Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Hi there and a help request.

Hello there everyone. I've done a little RPing before but not in the Star Wars realm before so I might could use a little info before I jump into RP. First off I've only seen the moives and i'm playing KotOR 2 right now so I don't know that much of the Star Wars mythos. Is there anything I should know before going into this? Also could I get a small plot recap on the RP so I know what's going on? Fianlly I noticed that the final event for this plot in underway. In the last RP fourm I went to when a main story line is finished the world is reset and all characters would be reset or replaced. Is the same true here or would a character remain the same the whole RP?

Welcome to Chaos! First of all, this is just an event and it doesn't mean, that the plot is going to end. Basically not much will change because of that. There will be no resets in this forum (at least, not at the moment). You may notice a 'Timeline' button near the logo area. You'll find most important information from over there. :)

If you have more questions, don't hesitate to ask!

And could you tell us a bit more about yourself? :)
Hey there! Welcome to SWRP! ^_^

At the top bar of the site, on every single page, is a link called "storyline." You can check out the site's story there, though most of it is very open-ended. Basically, this happens way, way after anything in the movies or games. An entirely self-sufficient universe.

The "plot" that's currently happening is one of our board events. They happen every once in a while. Each event is a self-contained story, though each contributes to the site's canon as a whole. Your character is never "reset" or "replaced" by anyone who isn't you. So you can jump into any RP you want to without fear of losing anything you've done. Just put up a character profile to begin with and off ya go.

If you have any other questions or need any help, don't be afraid to ask. :)

You're fine just knowing what they teach you from the movies. If you check out the Timeline section you can read up on all the backstory for why the galaxy looks the way it does, basically serving as a cleasing of the pallet between the movies and now timeline-wise.

The event is just a larger RP story arc that's open for anyone to join, and it doesn't reset or alter the way the galaxy works. :)

EDIT: Damn you both for sniping me! :p

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