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Hip Hop Appreciation Thread

Totally not inspired by the Heavy Metal thread that was inspired by the Electronic thread >.>

You know how this works by now. Post some Hip Hop / Rap songs you're listening to, and feel free to discuss it too.

Personally, I'm more into Independent small artists, but I do like some of the bigger ones (and of course I love the classics.)

What I'm listening to right now:

I never really listened to Danny Brown until this track, but I love Aes and Driver.
Most of my 'hip-hop' has been limited to Ancient Astronauts. Though mostly it's this:​​​​
No, I couldn't help myself :lol:​

Ferian Adair

Hahaha... I grew up with this guy and his sisters. We all went to the same church:


And... okay, I guess it's related? I love me some Breaks --


And the classics

So I personally think we are starting to enter a new golden age of hip hop. We had a lot of great stuff going on in the 80s and 90s NWA, Biz Markie, Wu Tang Clan, Dead Prez we had all these amazing groups and MCs it was the golden age of hip hop. However it was also the golden age of crack so there was that. But as that passed and we started getting into the early two thousands we got really crappy hip hop artists on the radio

50 cent, Lil Wayne, and a bunch of other really bad club Rappers making hits so people can listen to at the club. But in the words of Logic "Money and bitches is fun and that's what you can listen to when you are at the club, but then you go home throw on some real shit put on some Wu Tang Clan and smoke a blunt" so artists like 50 and Wayne have their places but to be considered real MCs I just can't see them like that.

But we start moving into today where rappers are starting to become self conscious. Enter Childish Gambino, Chance the Rapper, and Logic. And these people are absolutely fantastic, their on the radio they have real skill and I feel like rappers like them are really brining back the slew of mainstream rappers we had in the early two thousands. I feel like we are really progressing and I think that if we keep putting out more of these rappers instead of rappers like French Montana, ASAP Rocky, Two Chains, and Kanye we can reach a really awesome new age of hip hop.
[member="Rexus Drath"]

what xD

I've listened to some Chance, Gambino, and ofcourse ODB. But yeah, right now, I'm really into a few different artists. Flatbush Zombies (Bettteroffdead is their best album, youtube it), Clear Soul Forces, and I've been listening to a good bit of Action Bronson, OFWGKTA, and RZA right now.

My favorites, which I listen to like weekly, is of course Aesop Rock (Loved his work since I was young, he statistically has the biggest vocabulary in Rap), Sage Francis, and Captain Murphy. You may've heard of Captain Murphy, it's an alter-ego of Flying Lotus and he's blown up in popularity lately. He had his own radio in GTA5 and did the new intro for Aquateen Hungerforce. Captain murphy has a MF DOOM type of sound to it. I'd definitely say check it out, but some of his stuff is dark.

"Good Kid, Maad City" by Kendrick Lamar is a must listen to IMO. It gives a perspective to the big issues in large cities (Gang violence, Drug Use, Alcohol abuse, dropping out of school, etc). It's kinda voyeuristic in the concept that it gives a lot of insight into things we take for granted. He has tracks which I think will appeal to multiple tastes, in all of them, the lyrics are great and symbolic, but some tracks he 'goes hard' and others, not so much.

Some of the best tracks on the album are "Don't kill my vibe", "The art of peer pressure", "good kid", "maad city", "swimming pools", and "black boy fly" (which isn't on this video, it's part of the deluxe album.)

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