Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Houses of the Awoken

[member="Gray Watcher"]

The main reason I did repeat myself is because in Schools of Magic through most fictional works whenever something is clarified as a school the users of that usually were just carbon copies of one another. It makes sense as a writer doesn't want to have to write out like fifteen unique individuals all with different magics and varying ways of using them. However that is not a problem here as each person has their own character and take what they want them to do to the Nth degree if they so choose.

I have been to numerous writing workshops as well and while I can agree the first impression is important, its the actions that speak louder then the name. We're not only telling them what houses do, we'll be showing them after everything gets started up and they can take a look into how it all works and such.
Simply put. Schools in my eyes represent a place of just learning. Going to a place, sitting at a desk and studying some thing until they get good at it. Then they graduate and move on...then what?

Houses, represent a type of brotherhood and sense of family. Your friends, ppl who fight with you and are willing to fight for you. Friendships and a sense of self. It can be compared to the military where your division is like your family. That is the point we are trying to make with the houses thing. Has more of a feel of loyalty to a faction.
[member="Vithar Seth"]

Agreed on the actions thing, but I was more focused on helping ease people into the right mindset when they join more than anything. With sufficient action you can justify any name you want.

As far as the whole schools of magic thing goes, you are right about it in a fantasy setting for sure. The only thing is that Star Wars is mostly a sci-fi, but has an oddly high amount of fantasy aspects to it as well. Plus we are dealing with more of an academic approach to things other than just the force so I felt schools could work here well. Again though, I really don't care what we call it so long as we all have a good time.

I think we could really use a House that deals with none force related areas such as piloting, robotics, etc. Right now it is very force heavy, and while that is part of the point, we are excepting none force characters in the faction as well and shouldn't leave them out of the fun too. Plus maybe we have someone who is force sensitive but wants to focus on a subject that isn't force related.
[member="Gray Watcher"]

I do not see this as that much of an academic approach more so just people going somewhere where they could possibly learn new abilities or expand their own without judgement from other factions or fear of being betrayed. Where did the idea that there were more things involved then the force come from? This is very much a faction focused on Magic and Force Users this isn't some school where one comes and studies and has homework and such. If NFU's want to come I'm sure they're more then welcome such as [member="Ultimatum"] However it isn't focused on them and there will be a Military division and such when the faction goes major if I'm correct. That's where they come in.
[member="Vithar Seth"]

Academic as in a place of learning. Learning does not have to be with the strict structure that is the German way of doing it. Plenty of places have had the way you mentioned and been very well educated. This faction is about the study and advancement of knowledge. So it works just fine.

As far as the none force users go, it would be to the faction's benefit to advance more than just force centered areas. Even the mightiest jedi/sith can die if their ship gets shot down in space.
[member="Gray Watcher"]

As said this is literally focused on Force Users learning magic and there are NFU's willing to help the faction such as Ultimatum and others, but I'm pretty sure most people don't care about learning about starfighter piloting and such. Or want to go through thread after thread of learning about it, when instead they could have more fun rping actual battles and such where they learn controls. The House would go basically unused, and if one wanted to learn they have plenty of their own freetime to go about doing it.
I'm pretty sure you are both coming at this from divergent mind sets. The way either of you describes houses and schools can easily go for the other. I know schools with rivalries that would make GRR Martin blush. I also know schools where they are essentially a family. It just comes down to flavor and what you like.

It is entirely possible that one person in a house/school calls it a house and his/her mate calls it a school.
In the end though we must decide on something, if we endlessly debate about this then we will get nowhere fast. This faction has WAY too much potential for the future to just break down in the beginning so in the end we can debate all we want but at the end of the day there must still come a decision. In the end we could just as well call it the shed of combat if that was what is eventually decided on but after reading you two's arguments, neither of you kind of got anywhere in the debate both of you illustrated the difference of opinions you both have on this mater but you also brought up excellent points that should be brought into consideration.
However we can't get bogged down into a singular aspect of the debate. We can call the divisions of training different names such as schools, houses, dormitories or even húsasund but in the end a decision must be reached so lets ALL try to get to that decision because if two individuals with opposite ideas come to discuss things nothing will get through so we need other members to help sort all of this through after all we are a group trying to make something fresh, new and quite exciting in my opinon so we have to make sure we are all on the same page, metaphorically speaking, at the end of the day.
Cheers [member="Darth Erebos"] . Thank you for that.

To put this to an end, i say we all vote. Every member of The Faction should have their own voice on the matter not just three or four of us.

Vote One of the Three
[member="Darth Erebos"]
[member="Henry Chinko"]
[member="Jack Raxis"]
[member="Kaeda Vevut"]
[member="Særa Ayña Savan"]
[member="Vithar Seth"]
[member="Rose Blade"]
[member="Eirlys Verd"]
[member="Gray Watcher"]
[member="Maya Whitelight"]
[member="Rustag Bovruta"]

Let your voices be heard now. This vote will end in a few days. Cheers lads.

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