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Hi Ho Hi Ho , Its Off To Work We Go!! [ Mandalorian Dominion of Gromas ]


Storm of the Force
[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]
(You're not the boss of me!)
(3/20) :p

Down into the mines they went. Growing up on Dahomey, Tempest had learned early how to track creatures, but that had been many years ago. Furthermore, the trail here had gone cold and been confused by people stomping around.

However, Tempest followed the slight trail down and further down into the mine tunnels. Fortunately there was no weather here to disturb them.
“This creature is long…low to the ground. A tail, large claws,” she said softly.

Further down they went until at last they came to an area where the miners had only just reached. Tempest consulted a holomap and frowned.
“This passage should stop here, but look, these look like old tunnels the miners broke into. This place used to have prospectors way back, and a lot of the passages were not mapped. We’ll need to be careful, we don’t know what we’re stepping into.”
(Yes, I am!)

Boldly they walked into the mines and well. Hopefully not into the jaws of death! So Siobhan followed the amazonian tracker Tempest as they went in deeper and deeper down into the mine tunnels. Predictably it was very dark down here.

Here and there they came across a badly mauled, mutilated corpse. Well, as a matter of fact saying they came across corpses would have been too charitable a description since in most cases it was just body parts, intermixed with some dried blood. "Lovely. These kills look fresh," she commented. Her Force senses tingled as they walked deep into the unknown. Such was the darkness that she ignited her lightsabre, for the blue light of the blade provided some illumination.

It made her miss her bionic eye, since it had allowed her to see in the dark just fine. The blue blade, along with the glowrods the guards carried, cast the caves in an eerie light. Silence reigned, broken only by the sound of their boots on the ground. Then suddenly, out of the shadows, something came slithering towards them. The first thing they would see, long before the rest of the body came into view, was its massive mouth full of absurdly sharp teeth. Verily, they had walked into the jaws of death!
Objective: Mining Phrik
Phrik Mines
[member="Anita Willamina"] [member="Danger Arceneau"]
...just as Garrus had thought Anita shard the sentiment that Allison could handle herself and dispatch any pirate actvity without much hassle. On that note the Mandalorian focused on the task at hand. As he moved into the mine the cavern stretched out ahead of him blanketed in darkness, automated lights wired into the stalactites and wall activated as Garrus strode ahead offering him a dim source of light. Looking back over his shoulder Garrus would nod to Anita though he already knew she was ready for any trouble that might be waiting in store for them and the Aliit that come to the mines with them. Advanced optics in Garrus helm didn't reveal anything out of the ordinary and a steady ping directed him towards a vein of phrik that was ready to be mined and then refined into a finished product usable in arms and armor for himself, his wife and the others...

...the trek into the mine was long, compounded by the short but steady movement that Garrus made ensuring that he never took a misstep. The Drill that the Mandalorian carried was enormous but seemed like a paperweight in his arms hinting at just how strong Garrus was physically if there was ever any doubt. As they neared the site of the ore vein Garrus would be heard calling back...
"Scouts up ahead. Secure a perimeter in the deep mine. We don't want any surprises."...then two of the Aliit that had accompanied them would have moved ahead, blasters at the ready and descended deeper into the mines so that they could ensure the area didn't have any surprises waiting. Looking back towards the entrance they'd come through, the interior of the mine only dimly lit it would look like a pinhole the distance they'd walked away from it....

"Ears."...his voice would come over the comms so that he could notify Anita that it was about to get loud before the large drill activated. The Drill switched on sounded like a buzzsaw only about a hundred times louder but the noise dampeners in Garrus helm kept the outside interference down to a dull scratching just at the back of his mind. As Garrus approached one side of the mine he could see a faint shimmer where the vein of ore was only barely revealed and plunging the drill around its edges he'd begin to crack the stone of the wall to get at it. Using the drill to peel the vein of phrik free of the mine Garrus could only look back at Anita sporadically and then motion for her to come closer so that she could begin procuring what they'd come for. Hopefully elsewhere negotiations for tribute and the collection of the tithe owed to the clans was going just as smoothly...


Storm of the Force
[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]

From the darkness came a creature of nightmares. Tempest had never seen anything quite like it as it appeared, fanged maw wide as it struck.
One of the Firemane troops (not wearing a red shirt thankfully), fell backwards, firing her bolter as she did. The blast of buckshot mainly missed, but did enrage the beast by tearing some rents in its skin.
Tempest did not have long to process the beast; but there was a suggestion of reptilian skin and slitted eyes, before she moved in.

In front of the fallen trooper she moved, so that the beast’s strike bit her Beskar plated form. It felt like being squeezed in a vice, but the beast broke teeth on her impenetrable armour and recoiled back hatefully.

Tempest called on her powers and sent a scalding blast of lightning into the monster, then activated her lightsabre and slashed the yellow blade across the creature’s head. With a loud wailing shriek it fell, and she finished it off with a stab to the skull.

“Be careful, there’s likely more of them.” She knelt by the corpse. It was unfamiliar to her, which was dangerous in and of itself.

There were indeed more of them. Siobhan was less than lucky because she suddenly found herself gripped by the massive maw of a beast from behind after being struck by its spiked tail and showered with acid. Spitting acid was very impolite, but fortunately her armour was extremely sturdy. Thank you, class eight beskar'gam.

It felt like being held in a vicegrip and squeezed, but on the flip side the beast broke some of its teeth by biting down on her beskar armour. Her armoured form seemed to be vanishing inside the massive mouth. The consequence? Lots of broken teeth. Then a blood-curdling, horrible scream was heard when absurd telekinetic power in form of invisible shears brutally sliced through the beast's stomach. However, this was not just a mere stomach ache induced through space magic.

Rather, she used her power to burst it and in the process release the beast's stomach acid so that it could flood its internal organs. As a consequence, they got eaten. Siobhan tumbled out of the beast as it was in the throes of horrible pain, and then put it out of its misery by shooting it in the head with an explosive round from her bolt pistol as it lay there.


Storm of the Force
[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]

Tempest ran over to where Siobhan had burst her way out, and poured water on her to clear off some of the acidic slime.
The dark chamber beyond filled with the snarls and slithers of the monsters regrouping.

After helping Siobhan up, Tempest pointed into the crack beyond.
“I don’t think going in there is smart, boss. I reckon we should get some flamers and sonic grenades and kill them off that way.”

It was not surprising to Tempest that these creatures had been down here, it was more of a surprise that more workers hadn’t been eaten!

In her younger days Siobhan would have thrown caution to the wind and simply charged into the dark chamber beyond to slaughter these creatures. Perhaps it would've worked, though she might have lost a limb or two. These days, well, on occasion she thought things through a litle bit more. Sometimes she even listened to other people.

Well, occasionally. If she liked them. So, hearing the snarls and slithers that reached their eyes from beyond, she gave Tempest a nod. "Yeah. Not worth our time riding boldly and well. Keep them at distance with fire and explosives. I'll drop the roof on them." Since the lizards liked the mine so much it might as well become their tomb. And so while Tempest directed the minions so that they would be out of harm's way, Siobhan drew upon the awesome power of space magic handwavium in an attempt to collapse yet another ceiling.


Storm of the Force
[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]
Tempest nodded at that. A warrior she was, but she was not eager to charge blindly into a room full of lizard monsters!
“Right, you lot! Get me flamers, heavy bolters and grenades! Stop them coming through whilst the boss crushes them!”

Boldly the lizards charged and well. On the one hand, they were like fish in a barrel since the path was quite narrow and the beasts were large. On the other hand, there was a hell of a lot of them, they were quite tough and relatively agile despite their size.

Forming a firing line like soldiers of old, the troopers fired. Bolters roared, flames engulfed the beasts and grenades rained down upon them. Heavy duty explosives blew off limbs, sonic disorientated them strongly, but the beasts kept coming. It was a ghastly sight, but then the roof above them heaved before an invisible force pulled it down upon them.

Ouch. Clouds of smoke and dust billowed up into the sky. Beneath the rubble lay plenty of lizardlike cadavres. Breathing heavily, actually more like panting, Siobhan leaned against a wall, her heart thumping inside her chest. She was clearly not getting any younger. "Well, that's done. I could use a drink," she muttered to herself as the smoke cleared.


Storm of the Force
[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]
Tempest took up her station in the gunline and fired her bolter and unleashed lightning into the mass. One of them broke through and charged forward, but fell before it reached the line, shot through the head and body many times by APE rounds.

As the ceiling in the far chamber crashed down there were cheers from the Firemane troops, and Tempest nodded.

“I could do with a drink too. Let’s go tell the miners they can get back to work!”

And so the beasties were all dead. Hooray! Now they could get to mining phrik again. After all, this thread served devy purposes. Yes, that's an actual world. Anyhow, Siobhan breathed in deeply and then turned away from the carnage, limping a bit.

"Sounds good. You did well, dear. I think you've earned a reward," Siobhan said, for she was always totally subtle. In the background one Firemane trooper snickered just a bit, but she ignored that. After all, it was important to motivate your minions! And so after a short walk out of the tunnels they returned to the cantina of the Firemane mining outposr. Naturally all eyes were upon them. "The danger's over. We found the beasts and slaughtered them. They were a bunch of massive lizards. You can get back to work."
Location: Phrik Mines
Objective: Do mah own thing
Allies: Mandos
Enemies: N/A
Post Count: [1/20]

A planet rich with phrik, an ore that was valuable due to it being resistance against lightsabers, that once belonged to the Mandalorians. The phrik here helped the Clans to conserve more of their cultural iron, beskar. It had the same properties as beskar which was used in some armor, vehicles, ships, and even more thanks to the minds of Mandal Hypernautics and other Mandalorian owned companies. While Vilaz did believe because of his cultural affiliations that beskar was more superior than phrik; however, he did acknowledge the usefulness of phrik. Now, the Warrior was here to secure Gromas from any scoundrels, and to mine some phrik as well.

He walked in one of the mines of Gromas with a bloodstripe cannon in his hands, and two dual WESTAR 34 pistols in his holsters. He was alone since the others were about their business on Gromans. Some were negotiating with Miss Acreneau while others were doing the same thing he was doing. Many were sure that no foreigners were running around Gromas, in discrete, stealing phrik from the Mandalorian and Acreneau mines. Though, one could never be so sure as there was many possibilities in infiltrating an important system once belonging to the Clans. Soon, it would be back within the fold of the Mandalorians.

[member=Zandra Tal'verda]
Location: Phrik Mines
Objective: Be a pirate and steal things
Allies: Myself
Enemies: N/A
Post Count: [1/20]

"Oi, oi!" The pirate Queen snarled to one of her henchmen, "You're movin' too slow! Ya wanna get caught, do ya?"

Stealing from a mine. Yes. She had sunk this low. Stealing ore straight out a mine. But a pirate had to do, what a pirate had to do. Zandra's addiction was an expensive one, after all. Glitterstim was her one source of happiness now, but it was pricey, especially the strain she preferred. On the streets, it was called 'Stardust' due to the almost luminescent quality it had. Seemed to almost glow blue in darkness. Like the streak a meteor made across the sky.

The pirate checked her chrono. They had an hour before it was time to take off. Enough time to get this cart of raw ore to their ship. She felt... almost a little bit guilty about stealing under the Mandalorians nose. Almost. They were, after all, her people too. Kind of. Well, they were her late husbands people. Now they just kind of tolerated her.

Not anymore if they catch me here...

[member="Vilaz Munin"]


Storm of the Force
[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]

Unsurprisingly the reaction was one of shock. It seemed some of the workers didn’t believe them, despite the lizard blood and scratches on the armour. Sergeant Solveig, always the no-nonsense sort, came in and dumped a partly charred lizard head on the floor.

“You heard the boss, back to work,” Tempest said in the silence.

When the workers had left and the Firemane troops had gone to treat their wounded, Tempest, Freya and Siobhan were left alone.

“I’ll go get our consignment of Phrik loaded up,” Freya said, eyeing the two.

“Feel good to squash lizards?” Tempest asked Siobhan playfully.

"Definitely, my lovely amazon," Siobhan responded playfully, eyeing Tempest and presumably thinking she was being terribly witty. One hand threaded through the Dahomian Amazon's lovely white hair and she pulled the woman into a deep, heated kiss. There was tongue and stuff, but fear not, dear reader, the fade to black curtain was not necessary at this point. Think of the kiddies!

Anyhow, the NPC workers made themselves useful by loading up the consignment of phrik for Freya and the Firemane minions. After all, they had just been saved from being eaten by lizards, so one would assume they were especially motivated.


Storm of the Force
[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]

Tempest grinned back. “Well, well, Madam Earthshaker, you’ve not even lost any limbs today! Surely you’ll not make a habit of this will you?”

A short while later, Freya came over. She looked a little miffed that they had seemed to start without her, but gave a pointed salute.
“Phrik is all loaded, ma’am. We’ve dispatched the requested amount to the Mandalorian clans, rest is on its way back to HQ.”

"I think a certain someone is getting undisciplined," Siobhan spoke, though her tone was playful. After all, all the women in her life seemed to troll her! She glanced over to Freya, who looked a tad miffed. However, the aristo obviously liked the salute.

"Good work, Sergeant. You've both earned yourself a reward. Fortunately we have plenty of time to kill on the trip back home. Let's go girls."


Storm of the Force
[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]

And so off they went, having rid Gromas and their mine of vicious lizards. Our three heroines went back to the ship to…play backgammon and crochet on the way home.

The Phrik was loaded, tribute paid to the Mandalorians, and many lizards had been squashed. A Good day’s work all in all.

The Mandalorian could now tell that there were intruders trespassing Mandalorian territory within the mine that he was securing. There were two devices he could refer to. Either his HUD system that gave him information of the environment surrounding him, or his broadband antenna that was picking up noises and sounds of all kinds near to him. The most accurate component that was relaying him this information was the antenna due to the fact that the words being spoken by the trespassers of telling one another to hurry up before the Mandalorian Clans caught them red handed. Unfortunately, for them one Mandalorian already knew of their presence here on Gromas, and it took just one individual to call in for reinforcements to wipe out this foreign force right under the Mandalorians' noses. The Field Marshal could call in for backup, but he wanted to test them. He always desired for a challenge even if it was the most weakest, dimwitted Warrior or soldier in the Galaxy. He had taken on multiple guards due to the evidence on his assault on Cryax Bane, a former Red Ravens president. Vilaz wondered if these miscreants were any different from the Red Ravens' guards he had killed with such ease.

As best as he could the Warrior tried to be discrete about his presence here in the mines, but he wouldn't be surprised if the scanners picked him up which would be responded with a few hostiles. If he was successful or not of slipping through the enemy lines he would still have a fight to battle by himself. If things weren't doing so good for him the Redneck would call reinforcements to aid him against the thieves on Gromas.

[member="Zandra Tal'verda"]
"Z, This is awful heavy. Don' ya think you could give me a hand? or at least get off the cart?"

Zandra grinned from her place sitting on top of the pile of raw ore.

"What? I couldn't do that! It would be such an insult to you! I'm just a poor old lady, after all. That's why I hired you. All that muscle. If i get off now, it'd be like saying I had no faith in you!"

The Echani cackled lightly at this and the man pushing the cart sighed in obvious defeat. She didn't look like an old lady. How did Echani age anyway? She said she was old, but she looked like she was still in her mid twenties.

"'Sides," she continued, "somebodies gatta be the navigator. Now, take a left up here..."

[member="Vilaz Munin"]

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