Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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How would you change Star Wars?

Reela Witko

Nautolan. Princess. Jedi.
Now I'm not saying content or anything like that. Really it's just the manner of story telling or characters, stuff that a lot of people always say could have been better with the Star Wars movies. So feel free to just say what you think Star Wars could've done better or even COULD do better with this new coming trilogy.

I for one think they should have more aliens as main characters. Looking back, even with the originally trilogy, there actually weren't a lot. Chewbacca kind of counts but he didn't really talk and there wasn't any story arch around him. Same with Yoda since all he was in the story was Luke's teacher. Now I can understand for the original trilogy because that was back in the day and using those practical effects they wanted to save for scenes like the Cantina or Jaba's palace, but what about the newer stuff?

If you really look at the newer trilogy it's the same thing. All the main characters are human. Obi-Wan. Anakin. Padme. Even guys like Mace Windu and Emperor Palpetine. And, again, I know that since they're prequels you need to have these characters present, but there couldn't be more focus on other aliens; not counting Yoda since he's another need to be character.

I think they should so something like in Clone Wars where we have some aliens as main characters, like Ahsoka or even Asajj Ventress. Sure you can have a human as the MAIN hero, but what if his group has like a twi'lek love interest or a Rodian tech expert? Show more interaction between the species. Look at Mass Effect. Right?
Reela Witko said:
I for one think they should have more aliens as main characters. Looking back, even with the originally trilogy, there actually weren't a lot. Chewbacca kind of counts but he didn't really talk and there wasn't any story arch around him. Same with Yoda since all he was in the story was Luke's teacher. Now I can understand for the original trilogy because that was back in the day and using those practical effects they wanted to save for scenes like the Cantina or Jaba's palace, but what about the newer stuff?
George Lucas' original plan for Han Solo was for him to be some kind of six foot frog creature. Think about that for a second and imagine how that would have changed things. In my opinion it would not have been pretty.

In my opinion there are enough alien characters in Star Wars. Chewbacca fits the role of a sidekick. He'd be a terrible lead character. Yoda is probably the most important alien character in all of Star Wars, and the original movies used his alien appearance to perfectly illustrate what the Force is. Luke learns that being a Jedi isn't about swinging a lightsaber around and being a great warrior. The Force is mental, not physical.

Contrast that with the prequels, which had an alien character with disastrous effects. Jar Jar Binks was thrown in there because, as a cartoon rabbit, he was supposed to be a funny thing for babies. My point is, if they're going to throw aliens in there, fine, but to make them main characters, there needs to be a point.


Guardian of the Weak
They should have never introduced Jar Jar Binks.....most annoying character ever! As for changing anything....I would have to say they should have done a better job of not selling the rights to Disney....Good Bye Satr Wars Franchise :(


Guardian of the Weak
If i had another shot at changing it...i would have not casted Hayden Christenson as Anakin Skywalker....i never thought he was a good actor and if anyone thiought he Jumper.....and you will come over to my side.
No ewoks, no gungans, make the prequels so they are serious, and not geared toward kids.

Revenge of the Sith and Empire Strikes Back are the best movies

make the movies feel dark, use epic lightsaber duels, and keep george lucas away from screen-writing

Also, no chosen one shit

Khantor Ruu

Senator of Shili
Bry'irna said:
selling the rights to Disney....Good Bye Satr Wars Franchise
Must agree here, why did you do this, why?

Oh and if I had to change anything I would change it so that C-3PO had stayed half battle droid, half protocol.
I would change it so Anakin didn't betray the only real black man in Star Wars.
And he didn't have to fall to his 'death' and probably get splattered on like 100 speeders.
I don't really have a problem with Disney owning SW. This we we'll have new movies, at least. I'd sooner die than Lucasfilm would create new SW movie on their own.

Although unpopular opinion, I don't actually hate Jar-Jar (granted, he was much more annoying in original than in Slovak dubbing). I'd change whole SW II to be something more and better than just soap opera in SW universe. I almost got diabetes after watching it.


Pink Perfumed Slicer Waif
I find it really hard to pick what I'd of done, because these days even elements from the 'bad' movies are so ingrained in to my head as Star Wars lore (things like 'padawans', the Jedi Council, etc, all things that didn't exist before the prequels), but if I could change one thing, it'd be Anakin's turn to the Dark Side. It just... failed to convince me. He quite literally goes from yelling "What have I done!?" to "Kill children." "'kay" in one line of dialogue.

They had three movies and that was their ONE job, give him a convincing fall. In my opinion, The Clone Wars did a much better job at hinting at his darker side...

Vale Lok Vetuuk

Three big things.

1. Jar Jar Binks

I have nothing against the Gungans as a species. In fact on a previous board I ran a Gungan General (which I may just bring here) whom was pretty damn successful in a full blow rebellion against the Empire on Naboo; to the point that he was gaining ground. He took out a Stormtooper barracks and listening post. Stole weapons from a secure armory. Even managed a couple of old CIS Gunboats, some Gian Speeders and a couple mounted laser cannons (that last strike being with no deaths inflicted on the Naboo Royal Security.) I have no problems with the Gungans at all; just with one Gungan.

That being Jar Jar Binks. I say this to people whom have Gungan Hate. Do not hate the Gungans. Hate Jar Jar. He is the worst thing to ever happen. He took a species that had a history of warring between themselves and the Naboo. A species that had shown their capabilities of amassing this Million Gungan Grand Army over night. Jar Jar took all that was good about the Gungans and made everyone hate them because of his own stupidity. I'm currently watching the Clone Wars series and I've made it my own rule that I will skip any Jar Jar episodes or any parts with Jar Jar in them because of my hatred for him.

2. Anakin and Padme Marriage

I've nothing against the whole 'Jedi can not form attachments' rule. I can see how it can be beneficial. However I have a problem with Anakin and Padme being married. For F-sake, I wouldn't have cared if they had Anakin get married just to go against the order; though it should have been with someone with more gravitas. Someone whom was a better fit for him. It shouldn't have been Padem because 'Hey as a kid he had a crush on her and let's have them get back together because that's how real life works.' Think about the person you had a crush on when you were young and how your life would be if you married them when you were just 19 years old. It would be the worst thing to happen to you. It would be horrid (at least in my case it would be.)

3. Yuuzhan Vong

This is more a pet peeve for me rather than an actual hatred. The Vong never made sense to me, and they just seemed like an enemy because we need the galaxy to work together against this extra galactic invader. Personally I just never got into the Vong at all and I have friends whom say they skipped over and completely ignored those books and that whole Vong War Era. I agree with many of their points in regards to the Vong. As a species they dont make sense. Constantly mutilating themselves and replacing their body parts with other parts.

They can even be replaced. If you took the Vong out of the Vong Wars and inserted Sith Spawn; the stories would still be more or less the same.


Disney's Princess
the Solo Twins grow up as good little Jedi Knights and save the galaxy, with the help from Tenel Ka and Lowbacca, from Voldermort and everyone lives happily ever after. Thus ending the EU and closing the book on the canon Star Wars galaxy forever.
Episodes I-VI
Leave Jar Jar out of parts where he is not needed (98% of his screen time)

Storm troopers can only kill rebels when the story is set for an imperial victory and vice versa. Examples: Tantive IV and the battle of Endor.

Storm trooper armor does not protect against stones or blunt spears.

Boba Fett's defeat in episode VI is lame

Aayla Secura is executed by clones being run by the same program that manage the Elite AI in Halo. So many bullets are poured into her corpse.
TCW Issues
Do not bring Darth Maul back from the dead, seriously the guy got half of his body chopped off and fell into an abyss.

During the episode with the clone commando they could have easily let him get on board the ship, they didn't even start tossing more droids at him until that small thing decided that the clone was borked. One episode later and the same guy decides they can't leave a droid, which can be rebuilt, behind to explode, which almost risks even more sentients dieng.

I wish they had put Phase 2 armor in a lot earlier than they did only because the legions had their color markings.

Jedi go insane when fellow Jedi get minorly wounded but when 5000 clones die it is justified, however that is pretty cannon for most Jedi during the Clone Wars

Night Sisters don't ride rancors, instead they have dead night sisters that get gunned down.
Rainbow Flowers said:
but if I could change one thing, it'd be Anakin's turn to the Dark Side. It just... failed to convince me. He quite literally goes from yelling "What have I done!?" to "Kill children." "'kay" in one line of dialogue.
Yes, and I think possibly the worst thing about Episode II was Anakin was written as a bad apple from the start. We never get to see him acting the part of the "noble, heroic Jedi" we're told he was. There are no real moments of friendship between him and Obi-Wan. Throughout the course of the movie he says generally prickish things, acts like a creep around Padme, complains a lot, and murders Sandpeople. He's just generally not a very likable character. Hence we really don't care about his story.

I guess George was trying to foreshadow his inherent instability, but he tipped his hand in this regard WAY too early. Make us like Anakin first. Make us care about him and think he's genuinely a good guy.

Corey's OOC

And where were the spiders
I'd change the space aspects. I love the star fights, but making space more zero-G and frictionless would add a whole new spin.
And yes, I remember that Lucas likes his WW2 fighter scenes, but still. Space.

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