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Hiring Ship designers for a major projecct

So, plans are in motion in my head to start production of a new Star Destroyer, but I'm going to need help with producing this. To that end, Krayt Industries is looking to hire shipwrights and people wanting to help design it over a few threads.

Only stipulation being this is for the One Sith, so no Republic helpers lol
Image Source:
Affiliation: One Sith
Manufacturer: Krayt Industries
Model: Superbia-class Star Destroyer
Modularity: None
Production: Minor
Material: Durasteel, Duraplast, alusteel, Glasteel
Classification: Destroyer
Role: Capital ship, destroyer
Length: 1800 meters
Width: 900 meters
Height: 500 meters
10 Quad Heavy Long Range Mass driver batteries
10 Quad Long Range Ion cannon batteries
80 Standard Mass Drivers (grouped in twenty batteries of four)
60 Standard Ion Cannons (grouped in fifteen batteries of four)
80 Flak Cannons (grouped in forty batteries of two, with twelve along the main structure of the ship and four covering the engines, the rest line the hull)
60 Point Defense Lasers
6 Squadrons of fighters, bombers, or a mixture of both

Special Features:
Standard ship systems (navicomputer, com and sensor arrays, life support systems)
Holonet transceiver
Standard detention cells
Two redundant shield generators
Two banks of escape pods
Power Generator: Three Krayt anti-matter reactors

Maneuverability: 15
Speed Rating: 15
Hyperdrive Class: Class 1

Strengths: (Provide, in list format, a minimum of 1 strength of this submission.)
Weaknesses: (Provide, in list format, a minimum of 1 weaknesses of this submission.)

Development Thread:
Who Can Use This: One Sith only

This is the current design I'm going with, but definitely would be open to ideas for changes

[member="Enigma"] [member="Vi'kas Mirtis"]
Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
[member="Darth Arcanix"]

I would personally recommend utilizing mass drivers instead of the turbolasers simply for the fact that they do more damage to the hull immediately. The ion cannons are then more effective at taking out the shields and other power systems. Whether you want to replace the long-range turbolasers or the standard ones is up to you.

Also, for ease when engaging multiple smaller targets, I would recommend divesting your guns. With how you've got the ship designed, with so few individual turrets and all the guns mounted on on only a few turrets, the loss of one or more of them will significantly impact the ship's ability to defend itself. I recommend an overall revised armament of the following:

10 Quad Heavy Long Range Mass driver batteries
10 Quad Long Range Ion cannon batteries
80 Standard Mass Drivers (grouped in twenty batteries of four)
60 Standard Ion Cannons (grouped in fifteen batteries of four)
80 Flak Cannons (grouped in forty batteries of two, with twelve along the main structure of the ship and four covering the engines, the rest line the hull)
60 Point Defense Lasers

This allows you to definitively engage targets with full firepower, while still letting yourself divest your ships' firepower on many more targets than the previous armament could adequately engage.
Question: Is the speed scale based on the highest number being the fastest or slowest? In other words would a star destroyer or interceptor be faster (Sorry, I do not normally work with ships)

[member="Darth Arcanix"]
[member="Darth Arcanix"]
Got it.

Now give me the general purpose of this ship. If there was to be a fight, would this ship be leading the charge, or sitting back and commanding the other ships of the fleet?
Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
[member="Darth Arcanix"]

Well... If you start a thread, and you and I go back and forth to develop the ship, we can get things proceeding onwards nice and quickly. I also need to get a dev thread done, so this could easily serve double-duty.

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