Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Faction House Io: Secret Expo (House Io and EE only)

The original Neutralizers, “simple and predictable”? Percival disagreed, but didn’t see the point in arguing. It would be too easy to misunderstand or dismiss his defense as being due to his masculine programming—of course he sided with the droids that were also male-coded. Suffice to say, however, his time spent among the older models had elevated his opinion of them. He didn’t see them as primitive prototypes or a mere prelude to the superior bio-organic line.

Percival did reply to Akemi’s musings on their future development. <<Infant and child Neutralizers would have little purpose or use to House Io, and it would be impractical to wait years for them to mature. So deliberately making it a possibility wouldn’t make much sense, especially given the cost, time and effort that would be devoted to making it a reality. But evolution would be… a different story.>>

Deus ex machina—an act of God. As if the universe had decided that Neutralizers were to rise above what they had been manufactured for, becoming a species in their own right. They would cease to be droids at the spiritual level, declared as having souls of their own—

But that was the Chaplain in him talking. He had been given the task of serving as a spiritual advisor, while also being disconnected from spirituality itself as his galaxy knew it. Paradoxically, he could not feel the Force.

Well, not yet. He thought about the entheogens he had purchased from the vendor on Tatooine, but had yet to try—mainly because he was afraid they would have no effect on him. Or if they did, what terrors might await a Neutralizer suddenly exposed to the Force for the first time?...

Akemi’s arm around him pulled him from these thoughts. “I love you too,” he said with a small smile. Turning to Alessandra, he added, “Don’t worry about Scott. He’s done this sort of thing before, acting like a… what’s the term the organics use? A ‘fethboy’?” He hoped she knew better than to encourage him, but he couldn’t tell Alessandra what to do.

Location: Diplomatic Exhibition - Colossus of Shadows
Attire: Medical Nuetralizer Dress
Dialogue Legend: <<Technopathy Link>> │ “Verbal”
Tags: Percival Io Percival Io Draco Miles Draco Miles Akemi Io Akemi Io Trinity Harris Trinity Harris

Accepting Trinity’s offered handshake, Calligenia had a soft, yet disciplined smile over her features, though her photoreceptors were wide with admiration towards the scientific legend. She didn’t receive any offense from the woman’s reference to her as a piece of technology. In her mind, all organics were machines in a sense, with component parts and organs that served specific functions towards the purpose of life. Some might question whether Nuetralizers were truly alive due to their lack of presence in the Force, Calligenia did not give the time of day to such philosophical, abstract matters. The Nuetralizer felt like she was alive and that was enough for her.

“I am a Medical Nuetralizer, that is correct.” She began. “And no offense taken! To a limited degree, I believe that we are all machines, albeit ones of a different origins and composition. Many of my brothers are inorganic machines, while most of my sisters are organic machines. Of course, many of our citizens might be considered organic machines as well, created through natural means.” The Nuetralizer smiled. “No matter our origin or composition, the important part is that we are all individuals, with our own complex needs, desires, ambitions, and more. In our family, no one is reduced to their base components.” Calligenia finished.

"I am intrigued how the Bacta-H interacts with your own tissues, I would like to share some of your own work if that would be acceptable."

Calligenia gave a soft giggle at the inquiry, but she didn’t spare the scientist the explanation she was owed.

“Oh my! Well, you will be pleased to know that it works!” Calligenia replied, with another giggle. “However, we umm…rarely, if ever actually need it. We regenerate quite well on our own. Here, I’ll show you!”

With that, Calligenia pulled out a vibrodagger she had strapped to her thigh and unceremoniously hacked off her left hand at the wrist with the ease of a cook slicing a vegetable, before offering the severed appendage to Trinity, a mischievous grin splayed across her features as she did.

“If you want to keep the hand, feel free! But make sure to watch this!” Calligenia said, raising her stump of a left arm, as she did.

And slowly, but surely, the hand began to regrow before the two women's gazes.

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