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Approved Lore House Skirata of Mandalore

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Gilamar Skirata

The most important step is always the next one


  • Organization Name: House Skirata

  • Classification: Mandalorian House

  • Loyalties: Various Mandalorian Major Factions

  • Organization Symbol: The symbol of House Skirata is the same used by Clan Skirata for centuries. It depicts a red Rekr, a rare and dangerous breed of Mandalorian Wolf.

  • Description: House Skirata is a large Mandalorian House, or political group, that encompasses several Mandalorian clans of various sizes. Its main goal is always to make Mandalore a better place for all Mandalorians and throughout history has been seen as rather moderate when it came to the political issues of the Mandalorians. Some of the clans it includes are Clan Skirata, Clan Trest, Clan Tetsuya, and Clan Cadera. For these and several other smaller clans House Skirata puts its clan's grievances, needs, and ideas forward in Clan Moots and generally leads them in times of strife and war.
Domain: House Skirata owns several large plots of land and several medium to large sized beskar mining operations across the planet. Because the Mandalorians are a very family and community oriented people, they do allow members of other Houses and Clans to live off of their land and mine in their mines at a small cost and are generally friendly with most other Houses and Clans. Examples of Mandalorian Cities where their influence is greatest or they own land are listed below. Recently exiles of the Civil War have been making small colonies throughout Outer Rim Coalition Space.
Notable Assets: For several generations, the Mandalorian shipwright MandalMotors has been under House ownership, making the House a rather wealthy one in the last decade, offering its Clans decently paying jobs and education opportunities across the Galaxy.
  • Hierarchy: While each clan within House Skirata has its own hierarchies, within the House itself, Clan Skirata is seen as the head. While members from other clans can become the Alor of House Skirata, they are often required to take Clan Skirata's name for their own and are adopted fully into Clan Skirata.

  • Membership: House Skirata is one of the largest and oldest Mandalorian Houses, boasting hundreds of thousands of members scattered across the planet and the Galaxy. It is relatively easy to become a member of House Skirata as Mandalore lacks a true citizenship program. Marriage, birth, and adoption are all ways to enter the Mandalorian House.

  • Influence: House Skirata has a significant influence on the Mandalorian military and MandalMotors. While all Mandalorians are treated fairly based on their own merits, many of House Skirata have distinguished themselves throughout history and its leaders are generally well respected.

  • Climate: Close knit family, except your "family" is massive. The people of House Skirata are pretty standard Mandalorian. Friendly enough until you piss them off.

  • Reputation: It varies from locale to locale on Mandalore, but due to the successful almost ten year reign of Mand'alor Gilamar Skirata, House Skirata generally has a good reputation among Mandalorians. With their hands in nearly every major building, rebuilding project, military, or mining project on Mandalore in the last fifty years its a good time to be a Skirata, even post Civil War.

  • Rules: The Resol'nare is always a constant, however there have been times when the House has followed other beliefs and documents such as Ra Viszla's Anti-Force user doctrine while under Dorn Skirata and the Supercommando Codex while under Gilamar Skirata. They are very flexible but have historically been a rather moderate and neutral group working with or for whoever will pay them and isn't harming Mandalore. In more recent years under Gilamar Skirata, cooperation with the Sith all but dropped off, and after their war with both the Sith Empire and One Sith, most members refuse to work with Sith and it is seen as a massive taboo and even traitorous to all of Mandalore to work with them.

  • Doctrines:


  • Supercommando Codex

Goals: The prosperity of the supported clans as well as Mandalore


House Skirata is an old Mandalorian House that can trace its roots as far back as the Great Galactic War to a small warrior clan which faithfully served both Mandalore the Lesser as well as his successor. It wouldn’t be until the Clone Wars until the clan saw any significance in Mandalorian history as the famed Kal Skirata and several other Mandalorians under the orders of Mand'alor Jango Fett would leave their various careers behind in order to train the clone army for the Republic’s war against the CIS. It is here arguably that the Skirata Clan saw its true founding by Kal and his adopted clone family when they returned to Mandalore. Several Jedi Knights and Masters would also join the clan during their time of persecution as well.

Over time Clan Skirata’s steadfast beliefs and unquestionable honor would bring several other clans to join them eventually leading Clan Skirata to become House Skirata. Their level headedness and open nature would lead to several acquisitions such as MandalMotors and several beskar mines across Mandalore leading many to become businessmen, miners, and talented shipwrights, though they never lost their edge in combat due to the strong military tradition that came with the huge influx of retired clone troopers. Tucked away in their history as well was a large number of force sensitives, uncommon for the Mandalorian people.

During the Gulag Plague House Skirata saw an incredible amount of death, as did most of the Outer Rim, despite Mandalore’s attempt to close off their borders. It was during this time that the few remaining began to bring back old machines and ways of combat to make up for the lack of new technologies being developed. Clan Skirata began perfecting the use of the bes’uliik again and melee combat became a staple for them. It was around this time that House Skirata adopted a new sigil to represent their House. The rekr, literally wolf in Basic and a fearsome creature native to the planet of Mandalore, was adopted. Most of the history during this time is lost in the archives but at some point House Skirata regained its place as a prominent House of Mandalore under the leadership of Gilamar Skirata’s grandfather towards the end of the 400 Years of Darkness. The House saw even greater significance when Alor Gilamar Skirata became Mand’alor and led the Mandalorians in the twilight hours of their war against the Sith Empire.

The House would become divided during the Mandalorian Civil War when Mand’alor Ra Viszla and Mia Monroe would clash idealistically. Ra called for the expulsion of all Force Users from Mandalore while Mia simply wished for her people to be free despite leading her people to ruin. Simply due to their House’s lineage many of House Skirata joined Mia Monroe with plans to see her pay for her crimes after the war’s end. Those were led by Gilamar Skirata. However, an equal amount of House Skirata followed Ra and his incredibly violent and harsh view on Force Users which blamed them entirely for the destruction of Mandalore and their fall in Galactic influence. These were led by Dorn Skirata, the younger adopted cousin of Gilamar. With Ra’s Death Watch faction taking victory after victory the Civil War came to a close and the remaining forces of Gilamar’s faction of Mandalorians left the planet to wander Outer Rim Coalition space, splitting House Skirata and leaving the leadership of the remaining Mandalorians under the Mandalorian Empire to Dorn Skirata who held fast to Ra’s ideals, ensuring any remaining force sensitives take the “Cure” Ra began using in the tail end of the Civil War.

House Skirata would continue to support the Mandalorian Empire and future Mandalorian factions.
[member="Gilamar Skirata"]

Love this. Couple of things, before I can stamp it though.

This needs a hyperlink to the wikia page.

Realm: Mandalore
This as well.

Some of the clans it includes are Clan Skirata, Clan Trest, Clan Tetsuya, and Clan Cadera.
I assume that Trest and Tetsuya are non-canon ones, but please hyperlink to the Cadera wikia page here.

Reputation: [How do people see this organization from the outside? Beloved? Distrusted? Wary or neutral? Describe your organization’s reputation here. If you're organization has renown, you will need to justify it in the Historical Information section.]
Think you missed this one.

Tag me once this is done and I will stamp it.
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