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Houses of the Awoken

Kaeda Vevut said:
[member="Vithar Seth"]

To be fair, getting an idea such as the Awoken off the ground will require a poodoo-ton of development.

Personally, I don't see development as a punishment for having new ideas, but rather a chance to expand the Chaos universe and make some awesome stories.
I don't either. I don't mind the development threads, I just want to be sure that everyone is up for them as they can require alot of work and others can give out.
Just as a reminder and not to kill ya'lls debate but can we possibly solve this 'Houses' thing before we start talking about huge development threads and NPCs? xD I feel like the train of thought here went a little off the rails haha.

At any rate, i think i agree with Vithar in the concept of not having them separated by alignment. But then we have to decide how they will be separated. Would houses be separated by magic type? Like Combat Focused, Alchemy focused, Cosmetic, ect. Cause that feels rather strange for a number of reasons. I'm not sure what other way we could do it that makes actual sense aside from alignment.
[member="Winter Sovereign"]

As for that I think it would be easier to seperate them that way. Think of it like this, not all Mages have to be distance fighters some may want to be tanks using their spells mid combat similar to how one would use the force. In return these spells will be quicker to shoot off, but won't be as powerful as someone who stands back chanting their spells. Another for illusions possibly as one could specialize in the metaphysical making multiple versions of themselves appear to disorient enemies or even conjuring fake armies and such of course they'd also be mentalist. So on and so forth.
Vithar Seth said:
[member="Winter Sovereign"]

As for that I think it would be easier to seperate them that way. Think of it like this, not all Mages have to be distance fighters some may want to be tanks using their spells mid combat similar to how one would use the force. In return these spells will be quicker to shoot off, but won't be as powerful as someone who stands back chanting their spells. Another for illusions possibly as one could specialize in the metaphysical making multiple versions of themselves appear to disorient enemies or even conjuring fake armies and such of course they'd also be mentalist. So on and so forth.

Hmm, not bad. Thats the thinking that gets us progress =). Can you write up a small list of houses? Maybe three or four based on what you've just said. Once you do i will try to find or make banners for each house. Each house would probably have a leader that kind of serves as their master or something. For example the house dedicated to illusions might be led by Specer Jacobs...ya know. If she was one of us or even a witch lol.
[member="Winter Sovereign"]

House 1: This house is filled with the battlemages of The Awoken. These members blend their magical abilities and their combative prowess together to devastating effect.
House 2: Following the Path of Illusions members of this house are skilled in the arts of concealing themselves with the force and creating illusions from thin air even being able to make them seem life like.
House 3: This house is filled with those that wish to learn the more esoteric ways of the force whether through imbuing objects with the force, or experimenting on new powers that blast bolts of hatred or energy at their enemies.
House 4: For those that choose moderation this house is where they go to learn the ways of the other houses, but they will never reach a mastery like the ones who specialize in other houses. Instead of being prepared for one given situation these beings are prepared for almost anything.
[member="Winter Sovereign"]

I'm kind of curious but isn't the splitting of the faction into Houses going against the idea of the Awoken? The whole idea for us is that we are trying to not split ourselves up into the whole rift that is light side and dark side after all. Wouldn't creating Houses cause a natural division to form that will just develop into a rift between members later on?
[member="Jack Raxis"]

Well I ask because of story. If the ideal of the group is about breaking away from the division, why would they then divide themselves up in their own group? If it is about the advancement of knowledge without a worry of avoiding division then I don't see anything wrong with it. I guess my real issue is just on the stance of division within the faction. Are we going to be like the Empire with a class system involving nobles or a system like the Senate with the republic? Or are we a free thinking group of individuals working together despite our differences with no formal division in place?

Honestly I am fine no matter what, but I still feel it should be addressed before it pops up later in a much more negative way. Just want to cover our bases.
Gray Watcher said:
[member="Jack Raxis"]

Well I ask because of story. If the ideal of the group is about breaking away from the division, why would they then divide themselves up in their own group? If it is about the advancement of knowledge without a worry of avoiding division then I don't see anything wrong with it. I guess my real issue is just on the stance of division within the faction. Are we going to be like the Empire with a class system involving nobles or a system like the Senate with the republic? Or are we a free thinking group of individuals working together despite our differences with no formal division in place?

Honestly I am fine no matter what, but I still feel it should be addressed before it pops up later in a much more negative way. Just want to cover our bases.

It is mainly because no matter what the faction is all about, there is still the option of free will among its members. And 'every' member will have their own goals and desires...some might want to learn alchemy & Enchantment only and thus practice under the House of Enchantment. Others would want more combat focused spells and thus practice under that house. And others would want more cosmetic spells that are used for more practical means.

Not everyone will want to learn 'Everything'. And for those who do, there will be a house that teaches all forms of magic from everywhere. It's simple really, cant just have 20 members come in and just be randomly everywhere trying to do stuff on their own. The Awoken still believe in the balance between both sides, but acknowledge the desires of others and support them.
[member="Gray Watcher"]

I would guess it works like the Jedi Academy. There are different Enclaves that teach different arts. Why wouldn't you specialize?

The last House is a Generalist. Dosn't mean we are divided, but just means we are specializing in a particular skillset or area of Magic.
[member="Winter Sovereign"] [member="Jack Raxis"][member="Jack Raxis"]

See that works fine, but I think school would be better than house to give that impression. If it is about just allowing people to know what they are focusing on that is fine. I just don't want the faction to suddenly divide itself up between different houses like political parties do all of the time. Last thing we want is a cold war going on in our own group.
Gray Watcher said:
[member="Winter Sovereign"] [member="Jack Raxis"][member="Jack Raxis"]

See that works fine, but I think school would be better than house to give that impression. If it is about just allowing people to know what they are focusing on that is fine. I just don't want the faction to suddenly divide itself up between different houses like political parties do all of the time. Last thing we want is a cold war going on in our own group.
The House thing is just a neat little idea inspired by Game of Thrones. Like later we planned to have events and trials and thought that maybe different houses could compete or something. Hard to do that cooly if they are all 'Schools'. Plus, Houses will have their own color foundation, and thus accessories so they are identifiable. Like combat mages might wear a sash around their waist, Alchemist might wear robes, and so on and so forth.

Plus each house could have its own quotes or mottos. So when new members join they could be like 'Oh that type of magic looks badass i wanna learn that...oh and the house it represents is cool look at that motto!' And thus new characters can identify themselves with a more narrow set of family and friends who share similar interest in study.
[member="Winter Sovereign"]

That just sounds like the satrt to political parties to me personally. Its not bad, but it can lead to some iffy issues if not handled properly. I'm not against it mind you, just playing devil's advocate. The reason I mentioned school was because it gives a less " My life for House <insert name here>!" vibe.

Of course it does offer its own nice details like you said, so really its up to how you want to handle things.
Gray Watcher said:
[member="Winter Sovereign"]

That just sounds like the satrt to political parties to me personally. Its not bad, but it can lead to some iffy issues if not handled properly. I'm not against it mind you, just playing devil's advocate. The reason I mentioned school was because it gives a less " My life for House <insert name here>!" vibe.

Of course it does offer its own nice details like you said, so really its up to how you want to handle things.

Well, in the end its the members that will decide how this faction turns out. If they'd rather have Schools more than Houses then they are welcome to say so and we would change the structure according to that.
[member="Gray Watcher"]

Mate I think you are looking at it from the wrong perspective. You can't truly call it a school because everyone will conduct themselves differently under the house. Someone may be akin to a battlemage that likes to channel lightning along their weapon while another may want to snap off blasts of raw force energy mid combat. The Houses very much just give people room to specialize. There is no class system of "Oh I'm a noble so I'm better" Once you join The Awoken you're all equal no matter what house you're in. Whether you be jedi or Sith you are equals in standing and even if a rivalry is born between said Houses it will be friendly as its already been decided one should not attack their fellow Awoken with intent to kill. They literally have no say government wise and have no decisions to make that puts one above the other. So I say stick with the houses.
[member="Vithar Seth"]

I do understand what yall are saying, but I feel that calling them Schools works better at implying what you are going for than Houses does. School is a very broad term and implies an academic environment as well as a focus for study. A School of Combat Arts for example would tell you that people here focus on the use of talents in a combat situation. This could be everything from telekinetic attacks to lightning to even more subtle things like making someone believe you swing is going faster or slower than it real is which gives you the advantage. The focus is on combat, not the actual technique being used.
The term House implies a group of people who are separated from another. This is commonly used for not just families, but also political stances. To use Game of Thrones as an example, the Houses were the political power of the area and each area was ruled differently based on the political stance of the House. Every House stood for their own interests rather than the interests of the entire nation and that is what caused the civil war in the first place.

So that is what I am getting at. We need to worry a bit about what we call things because the impression it gives means a lot. We know what we are going for, but what about new people coming in? What about to the people of other factions? It has real impact, and I just think we should think about that a bit more. Not against calling them Houses, just think we should know what we are doing when we do.
[member="Gray Watcher"]

Calling Something a School does not have the same meaning nor roll of the tongue nearly as well as something being called a house. Even then calling them schools does not do it justice especially when there will be competitions held between each House. As we plan to release the knowledge on what the houses stand for and such and why people go to where they are. Just because one is in a House doesn't mean they aren't communicating or hanging around with members from other houses. It is literally just them studying different ways of using magic. Almost no one is going to look at four different houses with definitions beside them stating why one chooses a house and say "Oh there's going to be a civil war, or which house is more powerful" That's not gonna happen. This is just literally them being taught different magics by different teachers. As even then I'm sure a large majority of people that join this faction have other places and loyalties so the chances of any of them living together is small.
[member="Vithar Seth"]

Schools compete all of the time you know. It's very common for them to do that in fact. The only thing I really got from your post since you just repeated most of the same stuff from before was that you like the way House sounds better. I agree that it does, but one thing all of the writing workshops I have done have taught me that you need to be willing to change the name of something to avoid giving the wrong impression. A lot of times what you think is giving one impression could be giving a completely different one. Doesn't matter if it is fiction, non-fiction, or poetry. What you call something is the first impression people get of it and the first impression is always the strongest.

Honestly I don't care what we call them, be it House or School or Ghgjhiufsghuh, just so long as it is something everyone can agree on. Plus there is never anything wrong with more options out there to get the creative and intellectual juices flowing.

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