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Skirmish Hiding in the Sand - Kamar [GA\WotS]

Good Men Don't Need Rules


Boots pounding as fast as they could. Carrying me through the streets of a City-State adorned with symbols that were clearly of Sith make. I could hear the hum of sabers behind me. These "Sith Hounds" as they were called, were hunting me down and found out I was in the city. Having been here for almost two weeks now, trying to figure out how the Sith came to control this place, I was met with Sith Troopers who clearly didn't like me asking questions. My sprint-pace was ended in a sudden stop. Reaching a building, the power of the force granted me the ability to straight, run up the wall. My gloved hands grabbing the ledge and clambering over as I could hear the Sith Hound. Particularly a lethan Twilek.

"Get back here you rat!"
"Go after him Troopers!"

The Sith was chasing me with other red and black clad troopers in armor I have not seen before. They were clearly not of the Sith Empire, or if they were, then they were a different kind of trooper. More over, I kept hearing the term of "Warlords of the Sith." I had no clue on what exactly they were, but I had intended to find out before my untimely discovery. I wasn't the best at hiding my presence within the force, and this Sith Hound had found me. She attempted to stop me but all I could do was run. There was no way I would be able to face her, and a couple dozen troopers all at once with pretty much nothing!

I needed more people here. There was no way I would be able to just do it alone. While I ran across the rooftops, hearing her voice getting further and further away, I reached down to my gloves. Removing the right one exposing a Ring upon my hand. Activating the communications, it glowed vibrantly for a quick second after sending a message onto GA and New Jedi Order Channels.

"Kaleleon. Kamar, Possible Sith called Warlords. Need assistance ASAP."

As soon as I spoke the words, I did all I could to leave the city. Jumping from roof-top to roof-top. Finally coming to one of the walls, Inertia allowed me to continue running at a stupid fast speed. Leaping over the wall and rolling as I impacted the ground. My hand reached out to the speeder I had with me. Turning it on and throwing it into full throttle as red bolts of blaster weapons flew by me. The Blue Blur sped me away with a speed that could probably never rivaled. Heading away from the city and hoping to send a second message out as soon as I could.



After the second message was sent, I found myself sitting in a small campsite underneath a rock formation. One that made a natural awning to protect me from the heat of the star in the sky. The "badlands" as they called them, was an easy place to hide out away from these would be Sith Warlords. A beacon was transmitting to my location here for any Jedi that would get here, either on their own, or as the "Cavalry."

Making sure my gloves were secured on my hands, I pulled up the hood of my poncho as I drank some nasty as hell liquid that was supposed to act as a meal substitute. Taken from the utility belt I wore.


Shuddering from the disgusting taste, I threw the little container into the pouch. I wouldn't set up a fire to cook food since I didn't know what could or couldn't be eaten here. Nor did I feel like exposing myself any further. For now it was just a bedroll, a small gathering of tools to get in and out of a city or cell-block, and a couple weapons. Grabbing my saber, I could see some ships closing down near me to the surface. Grabbing my pistol as well and holstering it under my arm-pit, I stood. Walking out into the light of the sun for a moment. Hand raising up to prevent the sun from obscuring my eyes. I was not sure if this was just a hallucination of the desert, or actual Jedi coming here to help me figure out more.



OBJECTIVE I - CITY STATE "Jun-kular" - Learn of the Warlords and their ties to the City State. How did they take over the planet so quickly?
OBJECTIVE II - HIDDEN STRUCTURE - There is a signature of people out in the Badlands. Desert climate and a mass of people being transported out there for an unknown reason. Figure out why.
TAGS: Aaran Tafo Aaran Tafo Dagon Kaze Dagon Kaze Okkeus Dainlei Okkeus Dainlei Laraine Laraine Allyson Locke Allyson Locke

OBJECTIVE I - CITY STATE "Jun-kular" - Keep people out. Let Vora Kaar continue his work on fortifying relations with the Kamarians, and make sure people "Stay off his lawn."
OBJECTIVE II - HIDDEN STRUCTURE - Move slaves and prisoners from the recent battles on Brosi into their holding cells. Make sure no one breaks out.
TAGS: Kuric Taumin Vora Kaar Vora Kaar Darth Faef Darth Faef
Factory Judge

LOCATION: City-state Jun-kular, Private quarters
OBJECTIVE: Find spies, Continue projects.
TAGS: Open

This angered Vora greatly. As Tash stood in front of him, the man in black used the force to grab her. Tossing her into the wall with force as a form of punishment for letting this Jedi get away. He would talk to others. He would get others to come here. And just as projects were being done, just as Vora finally got a hold on the situation here on Kamar, did the Jedi start coming here to investigate. Taking a closed fist, he slammed it into the table. Making the already worrysome Tash jump at his actions of anger and displeasure.

"Of all people to catch a Jedi, I thought you would be able to do that!"
"He was fast. Had skills to run away."
"Fast or not. He got over the walls of the city, and escaped with a blue speeder. One that seemed to be much faster than anything else we have now."
"He acted alone."
"He won't be for much longer!"
"Maybe he will die out in the desert-"
"He is a Jedi. He is resourceful. They have tools to live in conditions such as that. Keep an eye for ships entering the planet. Let them through, but make sure they don't leave. Keep them trapped here."
"Yes sir."
"Don't sir me. Just get it done!"

The Lethan twilek walked away holding her shoulder. Likely she broke her shoulder, or had some pain she wanted to attend to. However, Vora would not let her do that. Instead she would have to continue on. Press on just as this Jedi was. Vora wanted to find this man. He didn't just want him dead, he wanted to find out who he worked for, and what they were doing here. They already got information, he just didn't know how much. So stopping this leak was priority one.

Handsome blindfolded hyper-religious whackjob
Objective I
Kaleleon Kaleleon @Other Jedi Bois

When he heard the call. He knew he had to follow up on it. Warlords. It was a similar callsign to what he had managed to gather on Ninn. Simply scraps and snippets that he had managed to garner from various combatants and the occasional soldier he had managed to drag away and interrogate. Sadly any deeper investigation was put on hold as he spent the majority of time on that world catching up with an old friend and then resting after such an intense encounter.

The Force smiled on him when he received Kaleleon's signal. Memories of the orange-haired warden flashing back into his mind as he gathered his supplies and made his way towards his ship.

The trip was thankfully uneventful, even as he travelled through Sith Space during wartime. The Freebird was a damn fast ship and tricky as hell to spot. So it was a simple enough matter to land on the desert world a short distance away from where he could detect Kal's beacon. Stealth systems still engaged, the the ship would be brought down to land. From the loading ramp, descended none other than Aaran Tafo, the Warden of Peace along with the few other Jedi that had responded to the Warden of Light's distress call.

"Knight Kaleleon." The younger Jedi greeted, head bowing in greeting, the upper half of his face obscured by the hood of his robes as he cast his gaze around, surveying the surrounding area. "I am glad to see you are in one piece." He said, his tone certainly warm as he stepped closer to offer his hand to shake in greeting. "I am afraid however we probably don’t have time to catch up on our personal endeavours. So if you could fill us in on what is going on, that would be most appreciated. I’ve been hearing some unsettling rumours of Sith Warlords springing up as well. So it may be best if we share what we have both learned."

He could only hope that whatever it was that Kaleleon had learned would be enough to fill in any gaps he had in his own knowledge base. The little bits he had managed to gather were frustratingly incomplete. All he knew was that some sort of new sect of Sith was springing up around the edges of the dying empire. But he could gather no more details than that.

Darth Sinestruss

Mistress of the Sith Hounds

OBJECTIVE - Hunt Down Jedi with Sith Hounds
SUB-OBJECTIVE - Keep an eye on Vora Kaar Vora Kaar
TAGS - Kaleleon Kaleleon | Ro-Tahn Mashayekhi Ro-Tahn Mashayekhi | Aaran Tafo Aaran Tafo

The Lady of the Sith Hounds, the spies and assassins of the Warlords of the Sith, sat upon her Bloodfin Speeder Bike. She watched a viper droid search the wastelands outside of Jun-Kular from the feed it beamed back to a miniature projector mounted on the forearm armor of her combat suit. The granular holo-feed hummed and chirped between static scratched interruptions. Watching the feed she noticed the droid pick up a series of ships landing at some sort of rustic's camp. She smiled. She had studied the data reported to her by the Sith Hounds in her command - having chased a Jedi out of Jun-Kular some time ago and lost contact, she had taken up the hunt herself. See the ships landing made her suspicious. The Dark Sovereign Vora Kaar had submerged the world of Kamar with his influence, such make of ship was unfamiliar to the traffic that streamed from the Warlords worlds.

Siqsa cut the feed and engaged her Bloodfin's handles and revved it to a charge. She sped off of a promontory she had parked a top and zoomed down onto the open badland plains below. At full charge she sped across the plains, meanwhile, she had alerted her other Sith Hounds to her location with a tracking beacon on her bike. As she came closer she tucked down the face-plate of her helmet and let the HUD activate a life form scanner to search the camp. She drew closer and closer as the ships began to land near the camp and off load.

She sensed it, the flickers of putrid light. Their illuminance unmistakable. "Jedi," she growled, "At last."


Location: City State "Jun-kular" / Minor's Bar
Objective: I
Gear: Lightsaber / WROTSM


"Can you believe this weather? Hot and dry like a dirty...," a miner began entering the cantina before the barkeep slashed a finger under her throat; the universal gesture of 'shut up'. The man, raising his hands skyward like a self-proclaimed innocence in the eyes of a police interrogation, looked about the dirt-crested facility before the couple steeled upon a hooded figure on the corner; holding an empty mug. The miner looked over at the barkeep, another shrug, then a smile on the old man's face.

"Two fully infused Grashers, Jupiter," the old timer said, his eyes never leaving the hooded figure in the back. Seven credits dropped. Two cold and dark drinks in hand, the man plopped down in the empty seat across the mysterious individual. "You're new," he said pushing one of the mugs toward the other. "I don't drink," I began pushing the pro-offered drink back, only to be surprised as the man placed a hand upon my mine; his eyes telling me to wait.
"When I was but a wee lad of ten, I saw one of those once." Placing my other hand over his I countered, "An empty mug? I do require a refill if you don't mind, waiter?"

Leaning back, the old man returned my gaze before his smile revealed a jagged mountain of teeth. "No.....that," he whispered reaching toward the coin on the table. "That's ancient Sith currency! I think. Maybe. I use to work as a freight pilot for those monsters before...." Quickly he cut-off his rant, his eyes once more peering into mine. A second later, I watched them roam downward; realizing he took stock of my hilt. "Oh! Forgive me Lord,"he began dropping to a knee upon the floor. "My ignorance has loosened my tongue. Per your mandates, my judgment falls upon you, Master."

Briefly I was awe struck.

The coin, nothing more than change. struck a link that would undoubtedly save me foot-work investigations. The Sith were here, and this old miner was under the impression I served the Dark Arts.



Location: Jun-kular

Khamul noticed the commotion as he approached the quarters of Vora Kaar Vora Kaar . Tash was quickly leaving as he approached the door, still grasping her shoulder. Khamul had to give it to the Twi'lek, she clearly had suffered a reasonable injury, and yet scrambled to serve. Perseverance through the pain was an admirable quality to the Mandalorian. Weakness would not be tolerated here, after all. He stopped her as they moved past each other, holding onto her good shoulder, his eyes piercing through the visor of his beskar helmet. Without saying a word, she knew what he wanted to ask. He probed her mind, seeing all he needed to understand the situation. She gave no resistance, likely because she didn't want to have her other shoulder broken. Khamul let her go, and proceeded with opening the door.

He took a couple of steps in, closing the door behind him as he addressed the Lord of Strength.

"So, the Jedi are here."

He moved toward a nearby window, looking out toward the horizon. The Jedi may have fled, but Khamul could still smell the stench. The Light Side fluttered through the air like a gentle breeze...

It disgusted him.

"It is a small matter. With your permission, I wish to engage them. As slippery as they are, I am confident I will be able to locate them, and make them pay for meddling in our affairs."

Vora Kaar may have spearheaded the efforts on Kamar, but Khamul had his own aims on the planet, and he would rather burn than see his objectives tainted by the presence of the Jedi. His hand began itching to grab his lightsaber as he awaited the Lord of Strength's answer.


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