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Approved Tech IL-MDD Magnetic Disruption Device

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  • | Manufacturer | ApexTech Industries
  • | Affiliation | Closed-Market | The Sith Empire
  • | Model | IL-MDD Magnetic Disruption Device
  • | Modularity | Yes; Smaller variants can be fired from grenade launchers or larger versions as landmines.
  • | Production | Mass-Produced
  • | Material |

  • | Classification | Magnetic Disruption Device
  • | Size | Small
  • | Weight | Light
  • | Explosive Type | Electric Payload / Shaped Charge
  • | Delivery Method | Thrown / Magnetic Lock
  • | Effective Range | Point Blank
  • | Area of Effect | Point Blank
  • | Stopping Power | Very High

  • Armor Lock
  • Lethality Setting
  • Shield Disruption Field Setting

Strengths |
  • [ Lethality Setting ] | The IL-MDD is equipped with alternate settings that can either attach to the target and stun them in place or be set to explode after it latches onto a surface, with more or less the same devastating effects as a miniature thermal detonator.
  • [ Shield Disruption Field ] | When primed and thrown, the IL-MDD can be programmed to emit waves of ion pulses that could be able to disable particle shields that it comes into range, allowing it to bypass them and latch onto a unit before summarily delivering its disruptive payload.
  • [ Your Own Coffin ] | The IL-MDD is designed to immobilize armored infantry, specifically ones that wear motorized combat suits by shutting down systems that assist in movement. This can potentially be used for smaller vehicles, but was designed with emphasis to use against armored and shielded infantry.
Weaknesses |
  • [ Wind-Up ] | There is a brief window where the IL-MDD is inactive. It only activates and starts its short countdown to detonation after it makes contact. Once it makes contact, it will magnetize or suction itself to the surface after a couple of seconds before delivering its payloads. This allows the target a small window of time to rip it off before they get immobilized and get clear of it.
  • [ Dud ] | There is a small possibility that the initial shield disrupting ion pulses the IL-MDD emits breaches the protective casing of the actual device itself, thus rendering it as a dud that won't function. Attempts to mitigate this from frequently happening have been made, but have not been completely nullified.
  • [ Single Target ] | The IL-MDD was designed specifically for a singular target to mitigate any collateral damage done to nearby friendly forces from both EMP effects and explosive damage. This also works to the benefit of the enemy as it is not meant to take out large swathes of enemies.


The IL-MDD is designed as a niche but effective weapon, specifically designed for use against mechanized infantry or small vehicles. Several variations of it have been designed in order to effectively use it across a larger spectrum on the battlefield. The basic design is a small disc shaped device that is meant to be thrown at the target. Once it makes contact, the device will magnetize and/or suction itself to the surface it has made contact with, effectively sticking to them before summarily priming itself for detonation and delivering whatever payload it was set to deliver. Smaller versions have been designed that can be launched from grenade launcher or grenade launcher attachments that can hit a target more accurately and from a farther distance. Landmine variants were designed as a more effective version to handle with light walkers with the explosive capability to blow a walker's leg off.
The IL-MDD are in essence, sticky EMP grenades that can be set to deliver a lethal explosive payload, without the concern for friendlies getting caught in either the EMP wave or explosive detonation as both are meant to be delivered within a very limited range with high single target damage using a controlled charge directed to the surface of the individual or object it has latched onto. With the increase of motorized or powered combat suits, the IL-MDD would serve to be a solid option for use against them as it effectively locked down motor functions for those who used suits designed to assist with mobility or strength, instead turning the suit of armor in question into a coffin that the individual is stuck inside of. It can be either used in a non-lethal manner by freezing them with the EMP wave, or killing them with a point blank shaped charge.
Another function that the IL-MDD brings to the battlefield is the Ion Pulse Waves it is capable of generating, allowing it to neutralize shield generators that might be protecting the intended target and allowing for the IL-MDD to get through without being stopped by a shield. However, Sith Imperial Research and Development have come across the issue of the IL-MDD effectively neutralizing itself if it employs the shield disruption pulses. While efforts have been taken to mitigate or prevent it by protecting the delivery system with Ion resistance, the size of thrown or launched IL-MDD does not allow for additional protection simply because there is no room. The landmine variants of the IL-MDD do not suffer this problem because it simply waits for a target to step on it, without needing to worry about needing to bypass a shield.
| Changes |
  • Fixed Formatting
  • Changed Manufacturer
  • Changed Technical Specifications to suit new template
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[member="Kor Vexen"], Are their potential uses for this on people with cybernetics? As they use many of the same functions and computer set ups for replacement limbs, and such. If that is the case, would this attach to fleshly bodies if they have cybernetics, or only connect to the metallic parts of a persons body?
The primary sticking function comes from it magnetizing to the surface of whatever it comes into contact with. Basically just imagine if you threw a neodymium magnet in the general direction of a metal surface. As long as it's close enough to a metal surface it'll pull itself towards it. It has a higher chance of latching itself onto anything metallic in nature or with enough surface area for a vacuum suction to occur on contact if there isn't sufficient metallic surface for it to magnetize to.


Runi Verin

Two pounds shy of a bomb.
Darth Bellum Darth Bellum
  • | Classification | Magnetic Disruption Device
  • | Size | Very Small
  • | Weight | Very Light
  • | Explosive Type | Electric Payload / Shaped Charge
  • | Delivery Method | Thrown / Magnetic Lock
  • | Effective Range | Point Blank
  • | Area of Effect | Point Blank
  • | Stopping Power | Very High
Currently two ratings over balance. Please can you amend accordingly where you see fit. For reference, my rating breakdown of this device can be found below the spoiler.
Production: Mass (0)
Size: Very Small (+2)
Weight: Very Light (+2)
Effective Range: Point Blank (-2)
Area Of Effect: Point Blank (-2)
Stopping Power: Very High (+2)

Total: +2

  • [ Shield Disruption Field ] | When primed and thrown, the IL-MDD can be programmed to emit waves of ion pulses that can disable particle shields that it comes into range, allowing it to bypass them and latch onto a unit before summarily delivering its disruptive payload.
Just need to soften the language here. I recommend placing a 'potentially' ahead of 'disable particle shields.'

Other than that, should be good to go.
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