Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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I am no one

Sneeve. Whoever had named this planet sure had a sense of humor. It was just a shame that Brumhilda deWinter did not. She wiped her face on the back of her hand, willing the sweat and perspiration away. It didn't work though, she was still sweating.

Standing uneasy on her feet, she had just finished administrating first aide to the... Frankly, she had stopped counting after the 70th patient. When it came to refugees and war survivors, the woman was a work horse. She'd had decades under her belt in taking medical care of these sort of situations, applying medical care as naturally as breathing. More than once she'd had to improvise and perform surgery while things were blowing up around her; another thing she had grown apathetic to, being used to it by now.

It had been three years since she had been blinked into this galaxy that she still did not understand. It had taken her almost a year to realize that seven hundred had been lost, with time burying both her ex husband and their son with them. She had tried frantically at first to search for both of them, but had found nothing other than traces of other family members that had made it through, and... Well, they were all darksiders, and evil, and she wanted nothing to have to do with them.

Thankfully, since her mother wasn't around, they didn't want anything to have to do with her either. Did they even think of her on occasion? She did not know. And she did not care. Shery deWinter was gone, some of her daughters lived, and some of her father's children did too. That was more than enough to doom this galaxy into a dreadful future.

A future that, despite her best wishes, she was to be a part of.

It was only a scream that distracted her of her thoughts, and Brumhilda looked up, the needle not wavering a single millimeter in her patient's flesh. It came from a woman a few feet away, one that she had not reached yet.

Within moments, Brumhilda finished her patient up and ran to the woman, her hands gliding all over her body and her very swollen stomach. The child inside the woman was ready to come out, but it had turned upside down.

"This is going to hurt," she told the woman as she held her gaze, "but you can do it. I've helped deliver harder births than this in active war zones. I just need you to tough it out."

And without waiting for a reply, Brumhilda's little hand reached inside the woman, and she began to twist the baby around.

The woman screamed.

[member="Allyson Locke"]
[SIZE=10pt]Allyson had volunteered to help shuttle refugees down to a planet that she thought someone named while they were in mid sneeze. It did take her a few times to really get the name burned into her head and how to pronounce it before she really got it. Locals for the most part seemed understanding, must be a common thing for them. Working with evacuating people, made what was going on in the galaxy more of a reality. Devastation and people who were lost was everywhere – how could they just pick up where they left off somewhere else? [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]It was break time and Allyson had a few moments to write in her journal and check in with a few people. Knowing that there were those that waited to hear from her was something that brought a smile to her face. She wasn’t so alone anymore and that made her feel like she belonged. After the holonet messages were sent she shut her comm and looked out at the people moving around at the makeshift drop point. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]“Hey! You got a moment?” A voice called out to the Corellian as she looked over and nodded. It seemed the next shuttle had arrived and it was filled with people who needed medical attention. “Yeah, I got a bit what’s up?” Allyson ran towards the shuttle and while others were able to shuffle their way towards the medical tent, but there was an older man lying on a stretcher. “He’s been down with something, looks like the flu – can’t walk and I can’t carry him alone.” The other pilot sighed and nodded. “Help me.” Allyson smiled and did her best to comfort the older man as the two pilots brought him towards medical. Laying him down on one of the nearby tents, the pilot who originally brought the man in began to explain to the nurse what had happened to him and what symptoms he had been showing. The nurse nodded and took notes, pausing she called out to Allyson. “Looks like you got some scrapes check in with [member="Brumhilda deWinter"] to get checked over. She’s just around that corner, I think haven’t seen her for a bit.” [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]Grumbling, Allyson reluctantly headed to where the nurse stated to go. Learning quickly to not disobey orders around here, Allyson would round the corner to spot the medic with the woman who was giving birth. A hand helping guide the baby and a screaming woman, Allyson took a step back and she felt all the blood rush out of her head and somewhere else nonexistent. In a mere moment from exhaustion and the sight she had walked in on – she fainted. After seeing hell, dealing with a sith lord in his crypt – the beauty of giving life knocked the Corellian out cold. [/SIZE]

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