[member="Tegaea Alcori"], [member="Galina Kerrigan-Alcori"]
There was no one. She was alone. Completely and utterly alone. That was how she felt right now. Siobhan had stormed back to the villa, moving like a raging tempest that could only be described as a storm of pure, unadulterated wrath, grief and sorrow.
But...there was no one. Not a single soul could be sensed through the Force, not a single voice heard. No one. "Tegs? Galina? Love...please. Mirien?" No response came. The cruel universe did not deign her with an answer, her terrified and agonised cries went unanswered. The entire place seemed deserted. Dining room, business areas, kitchen, basement, bedrooms...no one was left. "Chesna? Harmony? Anyone?!!!" Struck by an outburst of the Force a vase sitting on a table shattered into a hundred pieces.
"No...they can't be gone...they...they...can't...Please, Goddess, don't...," she could no longer finish the sentence but simply broke down and fell to her knees. She would have cried...but she could not. Her mechanical eyes had not been designe for it. Otherwise an ocean of tears would have dripped down her cheeks. Coincidentally she happened to fall down right next to...Galina's stuffed nexu. A little toy she had bought for her daughter during their visit to the Firefarm zoo. It had brought Galina such joy and Siobhan had been so happy for her. She looked up at a holopic sitting on the counter. It showed her, Galina, Tegaea, Chesna, Mirien and Tempest at what could be called a family dinner. Her family...torn asunder.
Mirien...she could no longer feel her. Their bond...she could no longer feel through it. Was she gone as well? No! Terror and fright gripped her. She seized a comm device and dialled numbers...but it refused to work. No response from Tempest, Coryth, Anya...What had happened? Angrily she threw the comm against the Force with such force that it broke.
For a moment she heard movement, footsteps coming closer and closer, and she felt a surge of hope build up inside her. Hoping against hope perhaps that this might be set right, that it was jus a cruel trick the universe was playing on her. She quickly got to her feet and ran as fast as her legs would carry her. Only to find herself facing...
A horde of Eldorai. Clad in the livery and bearing the symbols of the Dark Eldorai. Carrying blasters, axes, pikes, grenades. Among them a mob of elves, uncontrolled malice evident in their auras. "The Goddess has passed judgement! The time for rebellion has come. Kill the monkeighs and traitors!" one of them cried out and so they charged. They had numbers and were armed, whereas Siobhan was not. The Force was...difficult to reach for her, for some reason. However, they faced two disadvantages. Firstly they were not Siobhan Kerrigan and secondly, they had not just lost a Tegaea and a Galina. They all died. It all happened in a blur, all in all in less than ten minutes, and she stood upon a pile of brutally mauled corpses, splattered with her own blood and those of her enemies, looking like a possessed fury. Broken bodies, limbs and innards were strewn across the halls. Enemies had been broken, beaten, impaled, heads chopped off. But...it did not bring them back.
They were...gone. She had failed her family. "I'm sorry...I'm so sorry." Those words were not enough. They could never be.