant to blunt and physical attacks.
  • Naturally, the musculature of the Immerin allows them to be physically stronger than average species throughout the galaxy.
  • Natural camouflage can be attained by the Immerin due to their ability to augment the pigmentation of their skin at will.
  • Large powerful tails of the Immerin are most notably used for balance, but have the potential to also be used as another weapon in battle if the situation calls for it.
  • Similarly to snakes, the Immerin can use their forked tongues to pick up scents in the air that have the potential to be those of nearby, whether they be friend or foe.
  • The Immerin have sharp teeth that have evolved and been adapted to tear into flesh.
  • The Immerin are larger in size to many species in the galaxy, which makes it so they are innately less agile and sneaky with their physical movements than the average sentient.
  • The Immerin are naturally territorial and as such are not overly trustworthy to outsides. They can be highly aggressive if they should feel their territory is threatened.
  • Every so often, the Immerin undergo a molting period where they are at their most vulnerable. The molting period can take up to five days to complete.
  • The Immerin are carnivores and must east meat to survive. Furthermore, the meat they eat cannot not be overly seasoned nor over-cooked for risk of poisoning themselves and in some cases dying.
  • The cold blooded nature of the Immerin make it so that to survive on a cold planet, or less than ideal conditions, they must be outfitted with specialized equipment to aid in the circulation of their blood.
  • Diet: The Immerin are Carnivores and must survive off of meat.
  • Communication: Though the Immerin can speak as naturally as most other species in the galaxy, they also rely on a number of whistles, clicks and hisses to communicate. They can also use the odors and/or pheromones to communicate among others of their species.
  • Technology: Galactic Standard (though their architecture may appear to be tribal and less than that of the standard set in the galaxy, they possess repulsor technology, as well as that of hyperdrive technology among various other forms of technology present throughout the galaxy at large)
  • Religion/Beliefs: The Immerin worship a pantheon of deities which serve as their Gods and Goddesses. It is the tenets of these higher beings in which they believe, as spoken from the "mystics" (those believed to be anointed by the higher powers with which) of their species, that guide their sense of morality and worth among the galaxy. To the Immerin, the Force was born of the will of their deities, and as such, they see it in a very different light. Only "The Chosen Ones" and "Mystics" of the race have the ability to convene with and manipulate it, and these individuals are very rare among them.
  • General Behavior: In general, the Immerin are very territorial and cautious of outsiders. If threatened, or perceived to be so, it is not out of the nature of the Immerin to fight for that which they believe is theirs. Among each other, however, the Immerin are very pleasant and respectful, especially toward the elders of their species and toward their "Mystics". Much of their culture revolves around a sense of honoring their numerous Gods and Goddesses with which they give credit to for nearly everything (from love to hatred, life to death, tangible and intangible, and everything in between). Overall, the species appears to have somewhat of a matriarchal rule under that of the "Mystics" and as such, women's voices seem to carry more weight and be heard more often than those of the men.
Early History
The Immerin were a species that first appeared on the planet of Yesmireen sometime before the establishment of the first Galactic Republic. In their infancy to the galaxy, the Immerin first began as small, semi-sentient, quadrupedal reptilian creatures with a strong physical resemblance to the Ysalamir. They had no form of formal oral, nor written, communication and instead relied on the augmentation and changing of the coloring of their scaly hides in conjunction with a series or hisses to convey whatever message among each other that they were intending to convey. It wouldn’t be until later in their evolutionary process, that they would adapt to become the species they are today.
In these early days, the Immerin species had much shorter lifespans and predominantly fed on insects throughout their lives. As time passed, the Immerin evolved and adapted to the ever changing landscape around them. They grew large in size, lived longer and developed more formal means of communication, both written and oral. The changing of the coloring of their skin and scales remained, though its purpose had been altered to primarily be used in displays attempting to attract a mate or simply blend into their environment for their safety. They maintained their status as carnivores, but their prey became larger as well, finding it necessary to move on from the insects that previously sustained their existence in favor of larger suppliers of the nutritional sustenance their bodies needed in order to grow, develop and survive.
With their evolution, too, came the establishment of civilizations all across the surface of their homeworld, though predominantly situated in areas with warmer climates. It wouldn’t be until they came to develop more advanced climate technologies that the Immerin species would move into more frigid climates. Time spent among these cooler temperature areas was often short and mostly from within environmentally controlled capsules with which housed the cities and villages they chose to build in such adverse ecologies than was befitting to their biology and cold-blooded nature.
As time moved on, the Immerin species would split into two distinct species, the newer of the two coming to be known as the Yesmirin. This species returned to their ancestral means of mobility, becoming quadrupedal again, and even developing the physiology that made them warm-blooded. Their development threatened the existence of the Immerin and as such, strife and conflict broke out between the two subspecies as eached battled for dominance amid the hierarchy of Yesmireen’s balance.
It was after the passing of a few hundred years that the Immerin finally prevailed over their younger cousins, placing the Yesmirin on the brink of extinction. They even so far as to enslave the survivors of the years and years of conflict.
Occupation and Exile
When the time came that the Sith and Taung species settled upon their homeworld, there was a great change for the livelihoods of the planet’s native population. Outmatched technologically by the Taung and severely lacking in their knowledge of the Force to the Sith, the Immerin fell quickly to their occupiers. Where the Sith moved to enslave the Immerin for their own cruel and unnatural ways, the Taung thought to leave the Immerin to their own devices, while laying claim to many of the lands they had once occupied.
This occupation and subsequent conflict, inevitably led to the untimely extinction of their cousins, the Yesmirin.
Eventually the conflict that purveyed between the Sith and the Taung came to a conclusion and saw both species driven from Yesmireen and with them the Immerin that had been so unfortunate as to have fallen into their conflict amongst the Sith and Taung there. This left few Immerin on the surface of Yesmireen, mostly in isolated clusters around the planet. A large number of the Immerin that had been fortunate enough to fall between the Sith and the Taung, had exiled themselves to their homeworld’s largest moon, which happened to be habitable. The tropical and otherwise warm climate of Myak proved the ideal landscape for the Immerin to rebuild their culture and replenish their numbers.
While the Immerin numbers on their homeworld dwindled, yet hung on for dear life, the numbers from those that had exiled themselves to the moon flourished and they built newer, more modern civilizations.
The Coming of Humanity
As Yesmireen remained largely unnoticed by the Republic as the galactic superpower spread its arms over the galaxy, so too did the Immerin species. As such, the species was initially given more time to continue recovering from the unfavorable events of their past. But, that wouldn’t be the case forever. Wealthy prospectors from the lawless outer rim eventually discovered the world and with their arrival, came another age of oppression and pain for the Immerin of Yesmireen. The latest occupiers of the planet swarmed in and quickly usurped all power on the planet, forcing any non-human looking species, including those brought to the world by previous entanglements, into quite dire living arrangements.
Their numbers already in short supply on the surface of Yesmireen, the Immerin there saw a rather large dip in their population in the coming years. Humanity, it seemed, had not come in peaceful expansion, but rather aggressive and ruthless. Initially the Immerin were able to repel the onslaught levied upon them by the latest wave of occupation of their home, but with their population so few, and their technological situation in a dreadful state, they quickly succumbed to the invaders. The Immerin of Yesmireen lost contact with their cousins that had escaped to the moon of Myak. And thus they fell. Not by means of extinction, but by means of oppression and enslavement.
Now drawn into withering camps of dwindling numbers that scattered themselves over the surface, it seemed the best days were behind them.
For reasons unknown, however, Myak remained free of the oppressive nature of the planet’s occupiers. As such, the communities of Immerin there continued to flourish. Advancing in every way they could. Agriculturally, technologically and a plethora of others. This seemed to be the status the Immerin would uphold for a number of years to come. Two very different civilizations among two differing locales. The oppressed of Yesmireen and the exiled of Myak.
The Confederacy’s Embrace
As time passed, much would stay the same for the two societies of Immerin. Having never been a part of the Republic, nor the Empire, the events that surrounded the two never played a pivotal role in how their futures were shaped. So long as the corporate moguls that had advanced in upon them from the Outer Rim remained in power and suppressed any hope those beneath their leadership had at advancement, they had no chance. And so for a number of years, they ran a course of ambiguity. Slowly fading to the backdrop to be forgotten on Yesmireen and left to Exile on Myak.
From time to time, the Immerin of Myak would launch skirmishes against the corporate overlords, but each would either end in stalemate or with an Immerin defeat. This would continue for many years until a new power came to brush their world, rising out of the southern systems of the galaxy. As the Confederacy moved in, the superpower pushed the tyrannical corporate regime from the world and replaced it with something new. The conservation efforts put in place allowed for the shackles of oppression to be removed and with it, the ushering in of a new age for the Immerin of Yesmireen.
Released and uplifted from their oppressed and enslaved status, the Immerin retreated from the cities built by their former occupiers and returned to their roots beyond. It was in this time that the Immerin would start to develop small settlements and villages across the surface and away from all others. They retreated and removed themselves from society for the most part, having developed a devout distrust of outsiders through their years of being oppressed by such.
Immerin in the Galaxy
In the modern day, the Immerin of Myak have reestablished connections with those of the world that birthed them and together both have begun to grow. Myak still remains the stronghold on the Immerin where their numbers flourish, as does their culture and their industrialization. Furthermore, the Immerin have begun their enterprise in the stars and the galaxy at large, but no populations of note exist beyond those of Yesmireen and its moon, Myak.
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Luca Donskoi Luca Donskoi

Sorry for the wait! But before we hop into judging I have to inform you that I am a trainee judge, thus this submission will require secondary approval.

The only thing I find to correct in this awsome sub is the link to Yesmireen in your Intent section! It instead leads to an imgur link for the Immerin reference image.

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