Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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When you finally catch Pikachu (not as a starter)



Seeker of Enlightenment
I am swimming in geodudes, which is just as bad for your bones as you think it is. Also, I'm on team instinct, because I like being outnumbered. My room-mates went for Valor and Mystic, so we are a house divided.
Just an update. If anyone is near or around the national mall, several female nidoran, tauros and doduo spawn points (from air and space museum and down towards the smithsonian castle). Unfortunately hackers brought the servers down so I couldn't explore all of the national mall today while I was there with the game. Loads of pokestops, etc. Nothing overly special though. Saw silhouette for Omarstar, Muk, and Dodrio but couldn't locate any of them.
I'm loving the game so far! Averaging 20,000 steps (10 miles) walked a day. I've lost almost five pounds since it came out! I've also made loads of new friends, and visited new cities just to look for Pokemon. I'm a level 22, and on Team Instinct. My proudest moment was probably when I caught my Lapras. It was three in the morning, and because the tracking system is so messed up, a group of us just lined up and trekked across my hometown. We finally found it!
Update: report of overall user decline since July 15 based on analysis by outside sites watching the games growth.The peak of the game was July 14. July 15 was when the three step bug began apparently. Also Aug 1 is the day a hacker group has claimed they will shut the game down lol
Do you guys know about Pokevision? It tracks where the pokemon appear in real time and has a despawn timer. We've been using it for the past week at work and it's been super accurate so far, moreso than the in-app tracker. The only thing is that it sometimes goes down for a bit, and I've noticed that it happens a lot around 12PM and 4PM EST.

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