Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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How I met your Master - Ep. 1(Open/Bar Thread)

Lancer picked up his drink, and skulked over to the table. He was...lethal looking up close. He was the man who never missed a shot- he was an ice cold killer and a marksman beyond compare to boot. He set his dark amber brew down on the table, and picked up a chair. He dragged it behind him, before turning it to face the table with [member="Christian Slade"], [member="Malachite Avachei"], [member="Nickolas Imura"] were sitting at. Lancer looked at the kid with the slugthrower, the first pyromancer or whatever."I hate to break your ego, but I know for a fact I'm quicker on the draw than you are."He smirked at him, before picking up his beer, and raising it sarcastically.

"To good health."

The gunslinging merc leaned forward, folding his hands on the table.

"Knock knock."
The tension was beginning to reach its peak when one of the two Sith produced a lightsaber. Not one to ignore the unspoken threat Keira shifted her left hand almost nonchalantly, the gesture seemingly non-threatening if it wasn't for the saber hilt of her own that flew into her grasp. Leaning forward she placed it on the table in front of her, letting her hand rest beside the weapon. "I have to agree with him," She nodded towards [member="Nickolas Imura"], "For once. Things are already volatile enough without having to add anything else to the mix."
She relaxed back in her chair then, still keeping her hand near enough the saber's hilt to ignite the blade should it be necessary. And if things kept progressing along the same vein, there was a good chance she would have cause to need the weapon soon enough. More so if the comments and arguments kept rolling. In this situation, she was all the more grateful for her neutrality in all expanses.
Looking now to the soldier as he pulled up a chair, she studied him for a long moment before regarding all of them. It was obvious she'd chosen dangerous company for the night, but she was already in too deep to back out just yet. And, well, she was mildly curious to wait and see how this would develop.
If her gut feeling told her anything, these wouldn't be the first weapons drawn of the night. Nor would anyone hesitate to shoot, she knew, should the situation call for it.

[member="Christian Slade"], [member="Malachite Avachei"], [member="Nickolas Imura"], @Lancer Damar
Once more, the man really was trying to be an ass all about this. Moving up closer so he could point out that he was a better drawer than me. I looked at him like he was weird. I turned to the other people at the table for a second, and saw the Jedi have her own lightsaber on the table as well. She gave me a nod saying that she agreed with me. Well looks like I have one person on my side, as well as the other Sith. Two force users, and myself against a soldier? Not so great odds for him.

I looked back to him as he knocked on the table. "Sure, if we are drawing for pistols yes." I opened my jacket to show two lightsabers, one looked like two standard lightsabers clipped together to form a saberstaff, while the other was a very intricate Sithsaber with the crystal actually visible on the outside. "Go ahead and draw you weapon anyways if you would like, but I have a feeling that even if I get shot, which will not actually kill me, that you will have myself, and two others on you faster than a lightsaber can snap on." I closed my jacket and pushed my mug forward. The sliding glass sound was heard and could almost cut the tension in the air.

"I don't really feel like getting into a fight right now, so if you would be so kind as to move back over to where you were and finish your drink so we can do the same in peace." I nodded my head, clearly not wanting to take any of this guys bullcrap. "Thank you."

[member="Malachite Avachei"], [member="Christian Slade"], [member="Lancer Damar "], [member="Keira Ticon"], [member="Kelisea Neevek"], [member="Lucifer Erebus"],

Nei Laa

Grumpy cat? No no no -- grumpy squid!
Nei walked into the bar, her whole posture suggesting she was in a grumpy mood. Why? Because, thanks to some faulty intelligence, the Nautolan had had to drop some cargo she was taking through the Republic's territory, resulting in the loss of a major payload. If that wasn't bad enough, the kriffin' pilots chasing her had even fired off a few lucky shots, damaging her poor ship so that when the woman jumped into hyperspace, she had to stop on Coruscant for repairs -- the same Coruscant, mind, that was run by none other than the One Sith.

So now, practically shipless and with a short fuse, the Nautolan marched up to the bar, ignored the humans and weird creature squabbling like children, and sat down with a huff. Tapping the side of her helmet so her visor would raise, she barked to the bartender, "Lie foh, one Reactor Core. Guo."

[member="Nickolas Imura"] [member="Malachite Avachei"] [member="Christian Slade"] [member="Lancer Damar "] [member="Keira Ticon"] [member="Kelisea Neevek"] [member="Lucifer Erebus"]
"I like your positive attitude, but I doubt you can clip those two things together before all I have to do is-"He made a gun with his finger, and leveled it with the beer in front of him."Bang."The soldier smirked at [member="Nickolas Imura"], and eyed [member="Nei Laa"].

"And besides, I do believe not even a MIGHTY AND POWERFUL SITH SORCERER-"He clearly became sarcastic."Would have a fun time with half their brain missin' and all. So go 'head, walk tall and mighty and pretend I give a feth."The merc smirked at the kid, leaning his head forward.

"You're welcome."

He turned to [member="Christian Slade"]."Names Lancer. Ever heard of the Galactic circus?"
So, a contest of aim, huh? If I'd really wanted to, I could have had my knife whirling towards the merc with enough force to split his skull. But why should I? My demonstration would simply escalate this situation past any possibly peace. There was a rather pretty Nautolan over there, though... But I could see that she was pissed off. So, no luck for the furry guy. I spun in my seat, my tail swinging. Two Sith, the Jedi lady, the Nautolan woman, and the merc. All except the Nautolan had tension towards each other, and the NAutolan just seemed generally angry.

Kriff it. I needed a drink to deal with this lot. I got up, and walked to the bar, the sparks on my fur decreasing a lot as I stepped away from the two powerful Sith. I sat at the bar and ordered that horror of bartenders everywhere, the Pan Galactic Gargle Blaster. I glanced over at the Nautolan lady, and grinned lazily.

"You don't look too happy... Get shot down, or something?"

[member="Lancer Damar "] [member="Nei Laa"] [member="Nickolas Imura"] [member="Keira Ticon"] [member='Christian Slade']

Kelisea Neevek

[member="Nickolas Imura"] [member="Malachite Avachei"] [member="Christian Slade"] [member="Lancer Damar "][member="Keira Ticon"] [member="Lucifer Erebus"] [member="Nei Laa"]

Kelisea drained the shot in front of here with a grumble slamming the empty glass moving over to the ever growing and extremely annoying group at the table.

"Now now boys how about you measure each others sticks somewhere else." "Seriously how is a girl supposed to drink away her troubles in peace with all this nonsense putrifying the atmosphere?"

Kelisea turns back to the bar ordering another drinking not the least bit concerned about how the ragtag group would respond.

Christian Slade

In Darkness I Thrive
"It's nice to meet you, but I haven't heard of the Galatic Circus.", he said, a moment before hearing a playful comment made by a light, smooth tone of voice.

"The young lady is right.", Christian said as he glanced over to the attractive, young newcomer. He looked her up and down, narrowing his eyes on her for a moment, and then looked back across the table at the others. "Although I don't think the situation is as at ease as she seems to think, what with her comment about measuring lightsabers and all, but I do think that the mood could change for the better.", Christian said as he scooted out of the booth and made his way around the table.

Taking his drink with him and sipping it on his way across the bar, Christian smirked as he ran through the songs he knew by heart in his head before taking a seat at the open, electric piano. When he did, he adjusted the seat for comfort, scooting back a bit so that his long legs were comfortable beneath it. He then glanced across the room at the table of those who'd gathered with him and said. "Let's lighten things up a bit with an oldie, but a goody, shall we?", he asked as he programmed a baser beat to the piano which began to play on repeat. He then began to grace the keys with his long, strong digits, which danced across the keys with grace, taking a sip of whiskey every so often when he had a moment.

Song: Haywyre - Smooth Criminal

[member="[/COLOR][COLOR=rgb(105,105,105)]Lancer Damar[/COLOR][COLOR=rgb(105,105,105)]"]
[member="Keira Ticon"]
[member="Malachite Avachei"]
[member="Kelisea Neevek"]
[member="Nickolas Imura"]
[member="Lucifer Erebus"]

Nei Laa

Grumpy cat? No no no -- grumpy squid!
[member="Christian Slade"] [member="Kelisea Neevek"] [member="Malachite Avachei"] [member="Lancer Damar "] [member="Keira Ticon"] @Nikolas Imura [member="Lucifer Erebus"]

The Nautolan narrowed her eyes slightly when the furry creature decided to grace her with his presence. She ignored him as he ordered a drink, something she hadn't heard of, instead choosing to take sips of her own.

When he passed the comment about being shot down, though, it was all Nei could do to not withdraw her blasters and demand to know how he knew. Instead, her tentacles twitching in annoyance, she grunted, "Need to know basis, du'ka foh. And you don't need to know." Taking another sip of her Reactor Core, Nei scowled at him before switching her attention to one of the humans as he began to play a song.

Tilting her head slightly, she (begrudgingly) decided that the human wasn't bad on the piano. The music, though, wasn't particularly up her alley. Her tentacles twitching in a Nautolan shrug, Nei's attention returned to the Fox man, in case he tried anything stupid. Although, the last thing the female needed was to be locked up on a Sith capital.
I twisted my face into an expression of mock-hurt. I even flattened my ears and made my tail stop moving. Of course, I ruined it when the underlying smile broke out.

"Don't be like that... I'm certainly not the one who shot your ship. And you just confirmed that fact, by the way. But I'm sorry for your loss. I love my ship."

I looked over to where the Sith Lord from a few minutes ago was playing the piano. He was pretty good. I wondered what else that odd man could do.

[member="Nei Laa"] [member="Christian Slade"]

Nei Laa

Grumpy cat? No no no -- grumpy squid!
[member="Malachite Avachei"]

Nei scowled at the fox-man. Letting out a faint hiss, she downed the rest of her Core, coughing as the liquid burned her throat. She slid the glass over to the bartender. "Arosv," she grunted. Looking back at him, though, the Nautolan asked, "I didn't say your guess was right or wrong, du'ka foh. What be you, anyway? Senhan kirha? Experiment? Pet?"

In hind sight, it probably wasn't the smartest move to e rude to this fox-man, considering what planet everyone was on currently. But no one ever credited Nei with being the cleverest being in the galaxy. Besides, all she wanted to do was drink away her bad day.
I just smiled and drank some of my Gargle Blaster.

"Neither. I'm just an alien wandering space. Like you, albeit with my tail in a different place."

I didn't care that she was being rude. If her ship had been shot down, it would follow that she was in a bad mood.

[member="Nei Laa"]

Nei Laa

Grumpy cat? No no no -- grumpy squid!
[member="Malachite Avachei"]

Nei stared at the fox-man in confusion, not even noticing as the bartender delivered her drink. "I don't have a tail," she pointed out with a scowl. "And we be completely different. I transport, you....wander. Not same thing, du'ka foh."

This guy was starting to get on Nei's nerves a bit. Fortunately for him, though, the Reactor Core had placated the Nautolan enough that she wasn't going to blast him. Yet.
I laughed at the Nautolan woman's statement...

"Transport is a different state of wandering. All pilots wander. Smugglers simply wander for money."

The woman was annoying me slightly, but I was getting enough alcohol in my system not to care. If she was going to deny what she wanted to deny, it was okay. The tail comment was amusing when I finally noticed it, though.

"Head-tresses are tails... Their nerve endings and everything operate the same way."

[member="Nei Laa"]

Nei Laa

Grumpy cat? No no no -- grumpy squid!
[member="Malachite Avachei"]

Nei shook her head. Clearly, this fox-man didn't know a lick about Nautolan biology. Jamming her finger onto the bar top for emphasis, she said, "Si'hklesi du'ka foh. Tails be used for balance or climbing. My head-tails be used for sensing pheromones and feelings. Tell me, du'ka foh, can your tail do that?"

Pleased with how she verbally burned the fox-man, Nei took a swig of her Core, smirking.
I raised my eyebrow, smirking. Verbal burning was nothing like physical burning, but I could handle both.

"Mine, personally? Yes. I'm pretty good with the Force, so my tail physically responds to mental and energetic stimuli. But I wasn't even referring to that. Even if your head-tails are attached directly to your brain, they physically work the same as my tail. I can sense pheromones just fine, too. But I don't use my tail for that at all."

[member="Nei Laa"]
Nefertari entered the pub, her outfit's design practically screamed Chandrila. She'd feel a definite presence of the dark side, and hope that she didn't run into trouble. Sitting down, she'd order a virgin cocktail.

[member="Malachite Avachei"][member="Nei Laa"][member="Christian Slade"][member="Kelisea Neevek"]@Lancer Damar[member="Nickolas Imura"][member="Keira Ticon"]

Nei Laa

Grumpy cat? No no no -- grumpy squid!
[member="Malachite Avachei"] [member="Nefertari Sovint"]

This was becoming very confusing for the Nautolan, and very frustrating. And when Nei got frustrated, well...Things tended to go south. Slamming her first down on the bar top hard enough to make the glasses rattle, she shouted, "No! Head-tresses are head-tresses, not tails! You have tail! I use tresses for detecting emotions! Tails not used for that!"

Jumping up from her seat, Nei bared her teeth at the fox-man and pointed her index finger at him. "Vil cei fa'kan san ko dan bee sei vim t'ansis ohk dohsa uru t'u canka Do cahsinark baslirs dei nerhe vil riz korjin jirut dei molja! Dan ohk a si'hklesi du'ka foh jinqa nilid go ktan ea yelniyo san!"* she growled menacingly. Only too late did she remember her goal to not get into any fights while on the capital of the One Sith, but now that Nei had issued a threat, she was not going to back down.

*In no way, shape, or form does the writer actually harbour any ill feelings towards the other person, and as such does not mean the said threat in person. <3
Listening to the woman rant at me, I almost fell off my chair laughing. The sparks began to jump around on my fur again as my tail started twitching.

"You think you could harm me? Have you ever seen what fire does to blaster gas? Or to the gun itself? I could literally snap my fingers, and you'd be down a hand."

Just to illustrate my point, I collected the sparks on my hand and let them rise into a fiery glove, and grinned like a child with a toy.

[member="Nei Laa"]

I have no idea what Nei just said...

Nei Laa

Grumpy cat? No no no -- grumpy squid!
[member="Malachite Avachei"]

((Basically she said that if Malachite continued to insist that her head tresses were like tails then she would cut off his fingers and shove them down his throat. She also called him stupid. Here's where you can translate it: ))

Nei's tresses began to twitch violently, before falling completely still. Without a single word, the Nautolan brought her fist up and threw a swift punch that was designed to hit the fox-man smack-dab in the nose. Nobody was allowed to laugh at Nei. Nobody.

If it's a fight he wants, she thought, It's a fight he'll get!

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